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Christmas Globe, Racket Advent 2024
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#lang racket | |
(require | |
racket/gui | |
"helpers.rkt") | |
(provide | |
epicycles-renderer%) | |
(define (fourier-sample θ zs) | |
(for/sum ([(z t) (in-indexed (in-list zs))]) | |
(* z (exp (* t θ))))) | |
; discrete forward fourier transform | |
(define (dft xs) | |
(define N (length xs)) | |
(for/list ([k (in-range N)]) | |
(define θ (* -2i pi k (/ N))) | |
(fourier-sample θ xs))) | |
(define epicycles-renderer% | |
(class gif-renderer% | |
(init | |
width | |
height | |
coords | |
mainview? | |
recorded?) | |
(super-new | |
[width width] | |
[height height] | |
[mainview? mainview?] | |
[recorded? recorded?]) | |
(define N (length coords)) | |
(define zs+ts (sort (map cons (dft coords) (range N)) | |
> #:key (compose1 magnitude car))) | |
(define points (list)) | |
(define cursor #false) | |
(define/public (get-cursor) cursor) | |
(define/public (sample! ticks) | |
(define θ (* +2i pi ticks (/ N))) | |
(points | |
. set! | |
. (for/list ([z+t (in-list zs+ts)] | |
#:do [(match-define (cons z t) z+t)]) | |
(* z (exp (* t θ)) (/ N))))) | |
(sample! 0) | |
(define (draw-epicycles . dcs) | |
(sends dcs set-brush "white" 'transparent) | |
(sends dcs set-pen "skyblue" 1 'solid) | |
(for/fold ([cx (/ width 2)] [cy (/ height 2)] | |
[lx 0] [ly 0] | |
#:result | |
(set! cursor (make-rectangular (+ cx lx) (+ cy ly)))) | |
([point (in-list points)]) | |
(define r (magnitude point)) | |
(define-values (cx′ cy′) (values (+ lx cx) (+ ly cy))) | |
(sends dcs draw-ellipse (- cx′ r) (- cy′ r) (* 2 r) (* 2 r)) | |
(sends dcs draw-line cx cy cx′ cy′) | |
(define-values (lx′ ly′) (values (real-part point) (imag-part point))) | |
(values cx′ cy′ lx′ ly′))) | |
(define/override (paint canvas dc [bm* #false]) | |
(super paint draw-epicycles canvas dc bm*)))) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#lang racket | |
(require | |
racket/gui mrlib/gif) | |
(provide | |
either | |
complex-parts ω norm | |
sends | |
gif-renderer% | |
fetch/scale-coords | |
render-gif!) | |
(define (either x y) | |
(if (zero? (random 0 2)) x y)) | |
; components of complex number z | |
(define (complex-parts z) | |
(values (real-part z) (imag-part z))) | |
(define ω magnitude) | |
; complex -> unit vector | |
(define (norm z) (if (zero? z) 0 (/ z (ω z)))) | |
(define-syntax-rule | |
(sends objs msg ...) | |
#;becomes | |
(for ([obj (in-list objs)]) | |
(send obj msg ...))) | |
(define gif-renderer% | |
(class object% | |
(super-new) | |
(init | |
mainview? | |
recorded?) | |
(init-field | |
width height) | |
(define scenes (list)) | |
(define recording? recorded?) | |
(define cacheview? mainview?) | |
(define/public (get-scenes) scenes) | |
(define/public (paint render* canvas dc [bm* #false]) | |
(cond | |
[(not recording?) (render* dc)] | |
[else | |
(define bm (bm* . or . (send canvas make-bitmap width height))) | |
(define bm-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bm])) | |
(render* dc bm-dc) | |
(when cacheview? | |
(scenes | |
. set! | |
. `(,bm . ,scenes))) | |
(values bm)])))) | |
(define (render-gif! filepath scenes #:chunks [chunks #false]) | |
(thread | |
(thunk | |
(cond | |
[(not chunks) | |
(write-animated-gif | |
#;bitmaps (reverse scenes) | |
#;delay-cseconds 1 | |
#;filename filepath | |
#:one-at-a-time? #true | |
#:loop? #true | |
#:last-frame-delay 100)] | |
[else | |
(define total (length scenes)) | |
(define size (exact-floor (/ total chunks))) | |
(define chunked | |
(let loop ([chunked (list)] | |
[scenes (reverse scenes)] | |
[remains total]) | |
(cond | |
[(zero? remains) (reverse chunked)] | |
[(<= remains size) | |
(reverse (cons scenes chunked))] | |
[else | |
(loop | |
(cons (take scenes size) chunked) | |
(drop scenes size) | |
(- remains size))]))) | |
(for ([chunk (in-list chunked)] | |
[posn (in-naturals)]) | |
(write-animated-gif | |
#;bitmaps chunk | |
#;delay-cseconds 1 | |
#;filename (~a posn "-" filepath) | |
#:one-at-a-time? #true | |
#:loop? #true | |
#:last-frame-delay 100))])))) | |
(define (fetch/scale-coords filename radius) | |
(with-input-from-file filename | |
(thunk | |
(define the-coords | |
(for/list ([point (in-lines)] | |
#:when (non-empty-string? point)) | |
(string->number | |
(~a (string-replace point "," "+") "i")))) | |
(define center | |
(for/fold ([x-min +inf.0] [x-max -inf.0] | |
[y-min +inf.0] [y-max -inf.0] | |
#:result | |
(make-rectangular | |
(/ (+ x-max x-min) 2) | |
(/ (+ y-max y-min) 2))) | |
([coord (in-list the-coords)] | |
#:do [(define-values (real imag) | |
(complex-parts coord))]) | |
(values | |
(min x-min real) (max x-max real) | |
(min y-min imag) (max y-max imag)))) | |
(define centered | |
(map (lambda (z) (- z center)) the-coords)) | |
(define scale | |
(/ radius (ω (argmax ω centered)))) | |
(map (lambda (z) (* z scale)) centered)))) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
456.39801025390625,413.1969909667969 | |
458.3300476074219,410.7043151855469 | |
460.2321472167969,408.18865966796875 | |
462.1019287109375,405.6489562988281 | |
463.94073486328125,403.08673095703125 | |
465.74713134765625,400.50152587890625 | |
467.521484375,397.89422607421875 | |
469.2633056640625,395.2651062011719 | |
470.9720153808594,392.61431884765625 | |
472.64813232421875,389.94281005859375 | |
474.2900390625,387.2501525878906 | |
475.8994140625,384.5379333496094 | |
477.4734191894531,381.8050231933594 | |
479.0143127441406,379.05328369140625 | |
480.51995849609375,376.2821350097656 | |
481.99139404296875,373.49267578125 | |
483.4277038574219,370.6849670410156 | |
484.8286437988281,367.8594055175781 | |
486.1946716308594,365.016845703125 | |
487.5240783691406,362.15692138671875 | |
488.8186950683594,359.2811279296875 | |
490.07598876953125,356.3887939453125 | |
491.2976989746094,353.4812927246094 | |
492.4825744628906,350.5585632324219 | |
493.63055419921875,347.62115478515625 | |
494.7423400878906,344.6698303222656 | |
495.8157958984375,341.7043762207031 | |
496.8530578613281,338.7260437011719 | |
497.85198974609375,335.7346496582031 | |
498.81365966796875,332.7310791015625 | |
