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haproxy in front of CERN's puppetserves uses [puppetlabs-haproxy](
## HaProxy Service
We use `rh-haproxy18-haproxy`
exec{'/usr/bin/yum -y erase haproxy':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/rpm -q haproxy',
-> file{'/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/lib/systemd/system/rh-haproxy18-haproxy.service',
notify => Class['systemd::systemctl::daemon_reload'],
-> class{'::haproxy':
package_name => 'rh-haproxy18',
config_dir => $haproxy_config_dir,
config_file => "${haproxy_config_dir}/haproxy.cfg.withoutteigi",
config_validate_cmd => '/opt/rh/rh-haproxy18/root/usr/sbin/haproxy -f % -c',
global_options => {
'user' => 'haproxy',
'group' => 'haproxy',
'log' => ' local2',
'tune.ssl.default-dh-param' => '2048',
'stats' => ['socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats level admin','timeout 2m'],
defaults_options => {
'mode' => 'http',
'log' => 'global',
'log-format' => '%f\ %ci\ %b\ %s\ [%t]\ %ST\ %B\ %U\ %Tr\ %Tt\ %r',
'timeout' => ['client 1m', 'server 4m', 'connect 10s'],
restart_command => '/usr/bin/systemctl reload haproxy',
# HAProxy Peer Nodes
Multiple HAProxy nodes are loaded from the PuppetDB query of nodes
$_pool_members = query_facts("hostgroup=\"punch/puppet/hap/${pool_name}\"",['ipaddress','fqdn'])
$_pool_members_ip = split(inline_template('<%= arr = [] ;
@_pool_members.keys.sort.each{|k| arr.push(@_pool_members[k]["ipaddress"])} ;
arr.join(",") %>'),',')
$_pool_members_name = split(inline_template('<%= arr = [] ;
@_pool_members.keys.sort.each{|k| arr.push(@_pool_members[k]["fqdn"])} ;
arr.join(",") %>'),',')
peers_name => 'mypeers',
port => 5000,
ipaddresses => $_pool_members_ip,
server_names => $_pool_members_name,
# Frontends and Backends
Because we have serveral frontends (qa, production, devel) we use a defined type for this.
So the basic one:
port => '8140',
query => "hostgroup~\"punch/puppet/ps/inter/${be_pool_name}\"",
exclusive_envs => undef,
with a type `hg_punch::private:::hap_puppet_frontend_backend` as below. A lot of crazy
stuff in their to send nodes in the QA puppet environment to advance puppet servers
for instance.
