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Last active December 4, 2015 15:14
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Color Image Quality Assessment Based on CIEDE2000, Yang Yang, Jun Ming and Nenghai Yu, 2012
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
from collections import deque
import sys
import numpy as np
from skimage import color
import random
from scipy import ndimage
# Assuming BT.709
yuv2rgb = np.array([
[1., 0., 1.28033], [1., -0.21482, -0.38059], [1., 2.12798, 0.]
def generate_lab_from_ycbcr():
Y_i = range(0, 257, 4)
C_i = range(0, 257, 4)
Y_buf = [x for x in Y_i for y in C_i for z in C_i]
Cb_buf = [y for x in Y_i for y in C_i for z in C_i]
Cr_buf = [z for x in Y_i for y in C_i for z in C_i]
W, H = len(Y_buf), 1
Y = (np.array(Y_buf).reshape((H, W)) - 16.) / 219.
Cb = (np.array(Cb_buf).reshape((H, W)) - 128.) / 224.
Cr = (np.array(Cr_buf).reshape((H, W)) - 128.) / 224.
YCbCr = np.dstack((Y, Cb, Cr))
rgb =, yuv2rgb.T)
lab = color.rgb2lab(rgb) * 128
L = lab[:, :, 0].reshape((65, 65, 65))
a = lab[:, :, 1].reshape((65, 65, 65))
b = lab[:, :, 2].reshape((65, 65, 65))
return np.array((L, a, b), dtype=np.int16)
lab_from_ycbcr = generate_lab_from_ycbcr()
def ycbcr2lab(img):
coords = img.reshape((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 3)).T * (1. / 4.)
L = ndimage.map_coordinates(lab_from_ycbcr[0], coords, order=1)
a = ndimage.map_coordinates(lab_from_ycbcr[1], coords, order=1)
b = ndimage.map_coordinates(lab_from_ycbcr[2], coords, order=1)
return np.dstack((L, a, b)).reshape(img.shape) * (1. / 128.)
img = np.array(
[[x, y, z] for x in range(256) for y in range(256) for z in range(256)],
dtype=np.uint8).reshape((4096, 4096, 3))
inter = ycbcr2lab(img).flatten()
ref = (color.rgb2lab(
[[((x - 16) / 219., (y - 128) / 224., (z - 128) / 224.)
for x in range(256) for y in range(256) for z in range(256)]
], yuv2rgb.T))).flatten()
print(np.square((inter - ref)).mean())
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
import math
import sys
import y4m
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
from skimage import color
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import mlab, cm
from scipy import ndimage
# Assuming BT.709
yuv2rgb = np.array([
[1., 0., 1.28033],
[1., -0.21482, -0.38059],
[1., 2.12798, 0.]])
box2 = np.ones((2,2))
def decode_y4m_buffer(frame):
width = frame.headers['W']
height = frame.headers['H']
Y = np.ndarray(shape=(height,width), buffer=frame.buffer, dtype='uint8')
Cb = np.ndarray(shape=(height//2,width//2), buffer=frame.buffer, offset=width*height, dtype='uint8')
Cr = np.ndarray(shape=(height//2,width//2), buffer=frame.buffer, offset=int(width*height*1.25), dtype='uint8')
return - 16.) / 219., np.kron((Cb - 128.) / 224., box2), np.kron((Cr - 128.) / 224., box2))), yuv2rgb.T)
# See "Color Image Quality Assessment Based on CIEDE2000" Yang Yang, Jun Ming and Nenghai Yu, 2012
def process_pair(ref, recons, recons2):
ref_img = decode_y4m_buffer(ref)
recons_img = decode_y4m_buffer(recons)
recons2_img = decode_y4m_buffer(recons2)
ref_lab = color.rgb2lab(ref_img)
recons_lab = color.rgb2lab(recons_img)
recons2_lab = color.rgb2lab(recons2_img)
dE = color.deltaE_ciede2000(ref_lab, recons_lab, kL=0.65, kC=1.0, kH=4.0)
dE2 = color.deltaE_ciede2000(ref_lab, recons2_lab, kL=0.65, kC=1.0, kH=4.0)
peak = 48.