499.738037109375,329.7157897949219 | |
500.62322998046875,326.6888122558594 | |
501.47174072265625,323.65130615234375 | |
502.28076171875,320.60308837890625 | |
503.0519714355469,317.5450439453125 | |
503.7854309082031,314.4777526855469 | |
504.479736328125,311.4013366699219 | |
505.1352844238281,308.3164367675781 | |
505.75225830078125,305.2236022949219 | |
506.3305969238281,302.123291015625 | |
506.869873046875,299.0159606933594 | |
507.3702697753906,295.9021301269531 | |
507.83184814453125,292.78228759765625 | |
508.2546081542969,289.656982421875 | |
508.6380920410156,286.526611328125 | |
508.98284912109375,283.3917236328125 | |
509.2887268066406,280.2528076171875 | |
509.55535888671875,277.1103210449219 | |
509.7832946777344,273.96478271484375 | |
509.97235107421875,270.8166809082031 | |
510.1224365234375,267.6664733886719 | |
510.23406982421875,264.5146789550781 | |
510.3067321777344,261.36175537109375 | |
510.3409729003906,258.2081298828125 | |
510.3365173339844,255.05435180664062 | |
510.2937316894531,251.90086364746094 | |
510.21234130859375,248.74813842773438 | |
510.0922546386719,245.59664916992188 | |
509.9332275390625,242.44686889648438 | |
509.73541259765625,239.29930114746094 | |
509.4987487792969,236.15438842773438 | |
509.22314453125,233.0126953125 | |
508.90863037109375,229.8746337890625 | |
508.5551452636719,226.74072265625 | |
508.1627502441406,223.6114501953125 | |
507.7314147949219,220.48731994628906 | |
507.2610778808594,217.36880493164062 | |
506.7518615722656,214.25640869140625 | |
506.20379638671875,211.15060424804688 | |
505.6169128417969,208.0519256591797 | |
504.99127197265625,204.96083068847656 | |
504.326904296875,201.8778076171875 | |
503.62396240234375,198.80335998535156 | |
502.8824462890625,195.7379913330078 | |
502.1025695800781,192.68215942382812 | |
501.28436279296875,189.63636779785156 | |
500.4280090332031,186.60105895996094 | |
499.5335693359375,183.57679748535156 | |
498.60125732421875,180.56396484375 | |
497.6311340332031,177.56309509277344 | |
496.62347412109375,174.57461547851562 | |
495.578369140625,171.59906005859375 | |
494.4959716796875,168.63682556152344 | |
493.3764953613281,165.6884002685547 | |
492.22015380859375,162.7542724609375 | |
491.02685546875,159.83494567871094 | |
489.797119140625,156.93080139160156 | |
488.5310363769531,154.04229736328125 | |
487.22894287109375,151.1698760986328 | |
485.8909912109375,148.31396484375 | |
484.51739501953125,145.47503662109375 | |
483.1083984375,142.6535186767578 | |
481.66424560546875,139.84979248046875 | |
480.1852722167969,137.0643310546875 | |
478.6714782714844,134.29759216308594 | |
477.1231384277344,131.5500030517578 | |
475.54071044921875,128.8219985961914 | |
473.9244079589844,126.11386108398438 | |
472.2745056152344,123.42609405517578 | |
470.59130859375,120.75904083251953 | |
468.87506103515625,118.11309814453125 | |
467.12603759765625,115.48873138427734 | |
465.3443603515625,112.88644409179688 | |
463.5304870605469,110.30647277832031 | |
461.6846923828125,107.74925994873047 | |
459.807373046875,105.21510314941406 | |
457.8987121582031,102.70440673828125 | |
455.9591064453125,100.21756744384766 | |
453.9888610839844,97.75495147705078 | |
451.9880065917969,95.3171615600586 | |
449.9571228027344,92.90431213378906 | |
447.89654541015625,90.51676177978516 | |
445.80657958984375,88.1549072265625 | |
443.68756103515625,85.819091796875 | |
441.53985595703125,83.50965881347656 | |
439.363525390625,81.22710418701172 | |
437.1590881347656,78.97174072265625 | |
434.9269104003906,76.7437744140625 | |
432.6673583984375,74.54359436035156 | |
430.3807373046875,72.37158203125 | |
428.06744384765625,70.22797393798828 | |
425.72784423828125,68.1131362915039 | |
423.36199951171875,66.02770233154297 | |
420.9704895019531,63.9716682434082 | |
418.55377197265625,61.94541931152344 | |
416.11212158203125,59.94922637939453 | |
413.6459655761719,57.983402252197266 | |
411.1556091308594,56.0483283996582 | |
408.6414489746094,54.144351959228516 | |
406.1037292480469,52.271854400634766 | |
403.5429382324219,50.43098068237305 | |
400.95953369140625,48.622032165527344 | |
398.3538818359375,46.84528350830078 | |
395.7263488769531,45.1010627746582 | |
393.0773010253906,43.38963317871094 | |
390.4071350097656,41.71133804321289 | |
387.7161865234375,40.066612243652344 | |
385.0049743652344,38.45549392700195 | |
382.27392578125,36.878273010253906 | |
379.52337646484375,35.335235595703125 | |
376.75384521484375,33.82661437988281 | |
373.9656066894531,32.35269355773926 | |
371.15924072265625,30.913686752319336 | |
368.3350830078125,29.509963989257812 | |
365.4934997558594,28.141799926757812 | |
362.6350402832031,26.80928611755371 | |
359.7601013183594,25.51268196105957 | |
356.8691711425781,24.252174377441406 | |
353.9626770019531,23.027969360351562 | |
351.0410461425781,21.840312957763672 | |
348.1047668457031,20.689373016357422 | |
345.1542663574219,19.57537841796875 | |
342.1900634765625,18.49849510192871 | |
339.2125244140625,17.45890998840332 | |
336.2221984863281,16.45678997039795 | |
333.2194519042969,15.492415428161621 | |
330.204833984375,14.565834045410156 | |
327.1788635253906,13.677192687988281 | |
324.14190673828125,12.8266019821167 | |
321.0945739746094,12.014220237731934 | |
318.0372619628906,11.240138053894043 | |
314.970458984375,10.504490852355957 | |
311.8947448730469,9.807373046875 | |
308.8104553222656,9.148852348327637 | |
305.7182312011719,8.529040813446045 | |
302.6183776855469,7.947983741760254 | |
299.5115966796875,7.405755043029785 | |
296.39825439453125,6.90239143371582 | |
293.2788391113281,6.437933444976807 | |
290.1538391113281,6.012396812438965 | |
287.0238952636719,5.625817775726318 | |
283.8893127441406,5.278173923492432 | |
280.7506408691406,4.969526052474976 | |
277.6083984375,4.699931383132935 | |
274.4630126953125,4.469241619110107 | |
271.315185546875,4.277415990829468 | |
268.1650390625,4.124379873275757 | |
265.0133972167969,4.0100789070129395 | |
261.8605041503906,3.9344213008880615 | |
258.70697021484375,3.897312879562378 | |
255.55316162109375,3.8988027572631836 | |
252.39967346191406,3.938741445541382 | |
249.24681091308594,4.017463445663452 | |
