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Created October 23, 2017 23:18
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication6 {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
// cold start for JIT
Time(2, 3);
// hot times
Time(2, 3); // 9
Time(2, 4); // 35
Time(2, 5); // 178
//Time(2, 6); // 1132
Time(3, 3); // 27
//Time(3, 4); // 293
Time(4, 3); // 76
static void Time(byte r, int k) {
GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Forced);
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var result = new Van_der_WaerdenFinder(r, k).Invoke();
Console.WriteLine("W({0}, {1}) = {2} (elapsed: {3})", r, k, result, sw.Elapsed);
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
public sealed class Van_der_WaerdenFinder {
private readonly byte _maxcolor;
private readonly int _progressionLength;
// a depth first search avoids holding too many sequences in memory at the same time
// because the odds that a particular color choice is one we want to keep looking for is
// roughly 1/x where x is the number of colors in sequence after the one we are currently selecting
private readonly ConcurrentStack<Frame> _collection;
private readonly Action _worker;
private int _lowerBound;
private readonly byte _r;
struct Frame {
public readonly ImmutableStack<byte> Stack;
public readonly int Count;
public Frame(ImmutableStack<byte> stack, int count) {
Stack = stack;
Count = count;
public Van_der_WaerdenFinder(byte r, int k) {
_r = r;
_maxcolor = (byte) ((1 << r) - 1);
_progressionLength = k;
_collection = new ConcurrentStack<Frame>();
_lowerBound = 0;
_worker = Worker;
public int Invoke() {
// basic idea: spawn sufficient worker threads to consume available CPU resources
// on main thread produce a few trivial sequences (for r=2,k=3: [1,2,1], [1,2,2], [1,1,2,1], [1,1,2,2]; add for k=4: [1,1,1,2,1], [1,1,1,2,2] and so on)
// to increase probability that no workers immediatly quit
// then create worker threads and wait for them to finish
// todo: improve this to ensure workers don't immediately quit
var workers = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount * 2; i++) {
// at this point an exhaustive search has been completed for all sequence lengths `_lowerBound + 1` and no such length sequences have been produced
// therefore this is the number we are looking for
return _lowerBound + 1;
void Worker() {
Frame item;
// there is a slight amount of thread synchronization in producing/consuming the top item from the shared stack of sequences
// to avoid that, this double loop runs depth first along the first item in the production (generally following along the color "1")
// and doesn't pop off the shared pool until it has followed this depth first traversal as far as it can
while (_collection.TryPop(out item)) {
while (true) {
var list = Next(item);
if (list.IsEmpty) {
while (Math.Max(_lowerBound, item.Count) > Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lowerBound, Math.Max(_lowerBound, item.Count), _lowerBound)) {
// spin ... (item.Count is a better lower bound than the existing value, and it couldn't set due to contention)
// This actually sets the value twice when it works correctly, but it happens rarely enough that it doesn't matter for perf
// for a quick progress indicator uncomment:
//Console.WriteLine("W({0}, {1}) > {2}", _r, _progressionLength, Math.Max(_lowerBound, item.Count));
// (for everything uncommented in Main except for 4,3 this gives the correct lb instantly so it is kinda pointless)
list = list.Pop(out item);
while (!list.IsEmpty) {
Frame value;
list = list.Pop(out value);
ImmutableStack<Frame> Start() {
var result = ImmutableStack<Frame>.Empty;
var ones = ImmutableStack<byte>.Empty;
var length = _progressionLength - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ones = ones.Push(1);
var next = Next(new Frame(ones.Push(2), i + 2));
foreach (var item in next) {
result = result.Push(item);
return result;
ImmutableStack<Frame> Next(Frame existing) {
var result = ImmutableStack<Frame>.Empty;
var nextColors = GetNextColors(existing);
for (byte i = 1; i < _maxcolor; i *= 2) {
if ((nextColors & i) == i) result = result.Push(new Frame(existing.Stack.Push(i), existing.Count + 1));
return result;
byte GetNextColors(Frame sequence) {
// sequence has no progressions of k length where all values are the same number
// determine byte representing colors that can be added to the list without causing a progression
var colors = _maxcolor;
var count = sequence.Count;
// trivial case
if (count + 1 < _progressionLength) {
if (_r > 3) {
//optimization for 4+ colors: only unlock 1 new color at a time to avoid palette swapped trees
byte usedcolors = 0;
var s = sequence.Stack;
do {
byte color;
s = s.Pop(out color);
usedcolors |= color;
} while (!s.IsEmpty);
return (byte) ((usedcolors * 2 + 1) & colors);
return colors;
// copying sequence to array for indexing (could instead use an ImmutableList<byte> for the stack...
// but that is O(log(n)) to index in the loops below and append to in Next() and Start() which costs at least as much as this)
var array = new byte[count];
var stack = sequence.Stack;
var index = 0;
do {
byte color;
stack = stack.Pop(out color);
array[index] = color;
} while (!stack.IsEmpty);
if (_r > 3) {
//optimization for 4+ colors again
byte usedcolors = 0;
foreach (byte color in array) {
if (usedcolors == colors) break;
usedcolors |= color;
colors = (byte) ((usedcolors * 2 + 1) & colors);
for (var width = 1; width <= array.Length; width++) {
if (colors == 0) break;
index = width - 1;
var checkvalue = array[index];
if ((colors & checkvalue) == 0) continue;
for (int multiplier = _progressionLength - 1; multiplier >= 1; multiplier--) {
if (multiplier == 1) {
colors -= checkvalue;
index = width * multiplier - 1;
if (index >= array.Length) goto Complete; //common CLR optimization: don't return from inside loops
if (array[index] != checkvalue) break;
return colors;
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