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Created January 22, 2019 16:38
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Starlark Geospatial sample
# this is a Qri starlark transform script, use it with qri:
load("", "http")
load("", "geo")
def download(ctx):
# Download list of 311 complaints, currently capped to 10000 responses for testing purposes
complaints = http.get("$offset=0&$limit=10000")
# Download the New York Borough Boundaries
boros = http.get("")
return {
"complaints" : complaints.json(),
# send boros over as a JSON string, parseGeoJSON will do the decoding
"boros": boros.text(),
def transform(ds, ctx):
complaints =["complaints"]
boundaries, properties = geo.parseGeoJSON(["boros"])
# bouroughs data specifies a number of polygons for each borough,
# combine them all into MultiPolygons, one for each borough
boro_names = [ boro['borough'] for boro in properties]
geoms = reduce(append_polygon, zip(boro_names, boundaries), {})
geoms = [geo.MultiPolygon(geoms[x]) for x in geoms]
boro_names = list(set(boro_names))
# dict of complaint-counts, keyed by borough name
boro_counts = dict(zip(boro_names, [0]*len(boro_names)))
for complaint in complaints:
# only use complaints that have lat & lng values
if 'latitude' in complaint and 'longitude' in complaint:
point = geo.Point(float(complaint['longitude']), float(complaint['latitude']))
for boro_name, geom in zip(boro_names, geoms):
if geo.within(point, geom):
boro_counts[boro_name] += 1
def append_polygon(acc, prop):
polys = acc.get(prop[0], [])
acc[prop[0]] = polys
return acc
def reduce(fn, l, v):
for _, el in enumerate(l):
v = fn(v, el)
return v
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