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Last active March 28, 2018 13:23
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(ns puzzule.q18)
(defn check [last_n used lst]
(let [now_lst (get lst last_n)]
(if (and (every? #(= true %) used) (.contains (vec (get lst 1)) last_n))
(loop [i (first now_lst) now_lst_recur (rest now_lst)]
(if (nil? i)
(let [i-1 (- i 1)]
(if (= (get used i-1) false)
(let [result (check i (assoc used i-1 true) lst)]
(if (not (empty? result))
(concat [i] result)
(recur (first now_lst_recur) (rest now_lst_recur))))
(recur (first now_lst_recur) (rest now_lst_recur)))))))))
(defn square [n]
(map #(Math/pow % 2) (range 2 (+ 1 (int (Math/sqrt (* n 2)))))))
(defn candidate-list [n i lst]
(if (< i 1)
(recur n (dec i) (assoc lst i (filter #(> % 0) (map #(- % i) (map int (square n))))))))
(loop [i 2]
(let [cake (check 1 (vec (cons true (take (dec i) (repeat false)))) (candidate-list i i {}))]
(if (empty? cake)
(recur (inc i))
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