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Last active March 11, 2016 21:17
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update-in, get-in, and assoc-in

update-in, assoc-in, get-in: Not using these functions is doing it wrong

I recently went back and looked at some clojure I wrote when I was learning.


(def x {:a 1 
        :b {:c 3}})

So for a case like this, where I wanted to increment {:c 3} and have the change persist in x I was doing code like this:

(let [val (:c (x :b))
      updated (inc val)]
      (set! x (assoc x :b (assoc (:b x) :c updated))))

The correct way would be this:

(def x (atom {:a 1 :b {:c 3}}))

; To run the update function:
(swap! x update-in [:b :c] inc)

; To just swap the value with seven:
(swap! x assoc-in [:b :c] 7)

Atom is hard to follow and realize why you need it in the docs, but it has to do with "software transactional memory". It's basically a way to get transactions of the database variety with setting variables. Useful for when you have state to update, like in a game world without being a pure function Nazi about state like Haskell. Atoms are related to refs, so you may see them mentioned together.

Happy clojuring....

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