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Created August 13, 2014 16:50
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This extractor works. It starts from a very simple base
package shapeless.examples
import shapeless.PolyDefns._
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.At
import scala.math.Ordering
* Created by hjs on 13/08/2014.
object extractor {
class On[R<:HList] {
type SO[A] = SelectNOrder[R, A]
object transformer extends (SO ~>> String) {
def apply[O](so: SO[O]): String =
s"so.extractor=${so.extractor} with so.ord=${so.ord}"
case class State(pointer: Int, pageSize: Int, sortedRows: Seq[R])
trait Extractor[HF<:Nat, In <: HList, Remaining<: HList] extends DepFn0 { type Out <: HList }
case class SelectNOrder[In <: HList, O](extractor: Function1[In,O], ord: Ordering[O])
final case class myHListOps[L <: HList](l: L) {
def extractors(implicit extractor : Extractor[_0, L,L]) : extractor.Out = extractor()
object Extractor {
def apply[HL <: HList]
(implicit extractor: Extractor[_0, HL,HL]):
Aux[_0, HL, HL, extractor.Out] = extractor
type Aux[HF<:Nat, In <: HList, Remaining<: HList, Out0 <: HList] = Extractor[HF, In, Remaining] { type Out = Out0 }
//To deal with case where HNil is passed. not sure if this is right.
implicit def hnilExtractor: Aux[_0, HNil, HNil, HNil] =
new Extractor[_0, HNil, HNil] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(): Out = HNil
implicit def hSingleExtractor1[N<:Nat, In<:HList, H ]
(implicit att : At.Aux[In, N,H], ordering: Ordering[H]): Aux[N, In, H::HNil, SelectNOrder[In,H]::HNil] =
new Extractor[N, In, H::HNil] {
type Out = SelectNOrder[In,H]::HNil
def apply(): Out = SelectNOrder[In,H](att.apply(_),ordering)::HNil
implicit def hlistExtractor1[N <: Nat, In<:HList, H, Tail<: HList]
(implicit mt : Extractor[Succ[N], In, Tail],
ordering: Ordering[H],
att : At.Aux[In, N,H])
:Aux[N, In, H::Tail, SelectNOrder[In,H]::mt.Out] = {
new Extractor[N, In, H::Tail] {
type Out = SelectNOrder[In,H]::mt.Out
def apply(): Out = {
SelectNOrder[In,H](att.apply(_),ordering):: mt()
* Code taken from
class Table[TH<:HList, TR<:HList](val hdrs: TH, val rows: Seq[TR])
object Table {
def apply[TH<:HList, TR<:HList](hdrs: TH, rows: Seq[TR])
(implicit ts: TableShape[TH, TR]) = new Table(hdrs, rows)
trait TableShape[TH, TR]
object TableShape {
implicit def productTableShape[TH, TR, LH, LR]
// genH: Generic.Aux[TH, LH],
// genR: Generic.Aux[TR, LR],
hlistShape: TableShape[LH, LR]): TableShape[TH, TR] = new TableShape[TH, TR] {}
implicit def hsingleTableShape[RH]: TableShape[String :: HNil, RH :: HNil] =
new TableShape[String :: HNil, RH :: HNil] {}
implicit def hlistTableShape[HT <: HList, RH, RT <: HList]
(implicit tailShape: TableShape[HT, RT]): TableShape[String :: HT, RH :: RT] =
new TableShape[String :: HT, RH :: RT] {}
type LT = Boolean::HNil
val simple = new On[LT]
val l = true::HNil
// val t = "num"::"String"::"Bool"::HNil
// val table = Table(t,Seq(l))
//val lo = myHListOps(l)
// val x = lo.extractors
val xx = Extractor.apply[Boolean::HNil]
val x = xx()
val result = x map simple.transformer
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