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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform
Copyright 2012 by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp | |
Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright Since [2012] [Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions,Corp]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* A generic content service for content objects
ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform
Copyright 2012 by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp | |
Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright Since [2012] [Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions,Corp]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* A generic content service for content objects
component extends="coldbox.system.orm.hibernate.VirtualEntityService" singleton{
// DI
property name="settingService" inject="id:settingService@cb";
property name="cacheBox" inject="cachebox";
property name="log" inject="logbox:logger:{this}";
property name="customFieldService" inject="customFieldService@cb";
property name="categoryService" inject="categoryService@cb";
property name="commentService" inject="commentService@cb";
property name="contentVersionService" inject="contentVersionService@cb";
property name="authorService" inject="authorService@cb";
property name="populator" inject="wirebox:populator";
property name="systemUtil" inject="SystemUtil@cb";
* Constructor
* @entityName.hint The content entity name to bind this service to.
ContentService function init(entityName="cbContent"){
// init it
super.init(entityName=arguments.entityName, useQueryCaching=true);
return this;
* Clear all content caches
* @async.hint Run it asynchronously or not, defaults to false
function clearAllCaches(boolean async=false){
var settings = settingService.getAllSettings(asStruct=true);
// Get appropriate cache provider
var cache = cacheBox.getCache( settings.cb_content_cacheName );
return this;
* Clear all page wrapper caches
* @async.hint Run it asynchronously or not, defaults to false
function clearAllPageWrapperCaches(boolean async=false){
var settings = settingService.getAllSettings(asStruct=true);
// Get appropriate cache provider
var cache = cacheBox.getCache( settings.cb_content_cacheName );
return this;
* Clear all page wrapper caches
* @slug.hint The slug partial to clean on
* @async.hint Run it asynchronously or not, defaults to false
function clearPageWrapperCaches(required any slug, boolean async=false){
var settings = settingService.getAllSettings(asStruct=true);
// Get appropriate cache provider
var cache = cacheBox.getCache( settings.cb_content_cacheName );
return this;
* Clear a page wrapper cache
* @slug.hint The slug to clean
* @async.hint Run it asynchronously or not, defaults to false
function clearPageWrapper(required any slug, boolean async=false){
var settings = settingService.getAllSettings(asStruct=true);
// Get appropriate cache provider
var cache = cacheBox.getCache( settings.cb_content_cacheName );
return this;
* Searches published content with cool paramters, remember published content only
* @searchTerm.hint The search term to search
* @max.hint The maximum number of records to paginate
* @offset.hint The offset in the pagination
* @asQuery.hint Return as query or array of objects, defaults to array of objects
* @sortOrder.hint The sorting of the search results, defaults to publishedDate DESC
* @isPublished.hint Search for published, non-published or both content objects [true, false, 'all']
* @searchActiveContent.hint Search only content titles or both title and active content. Defaults to both.
function searchContent(
any searchTerm="",
numeric max=0,
numeric offset=0,
boolean asQuery=false,
any sortOrder="publishedDate DESC",
any isPublished=true,
boolean searchActiveContent=true){
var results = {};
var c = newCriteria();
// only published content
if( isBoolean( arguments.isPublished ) ){
// Published bit
c.isEq( "isPublished", javaCast( "Boolean", arguments.isPublished ) );
// Published eq true evaluate other params
if( arguments.isPublished ){
c.isLt("publishedDate", now() )
.$or( c.restrictions.isNull("expireDate"), c.restrictions.isGT("expireDate", now() ) )
// Search Criteria
if( len( arguments.searchTerm ) ){
// like disjunctions
// Do we search title and active content or just title?
if( arguments.searchActiveContent ){
c.$or("title","%#arguments.searchTerm#%"),"ac.content", "%#arguments.searchTerm#%") );
else{ "title", "%#arguments.searchTerm#%" );
// run criteria query and projections count
results.count = c.count( "contentID" );
results.content = c.resultTransformer( c.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY )
.list(offset=arguments.offset, max=arguments.max, sortOrder=arguments.sortOrder, asQuery=arguments.asQuery);
return results;
* Get an id from a slug of a content object
* @slug.hint The slug to search an ID for.