enhanced = ndimage.gaussian_filter(np.maximum(dE, dE2) - dE2, sigma=5)
dE = np.clip(dE, 0., peak)/peak
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ref.headers['W']/96., ref.headers['H']/96.), dpi=96, frameon=False)
plt.imshow(np.power(dE, 2./3.), cmap=cm.Greys_r)
levels = np.linspace(enhanced.mean(), enhanced.max(), 10)
plt.contourf(enhanced, levels=levels, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.)
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom = 0)
fig.subplots_adjust(top = 1)
fig.subplots_adjust(right = 1)
fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0)
extent = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
fig.savefig('%03d.png' % ref.count, bbox_inches=extent, dpi=96)
print('%03d.png' % ref.count)
ref_frames = deque()
recons_frames = deque()
recons2_frames = deque()
def process_ref(frame):
if recons_frames and recons2_frames:
process_pair(ref_frames.popleft(), recons_frames.popleft(), recons2_frames.popleft())
def process_recons(frame):
if ref_frames and recons2_frames:
process_pair(ref_frames.popleft(), recons_frames.popleft(), recons2_frames.popleft())
def process_recons2(frame):
if ref_frames and recons_frames:
process_pair(ref_frames.popleft(), recons_frames.popleft(), recons2_frames.popleft())
def main(args):
ref_parser = y4m.Reader(process_ref)
recons_parser = y4m.Reader(process_recons)
recons_parser2 = y4m.Reader(process_recons2)
with open(args[1], 'r') as ref:
with open(args[2], 'r') as recons:
with open(args[3], 'r') as recons2:
while True:
data =*1024*1024)
if not data: break
data =*1024*1024)
if not data: break
data =*1024*1024)
if not data: break
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import sys
import y4m
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
from skimage import color
# Assuming BT.709
yuv2rgb = np.array([
[1., 0., 1.28033],
[1., -0.21482, -0.38059],
[1., 2.12798, 0.]])
box2 = np.ones((2,2))
def decode_y4m_buffer(frame):
width = frame.headers['W']
height = frame.headers['H']
Y = np.ndarray(shape=(height,width), buffer=frame.buffer, dtype='uint8')
Cb = np.ndarray(shape=(height//2,width//2), buffer=frame.buffer, offset=width*height, dtype='uint8')
Cr = np.ndarray(shape=(height//2,width//2), buffer=frame.buffer, offset=int(width*height*1.25), dtype='uint8')
return - 16.) / 219., np.kron((Cb - 128.) / 224., box2), np.kron((Cr - 128.) / 224., box2))), yuv2rgb.T)
# See "Color Image Quality Assessment Based on CIEDE2000" Yang Yang, Jun Ming and Nenghai Yu, 2012
scores = []
def process_pair(ref, recons):
ref_img = decode_y4m_buffer(ref)
recons_img = decode_y4m_buffer(recons)
ref_lab = color.rgb2lab(ref_img)
recons_lab = color.rgb2lab(recons_img)
dE = color.deltaE_ciede2000(ref_lab, recons_lab, kL=0.65, kC=1.0, kH=4.0).mean()
scores.append(math.log(24./dE, 2.))
print('%03d: %f' % ( ref.count, scores[-1] ))
ref_frames = deque()
recons_frames = deque()
def process_ref(frame):
if recons_frames:
process_pair(ref_frames.popleft(), recons_frames.popleft())
def process_recons(frame):
if ref_frames:
process_pair(ref_frames.popleft(), recons_frames.popleft())
def main(args):
ref_parser = y4m.Reader(process_ref)
recons_parser = y4m.Reader(process_recons)
with open(args[1], 'r') as ref:
with open(args[2], 'r') as recons:
while True:
data =*1024*1024)
if not data: break
data =*1024*1024)
if not data: break
print('AVG: %f' % np.array(scores).mean())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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