246.09523010253906,4.13485050201416 | |
242.94532775878906,4.291009187698364 | |
239.79754638671875,4.4860923290252686 | |
236.6524658203125,4.719978094100952 | |
233.51052856445312,4.992902040481567 | |
230.3721923828125,5.3047051429748535 | |
227.23797607421875,5.65553092956543 | |
224.1083526611328,6.045342922210693 | |
220.9839324951172,6.474022388458252 | |
217.86502075195312,6.941827297210693 | |
214.75216674804688,7.4482574462890625 | |
211.64593505859375,7.993959903717041 | |
208.5467071533203,8.578161239624023 | |
205.45516967773438,9.201305389404297 | |
202.37155151367188,9.863105773925781 | |
199.2964630126953,10.563322067260742 | |
196.23052978515625,11.302372932434082 | |
193.1740264892578,12.07956600189209 | |
190.1275177001953,12.895121574401855 | |
187.0914764404297,13.748974800109863 | |
184.06634521484375,14.640625953674316 | |
181.05276489257812,15.570351600646973 | |
178.05101013183594,16.5378475189209 | |
175.06163024902344,17.542720794677734 | |
172.08511352539062,18.585227966308594 | |
172.15672302246094,19.86944007873535 | |
174.92813110351562,21.37455940246582 | |
177.67877197265625,22.917396545410156 | |
180.40951538085938,24.495241165161133 | |
183.1202392578125,26.10717010498047 | |
185.811767578125,27.750974655151367 | |
188.484375,29.425363540649414 | |
191.1382598876953,31.129234313964844 | |
193.77407836914062,32.861013412475586 | |
196.39205932617188,34.6195182800293 | |
198.9926300048828,36.40372085571289 | |
201.57611083984375,38.21261215209961 | |
204.142822265625,40.04521179199219 | |
206.69309997558594,41.90068054199219 | |
209.22723388671875,43.778076171875 | |
211.7455291748047,45.6766357421875 | |
214.2482452392578,47.59559631347656 | |
216.73580932617188,49.53429412841797 | |
219.2084197998047,51.49202346801758 | |
221.66603088378906,53.46856689453125 | |
224.10946655273438,55.46257781982422 | |
226.53872680664062,57.473793029785156 | |
228.9541015625,59.5016975402832 | |
231.3558349609375,61.545745849609375 | |
233.7440185546875,63.605560302734375 | |
236.1184539794922,65.6812744140625 | |
238.47988891601562,67.77176666259766 | |
240.82852172851562,69.87663269042969 | |
243.16455078125,71.99541473388672 | |
245.4881591796875,74.12791442871094 | |
247.79872131347656,76.27445983886719 | |
250.09722900390625,78.43387603759766 | |
252.3839569091797,80.60587310791016 | |
254.6588592529297,82.79006958007812 | |
256.9213409423828,84.9873046875 | |
259.17242431640625,87.19615936279297 | |
261.4123229980469,89.41637420654297 | |
263.6405334472656,91.64830780029297 | |
265.8572692871094,93.8916244506836 | |
268.063232421875,96.1456069946289 | |
270.25811767578125,98.41031646728516 | |
272.44158935546875,100.68600463867188 | |
274.6146545410156,102.9716796875 | |
276.7769775390625,105.26749420166016 | |
278.92822265625,107.57367706298828 | |
281.06939697265625,109.88924407958984 | |
283.1998596191406,112.21469116210938 | |
285.3197326660156,114.54972076416016 | |
287.4298400878906,116.89363861083984 | |
289.5290832519531,119.24735260009766 | |
291.6183776855469,121.6097640991211 | |
293.69775390625,123.98091888427734 | |
295.7666320800781,126.361328125 | |
297.8260803222656,128.74982452392578 | |
299.87506103515625,131.1474151611328 | |
301.9144592285156,133.55311584472656 | |
303.9440612792969,135.967041015625 | |
305.9635925292969,138.3894805908203 | |
307.9740295410156,140.8193817138672 | |
309.973876953125,143.25808715820312 | |
311.96478271484375,145.70399475097656 | |
313.9455261230469,148.158203125 | |
315.9171142578125,150.61984252929688 | |
317.87896728515625,153.08914184570312 | |
319.83123779296875,155.5660858154297 | |
321.7742614746094,158.05026245117188 | |
323.70733642578125,160.54208374023438 | |
325.6316223144531,163.0408172607422 | |
327.5457458496094,165.54733276367188 | |
329.4512634277344,168.0603790283203 | |
331.3464660644531,170.58126831054688 | |
333.2331848144531,173.1084747314453 | |
335.1096496582031,175.64329528808594 | |
336.9775390625,178.18446350097656 | |
338.8353271484375,180.73300170898438 | |
340.6844482421875,183.287841796875 | |
342.5235595703125,185.84991455078125 | |
344.3539733886719,188.41822814941406 | |
346.17437744140625,190.9935760498047 | |
347.98602294921875,193.57513427734375 | |
349.7876892089844,196.16366577148438 | |
351.58056640625,198.75823974609375 | |
353.3634948730469,201.35977172851562 | |
355.1375732421875,203.96717834472656 | |
356.90167236328125,206.58152770996094 | |
358.656982421875,209.20169067382812 | |
360.402099609375,211.8286895751953 | |
362.13848876953125,214.46139526367188 | |
363.8645935058594,217.1009063720703 | |
365.5821228027344,219.74607849121094 | |
367.2890625,222.3980255126953 | |
368.9874572753906,225.0554656982422 | |
370.6752014160156,227.7197265625 | |
372.354248046875,230.38937377929688 | |
374.0227966308594,233.06568908691406 | |
375.682373046875,235.7474822998047 | |
377.3315124511719,238.435791015625 | |
378.971435546875,241.1296844482422 | |
380.6010437011719,243.829833984375 | |
382.2210998535156,246.53558349609375 | |
383.83099365234375,249.24754333496094 | |
385.43115234375,251.9652862548828 | |
387.02117919921875,254.6888885498047 | |
388.6011047363281,257.41845703125 | |
390.1710510253906,260.1537170410156 | |
391.7304992675781,262.8950500488281 | |
393.2801208496094,265.64190673828125 | |
394.8188781738281,268.3948669433594 | |
396.347900390625,271.1531982421875 | |
397.86566162109375,273.91778564453125 | |
399.3738708496094,276.6875915527344 | |
400.87042236328125,279.46368408203125 | |
402.3573913574219,282.2449645996094 | |
403.83245849609375,285.0325012207031 | |
405.2977294921875,287.82525634765625 | |
406.751220703125,290.6241455078125 | |
408.1944580078125,293.4283142089844 | |
409.6259460449219,296.23846435546875 | |
411.0469055175781,299.0541687011719 | |
412.4560546875,301.87554931640625 | |
413.854248046875,304.7024841308594 | |
415.24072265625,307.5351867675781 | |
416.6158142089844,310.3734436035156 | |
417.9791259765625,313.2174072265625 | |
419.33062744140625,316.0668640136719 | |
420.67034912109375,318.9219665527344 | |
421.9979248046875,321.7826843261719 | |
423.3135681152344,324.6490173339844 | |
424.6167297363281,327.52099609375 | |