function getIDBySlug(required any slug){
var results = newCriteria()
.isEq("slug", arguments.slug)
// verify results
if( isNull( results ) ){ return "";}
return results;
* Find a published content object by slug and published unpublished flags, if not found it returns
* a new content object
* @slug.hint The slug to search
* @showUnpublished.hint To also show unpublished content, defaults to false.
function findBySlug(required any slug, required boolean showUnpublished=false){
var c = newCriteria();
// Override usually for admins
if( !showUnpublished ){
.isLT("publishedDate", now())
.$or( c.restrictions.isNull("expireDate"), c.restrictions.isGT("expireDate", now() ) );
// By criteria now
var content = c.isEq("slug",arguments.slug).get();
// return accordingly
return ( isNull( content ) ? new() : content );
* Verify an incoming slug is unique or not
* @slug.hint The slug to search for uniqueness
* @contentID.hint Limit the search to the passed contentID usually for updates
function isSlugUnique(required any slug, any contentID=""){
var c = newCriteria()
.isEq( "slug", arguments.slug );
if( len( arguments.contentID ) ){ "contentID", javaCast( "int", arguments.contentID ) );
return ( c.count() gt 0 ? false : true );
* Delete a content object safely via hierarchies
* @content.hint the Content object to delete
ContentService function deleteContent(required any content){
// Check for dis-associations
if( arguments.content.hasParent() ){
arguments.content.getParent().removeChild( arguments.content );
if( arguments.content.hasCategories() ){
// now delete it
delete( arguments.content );
// return service
return this;
* Find published content objects
* @max.hint The maximum number of records to paginate
* @offset.hint The offset in the pagination
* @searchTerm.hint The search term to search
* @category.hint The category to filter the content on
* @asQuery.hint Return as query or array of objects, defaults to array of objects
* @parent.hint The parent ID to filter on or not
* @showInMenu.hint Whether to filter with the show in menu bit or not
function findPublishedContent(
numeric max=0,
numeric offset=0,
any searchTerm="",
any category="",
boolean asQuery=false,
any parent,
boolean showInMenu){
var results = {};
var c = newCriteria();
// sorting
var sortOrder = "publishedDate DESC";
// only published pages
.isLT("publishedDate", Now())
.$or( c.restrictions.isNull("expireDate"), c.restrictions.isGT("expireDate", now() ) )
// only non-password pages
// Show only pages with showInMenu criteria?
if( structKeyExists(arguments,"showInMenu") ){
c.isEq( "showInMenu", javaCast( "boolean", arguments.showInMenu ) );
// Category Filter
if( len(arguments.category) ){
// create association with categories by slug.
c.createAlias("categories","cats").isIn( "cats.slug", listToArray( arguments.category ) );
// Search Criteria
if( len(arguments.searchTerm) ){
// like disjunctions
c.restrictions.isEq("ac.content", "%#arguments.searchTerm#%") );
// parent filter
if( structKeyExists(arguments,"parent") ){
if( len( trim(arguments.parent) ) ){
c.eq("parent.contentID", javaCast("int",arguments.parent) );
sortOrder = "order asc";
// run criteria query and projections count
results.count = c.count( "contentID" );
results.content = c.resultTransformer( c.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY )
return results;
* Bulk Publish Status Updates
* @contentID.hint The list or array of ID's to bulk update
* @status.hint The status either 'publish' or 'draft'
any function bulkPublishStatus(required any contentID, required any status){
var publish = false;
// publish flag
if( arguments.status eq "publish" ){
publish = true;
// Get all by id
var contentObjects = getAll(id=arguments.contentID);
for(var x=1; x lte arrayLen( contentObjects ); x++){
contentObjects[x].setpublishedDate( now() );
contentObjects[x].setisPublished( publish );
// transaction the save of all the content objects
saveAll( contentObjects );
return this;
* Get the top visited content entries
* @max.hint The maximum to retrieve, defaults to 5 entries
array function getTopVisitedContent(numeric max=5){
var c = newCriteria()
.list(max=arguments.max, sortOrder="hits desc", asQuery=false);
return c;
* Get the top commented content entries
* @max.hint The maximum to retrieve, defaults to 5 entries
array function getTopCommentedContent(numeric max=5){
var c = newCriteria()
.list(max=arguments.max, sortOrder="numberOfComments desc", asQuery=false);
return c;
* Get all content for export as flat data
* @inData.hint The data to use for exporting, usually concrete implementtions can override this.
