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Ho Yun "Bobby" bboyho

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This demo shows how to write a converted monochrome bitmap on the display.
We scaled and converted open source emoji's down to fit the size of the OLED.
The chosen bitmaps will be used with the Qwiic Soil Moisture Sensor.
Note: Make sure to be careful about adding too many bitmaps. You may run out
out of memory!
Example 4 - Combined Soil Moisture Sensor Basic Readings and Qwiic OLED (0.91", 128x32)
This example reads the "moisture" levels from the Soil Moisture Sensor. The moisture
levels are the ADC values read by the little microcontroller on the sensor and these values
are gathered from the legs. The sensor readings can be read in the Arduino Serial Monitor
(115200 baud) or the Qwiic OLED. This code was written specifically for the 0.91", 128x32 verison.
Based on code written by NOA labs
Revised By: Elias Santistevan at SparkFun Electronics, 2/2024
WRITTEN BY: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
@ SparkFun Electronics
DATE: 8/22/2023
Firmware developed using Arduino IDE v2.1.1
/* Ex2_Combined_Basic_Example_ENS160_BME280_CSV.ino
This example shows basic data retrieval from the SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout
from the Air Quality Sensor (ENS160) and Atmospheric Sensor (BME280). This example shows
how to read sensor readings from the ENS160 (air quality index tVOC, and eCO2)
and BME280 (humidity, pressure, and current temperature) over I2C. The output format is
in CSV.
Modified by:
Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan @ SparkFun Electronics August, 2023
/* Ex1_Combined_Basic_Example_ENS160_BME280.ino
This example shows basic data retrieval from the SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout
from the Air Quality Sensor (ENS160) and Atmospheric Sensor (BME280).
This example shows how to read sensor readings from the ENS160 (air quality index tVOC, and eCO2)
and BME280 (humidity, pressure, and current temperature) over I2C.
Modified by:
Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan @ SparkFun Electronics August, 2023
Using the BNO08x IMU
This example shows how to output the i/j/k/real parts of the rotation vector.
Note that this is a modified example which comments out unnecessary Serial Prints
so that we can simply output the comma separated values of the rotation vector
for the Processing demo "Serial_Cube_Rotate.pde".
/* example4_BME280_temp_rh_compensation_with_BME280.ino
This example shows how to give the ENS160 Temperature and Relative Humidity
Data for compensation with the BME280. Note that the values that are given for compensation are not
populated in their registers until the Air Quality Sensor is set to "Standard" operation
and when data is ready (i.e. the data ready bit is set). Also note that there will be some
rounding of the temperature and relative humidity values when they're given to the sensor
and again when they're read back.
Please note that for compensation values the datasheet specifies that they can be written
Combined Simple Serial and Qwiic Micro OLED Example
Modified By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: February 10, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This is a combined example of Paul Clark's MAX17043 Fuel Guage
simple serial example, Kirk Benell's Qwiic OLED Hello example,
Combined Simple Serial and Qwiic Micro OLED Example
Modified By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: February 10, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This is a combined example of Paul Clark's MAX17043 Fuel Guage
simple serial example, Jim Lindblom's Micro OLED Arduino Library,
Combined Simple Serial and Qwiic Micro OLED Example
Modified By: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
SparkFun Electronics
Date: February 10, 2023
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This is a combined example of Paul Clark's MAX17043 Fuel Guage
simple serial example, Kirk Benell's Qwiic OLED Hello example,