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Created June 11, 2016 13:53
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Test Samhain Configuration
# Configuration file template for samhain.
# -- empty lines and lines starting with '#', ';' or '//' are ignored
# -- boolean options can be Yes/No or True/False or 1/0
# -- you can PGP clearsign this file -- samhain will check (if compiled
# with support) or otherwise ignore the signature
# -- CHECK mail address
# To each log facility, you can assign a threshold severity. Only
# reports with at least the threshold severity will be logged
# to the respective facility (even further below).
# SETUP for file system checking:
# (i) There are several policies, each has its own section. Put files
# into the section for the appropriate policy (see below).
# (ii) Section [EventSeverity]:
# To each policy, you can assign a severity (further below).
# (iii) Section [Log]:
# To each log facility, you can assign a threshold severity. Only
# reports with at least the threshold severity will be logged
# to the respective facility (even further below).
# Files are defined with: file = /absolute/path
# Directories are defined with: dir = /absolute/path
# or with an optional recursion depth (N <= 99): dir = N/absolute/path
# Directory inodes are checked. If you only want to check files
# in a directory, but not the directory inode itself, use (e.g.):
# [ReadOnly]
# dir = /some/directory
# [IgnoreAll]
# file = /some/directory
# You can use shell-style globbing patterns, like: file = /path/foo*
InotifyActive = yes
## Add or subtract tests from the policies
## - if you want to change their definitions,
## you need to do that before using the policies
# RedefReadOnly = (no default)
# RedefAttributes=(no default)
# RedefLogFiles=(no default)
# RedefGrowingLogFiles=(no default)
# RedefIgnoreAll=(no default)
# RedefIgnoreNone=(no default)
# RedefUser0=(no default)
# RedefUser1=(no default)
UseACLCheck = yes
UseSelinuxCheck = yes
# --------- / --------------
dir = 0/
file = /tmp
file = /dev
file = /media
file = /proc
file = /sys
# --------- /etc -----------
## for these files, only access time is ignored
dir = 99/etc
## check permission and ownership
file = /etc/mtab
file = /etc/adjtime
file = /etc/motd
# On Ubuntu, these are in /var/lib rather than /etc
# managed by fstab-sync on Fedora Core
file = /etc/fstab
# modified when booting
# There are files in /etc that might change, thus changing the directory
# timestamps. Put it here as 'file', and in the ReadOnly section as 'dir'.
file = /etc
# --------- /boot -----------
dir = 99/boot
# --------- /bin, /sbin -----------
dir = 99/usr/sbin
# --------- /lib -----------
dir = 99/usr/lib
# --------- /dev -----------
dir = 99/dev
## pseudo terminals are created/removed as needed
dir = -1/dev/pts
# dir = -1/dev/.udevdb
file = /dev/ppp
# --------- /usr -----------
dir = 99/usr
# --------- /var -----------
dir = 99/var
dir = -1/var/cache
dir = -1/var/games
dir = -1/var/lock
dir = -1/var/mail
dir = -1/var/run
dir = -1/var/spool
dir = -1/var/tmp
dir = /var/lib/nfs
# /var/lib/rpm changes if packets are installed;
# /var/lib/rpm/__db.00[123] even more frequently
file = /var/lib/rpm/__db.00?
## For these files, changes in signature, timestamps, and increase in size
## are ignored. Logfile rotation will cause a report because of shrinking
## size and different inode.
dir = 99/var/log
# rotated logs will change inode
#file = /var/log/*.[0-9].gz
#file = /var/log/*.[0-9].log
#file = /var/log/*.[0-9]
#file = /var/log/*.old
#file = /var/log/*/*.[0-9].gz
#file = /var/log/*/*.[0-9][0-9].gz
#file = /var/log/*/*.log.[0-9]