425.9078369140625,330.39849853515625 | |
427.1860656738281,333.2815856933594 | |
428.4520263671875,336.17010498046875 | |
429.7049255371094,339.06451416015625 | |
430.9451904296875,341.964111328125 | |
432.172119140625,344.8695373535156 | |
433.38616943359375,347.7802429199219 | |
434.5865783691406,350.69671630859375 | |
435.7737121582031,353.61859130859375 | |
436.94696044921875,356.5460205078125 | |
438.1065979003906,359.4788513183594 | |
439.2521057128906,362.4172668457031 | |
440.3833923339844,365.3609619140625 | |
441.50054931640625,368.3103332519531 | |
442.6028747558594,371.2652893066406 | |
443.69091796875,374.2253723144531 | |
444.76348876953125,377.1912536621094 | |
445.8217468261719,380.1621398925781 | |
446.8643493652344,383.1385803222656 | |
447.891357421875,386.1206359863281 | |
448.9017333984375,389.108154296875 | |
449.8976135253906,392.1006164550781 | |
450.8767395019531,395.0985107421875 | |
451.83935546875,398.1019287109375 | |
452.7853088378906,401.11041259765625 | |
453.7144470214844,404.12432861328125 | |
454.6264343261719,407.143310546875 | |
455.52105712890625,410.1675720214844 | |
221.0030059814453,165.33700561523438 | |
218.84774780273438,163.02938842773438 | |
216.67910766601562,160.73434448242188 | |
214.49708557128906,158.4520263671875 | |
212.3008575439453,156.18336486816406 | |
210.09121704101562,153.92776489257812 | |
207.86814880371094,151.68540954589844 | |
205.63084411621094,149.45724487304688 | |
203.38014221191406,147.2426300048828 | |
201.11582946777344,145.04193115234375 | |
198.83741760253906,142.8558349609375 | |
196.5456085205078,140.68377685546875 | |
194.23989868164062,138.5264892578125 | |
191.9203643798828,136.38406372070312 | |
189.58741760253906,134.25625610351562 | |
187.24021911621094,132.14418029785156 | |
184.87954711914062,130.0471649169922 | |
182.50511169433594,127.96574401855469 | |
180.1167449951172,125.90034484863281 | |
177.71498107910156,123.85051727294922 | |
175.2989501953125,121.81754302978516 | |
172.86953735351562,119.80058288574219 | |
170.4261932373047,117.80052185058594 | |
167.9691162109375,115.81732177734375 | |
165.4984893798828,113.85107421875 | |
163.01385498046875,111.90253448486328 | |
160.51589965820312,109.97109985351562 | |
158.00376892089844,108.05815887451172 | |
155.47840881347656,106.1626968383789 | |
152.93896484375,104.28614044189453 | |
150.38624572753906,102.42769622802734 | |
147.81961059570312,100.58849334716797 | |
145.23965454101562,98.76805114746094 | |
142.6461181640625,96.96700286865234 | |
140.03887939453125,95.18584442138672 | |
137.4181671142578,93.4245834350586 | |
134.7841796875,91.68324279785156 | |
132.1367950439453,89.96234893798828 | |
129.47596740722656,88.26229858398438 | |
126.80181121826172,86.58326721191406 | |
124.11441802978516,84.92552185058594 | |
121.41383361816406,83.28936004638672 | |
118.7000961303711,81.6750717163086 | |
115.97327423095703,80.08299255371094 | |
113.23346710205078,78.51343536376953 | |
110.48069763183594,76.96662902832031 | |
107.71510314941406,75.44290924072266 | |
104.936767578125,73.94258880615234 | |
102.14575958251953,72.4659423828125 | |
99.34219360351562,71.01329040527344 | |
96.52616882324219,69.58495330810547 | |
93.69773864746094,68.1813735961914 | |
90.85702514648438,66.80277252197266 | |
88.43014526367188,68.43931579589844 | |
86.09152221679688,70.56085205078125 | |
83.77934265136719,72.7112045288086 | |
81.4942398071289,74.89027404785156 | |
79.23625183105469,77.09746551513672 | |
77.0057373046875,79.33238983154297 | |
74.80303955078125,81.59471893310547 | |
72.62848663330078,83.88414764404297 | |
70.48248291015625,86.20036315917969 | |
68.3655776977539,88.54318237304688 | |
66.27781677246094,90.91201782226562 | |
64.21954727172852,93.30651092529297 | |
62.191070556640625,95.72630310058594 | |
60.192726135253906,98.1710205078125 | |
58.22492218017578,100.64041900634766 | |
56.288116455078125,103.1341781616211 | |
54.38237380981445,105.6517562866211 | |
52.50798797607422,108.19279479980469 | |
50.66526412963867,110.75688171386719 | |
48.854515075683594,113.34361267089844 | |
47.0763053894043,115.95283508300781 | |
45.330745697021484,118.58404541015625 | |
43.6180419921875,121.23670959472656 | |
41.938446044921875,123.91048431396484 | |
40.292240142822266,126.60493469238281 | |
38.67984390258789,129.31979370117188 | |
37.1016731262207,132.05465698242188 | |
35.55772399902344,134.80897521972656 | |
34.04822540283203,137.5823211669922 | |
32.57341766357422,140.37428283691406 | |
31.13374137878418,143.1844940185547 | |
29.729576110839844,146.0126953125 | |
28.360872268676758,148.85813903808594 | |
27.027812957763672,151.7205047607422 | |
25.730636596679688,154.59927368164062 | |
24.46993064880371,157.49423217773438 | |
23.245716094970703,160.4048309326172 | |
22.05803871154785,163.33045959472656 | |
20.90704917907715,166.27076721191406 | |
19.79316520690918,169.22532653808594 | |
18.716781616210938,172.19374084472656 | |
17.67764663696289,175.17539978027344 | |
16.675912857055664,178.1698455810547 | |
15.711974143981934,181.17666625976562 | |
14.786224365234375,184.1954345703125 | |
13.898316383361816,187.22560119628906 | |
13.048393249511719,190.26657104492188 | |
12.237051010131836,193.31809997558594 | |
11.464188575744629,196.37962341308594 | |
10.729634284973145,199.4505157470703 | |
10.033621788024902,202.53041076660156 | |
9.376769065856934,205.61886596679688 | |
8.758440494537354,208.71531677246094 | |
8.178704738616943,211.81918334960938 | |
7.6382904052734375,214.93016052246094 | |
7.136784076690674,218.04763793945312 | |
6.674219608306885,221.17112731933594 | |
6.251107692718506,224.30020141601562 | |
5.866685390472412,227.4342498779297 | |
5.521190166473389,230.57284545898438 | |
5.214840888977051,233.71551513671875 | |
4.9476845264434814,236.86170959472656 | |
4.719500303268433,240.01097106933594 | |
4.5302557945251465,243.16287231445312 | |
4.379911422729492,246.3168182373047 | |
4.268803358078003,249.4723663330078 | |
4.195882320404053,252.62908935546875 | |
4.161863803863525,255.7864532470703 | |
4.166672945022583,258.94403076171875 | |
4.209815263748169,262.1012878417969 | |
4.291766405105591,265.25775146484375 | |
