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Working on Dorothy, a dotfile ecosystem

Benjamin Lupton balupton

Working on Dorothy, a dotfile ecosystem
View GitHub Profile
balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
Talk: Ben's Planetarium

Ben's Planetarium

This is a Myplanet Digital specific presentation of this generic talk.

Presentation Video:

  • Why are we here? Myplanet DocPad relationship
    • Most recently InterConnect too
    • Not the whole picture, also Open-Source Evangelism as Myplanet has big dreams (Myplanet VS Google in regards to the Developer Presence)
  • What is Open-Source Evangelism?
balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Talk Proposal: Static Site Generators are disrupting the web, what to expect

This is a proposal for a talk that I'd love to give. If you'd love to have me present this at your conference, please get in touch. If you'd like to attend this talk, please +1 it in the comments.

Static Site Generators are disrupting the web, what to expect

This is generic talk based of my DocPad specific blog post Why is DocPad soo interesting? and talk DocPad's Eco-System

It will talk about how DocPad and co are creating a world of decoupled content management which has big disruptive power.

  • Why are we here?
    • Our toolbelt is always changing
balupton /
Created February 18, 2014 06:42
Talk: Why the next big thing sucks

This is a proposal for a talk that I'd love to give. If you'd love to have me present this at your conference, please get in touch. If you'd like to attend this talk, please +1 it in the comments.

Why the next big thing sucks

Versions of this talk have been presented at:

balupton /
Created February 18, 2014 07:25
Talk: Open-Source will leave you behind

This is a proposal for a talk that I'd love to give. If you'd love to have me present this at your conference, please get in touch. If you'd like to attend this talk, please +1 it in the comments.

Open-Source will leave you behind

Versions of this talk have been presented at:

Open-Source is a powerful force that when utilized allows for abundant collaboration of shared goals in an unfathomable scale. The good news is, it's easily accessible to everyone - be it a new startup, out-sourcing portions of your existing business, or even using it to revolutionize an industry or overthrow a nation. It's no longer a question of how can I squash others so I can win, but rather how can we all win together? To undergo this transition, some other questions may come up like what are the benefits of ou

balupton /
Created February 18, 2014 07:34
Talk+Workshop Proposal: WebRTC & Web Components

This is a proposal for a talk that I'd love to give. If you'd love to have me present this at your conference, please get in touch. If you'd like to attend this talk, please +1 it in the comments.

WebRTC & Web Components

Versions of this talk have/will been presented at:

balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Semantic Versioning Issues

Semantic Versioning is great. It adds semantic meaning to those pesky version numbers.

The most popular semantic versioning standard is semver, which states:

revision = for b/c bug fixes with no public api changes/additions
minor = for b/c public api changes/additions
major = for b/c breaks around new public api changes/additions
accept revision and minor for changes (^ character)
balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Using AusKey on Mac OSX

Using AusKey on Mac OSX


  1. Use Safari. Whenever you are prompted about Java security, click the follow menu items:
    1. Safari -> Preferences -> Security -> Manage Website Settings... -> Java
    2. Use the dropdown to enable Allow Always and Run in Unsafe Mode for the entries
  2. Make sure no other downloads are running, as the website requires a fast ping to work and will timeout otherwise
  3. Each computer requires it's own AusKey
balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Debugging Presario c710tu wireless on linux (ubuntu, lubuntu, chromiumos (gentoo)
# Check what drivers you have running
lsmod | grep iwl
# Check what drivers you have installed
ls -al /lib/firmware/* | grep iwl
# Remove the iwlwifi driver if it is there
sudo modprobe -rfv iwlwifi
# Ensure that the iwlwifi driver will never run
balupton /
Created April 6, 2014 12:48
Modded Xbox Guide

Modded Xbox Guide

Getting Homebrew Games

  1. Download from
  2. Transfer the iso over to xbox via ftp into F:/games
  3. Somehow extract the iso

Getting Emulated Homebrew Games

balupton /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Libre Work Opportunities