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Swoole and Yasd
[2021-05-12 23:14:51 *18.1] DEBUG operator()(:241): pop 1 event: 1620861291.988451
[2021-05-12 23:14:51 *18.1] TRACE operator()(:258): aio_thread failed. ret=0, error=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:51 *18.1] TRACE finish(:356): worker_id=1, type=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:51 *18.1] DEBUG operator()(:241): no event: 1620861291.989472
[2021-05-12 23:14:51 #1.1] TRACE send(:744): send 192/192 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE recv(:718): recv 0/65536 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE ReactorThread_onClose(:306): client[fd=22] close the connection
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=2|fd=22]
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *19.2] TRACE end(:383): session_id=4, fd=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *19.2] TRACE finish(:356): worker_id=2, type=3
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE close_connection(:223): Close Event.fd=22|from=2
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE close_connection(:276): set_maxfd=21|close_fd=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.2] TRACE _close(:217): fd=22 - - [12/May/2021:23:14:50 +0000] "GET /api/ping HTTP/1.1" 200 18
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *18.1] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=4 and resume to -1, 1 remained. usage size: 11370928. malloc size: 12582912
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *18.1] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *18.1] TRACE on_resume(:585): php_coro_resume from cid=-1 to cid=5
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *18.1] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=5 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 11342648. malloc size: 12582912
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *18.1] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f488e30
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=71502, round=142
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=71500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 143, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=143 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=72001, round=74
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=72000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=72000, round=143
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=72000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 144, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=144 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:52 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=72502, round=144
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=72500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 145, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=145 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=73001, round=75
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=73000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=73000, round=145
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=73000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 146, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=146 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:53 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=73502, round=146
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=73500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 147, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=147 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=74001, round=76
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=74000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=74000, round=147
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=74000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 148, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=148 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.4] TRACE accept_connection(:130): [Master] Accept new connection. maxfd=21|minfd=5|reactor_id=4|conn=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.2] TRACE add(:125): add events[fd=22#2, type=0, events=512]
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.4] TRACE send(:744): send 32/32 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=74307, round=77
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.1] TRACE recv(:718): recv 654/65536 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.1] TRACE Port_onRead_http(:524): content-length=0, keep-alive=1, chunked=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.1] TRACE dispatch_task(:998): send string package, size=654 bytes
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.1] TRACE dispatch_task(:1033): [Master] len=654, qb=654
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE accept_task(:232): [Worker] len=654, qb=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE php_swoole_http_server_onReceive(:78): http request from 3 with 654 bytes: <<EOF
GET /api/ping HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8005
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="89", "Chromium";v="89", ";Not A Brand";v="99"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Sec-Fetch-Site: none
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE http_request_message_complete(:815): request body length=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 6, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 11355336
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f488e30
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 7, origin cid: 6, coro total count: 2, heap size: 11386664
[2021-05-12T23:14:54.922893+00:00] MyLog.INFO: [localhost:8005] GET /api/ping HTTP/1.1 host: localhost:8005 connection: keep-alive cache-control: max-age=0 sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="89", "Chromium";v="89", ";Not A Brand";v="99" sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0 upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 sec-fetch-site: none sec-fetch-mode: navigate sec-fetch-user: ?1 sec-fetch-dest: document accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9 /HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-type: application/json {"ack":1620861294} [] []
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] DEBUG dispatch(:155): push and notify one: 1620861294.923293
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] DEBUG operator()(:241): pop 1 event: 1620861294.923327
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE operator()(:258): aio_thread failed. ret=0, error=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] DEBUG operator()(:241): no event: 1620861294.923566
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE on_yield(:571): php_coro_yield from cid=7 to cid=6
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE finish(:356): worker_id=1, type=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 #1.1] TRACE send(:744): send 192/192 bytes, errno=11 - - [12/May/2021:23:14:54 +0000] "GET /api/ping HTTP/1.1" 200 18
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=6 and resume to -1, 1 remained. usage size: 11372136. malloc size: 12582912
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE on_resume(:585): php_coro_resume from cid=-1 to cid=7
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=7 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 11343856. malloc size: 12582912
[2021-05-12 23:14:54 *18.1] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f488e30
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=74502, round=148
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=74500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 149, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=149 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=75000, round=78
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=75000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=75000, round=149
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=75000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 150, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=150 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:55 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE recv(:718): recv 0/65536 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE ReactorThread_onClose(:306): client[fd=22] close the connection
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=2|fd=22]
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *19.2] TRACE end(:383): session_id=5, fd=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *19.2] TRACE finish(:356): worker_id=2, type=3
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE close_connection(:223): Close Event.fd=22|from=2
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE close_connection(:276): set_maxfd=21|close_fd=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.2] TRACE _close(:217): fd=22
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE recv(:718): recv 0/65536 bytes, errno=11
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE ReactorThread_onClose(:306): client[fd=21] close the connection
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=1|fd=21]
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *18.1] TRACE end(:383): session_id=3, fd=21
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *18.1] TRACE finish(:356): worker_id=1, type=3
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE close_connection(:223): Close Event.fd=21|from=1
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE close_connection(:276): set_maxfd=20|close_fd=21
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.1] TRACE _close(:217): fd=21
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=75502, round=150
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=75500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 151, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=151 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=76001, round=79
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=76000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=76000, round=151
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=76000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 152, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=152 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:56 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=76502, round=152
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=76500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 153, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=153 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=77001, round=80
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=77000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=77000, round=153
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=77000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 154, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=154 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:57 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=77502, round=154
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=77500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 155, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=155 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=78001, round=81
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=78000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=78000, round=155
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=78000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 156, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=156 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:58 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=78502, round=156
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=78500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 157, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=157 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=79001, round=82
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=79000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=79000, round=157
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=79000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 158, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=158 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:14:59 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=79502, round=158
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=79500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 159, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=159 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=80001, round=83
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=80000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=80000, round=159
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=80000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 160, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=160 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:00 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=80501, round=160
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=80500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 161, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=161 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=81001, round=84
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=81000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=81000, round=161
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=81000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 162, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=162 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:01 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=81502, round=162
