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Last active April 15, 2018 20:00
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Erlang-C circuit calculation, in Ruby
#### Based on
#### Using ruby 2.2.0
#### I'm a pretty awful ruby programmer, so I'm sure there are a thousand ways to do this better.
#### Also, thanks StackOverflow
def erlangc_circuits(numcalls, numcalls_period, timepercall, targetanswertime, numAgentsBump)
#integer, minutes, seconds, seconds, integer
###Traffic Intensity: A
callMinutes = numcalls * (timepercall/60)
callHours = callMinutes / 60 #callHours is in Erlangs
#puts "callHours: #{callHours}"
###Raw number of agents required (N)
rawNumberOfAgents = callHours + 1 + numAgentsBump
#puts "rawNumberofAgents: #{rawNumberOfAgents}"
###N factorial (N!)
rawNumberOfAgentsFactorial = (1..rawNumberOfAgents).reduce(1, :*)
#puts "rawNumberOfAgentsFactorial: #{rawNumberOfAgentsFactorial}"
###Powers: A^N
aToTheNPowers = callHours**rawNumberOfAgents
#puts "A^N: #{aToTheNPowers}"
###Simply Formula: X = (A^N)/N! * N-(N-A)
x = (aToTheNPowers.to_f / rawNumberOfAgentsFactorial.to_f).to_f * (rawNumberOfAgents.to_f / (rawNumberOfAgents.to_f - callHours.to_f))
#puts "x: #{x}"
###Simplify Forumla: Y = (Sum i=0 to N-1 (A^i) / (i!))
y = 0
for i in 0..rawNumberOfAgents-1
top = callHours**i
bottom = (1..i).reduce(1, :*)
y += (top.to_f/bottom.to_f).to_f
#puts "y: #{y}"
###Probability call has to wait
pw = x.to_f/(y+x).to_f
#puts "pw: #{pw}"
###Service Level
targetTimeOverAHT = (targetanswertime.to_f / timepercall.to_f).to_f
rawNumberAgentsMinusCallHours = (rawNumberOfAgents.to_f - callHours.to_f).to_f
exp = -1 * (rawNumberAgentsMinusCallHours * targetTimeOverAHT).to_f
serviceLevel = 1 - (pw * Math::E**(exp).to_f).to_f
#puts "serviceLevel: #{serviceLevel}"
return (serviceLevel * 100).to_i, rawNumberOfAgents
foundSolution = false
targetServiceLevel = 80
numAgentsToBump = 0.to_i
numberOfAgentsRequired = 0
while foundSolution == false
serviceLevel, numberOfAgentsRequired = erlangc_circuits(200, 60, 180, 20, numAgentsToBump)
#puts "#{serviceLevel} with #{numberOfAgentsRequired}"
if (serviceLevel < targetServiceLevel)
numAgentsToBump += 1
foundSolution = false
foundSolution = true
puts "#{numberOfAgentsRequired} operators required"
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