4.412703990936279,268.41302490234375 | |
4.57236909866333,271.5664978027344 | |
4.770810604095459,274.7178039550781 | |
5.0084919929504395,277.8664245605469 | |
5.285196781158447,281.0118103027344 | |
5.60075569152832,284.1535339355469 | |
5.955461502075195,287.2911376953125 | |
6.349388122558594,290.42401123046875 | |
6.782145023345947,293.5517272949219 | |
7.254042148590088,296.6738586425781 | |
7.765068054199219,299.7897644042969 | |
8.31479787826538,302.8990478515625 | |
8.903717517852783,306.0012512207031 | |
9.531415939331055,309.09576416015625 | |
10.197696685791016,312.18218994140625 | |
10.903060913085938,315.2599792480469 | |
11.646699905395508,318.32867431640625 | |
12.429071426391602,321.3877868652344 | |
13.249771118164062,324.43682861328125 | |
14.10863971710205,327.47528076171875 | |
15.005857467651367,330.502685546875 | |
15.940747261047363,333.5186767578125 | |
16.913941383361816,336.5224914550781 | |
17.924449920654297,339.51397705078125 | |
18.972824096679688,342.492431640625 | |
20.058284759521484,345.4574890136719 | |
21.181129455566406,348.4086608886719 | |
22.340808868408203,351.3455505371094 | |
23.537403106689453,354.267578125 | |
24.7705135345459,357.17437744140625 | |
26.040063858032227,360.06549072265625 | |
27.34572982788086,362.9404296875 | |
28.68739891052246,365.79876708984375 | |
30.064716339111328,368.64007568359375 | |
31.477575302124023,371.4638977050781 | |
32.92559051513672,374.2698669433594 | |
34.4086799621582,377.0574645996094 | |
35.926395416259766,379.8262939453125 | |
37.478736877441406,382.575927734375 | |
39.065120697021484,385.3060302734375 | |
40.68567657470703,388.0159912109375 | |
42.33964920043945,390.7057189941406 | |
44.027286529541016,393.3743591308594 | |
45.74774932861328,396.0220642089844 | |
47.50139236450195,398.6478576660156 | |
49.287296295166016,401.25177001953125 | |
51.105690002441406,403.8332214355469 | |
52.955848693847656,406.3919372558594 | |
54.837764739990234,408.92742919921875 | |
56.7509765625,411.4393005371094 | |
58.695228576660156,413.92730712890625 | |
60.67032241821289,416.3908996582031 | |
62.67557144165039,418.82989501953125 | |
64.71124649047852,421.24365234375 | |
66.76580810546875,423.57965087890625 | |
67.77133178710938,420.5865478515625 | |
68.79204559326172,417.5984191894531 | |
69.82879638671875,414.615966796875 | |
70.88038635253906,411.6386413574219 | |
71.947509765625,408.6668701171875 | |
73.02928161621094,405.7003479003906 | |
74.12600708007812,402.73944091796875 | |
75.23723602294922,399.7838134765625 | |
76.36290740966797,396.8337097167969 | |
77.50289154052734,393.88916015625 | |
78.6568603515625,390.9499816894531 | |
79.82503509521484,388.01641845703125 | |
81.00663757324219,385.0882873535156 | |
82.2023696899414,382.1658630371094 | |
83.41116333007812,379.24884033203125 | |
84.63380432128906,376.3376159667969 | |
85.8693618774414,373.4317932128906 | |
87.11831665039062,370.5317077636719 | |
88.3801040649414,367.6372375488281 | |
89.65486907958984,364.7484130859375 | |
90.94242095947266,361.8652648925781 | |
92.24250030517578,358.9878234863281 | |
93.55538940429688,356.1160888671875 | |
94.88041687011719,353.25 | |
96.21819305419922,350.3898620605469 | |
97.56782531738281,347.53521728515625 | |
98.93009185791016,344.6866455078125 | |
100.30401611328125,341.84368896484375 | |
101.69032287597656,339.0066833496094 | |
103.08826446533203,336.1754150390625 | |
104.49823760986328,333.35015869140625 | |
105.91983795166016,330.53070068359375 | |
107.35327911376953,327.71722412109375 | |
108.79822540283203,324.9097595214844 | |
110.25484466552734,322.108154296875 | |
111.72296905517578,319.3126525878906 | |
113.20244598388672,316.5232238769531 | |
114.69343566894531,313.73980712890625 | |
116.19569396972656,310.9624938964844 | |
117.70933532714844,308.19140625 | |
119.23417663574219,305.4263916015625 | |
120.77031707763672,302.6676330566406 | |
122.31753540039062,299.9151611328125 | |
123.87598419189453,297.1689758300781 | |
125.44554901123047,294.4291076660156 | |
127.02617645263672,291.6957092285156 | |
128.61798095703125,288.9687194824219 | |
130.22068786621094,286.24810791015625 | |
131.83462524414062,283.53424072265625 | |
133.45932006835938,280.8266906738281 | |
135.09544372558594,278.12603759765625 | |
136.74221801757812,275.4319152832031 | |
138.40028381347656,272.74468994140625 | |
140.06927490234375,270.064208984375 | |
141.74917602539062,267.3906555175781 | |
143.44036865234375,264.72412109375 | |
145.142333984375,262.0645446777344 | |
146.85565185546875,259.4122314453125 | |
148.57998657226562,256.7670593261719 | |
150.3153076171875,254.1290283203125 | |
152.06207275390625,251.49868774414062 | |
153.81991577148438,248.8756561279297 | |
155.58892822265625,246.2601318359375 | |
157.3695068359375,243.6524658203125 | |
159.16127014160156,241.05252075195312 | |
160.96432495117188,238.4603729248047 | |
162.7791748046875,235.8764190673828 | |
164.60546875,233.30062866210938 | |
166.4433135986328,230.73304748535156 | |
168.29287719726562,228.17381286621094 | |
170.15443420410156,225.62344360351562 | |
172.02789306640625,223.08163452148438 | |
173.91329956054688,220.54873657226562 | |
175.8107452392578,218.02496337890625 | |
177.7205047607422,215.51036071777344 | |
179.64285278320312,213.00534057617188 | |
181.57766723632812,210.51002502441406 | |
183.52516174316406,208.02456665039062 | |
185.4855194091797,205.54920959472656 | |
187.4588623046875,203.084228515625 | |
189.44541931152344,200.6298828125 | |
191.44541931152344,198.1864471435547 | |
193.458984375,195.75428771972656 | |
195.4864959716797,193.33358764648438 | |
197.52806091308594,190.9248046875 | |
199.58396911621094,188.52825927734375 | |
201.65452575683594,186.14425659179688 | |
203.73992919921875,183.77334594726562 | |
205.84046936035156,181.41590881347656 | |
207.9567413330078,179.0724334716797 | |
210.0890350341797,176.7435302734375 | |
212.2374725341797,174.42967224121094 | |
214.40257263183594,172.13125610351562 | |
216.58499145507812,169.84933471679688 | |
218.78500366210938,167.58445739746094 | |
267.63800048828125,222.7270050048828 | |
265.5039978027344,225.04981994628906 | |
263.3918762207031,227.39256286621094 | |