# Various naming schemes for rotated logs
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$
# Subdirectories
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$
IgnoreAdded = /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp
IgnoreMissing = /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp
# --------- other policies -----------
## for these files, all modifications (even access time) are reported
## - you may create some interesting-looking file (like /etc/safe_passwd),
## just to watch whether someone will access it ...
## Use for prelinked files or directories holding them
## User0 and User1 are sections for files/dirs with user-definable checking
## (see the manual)
## Here you can assign severities to policy violations.
## If this severity exceeds the treshold of a log facility (see below),
## a policy violation will be logged to that facility.
## Severity for verification failures.
# SeverityReadOnly=crit
# SeverityLogFiles=crit
# SeverityGrowingLogs=crit
# SeverityIgnoreNone=crit
# SeverityAttributes=crit
# SeverityUser0=crit
# SeverityUser1=crit
# SeverityIgnoreAll=crit
## Files : file access problems
# SeverityFiles=crit
## Dirs : directory access problems
# SeverityDirs=crit
## Names : suspect (non-printable) characters in a pathname
# SeverityNames=crit
## Switch on/OFF log facilities and set their threshold severity
## Values: debug, info, notice, warn, mark, err, crit, alert, none.
## 'mark' is used for timestamps.
## Use 'none' to SWITCH OFF a log facility
## By default, everything equal to and above the threshold is logged.
## The specifiers '*', '!', and '=' are interpreted as
## 'all', 'all but', and 'only', respectively (like syslogd(8) does,
## at least on Linux). Examples:
## MailSeverity=*
## MailSeverity=!warn
## MailSeverity==crit
## E-mail
# MailSeverity=none
## Console
## Logfile
# LogSeverity=mark
## Syslog
# SyslogSeverity=none
## Remote server (yule)
# ExportSeverity=none
## External script or program
# ExternalSeverity = none
## Logging to a database
# DatabaseSeverity = none
## Logging to a Prelude-IDS
# PreludeSeverity = crit
# Optional modules
# [SuidCheck]
## --- Check the filesystem for SUID/SGID binaries
## Switch on
# SuidCheckActive = yes
## Interval for check (seconds)
# SuidCheckInterval = 7200
## Alternative: crontab-like schedule
# SuidCheckSchedule = NULL
## Directory to exclude
# SuidCheckExclude = NULL
## Limit on files per second (0 == no limit)
# SuidCheckFps = 0
## Alternative: yield after every file
# SuidCheckYield = no
## Severity of a detection
# SeveritySuidCheck = crit
## Quarantine SUID/SGID files if found
# SuidCheckQuarantineFiles = yes
## Method for Quarantining files:
# 0 - Delete or truncate the file.
# 1 - Remove SUID/SGID permissions from file.
# 2 - Move SUID/SGID file to quarantine dir.
# SuidCheckQuarantineMethod = 0
## For method 1 and 3, really delete instead of truncating
# SuidCheckQuarantineDelete = yes
# [Utmp]
## --- Logging of login/logout events
## Switch on/off
# LoginCheckActive = True
## Severity for logins, multiple logins, logouts
# SeverityLogin=info
# SeverityLoginMulti=warn
# SeverityLogout=info
## Interval for login/logout checks
# LoginCheckInterval = 300
# [Database]
## --- Logging to a relational database
## Database name
# SetDBName = samhain
## Database table
# SetDBTable = log
## Database user
# SetDBUser = samhain
## Database password
# SetDBPassword = (default: none)
## Database host
# SetDBHost = localhost
## Log the server timestamp for received messages
# SetDBServerTstamp = True
## Use a persistent connection
# UsePersistent = True
# [External]
## Interface to call external scripts/programs for logging
## The absolute path to the command
## - Each invocation of this directive will end the definition of the
## preceding command, and start the definition of
## an additional, new command
# OpenCommand = (no default)
## Type (log or rv)
## - log for log messages, srv for messages received by the server
# SetType = log
## The command (full command line) to execute
# SetCommandLine = (no default)
## The environment (KEY=value; repeat for more)
# SetEnviron = TZ=(your timezone)
## The TIGER192 checksum (optional)
# SetChecksum = (no default)
## User who runs the command
# SetCredentials = (default: samhain process uid)
## Words not allowed in message
# SetFilterNot = (none)
## Words required (ALL of them)
# SetFilterAnd = (none)
## Words required (at least one)
# SetFilterOr = (none)
## Deadtime between consecutive calls
# SetDeadtime = 0
## Add default environment (HOME, PATH, SHELL)
# SetDefault = no
# Miscellaneous configuration options
## whether to become a daemon process
## (this is not honoured on database initialisation)
# Daemon = no
Daemon = yes
