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Last active May 24, 2018 08:18
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Very simple genetic algorithm that manipulates SMILES
import random
from collections import defaultdict
import pybel
ob = pybel.ob
def CreateValencyTable(mol):
common_valencies = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(set))
for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol.OBMol):
elem = atom.GetAtomicNum()
chg = atom.GetFormalCharge()
totalbonds = atom.BOSum() + atom.GetImplicitHCount()
# Convert from defaultdict to dict
ans = {}
for x, y in common_valencies.items():
ans[x] = dict(y)
return ans
abilifysmi = "Clc4cccc(N3CCN(CCCCOc2ccc1c(NC(=O)CC1)c2)CC3)c4Cl"
abilify = pybel.readstring("smi", abilifysmi)
common_valencies = CreateValencyTable(abilify)
print("The allowed elements, charge states and valencies are")
def HasCommonValence(mol):
for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol):
elem = atom.GetAtomicNum()
if elem not in common_valencies:
return False # unusual elem
chg = atom.GetFormalCharge()
data = common_valencies[elem]
if chg not in data:
return False # unusual charge state
totalbonds = atom.BOSum() + atom.GetImplicitHCount()
if totalbonds not in data[chg]:
return False # unusual valence
return True
def create_mutants(A, B):
# Let's randomly choose a cross-over point in both A and B
# and generate four possible combinations
c1 = random.randint(0, len(A))
c2 = random.randint(0, len(B))
startA, endA = A[:c1], A[c1:]
startB, endB = B[:c2], B[c2:]
children = [
startA+endB, startB+endA, # somewhat sensible
endA+startB, endB+startA, # less sensible
# Let's mutate a few characters by swapping nbors randomly
mutant_children = []
for child in children:
mutant = ""
i = 0
N = len(child)
while i < N:
if i+1 < N and random.random() > 0.66: # 1 in 3 chance
mutant += child[i+1]
mutant += child[i]
i += 1 # extra increment
mutant += child[i]
i += 1
random.shuffle(mutant_children) # don't favour any of them
return mutant_children
def get_mutant(smiA, smiB):
for N in range(50): # try combining these 50 times
mutantsmis = create_mutants(smiA, smiB)
for mutantsmi in mutantsmis:
mol = pybel.readstring("smi", mutantsmi)
except IOError:
continue # bad syntax
if HasCommonValence(mol.OBMol):
return mutantsmi, mol
return "", None
def CreateObjectiveFn(targetfp):
def objectivefn(smi):
return pybel.readstring("smi", smi).calcfp("ecfp4") | targetfp
return objectivefn
class GA:
def __init__(self, objectivefn, N):
self.objectivefn = objectivefn
self.N = N
def createInitialPop(self, db, targetlensmi):
# The population will always be in sorted order by decreasing
# objectivefn() (i.e. most similar first). This will simplify
# top-slicing and tournament selection.
pop = []
while len(pop) < self.N:
smi = random.choice(db)
mol = pybel.readstring("smi", smi)
# Select molecules with a similar SMILES length but with a low value of the objectivefn
if HasCommonValence(mol.OBMol) and abs(targetlensmi - len(smi)) < 10 and self.objectivefn(smi) < 0.2:
pop.append(mol.write("smi", opt={"i":True}).rstrip()) # random order, leave out stereo
self.pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x:self.objectivefn(x), reverse=True)
def createChildren(self):
# tournament selection of 2 smis
children = []
mrange = range(self.N)
while len(children) < self.N:
chosenA = sorted(random.sample(mrange, 3))[0]
chosenB = chosenA
while chosenB == chosenA:
chosenB = sorted(random.sample(mrange, 3))[0]
# unleash the mutants
mutantsmi, mol = get_mutant(self.pop[chosenA], self.pop[chosenB])
if not mol:
self.children = sorted(children, key=lambda x:self.objectivefn(x), reverse=True)
def createNextGen(self):
# top-slice the existing population and the children
self.pop = sorted(self.pop[:int(self.N/2)] + self.children[:int(self.N/2)],
key=lambda x:self.objectivefn(x), reverse=True)
def report(self):
for p in self.pop[:10]:
print(p, self.objectivefn(p))
if __name__ == "__main__":
targetfp = abilify.calcfp("ecfp4")
objfn = CreateObjectiveFn(targetfp)
with open(r"D:\LargeData\ChEMBL\chembl_23.smi") as inp:
allchembl = inp.readlines()
N = 100 # no. of chromosomes
ga = GA(objfn, N)
ga.createInitialPop(allchembl, len(abilifysmi))
iter = 0
while True:
iter += 1
print("Iter =", iter)
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