261.3011779785156,229.7544403076172 | |
259.23162841796875,232.13485717773438 | |
257.1827392578125,234.5330810546875 | |
255.15383911132812,236.94827270507812 | |
253.14454650878906,239.37977600097656 | |
251.15443420410156,241.82699584960938 | |
249.18313598632812,244.28941345214844 | |
247.23031616210938,246.76651000976562 | |
245.29562377929688,249.25779724121094 | |
243.37875366210938,251.7628173828125 | |
241.47940063476562,254.28114318847656 | |
239.59725952148438,256.81236267089844 | |
237.7320556640625,259.3560791015625 | |
235.883544921875,261.9119567871094 | |
234.05145263671875,264.4796447753906 | |
232.23558044433594,267.0588073730469 | |
230.4356689453125,269.6491394042969 | |
228.65155029296875,272.2503967285156 | |
226.88299560546875,274.86224365234375 | |
225.1298370361328,277.48443603515625 | |
223.39183044433594,280.11669921875 | |
221.66905212402344,282.75897216796875 | |
219.9613494873047,285.4110107421875 | |
218.26840209960938,288.0724792480469 | |
216.59005737304688,290.7431945800781 | |
214.9261932373047,293.4229431152344 | |
213.27691650390625,296.1116943359375 | |
211.64210510253906,298.8092956542969 | |
210.02146911621094,301.5154113769531 | |
208.41490173339844,304.2298889160156 | |
206.82260131835938,306.9527893066406 | |
205.2444305419922,309.6838684082031 | |
203.68011474609375,312.4229431152344 | |
202.12953186035156,315.1697998046875 | |
200.59324645996094,317.9246826171875 | |
199.07064819335938,320.6871337890625 | |
197.56167602539062,323.4570617675781 | |
196.06671142578125,326.23455810546875 | |
194.5854949951172,329.0194396972656 | |
193.1177978515625,331.81146240234375 | |
191.6640625,334.61077880859375 | |
190.22406005859375,337.41717529296875 | |
188.79754638671875,340.23046875 | |
187.3850555419922,343.0508117675781 | |
185.98623657226562,345.87799072265625 | |
184.6009979248047,348.7118225097656 | |
183.2299346923828,351.55255126953125 | |
181.8725128173828,354.3998107910156 | |
180.52880859375,357.2535705566406 | |
179.19940185546875,360.1140441894531 | |
177.88368225097656,362.9808044433594 | |
176.58203125,365.85400390625 | |
175.29464721679688,368.7336120605469 | |
174.02113342285156,371.619384765625 | |
172.76210021972656,374.5115051269531 | |
171.51731872558594,377.4097595214844 | |
170.28668212890625,380.3141174316406 | |
169.07095336914062,383.2247009277344 | |
167.86952209472656,386.1412048339844 | |
166.6828155517578,389.06378173828125 | |
165.51109313964844,391.9923400878906 | |
164.3539581298828,394.92669677734375 | |
163.21218872070312,397.8670959472656 | |
162.08546447753906,400.81329345703125 | |
160.97381591796875,403.7651672363281 | |
159.87808227539062,406.7230224609375 | |
158.797607421875,409.6864929199219 | |
157.73294067382812,412.6556701660156 | |
156.68441772460938,415.6305847167969 | |
155.65170288085938,418.61102294921875 | |
154.63548278808594,421.59710693359375 | |
153.63577270507812,424.5887756347656 | |
152.6523895263672,427.58587646484375 | |
151.6863250732422,430.58856201171875 | |
150.73724365234375,433.5966796875 | |
149.8052215576172,436.610107421875 | |
148.89117431640625,439.6290283203125 | |
147.99481201171875,442.6532897949219 | |
147.1162567138672,445.6827392578125 | |
146.25640869140625,448.7175598144531 | |
145.4150848388672,451.7575988769531 | |
144.59242248535156,454.8027038574219 | |
143.7891845703125,457.8529968261719 | |
143.0055389404297,460.9084167480469 | |
142.24151611328125,463.96875 | |
141.49754333496094,467.0340576171875 | |
140.7745819091797,470.1044006347656 | |
140.0723114013672,473.1795349121094 | |
139.3911590576172,476.2593994140625 | |
138.7316436767578,479.3439636230469 | |
140.21253967285156,481.4315185546875 | |
143.01734924316406,482.87457275390625 | |
145.8397674560547,484.28289794921875 | |
148.6795654296875,485.65582275390625 | |
151.53646850585938,486.9927978515625 | |
154.40966796875,488.2943420410156 | |
157.29898071289062,489.5597229003906 | |
160.20407104492188,490.7885437011719 | |
163.12416076660156,491.9811706542969 | |
166.0590057373047,493.13714599609375 | |
169.0082244873047,494.2558288574219 | |
171.97108459472656,495.33782958984375 | |
174.94728088378906,496.38262939453125 | |
177.93653869628906,497.3895263671875 | |
180.9380645751953,498.3591613769531 | |
183.9514617919922,499.291259765625 | |
186.97653198242188,500.184814453125 | |
190.01248168945312,501.0405578613281 | |
193.05889892578125,501.8583679199219 | |
196.11538696289062,502.63763427734375 | |
199.18145751953125,503.3782653808594 | |
202.2565460205078,504.08062744140625 | |
205.3401641845703,504.7445983886719 | |
208.43186950683594,505.3694152832031 | |
211.53123474121094,505.9554138183594 | |
214.63766479492188,506.5028076171875 | |
217.75062561035156,507.0115051269531 | |
220.8697967529297,507.4808349609375 | |
223.9945526123047,507.9111633300781 | |
227.12440490722656,508.3026428222656 | |
230.25888061523438,508.65533447265625 | |
233.3975372314453,508.96905517578125 | |
236.53988647460938,509.2432556152344 | |
239.6853485107422,509.4786071777344 | |
242.83349609375,509.6751403808594 | |
245.98377990722656,509.83294677734375 | |
249.1358184814453,509.95196533203125 | |
252.28907775878906,510.0321350097656 | |
255.4430694580078,510.0733337402344 | |
258.5973205566406,510.0760498046875 | |
261.7514343261719,510.0403137207031 | |
264.90478515625,509.9659118652344 | |
268.0570068359375,509.852783203125 | |
271.2076110839844,509.700927734375 | |
274.3561096191406,509.51019287109375 | |
277.50201416015625,509.28057861328125 | |
280.6448669433594,509.0120849609375 | |
283.7840881347656,508.7047119140625 | |
286.9192199707031,508.35791015625 | |
290.0498352050781,507.97216796875 | |
293.17535400390625,507.5475158691406 | |
296.2953796386719,507.0838928222656 | |
299.40936279296875,506.5814208984375 | |
302.5168151855469,506.0401306152344 | |
305.6173095703125,505.4600830078125 | |
308.710205078125,504.8408203125 | |
311.7950744628906,504.182861328125 | |
314.8714599609375,503.4862976074219 | |
317.9389343261719,502.7513427734375 | |
320.9969177246094,501.97808837890625 | |
324.04498291015625,501.1664123535156 | |
327.08245849609375,500.316162109375 | |
330.109130859375,499.4279479980469 | |
