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Created August 24, 2011 10:08
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Using so not all of these might be in standard vim

:e - edit file
0 - jump to beginning of line
$ - jump to end of line
^ - jump to first non-whitespace character of a line
e - jump to end of a word
E - jump to whitespace-delimited word
b (B) - jump to previous (whitespace-delimited) word
w (W) - jump to next (whitespace-delimited) word
alt+w/b - same as b/w but treats dots, underscores and camel case as word delimiters
H - jump to first line of the screen
M - jump to middle line of the screen
L - jump to last line of the screen
:n - jump to line number n. For example, to jump to line 42, you'd type :42
A - jump to end of line and enter insert mode
108G - jump to line 108
3fd - got to third occurrence of character 'd' from cursor position
:%s/foo/bar/g - globally replace foo with bar
% - go to matching (,{,[
* (#) - go to next (previous) occurrence of word under cursor
gU (gu) - upper (lower) case
:noh - disable search highlighting

; - last f, t, F or T
, - last f, t, F or T in opposite direction
n - last / or ? search
N - last / or ? search in opposite direction

Combinations of commands
ci" - remove stuff in next quotes (""), jump into quotes and enter insert mode
de - delete until end of current word
dw - delete until beginning of next word dtZ - delete until and excluding next occurrence of character Z
A<type something>ESC<movearound>. - appends something to current line
gg=G - format whole buffer (gg goes to first line, = formats, G until end of file)

vap - visually select paragraph
vit - visually select text inside tag
vat - visually select text including tags

\n - toggle NERDTree project drawer (NERDTree plugin)
command+t (and \t with Janus, needs vim compiled with ruby) - Textmate users know this one, open type (command-t plugin)
vii - mark current indent block, ii will mark surrounding parent block (indent_object plugin)
cst<p> - replaces surrounding tag with <p> (surround plugin)
yss<span> - surround current line with <span> (surround plugin)
cs"' - change surrounding " with '
TAB - context sensitive completion (SuperTab plugin)

Buffers and Windows
ctrl+^ or ctrl+6 or :b# - switch between two buffers
:%bd - delete all buffers
:22,24%bd - delete a range of buffers with number 22 up to number 24
:sp/ctrl+w s (:vsp or ctrl+w v) - split buffer (vertically)
ctrl+w c - close current window (also split buffers)
ctrl+w o - make the current window the only one
ctrl+w x - switch two windows
ctrl+w p - move to last window
ctrl+w h/j/k/l - move current window to the left/bottom/top/right
:h windows - help for working with windows

Important commands I already learned by heart ;-)
u - undo
x - delete character
dd - delete line
. - repeat last command (can be anything, even a sequence of edits!)
v - enter visual mode to select stuff
y - yank into register
p - paste after current line P - paste before current line
o - add new line after current line and enter insert mode
O - add new line before current line and enter insert mode

Links (15 Years of Vi + 7 years of Vim and still learning)

Examples for the surround plugin

Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi (great explanation of vim concepts on stack overflow)

All vimcast episodes:

Vim expert talk at boston.rb

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