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Last active January 3, 2016 18:59
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Unityのシーンファイルリストウィンドウ。 全てのシーン、ビルド登録シーンを切り替え可。
/// <summary>
/// Scene List Editor Window
/// @author Shunsuke Ohba
/// </summary>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Baobao.Editor
public class SceneList : EditorWindow
private List<FileInfo> FileList;
private bool IsUpdate;
private bool IsAllScene;
private Vector2 scrollPos;
[MenuItem ("Window/Scene List")]
static void Init ()
EditorWindow w = EditorWindow.GetWindow<SceneList> ();
w.Show ();
w.title = "Scene list";
void OnGUI ()
if (IsUpdate)
FileList = new List<FileInfo> ();
// 取得するシーンの切り替え
if (!IsAllScene)
foreach (var scene in EditorBuildSettings.scenes)
DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo (scene.path);
FileInfo[] fileList = info.GetFiles ("*.unity");
foreach (var file in fileList)
FileList.Add (file);
List<string> dirList = new List<string> ();
GetSubfolders (Application.dataPath, dirList);
foreach (var path in dirList)
DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo (path);
FileInfo[] fileList = info.GetFiles ("*.unity");
foreach (var file in fileList)
FileList.Add (file);
scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPos);
if (FileList != null)
foreach (var f in FileList)
if (GUILayout.Button (f.Name))
EditorApplication.OpenScene (f.FullName);
GUILayout.EndScrollView ();
IsUpdate = false;
IsAllScene = GUILayout.Toggle (IsAllScene, "GET ALL SCENES");
GUILayout.Space (20f);
if (GUILayout.Button("Update", GUILayout.Width (200f)))
IsUpdate = true;
private void GetSubfolders(string folderName, List<string> subFolders)
// Get sub folders
foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(folderName))
// add list
GetSubfolders(folder, subFolders);
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