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on run
tell application "Safari"
if (count of document) is greater than 0 then
tell window 1
set site_titles to {}
set site_records to {}
set loop_count to 1
on displayErrorMessage(s)
display dialog (s) buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon caution
end displayErrorMessage
tell application "MarsEdit"
set currentWindow to document 1
on error errorMessage
displayErrorMessage("Can’t run a Google search because no posts windows are open. This script searches using the selected text of the frontmost window.") of me
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
def make_tweetbuzz_url(url)
"<a href=\"" + url + "\"><img src=\"" + url + "\" /></a>"
def make_hatebu_url(url)
"<a href=\"" + url + "\"><img src=\"" + url + "\" /></a>"
azur256 / AutoInsertPhoto4MarsEdit.scpt
Created July 19, 2012 09:47
Auto insert photos to MarsEdit editor
on run
tell application "MarsEdit" to activate
tell application "System Events"
openUploadWindow() of me
set uploadWindow to getUploadWindow() of me
click button 6 of uploadWindow
on error
openUploadWindow() of me
azur256 / getTweet.rb
Created June 17, 2012 14:17
Ruby version
require "rubygems"
require "date"
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require "twitter"
GetCount = 200 # 取得するツィートの数
ScreenName = "azur256" # Twitterのスクリーン名
REGEXPKeyword = /(.*)\[SHARE\](.*)☞(.*)/i # 正規表現で記載
azur256 / gist:2281273
Created April 2, 2012 06:43
Changing gist style for embedded
.gist .gist-file .gist-meta {
font-size: 70% ! important;
.gist .gist-file .gist-data {
font-size: 75% ! important;