array function getAllForExport(any inData){
var result = [];
if( !structKeyExists( arguments, "inData") ){
// export from the root node, instead of everything.
var data = newCriteria().isNull( "parent" ).list();
data = arguments.inData;
for( var thisItem in data ){
arrayAppend( result, thisItem.getMemento() );
return result;
* Import data from a ContentBox JSON file. Returns the import log
* @importFile.hint The absolute file path to use for importing
* @override.hint Override records or not
string function importFromFile(required importFile, boolean override=false){
var data = fileRead( arguments.importFile );
var importLog = createObject("java", "java.lang.StringBuilder").init("Starting import with override = #arguments.override#...<br>");
if( !isJSON( data ) ){
throw(message="Cannot import file as the contents is not JSON", type="InvalidImportFormat");
// deserialize packet: Should be array of { settingID, name, value }
return importFromData( deserializeJSON( data ), arguments.override, importLog );
* Import data from an array of structures of content or just one structure of a content entry
* @importData.hint The data to import
* @override.hint Override records or not
* @importLog.hint The import log buffer
string function importFromData(
required any importData,
boolean override=false,
required any importLog){
var allContent = [];
// if struct, inflate into an array
if( isStruct( arguments.importData ) ){
arguments.importData = [ arguments.importData ];
// iterate and import
for( var thisContent in arguments.importData ){
// Inflate content from data
var inflateResults = inflateFromStruct( thisContent, arguments.importLog );
// continue to next record if author not found
if( !inflateResults.authorFound ){ continue; }
// if new or persisted with override then save.
if( !inflateResults.content.isLoaded() ){
arguments.importLog.append( "New content imported: #thisContent.slug#<br>" );
arrayAppend( allContent, inflateResults.content );
else if( inflateResults.content.isLoaded() and arguments.override ){
arguments.importLog.append( "Persisted content overriden: #thisContent.slug#<br>" );
arrayAppend( allContent, inflateResults.content );
arguments.importLog.append( "Skipping persisted content: #thisContent.slug#<br>" );
} // end import loop
// Save content
if( arrayLen( allContent ) ){
saveAll( allContent );
arguments.importLog.append( "Saved all imported and overriden content!" );
arguments.importLog.append( "No content imported as none where found or able to be overriden from the import file." );
return arguments.importLog.toString();
* Inflate a content object from a ContentBox JSON structure
* @contentData.hint The content structure inflated from JSON
* @importLog.hint The string builder import log
* @parent.hint If the inflated content object has a parent then it can be linked directly, no inflating necessary. Usually for recursions
private function inflateFromStruct(
required any contentData,
required any importLog,
any parent){
// setup
var thisContent = arguments.contentData;
var badDateRegex = " -\d{4}$";
// Get content by slug, if not found then it returns a new entity so we can persist it.
var oContent = findBySlug( slug=thisContent.slug, showUnpublished=true );
// date conversion tests
thisContent.publishedDate = reReplace( thisContent.publishedDate, badDateRegex, "" );
thisContent.createdDate = reReplace( thisContent.createdDate, badDateRegex, "" );
if( len( thisContent.expireDate ) ){
thisContent.expireDate = reReplace( thisContent.expireDate, badDateRegex, "" );
// populate content from data and ignore relationships, we need to build those manually.
