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Last active December 6, 2021 03:25
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Simple Bundles: Indented bundles items in Order printer pro packing slip template
<!-- Document Settings -->
{% assign SETTING_shop_logo = "" %} <!-- Add URL to uploaded logo image. See: -->
{% assign SETTING_shop_logo_width = 240 %} <!-- Adjusts size of logo -->
{% assign SETTING_date_format = "%b %e, %Y" %} <!-- Adjusts date format used, see: -->
{% assign SETTING_show_product_images = true %} <!-- Display product images? (true/false) -->
{% assign SETTING_product_image_size = 58 %} <!-- Adjusts size of product images -->
{% assign SETTING_show_cart_attributes = false %} <!-- Display custom information collected during checkout? (true/false) - Example: Pickup/Delivery date & time. See: -->
{% assign SETTING_show_order_number_barcode = true %} <!-- Display a barcode of the order number? (true/false) -->
{% assign SETTING_show_product_barcodes = false %} <!-- Display a barcode of the product variant? (true/false) -->
{% assign SETTING_use_latest_fulfillment = false %} <!-- Display only items from the latest fulfillment? (true/false) - Useful for partial fulfillments where you fulfill first, then print documents -->
<!-- Shop info -->
{% assign shop_name_text = "" %} <!-- Overwrite the default shop name shown. Leave blank to use default from Shopify -->
{% assign shop_address_text = "" %} <!-- Overwrite the default shop address shown. Leave blank to use default from Shopify -->
{% assign shop_tax_number_text = "" %} <!-- Display your shop tax or VAT number. Example "VAT No. DK12345" -->
You can translate or change wording in the document by updating
the words below. Only change the words between the quotes "".
{% assign TEXT_order = "Order" %}
{% assign TEXT_shipping_address = "Shipping address" %}
{% assign TEXT_customer = "Customer" %}
{% assign TEXT_tel = "Tel." %}
{% assign TEXT_no_customer_information = "No customer information" %}
{% assign TEXT_payment_method = "Payment method" %}
{% assign TEXT_shipping_method = "Shipping method" %}
{% assign TEXT_pickup_date_and_time = "Pickup on" %}
{% assign TEXT_pickup_location = "Pickup location" %}
{% assign TEXT_delivery_date_and_time = "Delivery on" %}
{% assign TEXT_items = "Items" %}
{% assign TEXT_qty = "Qty" %}
{% assign TEXT_sku = "SKU: " %}
{% assign TEXT_qty_of = "of" %}
{% assign TEXT_no_items_fulfilled = "No items have been fulfilled for this order" %}
{% assign TEXT_notes = "Notes" %}
{% assign TEXT_thanks = "Thank you for shopping with us!" %}
<!-- BEGIN: Latest fulfilled items snippet -->
{% if SETTING_use_latest_fulfillment == true %}
{% assign name = %}
{% assign created_at = latest_fulfillment.created_at %}
{% assign line_items = latest_fulfillment.line_items %}
{% endif %}
<!-- END: Latest fulfilled items snippet -->
<!-- BEGIN: Barcode snippet -->
{% if SETTING_show_product_barcodes == true or SETTING_show_order_number_barcode == true %}
{% include "barcodes" %}
{% endif %}
<!-- END: Barcode snippet -->
<div class="template-311966">
<div class="header">
<div class="shop-title to-uppercase">
{% if SETTING_shop_logo != blank %}
{{ SETTING_shop_logo | img_tag: '', 'shop-logo'}}
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
<div class="order-title text-align-right">
{% if SETTING_show_order_number_barcode == true %}
<img class="barcode" data-barcode="{{ name }}"/><br>
{% endif %}
{{ TEXT_order }} {{ name }}
{{ created_at | date: SETTING_date_format }}
<div class="customer-addresses">
<div class="shipping-address">
<p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_shipping_address }}
<p class="address-detail">
{% if shipping_address != blank %}
{{ }}
{% if != blank %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{{ shipping_address.address1 }}
{% if shipping_address.address2 != blank %}
{{ shipping_address.address2 }}
{% endif %}
{% if shipping_address.city_province_zip != blank %}
{{ shipping_address.city_province_zip }}
{% endif %}
{{ }}
{% if != blank %}
{{ TEXT_tel }} {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="billing-address">
<p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_customer }}
<p class="address-detail">
{% assign billing_address = billing_address | default: customer.default_address %}
{% if billing_address != blank %}
{{ }}
{% if != blank %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{{ billing_address.address1 }}
{% if billing_address.address2 != blank %}
{{ billing_address.address2 }}
{% endif %}
{% if billing_address.city_province_zip != blank %}
{{ billing_address.city_province_zip }}
{% endif %}
{{ }}
{% if != blank %}
{{ TEXT_tel }} {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% elsif customer != blank %}
{{ }}
{% if != blank %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if != blank %}
{{ TEXT_tel }} {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ TEXT_no_customer_information }}
{% endif %}
<div class="order-details">
{% if shipping_method != blank or fulfillment.tracking_company != blank %}
<p class="subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_shipping_method }}
<p class="order-detail">