333.1243896484375,498.5019836425781 | |
336.12786865234375,497.5383605957031 | |
339.1189270019531,496.5368957519531 | |
342.09710693359375,495.4977111816406 | |
345.0620422363281,494.42138671875 | |
348.0133361816406,493.30810546875 | |
350.9504699707031,492.1580505371094 | |
353.8726806640625,490.9706726074219 | |
356.7799072265625,489.7469177246094 | |
359.6716613769531,488.487060546875 | |
362.5475158691406,487.1913146972656 | |
365.4066467285156,485.859130859375 | |
368.24896240234375,484.49139404296875 | |
371.07403564453125,483.08843994140625 | |
373.8814697265625,481.6505432128906 | |
376.6704406738281,480.17706298828125 | |
378.88275146484375,478.4159851074219 | |
378.20654296875,475.3350524902344 | |
377.51806640625,472.2568359375 | |
376.8149719238281,469.1819152832031 | |
376.09942626953125,466.1098327636719 | |
375.37115478515625,463.040771484375 | |
374.6285400390625,459.9751281738281 | |
373.873779296875,456.9124755859375 | |
373.10540771484375,453.8531799316406 | |
372.3236999511719,450.79730224609375 | |
371.5298156738281,447.7445373535156 | |
370.72149658203125,444.6955871582031 | |
369.9007873535156,441.6499938964844 | |
369.0672607421875,438.6078186035156 | |
368.21966552734375,435.5695495605469 | |
367.36004638671875,432.53466796875 | |
366.4866027832031,429.5037536621094 | |
365.6001892089844,426.4765625 | |
364.7015075683594,423.4529724121094 | |
363.78839111328125,420.4337158203125 | |
362.86328125,417.41815185546875 | |
361.9247131347656,414.40673828125 | |
360.97296142578125,411.39947509765625 | |
360.0091857910156,408.39599609375 | |
359.0308837890625,405.3973693847656 | |
358.04058837890625,402.4025573730469 | |
357.0369873046875,399.41217041015625 | |
356.0201721191406,396.42626953125 | |
354.9913330078125,393.4444580078125 | |
353.9479675292969,390.46771240234375 | |
352.8927307128906,387.4952087402344 | |
351.8241271972656,384.5274658203125 | |
350.742431640625,381.5644226074219 | |
349.6485290527344,378.60589599609375 | |
348.5403747558594,375.65264892578125 | |
347.42041015625,372.7038879394531 | |
346.2867431640625,369.76043701171875 | |
345.1404113769531,366.8218078613281 | |
343.98138427734375,363.8881530761719 | |
342.8086853027344,360.9599914550781 | |
341.62420654296875,358.0364990234375 | |
340.42535400390625,355.1189270019531 | |
339.2145690917969,352.206298828125 | |
337.9903564453125,349.29925537109375 | |
336.75323486328125,346.39764404296875 | |
335.50372314453125,343.50146484375 | |
334.2403259277344,340.6111755371094 | |
332.9652099609375,337.7261657714844 | |
331.6757507324219,334.8475036621094 | |
330.3743591308594,331.97418212890625 | |
329.0594787597656,329.1070556640625 | |
327.73187255859375,326.2457580566406 | |
326.3914489746094,323.39044189453125 | |
325.0376281738281,320.54144287109375 | |
323.67169189453125,317.6982727050781 | |
322.29168701171875,314.8619079589844 | |
320.89990234375,312.0312194824219 | |
319.493896484375,309.2076416015625 | |
318.075927734375,306.3900146484375 | |
316.644287109375,303.579345703125 | |
315.2001953125,300.7751159667969 | |
313.74285888671875,297.9776611328125 | |
312.27252197265625,295.1870422363281 | |
310.7894592285156,292.40313720703125 | |
309.2929382324219,289.62652587890625 | |
307.7840881347656,286.8564453125 | |
306.2613525390625,284.09405517578125 | |
304.7266540527344,281.33831787109375 | |
303.177734375,278.5905456542969 | |
301.6170654296875,275.849365234375 | |
300.04193115234375,273.1164855957031 | |
298.4551086425781,270.39044189453125 | |
296.85400390625,267.6727600097656 | |
295.24090576171875,264.96209716796875 | |
293.6138000488281,262.2599792480469 | |
291.9744567871094,259.5650939941406 | |
290.3211975097656,256.8787841796875 | |
288.6556091308594,254.2001190185547 | |
286.9761657714844,251.5301055908203 | |
285.2843017578125,248.86788940429688 | |
283.5785827636719,246.21456909179688 | |
281.86053466796875,243.56932067871094 | |
280.12847900390625,240.93310546875 | |
278.3840637207031,238.3050537109375 | |
276.62567138671875,235.6864776611328 | |
274.85491943359375,233.07608032226562 | |
273.0699768066406,230.4753875732422 | |
271.2729187011719,227.8831024169922 | |
269.46142578125,225.30084228515625 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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#lang racket | |
(require | |
math/number-theory | |
"helpers.rkt") | |
(provide | |
integrate/reflect) | |
; the change in position from the point to the point of intersection along the line | |
(define (Δ-to-contact point line radius) | |
(define-values (x y) (complex-parts point)) | |
(define slope | |
(let-values ([(lx ly) (complex-parts line)]) | |
(if (zero? lx) +inf.0 (/ ly lx)))) | |
; r^2 = (x + Δ)^2 + (y + Δ·slope)^2 | |
; r^2 = x^2 + 2x·Δ + Δ^2 + y^2 + 2y·Δ·slope + (Δ·slope)^2 | |
; 0 = Δ^2·(slope^2 + 1) + 2Δ·(x + y·slope) + x^2 + y^2 - r^2 | |
; my math might be off here, but I'm winging it | |
(cond | |
[(infinite? slope) | |
(define Δy | |
(argmin | |
abs (quadratic-solutions | |
#;a= 1 | |
#;b= (* 2 y) | |
#;c= (+ (* x x) (* y y) (- (* radius radius)))))) | |
(make-rectangular 0 Δy)] | |
[else | |
(define Δx | |
(argmin | |
abs (quadratic-solutions | |
#;a= (+ (* slope slope) 1) | |
#;b= (* 2 (+ x (* y slope))) | |
#;c= (+ (* x x) (* y y) (- (* radius radius)))))) | |
(make-rectangular Δx (* slope Δx))])) | |
(define (reflect axis line) | |
(define ^axis (norm axis)) | |
(define /line (/ line ^axis)) | |
(* ^axis (- /line (* 2 (real-part /line))))) | |
(define (integrate/reflect | |
pos vel dt | |
#:acceleration [acc 0+0i] | |
#:dampening [dmp 0.999] | |
#:boundary [rad 100]) | |
; semi-implicit euler-integration | |
; preserves energy okay-ish for this type of thing | |
(define vel′ (+ (* acc dt) (* dmp vel))) | |
(define pos′ (+ (* vel′ dt) pos)) | |
(cond | |
[(< (ω pos′) rad) (values pos′ vel′)] | |
[else | |
; the change in position to intersect with the ring (radius=R) | |
(define Δcontact (Δ-to-contact pos vel′ rad)) | |
; point of intersection | |
(define intersect (+ pos Δcontact)) | |
; reflected velocity vector | |
(define reflector (reflect intersect vel′)) | |
; complement of the ratio of change to intersection over the total change in position | |