populator.populateFromStruct( target=oContent,
nullEmptyInclude="publishedDate,expireDate" );
// determine author else ignore import
var oAuthor = authorService.findByUsername( ( structKeyExists( thisContent.creator, "username" ) ? thisContent.creator.username : "" ) );
if( !isNull( oAuthor ) ){
oContent.setCreator( oAuthor );
arguments.importLog.append( "Content author found and linked: #thisContent.slug#<br>" );
if( structKeyExists( arguments, "parent") and isObject( arguments.parent ) ){
oContent.setParent( arguments.parent );
arguments.importLog.append( "Content parent passed and linked: #arguments.parent.getSlug()#<br>" );
else if( isStruct( thisContent.parent ) and structCount( thisContent.parent ) ){
var oParent = findBySlug( slug=thisContent.parent.slug, showUnpublished=true );
// assign if persisted
if( oParent.isLoaded() ){
oContent.setParent( oParent );
arguments.importLog.append( "Content parent found and linked: #thisContent.parent.slug#<br>" );
arguments.importLog.append( "Content parent slug: #thisContent.parent.toString()# was not found so not assigned!<br>" );
if( arrayLen( thisContent.children ) ){
var allChildren = [];
// recurse on them and inflate hiearchy
for( var thisChild in thisContent.children ){
var inflateResults = inflateFromStruct( contentData=thisChild, importLog=arguments.importLog, parent=oContent );
// continue to next record if author not found
if( !inflateResults.authorFound ){ continue; }
// Add to array of children to add.
arrayAppend( allChildren, inflateResults.content );
oContent.setChildren( allChildren );
if( arrayLen( thisContent.customfields ) ){
// wipe out custom fileds if they exist
if( oContent.hasCustomField() ){ oContent.getCustomFields().clear(); }
// add new custom fields
for( var thisCF in thisContent.customfields ){
var args = { key = thisCF.key, value = thisCF.value };
var oField =;
oField.setRelatedContent( oContent );
oContent.addCustomField( oField );
if( arrayLen( thisContent.categories ) ){
// Create categories that don't exist first
var allCategories = [];
for( var thisCategory in thisContent.categories ){
var oCategory = categoryService.findBySlug( thisCategory.slug );
oCategory = ( isNull( oCategory ) ? populator.populateFromStruct(, memento=thisCategory, exclude="categoryID" ) : oCategory );
// save category if new only
if( !oCategory.isLoaded() ){ entity=oCategory ); }
// append to add.
arrayAppend( allCategories, oCategory );
// detach categories and re-attach
oContent.setCategories( allCategories );
if( arrayLen( thisContent.comments ) ){
var allComments = [];
for( var thisComment in thisContent.comments ){
// some conversions
thisComment.createdDate = reReplace( thisComment.createdDate, badDateRegex, "" );
// population
var oComment = populator.populateFromStruct(,
composeRelationships=false );
oComment.setRelatedContent( oContent );
arrayAppend( allComments, oComment );
oContent.setComments( allComments );
if( arrayLen( thisContent.contentversions ) ){
var allContentVersions = [];
for( var thisVersion in thisContent.contentversions ){
// some conversions
thisVersion.createdDate = reReplace( thisVersion.createdDate, badDateRegex, "" );
// population
var oVersion = populator.populateFromStruct(,
composeRelationships=false );
// Get author
var oAuthor = authorService.findByUsername( );
// Only add if author found
if( !isNull( oAuthor ) ){
oVersion.setAuthor( oAuthor );
oVersion.setRelatedContent( oContent );
arrayAppend( allContentVersions, oVersion );
arguments.importLog.append( "Skipping importing version content #thisVersion.version# as author ( not found!<br>" );
oContent.setContentVersions( allContentVersions );
} // end if author found
arguments.importLog.append( "Content author not found (#thisContent.creator.toString()#) skipping: #thisContent.slug#<br>" );
return { content=oContent, authorFound=( !isNull( oAuthor ) ) };
* Update a content's hits with some async flava
* @contentID.hint The content id to update
* @async.hint Async or not
ContentService function updateHits(required contentID, boolean async=true){
// if in thread already or not async
if( systemUtil.inThread() OR !arguments.async ){
return syncUpdateHits( arguments.contentID );
var threadName = "updateHits_#hash( arguments.contentID & now() )#";
thread name="#threadName#" contentID="#arguments.contentID#"{
variables.syncUpdateHits( attributes.contentID );
return this;
* Returns an array of slugs of all the content objects in the system.
array function getAllFlatSlugs(){
var c = newCriteria();
return c.withProjections( property="slug" )
.list( sortOrder="slug asc" );
/********************************************* PRIVATE *********************************************/
* Update the content hits
* @contentID.hint The content id to update
private function syncUpdateHits(required contentID){
var q = new Query(sql="UPDATE cb_content SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE contentID = #arguments.contentID#").execute();
return this;
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