{% if fulfillment.tracking_company == blank or fulfillment.tracking_company == "Other" %}
{{ shipping_method.title }}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_number }}
{% else %}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} {{ shipping_method.title }}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_number }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if attributes.Pickup-Date != blank or attributes.Delivery-Date != blank %}
{% include "pickup_and_delivery" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="order-table">
<div class="order-table-row order-table-header">
<div class="order-table-cell item-image-and-description subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_items }}
<div class="order-table-cell item-quantity text-align-right subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_qty }}
{% comment %}
These variables make sure your images print at high quality.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign resolution_adjusted_size = SETTING_product_image_size | times: 200 | divided_by: 72 | ceil %}
{% capture effective_image_dimensions %}{{ resolution_adjusted_size }}x{{ resolution_adjusted_size }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign discount_application_titles = discount_applications | map: 'title' %}
{% for line_item in line_items %}
{% assign line_item_is_bundle_item = false %}
{% for discount_allocation in line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% if discount_application_titles[discount_allocation.discount_application_index] contains "Simple Bundles: " %}
{% assign line_item_is_bundle_item = true %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if line_item_is_bundle_item %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% if line_item.fulfillment_quantity < 1 %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-row order-table-body">
{% if SETTING_show_product_images == true %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-image">
<div class="aspect-ratio aspect-ratio-square" style="width: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px; height: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px;">
{% if line_item.image != blank %}
{{ line_item.image | img_url: effective_image_dimensions | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content' }}
{% else %}
{{ '/product_image_placeholder.svg' | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content placeholder' }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-description">
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ line_item.product_title }}
{% if line_item.variant_title != blank %}
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ line_item.variant_title }}
{% endif %}
{% if line_item.sku != blank %}
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ TEXT_sku }}{{ line_item.sku }}
{% endif %}
{% for p in %}
{% assign p_internal = p.first | slice: 0 %}
{% unless p.first contains "builder_id" or p.first contains "builder_info" or p.first contains "master_builder" or p_internal == "_" or p.last == "" or p.last == blank %}
{% if p.last contains "/uploads/" or p.last contains "" %}
<span class="item-description-line"><a href="{{ p.last }}" target="_blank">{{ p.first }}</a></span>
{% else %}
<span class="item-description-line">{{ p.first }}: {{ p.last }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% if SETTING_show_product_barcodes == true and line_item.variant.barcode != blank %}
<img class="barcode" data-barcode="{{ line_item.variant.barcode }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-quantity text-align-right">
{{ line_item.fulfillment_quantity }} {{ TEXT_qty_of }} {{ line_item.quantity | minus: line_item.refunded_quantity }}
<!-- BUNDLE items for each line item -->
{% if line_item.variant_title == blank %}
{% assign line_item_title = line_item.product_title %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_item_title = line_item.product_title | append: " - " | append: line_item.variant_title %}
{% endif %}
{% for bundle_item_line_item in line_items %}
{% assign bundle_item = false %}
{% for discount_allocation in bundle_item_line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% assign bundle_title = discount_application_titles[discount_allocation.discount_application_index] | remove: "Simple Bundles: " | remove: "<br>" %}
{% if bundle_title == line_item_title %}
{% assign bundle_item = true %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% unless bundle_item %}
{% continue %}
{% endunless %}
{% if bundle_item_line_item.fulfillment_quantity < 1 %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-row order-table-body" style="padding-left: 58px">
{% if SETTING_show_product_images == true %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-image">
<div class="aspect-ratio aspect-ratio-square" style="width: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px; height: {{ SETTING_product_image_size }}px;">
{% if bundle_item_line_item.image != blank %}
{{ bundle_item_line_item.image | img_url: effective_image_dimensions | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content' }}
{% else %}