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=81500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 163, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=163 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=82001, round=85
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=82000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=82000, round=163
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=82000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 164, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=164 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:02 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=82502, round=164
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=82500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 165, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=165 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=83001, round=86
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=83000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=83000, round=165
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=83000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 166, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=166 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:03 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=83502, round=166
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=83500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 167, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=167 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=84001, round=87
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=84000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=84000, round=167
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=84000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 168, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=168 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:04 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=84502, round=168
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=84500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 169, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=169 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=85001, round=88
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=85000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=85000, round=169
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=85000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 170, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=170 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:05 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=85502, round=170
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=85500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 171, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=171 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=86001, round=89
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=86000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=86000, round=171
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=86000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 172, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=172 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:06 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=86502, round=172
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=86500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 173, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=173 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=87001, round=90
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=87000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=87000, round=173
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=87000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 174, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=174 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:07 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=87502, round=174
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=87500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 175, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=175 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=88001, round=91
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=88000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=88000, round=175
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=88000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 176, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=176 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:08 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=88503, round=176
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=88500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 177, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=177 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=89001, round=92
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=89000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=89000, round=177
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=89000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 178, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=178 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:09 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=89502, round=178
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=89500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 179, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=179 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=90001, round=93
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=90000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=90000, round=179
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=90000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 180, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=180 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:10 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=90502, round=180
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=90500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 181, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=181 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=91001, round=94
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=91000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=91000, round=181
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=91000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 182, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=182 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:11 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=91502, round=182
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=91500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 183, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=183 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=92001, round=95
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=92000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=92000, round=183
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=92000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 184, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=184 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:12 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=92502, round=184
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=92500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 185, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=185 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=93001, round=96
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=93000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=93000, round=185
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=93000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 186, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=186 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:13 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=93502, round=186
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=93500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 187, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=187 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=94001, round=97
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=94000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=94000, round=187
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=94000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 188, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=188 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:14 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=94502, round=188
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=94500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 189, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=189 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=95001, round=98
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=95000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=95000, round=189
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=95000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 190, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=190 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:15 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=95502, round=190
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=95500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 191, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=191 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=96001, round=99
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=96000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=96000, round=191
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=96000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 192, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=192 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:16 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=96502, round=192
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=96500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 193, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=193 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=97001, round=100
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=97000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=97000, round=193
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=97000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 194, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=194 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:17 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=97502, round=194
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=97500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 195, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=195 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=98001, round=101
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=98000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=98000, round=195
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=98000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 196, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=196 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:18 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=98502, round=196
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=98500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 197, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=197 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=99001, round=102
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=99000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=99000, round=197
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=99000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 198, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=198 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:19 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=99502, round=198
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=99500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 199, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=199 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=100001, round=103
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=100000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=100000, round=199
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=100000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 200, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=200 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:20 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=100502, round=200
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=100500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 201, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=201 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=101001, round=104
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=101000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=101000, round=201
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=101000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 202, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=202 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:21 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=101502, round=202
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=101500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 203, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=203 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=102001, round=105
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=102000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=102000, round=203
