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Created August 29, 2017 02:53
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default CRUD vuex store array with samples for creating the modules and how to map module on view
// components/ClipList.vue
<h1>{{ clientid }}</h1>
Add: <input v-model="newClip.title" placeholder="Enter a title, then hit [enter]" @keyup.enter="tryCreateClip">
<br />Search: <input v-model="q" placeholder="Enter a title for search, and hit [enter]" @keyup.enter="trySearchClip">
<br />Result: {{searchResult}}
<div class="client">
<li v-for="clip in clips">
<label>{{ clip.som }}:</label> {{clip.title}} <button @click="tryRemoveClip(clip._id)">X</button><button @click="tryPatchClip({_id: clip._id, title: 'patched'})">P</button>
<button @click="tryUpdateClip({_id: clip._id, title: 'updated', som: 0})">U</button>
<button @click="tryGetClip(clip._id)">G</button>
import { mapState, mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
newClip: {title: ''},
q: '',
searchResult: []
props: ['clientid'],
computed: {
...mapState('clips', {
clips: state => state.list
...mapGetters('clips', {
getClip: 'byId',
searchClip: 'find'
methods: {
tryCreateClip () {
title: this.newClip.title,
som: new Date().getTime()
tryRemoveClip (id) {
tryPatchClip (clip) {
tryUpdateClip (clip) {
tryGetClip (id) {
trySearchClip () {
this.searchResult.splice(0, this.searchResult.length, this.searchClip({title: this.q}))
resetNewClip () {
this.newClip.title = ''
...mapActions('clips', {createClip: 'create', removeClip: 'remove', patchClip: 'patch', updateClip: 'update'})
// store/module/clips.js
import Crud from './crud'
export default Crud()
// store/module/.crud.js
export default function () {
return {
namespaced: true,
state: {
list: []
getters: {
byId: (state, getters) => (id) => {
return state.list.find(o => o._id === id)
find: (state, getters) => (params) => {
return state.list.filter(function (o) {
var result = true
for (var key in params) {
if (o[key] !== params[key]) {
result = false
return result
actions: {
create ({commit}, newObject) {
commit('CREATE', newObject)
patch ({commit}, patch) {
commit('PATCH', patch)
update ({commit}, newObject) {
commit('UPDATE', newObject)
remove ({commit}, id) {
commit('REMOVE', id)
mutations: {
'CREATE' (state, newObject) {
// generate id if does not exist
var idx = -1
if (!newObject._id) {
newObject._id = '' + new Date().getTime()
} else {
idx = state.list.findIndex(o => o._id === newObject._id)
if (idx === -1) {
} else {
Object.assign(state.list[idx], newObject, {})
'PATCH' (state, object) {
var o = state.list.find(o => o._id === object._id)
if (o) {
Object.assign(o, object, {})
'UPDATE' (state, object) {
var idx = -1
if (object._id) {
idx = state.list.findIndex(o => o._id === object._id)
if (idx > -1) {
state.list.splice(idx, 1, object)
'REMOVE' (state, id) {
var idx = state.list.findIndex(o => o._id === id)
if (idx > -1) {
state.list.splice(idx, 1)
// store/index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import clipStore from './modules/clips'
import projectsStore from './modules/projects'
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
clips: clipStore,
projects: projectsStore
// store/modules/projects.js
import Crud from './crud'
export default Crud()
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