{{ '/product_image_placeholder.svg' | img_tag: '', 'aspect-ratio__content placeholder' }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-description">
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ bundle_item_line_item.product_title }}
{% if bundle_item_line_item.variant_title != blank %}
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ bundle_item_line_item.variant_title }}
{% endif %}
{% if bundle_item_line_item.sku != blank %}
<span class="item-description-line">
{{ TEXT_sku }}{{ bundle_item_line_item.sku }}
{% endif %}
{% for p in %}
{% assign p_internal = p.first | slice: 0 %}
{% unless p.first contains "builder_id" or p.first contains "builder_info" or p.first contains "master_builder" or p_internal == "_" or p.last == "" or p.last == blank %}
{% if p.last contains "/uploads/" or p.last contains "" %}
<span class="item-description-line"><a href="{{ p.last }}" target="_blank">{{ p.first }}</a></span>
{% else %}
<span class="item-description-line">{{ p.first }}: {{ p.last }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% if SETTING_show_product_barcodes == true and bundle_item_line_item.variant.barcode != blank %}
<img class="barcode" data-barcode="{{ bundle_item_line_item.variant.barcode }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="order-table-cell item-quantity text-align-right">
{{ bundle_item_line_item.fulfillment_quantity }} {{ TEXT_qty_of }} {{ bundle_item_line_item.quantity | minus: bundle_item_line_item.refunded_quantity }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="order-table-row order-table-body">
<p>{{ TEXT_no_items_fulfilled }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<div class="notes-and-pricing">
<div class="notes">
{% if note != blank %}
<div class="notes-row">
<div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ TEXT_notes }}
<div class="notes-details">
{{ note }}
{% endif %}
{% if SETTING_show_cart_attributes == true %}
{% for attribute in attributes %}
<div class="notes-row">
<div class="notes-title subtitle-bold to-uppercase">
{{ attribute.first }}:
<div class="notes-details">
{{ attribute.last }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="footer">
{{ TEXT_thanks }}
{% if shop_name_text != blank %}
{{ shop_name_text }}
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if shop_address_text != blank %}
{{ shop_address_text }}
{% else %}
{% if shop.address1 != blank %}{{ shop.address1 }},{% endif %}{% if shop.address2 != blank %} {{ shop.address2 }},{% endif %}{% if != blank %} {{ }},{% endif %}{% if shop.province_code != blank %} {{ shop.province_code }},{% endif %}{% if != blank %} {{ }},{% endif %} {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if shop_tax_number_text != blank %}
<br>{{ shop_tax_number_text }}
{% endif %}
<a href="mailto:{{ shop.customer_email }}" target="_blank">{{ shop.customer_email }}</a>
<a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}" target="_blank">{{ shop.domain }}</a>
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display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
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margin-bottom: 15px;
.template-311966 .shipping-address {
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.template-311966 .order-details {
text-align: right;
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flex-basis: 0;
margin-bottom: 15px;
.template-311966 .address-detail,
.template-311966 .order-detail {
margin: 5px 0 0;
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.template-311966 .subtitle-bold {
font-weight: bold;
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font-size: 13px;
.template-311966 .order-detail + .subtitle-bold {
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.template-311966 .to-uppercase {
text-transform: uppercase;
.template-311966 .text-align-right {
text-align: right;
.template-311966 .order-table {
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display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
margin: 15px 0;
page-break-inside: avoid;
.template-311966 .order-table-header {
margin-bottom: 0;
{% if SETTING_show_product_images == true %}
.template-311966 .order-table-header .item-image-and-description {
-webkit-box-flex: 8;
-webkit-flex: 8;
flex: 8;
margin-right: 30px;
{% else %}
.template-311966 .order-table-header .item-image-and-description {
-webkit-box-flex: 7;
-webkit-flex: 7;
flex: 7;
{% endif %}
.template-311966 .order-table-header .order-table-cell {
white-space: nowrap;
.template-311966 .order-table-cell {
-webkit-box-flex: 2;
-webkit-flex: 2;
flex: 2;
margin: 0;
.template-311966 .item-image {
-webkit-box-flex: 1;
-webkit-flex: 1;
flex: 1;
margin-right: 15px;
min-width: {{ SETTING_product_image_size | default: 0 }}px;
.template-311966 .item-description {
-webkit-box-flex: 7;
-webkit-flex: 7;
flex: 7;
.template-311966 .item-description-line {
display: block;
margin: 0;
.template-311966 .item-description p {
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-webkit-flex: 3;
flex: 3;
.template-311966 .missing-line-items-text {
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.template-311966 .notes-and-pricing {
width: 100%;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
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