I hereby claim:
- I am b0gdanw on github.
- I am bogdanw (https://keybase.io/bogdanw) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBV3CBAxrkGpuOk4i2vEKKsHdc5ySKl5czwuggGpVCEcAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/bin/zsh | |
# WARNING! The script is meant to show how and what can be disabled. Don’t use it as it is, adapt it to your needs. | |
# Credit: Original idea and script disable.sh by pwnsdx https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/d87b034c4c0210b988040ad2f85a68d3 | |
# Disabling unwanted services on macOS Big Sur (11), macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13) and macOS Sonoma (14) | |
# Disabling SIP is required ("csrutil disable" from Terminal in Recovery) | |
# Modifications are written in /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/ disabled.plist, disabled.501.plist | |
# To revert, delete /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/ disabled.plist and disabled.501.plist and reboot; sudo rm -r /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/* | |
# user |
ESD to ISO on macOS | |
https://gist.github.com/b0gdanw/e36ea84828dbd19e03eff6158f1fc77c | |
Converting ESD files to ISO images on macOS | |
- download Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac Image from https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/download/ | |
- at the moment https://download.parallels.com/desktop/v18/18.2.0-53488/ParallelsDesktop-18.2.0-53488.dmg | |
- open/mount the dmg | |
- copy prl_esd2iso and libwimlib.1.dylib from /Volumes/Parallels\ Desktop\ 18/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/ to /usr/local/bin/ and /usr/local/lib/ | |
sudo ditto /Volumes/Parallels\ Desktop\ 18/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_esd2iso /usr/local/bin/prl_esd2iso |
#!/bin/zsh | |
# Credit: Original idea and script disable.sh by pwnsdx https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/d87b034c4c0210b988040ad2f85a68d3 | |
# Disabling unwanted services on macOS Big Sur (11), macOS Monterey (12) and macOS Ventura (13) | |
# Disabling SIP is required ("csrutil disable" from Terminal in Recovery) | |
# Modifications are written in /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/ disabled.plist, disabled.501.plist | |
# To revert, delete /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/ disabled.plist and disabled.501.plist and reboot; sudo rm -r /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/* | |
# user |
#!/bin/zsh | |
#Get Big Sur, Monterey & Ventura InstallAssistant.pkg links from Apple | |
#For macOS 11 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey) and 13 (Ventura), Apple provides the Install macOS ___.app packaged as InstallAssistant.pkg | |
#The links for the InstallAssistant packages are listed in the seed catalogs | |
#The seed catalogs are listed in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SeedCatalogs.plist | |
#The script gets the CustomerSeed seed catalog link from SeedCatalogs.plist, then gets the macOS versions available from the Info.plist and prints the links for the corresponding InstallAssistant.pkg | |
#Other options | |
#PublicSeed (Public Beta) | |
#link=$( plutil -p /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Resources/SeedCatalogs.plist | grep 'PublicSeed' | sed -e s/'"PublicSeed" => "'//g -e s/'.gz"'//g -e s/\ //g ) | |
#DeveloperSeed (Developer Beta) |
#!/bin/zsh | |
#Credit: Original idea and script disable.sh by pwnsdx https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/d87b034c4c0210b988040ad2f85a68d3 | |
#Disabling unwanted services on macOS 11 Big Sur (11) and macOS Monterey (12) | |
#Disabling SIP is required ("csrutil disable" from Terminal in Recovery) | |
#Modifications are written in /private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/ disabled.plist and disabled.501.plist | |
# user | |
Links from https://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/trial/ | |
Final Cut Pro release notes https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201237 | |
What's new in Final Cut Pro https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207877 | |
Release history https://web.archive.org/web/20221121093911/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Cut_Pro_X#Release_history | |
Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 | |
https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/Final_Cut_Pro_X/031-05296.20140814.VRR4r/FinalCutProTrial10.1.3.dmg | |
Final Cut Pro 10.1.4 | |
https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/Final_Cut_Pro_X/031-02980.20141202.Jgt44/FinalCutProTrial10.1.4.dmg |
Installing the Windows 32-bit version of iTunes in Mojave using Wine | |
1. Install XQuartz - XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg from https://www.xquartz.org | |
2. Install only 32bit components of Wine Stable 5 winehq-stable-5.0.pkg from https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/macosx/download.html | |
3. Download Mono wine-mono-5.1.0-x86.msi from https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-mono/5.1.0/ | |
and Gecko wine-gecko-2.47.1-x86.msi from https://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko | |
4. Launch /Applications/Wine Stable.app | |
5. In the Terminal window opened, install Mono & Gecko with | |
wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/wine-gecko-2.47.1-x86.msi | |
wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/wine-mono-5.1.0-x86.msi | |
6. Install iTunes 32-bit version for Windows from https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208079 with |
# Credit: pwnsdx https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/1217727ca57de2dd2a372afdd7a0fc21; nebular https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/d87b034c4c0210b988040ad2f85a68d3#gistcomment-3019082 | |
# IMPORTANT: Don't forget to logout from your Apple ID in the settings before running it! | |
# IMPORTANT: You will need to disable SIP: Reboot to Recovery, in Terminal csrutil disable | |
# WARNING: It might disable things that you may not like. Please double check the services in the TODISABLE vars. | |
# Get active services: launchctl list | grep -v "\-\t0" | |
# Find a service: grep -lR [service] /System/Library/Launch* /Library/Launch* ~/Library/LaunchAgents | |
# List disabled services: launchctl print-disabled user/501 |grep true & launchctl print-disabled system |grep true |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/general/p1449604450017318 | |
# https://gist.github.com/clburlison/db6aaf4a717eb8ef3545 | |
# https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/feature-requests/5158/built-in-inventory-fields-for-os-x-macos-security-and-malware-protection-systems | |
# https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/19111/xprotect-status-extension-attribute | |
set MacOSName to do shell script "defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist ProductName" | |
set MacOSVers to do shell script "defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist ProductVersion" | |
set MacOSBuild to do shell script "defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist ProductBuildVersion" | |
set XProtectVers to do shell script "defaults read /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.bundle/Contents/version.plist CFBundleShortVersionString" |