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bdw/After (BB 2) Secret

Created July 21, 2014 20:54
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Is this a spesh bug?
BB 2:
[Annotation: INS Deopt One (idx 0 -> pc 90)]
sp_guardconc r10(2), sslot(0)
sp_getspeshslot r11(2), sslot(29)
sp_getspeshslot r11(2), sslot(30)
argconst_s liti16(1), lits(name)
set r27(1), r10(2)
[Annotation: INS Deopt All (idx 3 -> pc 136)]
goto BB(68)
Successors: 68
Predeccessors: 1
Dominance children: 3
BB 2:
decont r12(1), r8(1)
findmeth r11(2), r12(1), lits(new)
prepargs <nyi(lit)>
arg_o liti16(0), r8(1)
argconst_s liti16(1), lits(name)
arg_o liti16(2), r10(2)
[Annotation: INS Deopt All (idx 3 -> pc 136)]
[Annotation: INS Deopt One (idx 2 -> pc 136)]
invoke_o r10(3), r11(2)
Successors: 3
Predeccessors: 1
Dominance children: 3
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