(define remaining (- 1 (/ (ω Δcontact) (ω (- pos′ pos))))) | |
; reflected position | |
(define reflected (+ intersect (* dt remaining reflector))) | |
(values reflected reflector)])) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#lang racket | |
(require | |
racket/gui pict | |
"reflect.rkt" | |
"fourier.rkt" | |
"helpers.rkt") | |
(struct snowflake [pos vel bitmap]) | |
(define flake-gd0 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 4 2 #:color "gold" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-gd1 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 4 3 #:color "orange" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-rd0 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 2 4 #:color "indianred" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-rd1 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 3 4 #:color "red" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-gr0 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 4 3 #:color "green" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-gr1 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 4 4 #:color "seagreen" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define flake-pp0 | |
(pict->bitmap | |
(filled-ellipse 4 4 #:color "purple" #:draw-border? #false))) | |
(define (flake-gd) | |
(either flake-gd0 flake-gd1)) | |
(define (flake-rd) | |
(either flake-rd0 flake-rd1)) | |
(define (flake-gr) | |
(either flake-gr0 flake-gr1)) | |
(define (flake-pr) | |
(either flake-pp0 flake-rd1)) | |
(define (make-racket-christmas-scene radius) | |
(define coords (fetch/scale-coords "racket-logo.txt" radius)) | |
(define split-areas | |
(for/fold ([prev (car coords)] | |
[areas (list 0)] | |
#:result (reverse areas)) | |
([next (in-list coords)]) | |
(define change (- next prev)) | |
(cond | |
[(< 4 (magnitude change)) | |
(values next `(0 . ,areas))] | |
[else | |
(values | |
next `(,(+ (car areas) 1) . ,(cdr areas)))]))) | |
(values coords split-areas `(,flake-gd ,flake-rd ,flake-gr ,flake-gd))) | |
(define snow-globe-renderer% | |
(class gif-renderer% | |
(init | |
width height radius | |
[recorded? #false]) | |
(super-new | |
[width width] | |
[height height] | |
[recorded? recorded?]) | |
(define-values (flake-posns areas flake-bms) | |
(make-racket-christmas-scene radius)) | |
(define ori (make-rectangular (/ width 2) (/ height 2))) | |
(define rad radius) | |
(define feeding (length flake-posns)) | |
(define dynamic '()) | |
(define static '()) | |
(define cursor ori) | |
(define trails '()) | |
(define breach 20) | |
(define border (pict->bitmap (ellipse (* 2 (+ breach radius)) | |
(* 2 (+ breach radius))))) | |
(define epicycles | |
(new epicycles-renderer% | |
[width width] | |
[height height] | |
[coords flake-posns] | |
[mainview? #false] | |
[recorded? #true])) | |
(define/public (sample! ticks dt) | |
(send epicycles sample! ticks) | |
(cond | |
[(zero? feeding) | |
(set! trails (cons (snowflake cursor 0+0i (flake-pr)) trails)) | |
(set! trails (take trails (min 30 (length trails)))) | |
(set! dynamic (for/list ([flake (in-list dynamic)]) | |
(match-define (snowflake pos vel bm) flake) | |
(define-values (pos′ vel′) | |
(integrate/reflect | |
(- pos ori) vel dt | |
#:boundary (+ rad breach) | |
#:acceleration 0+0.98i)) | |
(snowflake (+ pos′ ori) vel′ bm)))] | |
[else | |
(set! feeding (- feeding 1)) | |
(cond | |
[(zero? (car areas)) | |
(set! areas (cdr areas)) | |
(set! flake-bms (cdr flake-bms))] | |
[else | |
(set! areas (cons (- (car areas) 1) (cdr areas)))]) | |
(define vel (* (either +i -i) (random 1 40) (norm (- cursor ori)))) | |
(define new-flake (snowflake cursor vel {(car flake-bms)})) | |
(if (equal? flake-gr (car flake-bms)) | |
(set! static (cons new-flake static)) | |
(set! dynamic (cons new-flake dynamic)))])) | |
(define (draw-flakes . dcs) | |
(sends dcs draw-bitmap border | |
(- (/ width 2) (+ rad breach)) | |
(- (/ height 2) (+ rad breach))) | |
(for ([flake (in-sequences (in-list dynamic) (in-list static) (in-list trails))] | |
#:do [(define-values (x y) (complex-parts (snowflake-pos flake)))]) | |
(sends dcs draw-bitmap (snowflake-bitmap flake) x y))) | |
(define/override (paint canvas dc) | |
(define bm* (send epicycles paint canvas dc)) | |
(set! cursor (send epicycles get-cursor)) | |
(super paint draw-flakes canvas dc bm*)))) | |
(define now current-inexact-milliseconds) | |
(define (run-snow-globe | |
#:width [width 400] | |
#:height [height 400] | |
#:radius [radius 110] | |
#:msecs-per-frame [frame-time 90] | |
#:save-gif-to-file [save-to-file #false]) | |
(define the-frame | |
(new (class frame% | |
(super-new [label "epicycles"] | |
[width width] | |
[height width]) | |
(define running? #true) | |
(define/public (is-running?) | |
running?) | |
(define/augment (on-close) | |
(set! running? #false))))) | |
(define snow-globe | |
(new snow-globe-renderer% | |
[width width] | |
[height height] | |
[radius radius] | |
[mainview? #true] | |
[recorded? #true])) | |
(define the-canvas | |
(new canvas% | |
[parent the-frame] | |
[paint-callback | |
(lambda (canvas dc) | |
(send snow-globe paint canvas dc))])) | |
(send the-frame create-status-line) | |
(send the-frame show #true) | |
(sleep/yield 1) | |
(let loop ([ticks 1] [refresh? #true] [previous (now)]) | |
(send the-frame set-status-text (format "ticks: ~a" ticks)) | |
(define frame-start (now)) | |
(define dt (/ (- frame-start previous) | |
1000.0)) | |
(send snow-globe sample! ticks dt) | |
(send the-canvas refresh) | |
(define time-pass (- (now) frame-start)) | |
(define time-wait (/ (max 0 (- frame-time time-pass)) | |
1000.0)) | |
(sleep/yield time-wait) | |
(cond | |
[(= 3600 ticks) | |
(send the-frame set-status-text | |
(format "completed epicycles (~a ticks)" ticks)) | |
(when save-to-file | |
(sync | |
(render-gif! save-to-file (send snow-globe get-scenes) #:chunks 10)))] | |
[else | |
(when (send the-frame is-running?) | |
(loop (+ ticks 1) (not refresh?) frame-start))]))) | |
(run-snow-globe | |
#:msecs-per-frame 90 | |
#:save-gif-to-file "merry-xmas.gif") |
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This is a compressed version of the ideal.