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Created February 24, 2011 14:38
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how one might model something like zotero with riak and ripple dsl
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var User = new Schema({
name : String
, username : { type: String, unique: true }
var Comment = new Schema({
author : User
, body : String
, updated : Date
var Contributor = new Schema({
name : String
var Source = new Schema({
id : { type: String, unique: true }
, type : { type: String, enum: ['article', 'book', 'chapter', 'periodical'] }
, authors : [Contributor]
, editors : [Contributor]
, title : { type: String, index: true }
, container : Source
, issued : { type: Date }
, doi : String
, uri : String
, volume : String
, issue : String
, pages : String
, tags : [String]
, comments : [Comment]
function slugGenerator (options){
options = options || {};
var key = options.key || 'title';
return function slugGenerator(schema){
this.slug = v.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '').replace(/-+/g, '');
return v;
mongoose.model('Source', Source);
# similar (though incomplete) model with redis object-mapper
require 'rubygems'
require 'ohm'
class Source < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
attribute :issued
attribute :periodical
attribute :volume
attribute :issue
attribute :uri
attribute :accessed
reference :publisher, Organization
set :authors, Contributor
set :editors, Contributor
index :title
book = Reference.create(:title => "Book Title")
book.authors << Contributor(:name => "Jane Doe")
require 'rubygems'
require 'ripple'
# Experiment in using a Ruby DSL on top of Riak.
# One thing a little dicey now is notes.
client = => "pbc")
bucket = client.bucket("references")
class Collection
include Ripple::Document
one :owner, :class_name => "User"
# we use Riak links, which are ordered, for relations
many :items
class Item
include Ripple::Document
one :collection
one :source
property :updated, Time, :default => proc { }
many :notes
# tags?
class Note
include Ripple::Document
# we attach notes to Source to more easily aggregate notes across users
one :source
property :updated, Time, :default => proc { }
property :content, String
property :private, Boolean, :default => true # by default, notes are private
# tags?
class Source
include Ripple::Document
property :title, String
property :issued, String
property :containerTitle, String
property :volume, String
property :issue, String
property :pages, String
property :doi, String
property :uri, String
property :isbn, String
many :authors, :class_name => "Contributor"
many :editors, :class_name => "Contributor"
many :translators, :class_name => "Contributor"
many :notes
class Contributor
# we need a flexible object to allow for international name forms and sorting, corporate names, etc; let's keep it simple
include Ripple::Document
property :name, String # display form of name
property :sortString, String # sort form of name, if different than the display name
property :person, Boolean, :default => true # we assume by default a person, but allow corporate authors
class User
include Ripple::Document
property :name, String
collection =
item =
source = => "The Title")
source.authors << => "John Doe", :sortString => "Doe, John")
source.authors << => "Jane Smith", :sortString => "Smith, Jane")
item.source = source
collection.items << item
puts item.source.title
item.source.authors.each { |author| puts }
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