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=102000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 204, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=204 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:22 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=102502, round=204
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=102500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 205, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=205 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=103001, round=106
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=103000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=103000, round=205
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=103000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 206, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=206 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:23 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=103502, round=206
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=103500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 207, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=207 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=104001, round=107
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=104000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=104000, round=207
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=104000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 208, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=208 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:24 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=104502, round=208
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=104500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 209, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=209 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=105001, round=108
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=105000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=105000, round=209
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=105000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 210, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=210 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:25 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=105501, round=210
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=105500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 211, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=211 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=106001, round=109
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=106000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=106000, round=211
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=106000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 212, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=212 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:26 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=106502, round=212
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=106500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 213, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=213 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=107001, round=110
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=107000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=107000, round=213
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=107000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 214, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=214 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:27 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=107502, round=214
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=107500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 215, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=215 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=108001, round=111
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=108000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=108000, round=215
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=108000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 216, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=216 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:28 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=108502, round=216
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=108500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 217, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=217 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=109001, round=112
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=109000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=109000, round=217
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=109000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 218, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=218 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:29 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=109502, round=218
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=109500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 219, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=219 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=110001, round=113
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=110000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=110000, round=219
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=110000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 220, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=220 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:30 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=110502, round=220
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=110500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 221, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=221 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=111001, round=114
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=111000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=111000, round=221
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=111000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 222, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=222 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:31 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=111502, round=222
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=111500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 223, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=223 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=112001, round=115
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=112000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=112000, round=223
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=112000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 224, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=224 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:32 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=112502, round=224
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=112500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 225, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=225 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=113001, round=116
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=113000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=113000, round=225
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=113000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 226, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=226 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:33 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=113502, round=226
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=113500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 227, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=227 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=114001, round=117
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=114000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=114000, round=227
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=114000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 228, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=228 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:34 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=114502, round=228
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=114500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 229, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=229 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=115001, round=118
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 #1.4] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=115000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=115000, round=229
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=115000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 230, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=230 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:35 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=115502, round=230
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=115500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 231, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=231 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=116000, round=231
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=116000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 232, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=232 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 #1.4] TRACE Server_signal_handler(:1545): signal[15] Terminated: 15 triggered in 1
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 #1.4] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=4|fd=5]
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 #1.4] TRACE remove(:182): id=1, exec_msec=116000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 #1.4] INFO Server is shutdown now
[2021-05-12 23:15:36 #1.4] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=116174, round=119
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=116502, round=232
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=116500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 233, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=233 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=117000, round=233
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=117000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 234, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=234 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f06ec20
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 #1.4] TRACE destroy(:813): release service
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 $12.0] TRACE kill_event_workers(:591): [Manager]kill worker processor
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 $12.0] TRACE kill_event_workers(:591): [Manager]kill worker processor
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 $12.0] TRACE kill_event_workers(:591): [Manager]kill worker processor
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 $12.0] TRACE kill_event_workers(:591): [Manager]kill worker processor
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=0|fd=7]
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *19.2] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=0|fd=11]
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=117032, round=234
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *18.1] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=0|fd=9]
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *18.1] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=0|fd=18]
[2021-05-12 23:15:37 *20.3] TRACE del(:149): remove event[reactor_id=0|fd=13]
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=117502, round=235
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=117500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 235, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=235 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=118000, round=236
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=118000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 236, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=236 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:38 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=118502, round=237
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=118500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 237, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=237 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=119000, round=238
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=119000, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 238, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=238 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:39 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE select(:196): timer msec=119502, round=239
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE select(:211): id=1, exec_msec=119500, round=0, exist=0
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE Context(:52): alloc stack: size=2097152, ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE main_func(:722): Create coro id: 239, origin cid: -1, coro total count: 1, heap size: 5951176
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE on_close(:626): coro close cid=239 and resume to -1, 0 remained. usage size: 5942984. malloc size: 8388608
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] TRACE ~Context(:89): free stack: ptr=0x55be5f27bba0
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 *17.0] WARNING Worker_reactor_try_to_exit (ERRNO 9012): worker exit timeout, forced termination
[2021-05-12 23:15:40 #1.4] TRACE destroy(:828): terminate reactor threads
Swoole HTTP has been terminated.
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