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Created July 25, 2018 15:35
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;; COMMAND.lisp -- where the mcro is stored
(defparameter *commands* (make-hash-table :test 'equalp))
(defclass command ()
((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
(implementation :initarg :impl :accessor impl)
(completion :initarg :compl :accessor cmpl)
(documentation :initarg :doc :accessor doc)))
(defmacro define-command (name arglist &body body)
(let ((documentation (if (stringp (first body)) (first body) nil))
(body (if (stringp (first body)) (rest body) body)))
(defun ,name ,arglist ,@body)
(make-instance 'command
:name (symbol-name ',name)
:impl #',name
:doc ,documentation))))
(defmacro define-command-completion (name arglist &body body)
(let* ((body (if (stringp (first body)) (rest body) body))
(prefix-name (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-COMPLETION"))
(symbol-name (intern prefix-name)))
(defun ,symbol-name ,arglist ,@body)
(setf (cmpl (get-named-command (symbol-name ',name))) #',symbol-name))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((command command) &key)
(setf (gethash (name command) *commands*) command))
;; DEFINE.lisp
(define-command define (interface arguments)
"Define a term, prompt for words to select."
(list "return a definition"))
(define-command-completion define (interface arguments)
"Show candidates of possible words for the user"
(list "return completions for a word"))
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