## whether to test signature of files (init/check/none)
## - if 'none', then we have to decide this on the command line -
# ChecksumTest = none
## Set nice level (-19 to 19, see 'man nice'),
## and I/O limit (kilobytes per second; 0 == off)
## to reduce load on host.
# SetNiceLevel = 0
# SetIOLimit = 0
## The version string to embed in file signature databases
# VersionString = NULL
## Interval between time stamp messages
# SetLoopTime = 60
SetLoopTime = 600
## Interval between file checks
# SetFileCheckTime = 600
SetFileCheckTime = 7200
## Alternative: crontab-like schedule
# FileCheckScheduleOne = NULL
## Alternative: crontab-like schedule(2)
# FileCheckScheduleTwo = NULL
## Report only once on modified files
## Setting this to 'FALSE' will generate a report for any policy
## violation (old and new ones) each time the daemon checks the file system.
# ReportOnlyOnce = True
## Report in full detail
# ReportFullDetail = False
## Report file timestamps in local time rather than GMT
# UseLocalTime = No
## The console device (can also be a file or named pipe)
## - There are two console devices. Accordingly, you can use
## this directive a second time to set the second console device.
## If you have not defined the second device at compile time,
## and you don't want to use it, then:
## setting it to /dev/null is less effective than just leaving
## it alone (setting to /dev/null will waste time by opening
## /dev/null and writing to it)
# SetConsole = /dev/console
## Activate the SysV IPC message queue
# MessageQueueActive = False
## If false, skip reverse lookup when connecting to a host known
## by name rather than IP address (i.e. trust the DNS)
# SetReverseLookup = True
## --- E-Mail ---
# Only highest-level (alert) reports will be mailed immediately,
# others will be queued. Here you can define, when the queue will
# be flushed (Note: the queue is automatically flushed after
# completing a file check).
# SetMailTime = 86400
## Maximum number of mails to queue
# SetMailNum = 10
## Recipient (max. 8)
# SetMailAddress=root@localhost
## Mail relay (IP address)
# SetMailRelay = NULL
## Custom subject format
# MailSubject = NULL
## --- end E-Mail ---
## Path to the prelink executable
# SetPrelinkPath = /usr/sbin/prelink
## TIGER192 checksum of the prelink executable
# SetPrelinkChecksum = (no default)
## Path to the executable. If set, will be checksummed after startup
## and before exit.
# SamhainPath = (no default)
## The IP address of the log server
# SetLogServer = (default: compiled-in)
## The IP address of the time server
# SetTimeServer = (default: compiled-in)
## Trusted Users (comma delimited list of user names)
# TrustedUser = (no default; this adds to the compiled-in list)
## Path to the file signature database
# SetDatabasePath = (default: compiled-in)
## Path to the log file
# SetLogfilePath = (default: compiled-in)
## Path to the PID file
# SetLockfilePath = (default: compiled-in)
## The digest/checksum/hash algorithm
# DigestAlgo = TIGER192
DigestAlgo = SHA1
## Custom format for message header.
## CAREFUL if you use XML logfile format.
## %S severity
## %T timestamp
## %C class
## %F source file
## %L source line
# MessageHeader="%S %T "
## Don't log path to config/database file on startup
# HideSetup = False
## The syslog facility, if you log to syslog
# SyslogFacility = LOG_AUTHPRIV
## The message authentication method
## - If you change this, you *must* change it
## on client *and* server
## The Prelude-IDS profile to use for reporting
## default value is "samhain"
# PreludeProfile = samhain
## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'info' severity
# PreludeMapToInfo =
## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'low' severity
# PreludeMapToLow = debug info
## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'medium' severity
# PreludeMapToMedium = notice warn err
## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'high' severity
# PreludeMapToHigh = crit alert
## everything below is ignored
# This would be the proper syntax for parts that should only be
# included for certain hosts.
# You may enclose anything in a @HOSTNAME/@end bracket, as long as the
# result still has the proper syntax for the config file.
# You may have any number of @HOSTNAME/@end brackets.
# HOSTNAME should be the fully qualified 'official' name
# (e.g. '', not 'nixon'), no aliases.
# No IP number - except if samhain cannot determine the
# fully qualified hostname.
# file=/foo/bar
# @end
# These are two examples for conditional inclusion/exclusion
# of a machine based on the output from 'uname -srm'
# $Linux:2.*.7:i666
# file=/foo/bar3
# $end
# !$Linux:2.*.7:i686
# file=/foo/bar2
# $end
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