# === punch::private::hap_puppet_frontend_backend
# Allows configuring frontend and backend options for HA Proxy within Punch
# === Parameters
# [*port*]
# The port to which the HA Proxy frontend should bind. Required.
# [*bk_port*]
# The port on which the balanced backend memeber listen. Default to *port*
# [*query*]
# Arbitrary PuppetDB query to select the balanced backend members for HA Proxy.
# Required.
# [*frontend_bind_options*]
# An array containing bind options for the HA Proxy frontend. By default it
# configures an SSL connection.
# [*frontend_options*]
# An array containing options for the HA Proxy frontend.
# [*backend_options*]
# An array containing options for the HA Proxy backend.
# [*manage_frontend_firewall*]
# A boolean to set whether you want this resource to open the ports on the
# firewall for the HAProxy frontend ports. If you set it to false, you have to
# manage the firewall yourself. Defaults to true.
# [*exclusive_envs*]
# An array of environments. If specified then all queries will be blocked
# unless one of these environments is being used as a parameter in the URL.
# [*qasplit*]
# A Boolean defaulting to false. If true then two backends will be created,
# production servers in one backend and non-production backends on the other.
# Puppet traffic from from qa agents will be directed to the non-production
# backend.
# [*qaenvs*]
# An array of environments that will be considered to be `qa` environments
# with respect to `qasplit` being enabled. Defaults to just `['qa']`.
define hg_punch::private::hap_puppet_frontend_backend (
$bk_port = $port,
$frontend_bind_options = [
'crt', "/etc/opt/rh/rh-haproxy18/haproxy/${::fqdn}.pem",
'ca-file', '/etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem',
'verify', 'required', 'no-sslv3',
$frontend_options = {
'http-request' => [
'set-header X-Client-Verify-Real %[ssl_c_verify]',
'set-header X-Client-Verify NONE if !{ hdr_val(X-Client-Verify-Real) eq 0 }',
'set-header X-Client-Verify SUCCESS if { hdr_val(X-Client-Verify-Real) eq 0 }',
'set-header X-Client-DN CN=%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn(cn)]',
'deny if { method PUT POST } { hdr_val(Content-length) ge 62914560 }',
$backend_options = {
'balance' => 'leastconn',
'stick-table' => 'type ip size 20k peers mypeers',
$manage_frontend_firewall = true,
$frontend_name = "frontend-${title}",
$default_backend = "backend-${title}",
Optional[Array] $exclusive_envs = undef,
Boolean $qasplit = false,
Array[String[1],1] $qaenvs = ['qa'],
) {
if $manage_frontend_firewall {
ensure_resource('firewall', "100 allow haproxy to handle IPv4 Puppet requests (${frontend_name})", {
proto => 'tcp',
dport => $port,
action => 'accept',
ensure_resource('firewall', "100 allow haproxy to handle IPv6 Puppet requests (${frontend_name})", {
provider => 'ip6tables',
proto => 'tcp',
dport => $port,
action => 'accept',
if $exclusive_envs {
$_acl = join($ |$_env| { "{ urlp(environment) ${_env} }" },' or ')
if has_key($frontend_options, 'http-request') {
$_extra_http_request_options = {
'http-request' => concat($frontend_options['http-request'],["deny unless ${_acl}"]),
} else {
$_extra_http_request_options = {
'http-request' => ["deny unless ${_acl}"],
$_frontend_options = merge($frontend_options, $_extra_http_request_options)
} else {
$_frontend_options = $frontend_options
if $qasplit {
$_acl = join($ |$_env| { "urlp(environment) ${_env}" },' or ')
$_qamatch = { 'acl' => ["qaacl ${_acl}"],
'use_backend' => ["backend-${title}-qa if qaacl"],
} else {
$_qamatch = {}
ensure_resource('haproxy::frontend', $frontend_name, {
collect_exported => false,
bind => { ":::${port}" => $frontend_bind_options },
options => merge($_frontend_options, $_qamatch,
'default_backend' => $default_backend,
require => Package['CERN-CA-certs'],
haproxy::backend {"backend-${title}":
collect_exported => false,
options => $backend_options,
if $qasplit {
haproxy::backend {"backend-${title}-qa":
collect_exported => false,
options => $backend_options,
$_node_facts = ['ipaddress','agent_specified_environment']
} else {
$_node_facts = ['ipaddress']
$_all_members = query_facts($query,$_node_facts)
$_all_members_name = sort(keys($_all_members))
$_all_members_ip = $ | $_m | { $_all_members[$_m]['ipaddress'] }
# When filtering a hash the lambda function recieves each key, value pair in the form
# of an array [key, value]
if $qasplit {
$_main_members_name = sort(keys($_all_members.filter | $_m | { $_m[1]['agent_specified_environment'] == 'production' }))
} else {
$_main_members_name = $_all_members_name
$_main_members_ip = $ | $_m | { $_all_members[$_m]['ipaddress'] }
# The main set of balancer members is all hosts normally or non-qa hosts
# if qasplit is enabled.
listening_service => "backend-${title}",
ports => [$bk_port],
ipaddresses => $_main_members_ip,
server_names => $_main_members_name,
options => ['check'],
if $qasplit {
$_qa_members_name = sort(difference($_all_members_name, $_main_members_name))
$_qa_members_ip = $ | $_m | { $_all_members[$_m]['ipaddress'] }
listening_service => "backend-${title}-qa",
ports => [$bk_port],
ipaddresses => $_qa_members_ip,
server_names => $_qa_members_name,
options => ['check'],
$_all_members_ip_port = suffix($_all_members_ip,":${port}-${bk_port}")
proto => 'tcp',
dport => '1-65535',
sport => $bk_port,
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