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Created November 17, 2022 13:51
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[ipfs][nodejs] HTTP like messaging for PeerID via libp2p in IPFS node
#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as fs from "node:fs";
import * as IPFS from "ipfs-core";
// WebRTCStar
import wrtc from "@koush/wrtc";
import {sigServer} from "@libp2p/webrtc-star-signalling-server";
import {webRTCStar} from "@libp2p/webrtc-star";
// pubsub peerDiscovery
//import {floodsub} from "@libp2p/floodsub";
import {pubsubPeerDiscovery} from "@libp2p/pubsub-peer-discovery";
import {gossipsub} from "@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub";
import {noise} from "@chainsafe/libp2p-noise";
import {createHttp2p} from "./http2p.js";
// cleanup repo dirs
const repo1 = "./test-repo1", repo2 = "./test-repo2", repo3 = "./test-repo3", repo4 = "./test-repo4";
fs.rmSync(repo1, {recursive: true, force: true});
fs.rmSync(repo2, {recursive: true, force: true});
fs.rmSync(repo3, {recursive: true, force: true});
fs.rmSync(repo4, {recursive: true, force: true});
// WebRTC star and config for IPFS nodes
const server = await sigServer({
port: 9090,
host: "",
const config1 = { // webrtc only
Addresses: {
Swarm: [
Discovery: {
MDNS: {Enabled: true},
webRTCStar: {Enabled: true},
const config2 = { // tcp only
Addresses: {
Swarm: [
const config3 = { // relay
Addresses: {
Swarm: [
Discovery: {
MDNS: {Enabled: true},
webRTCStar: {Enabled: true},
const config4 = { // webrtc only
Addresses: {
Swarm: [
Discovery: {
MDNS: {Enabled: true},
webRTCStar: {Enabled: true},
// node1
const star1 = webRTCStar({wrtc});
const node1 = await IPFS.create({
repo: repo1,
config: config1,
libp2p: {
transports: [star1.transport],
peerDiscovery: [
pubsub: gossipsub({allowPublishToZeroPeers: true}),
connectionEncryption: [noise()],
const id1 = await;"[node1 id]",;"[node1 address]", id1.addresses[0].toJSON());
// node2
const node2 = await IPFS.create({
repo: repo2,
config: config2,
libp2p: {
peerDiscovery: [
pubsub: gossipsub({allowPublishToZeroPeers: true}),
connectionEncryption: [noise()],
const id2 = await;
console.log("[node2 id]",;
console.log("[node2 address]", id2.addresses[0].toJSON());
// node3 as relay node
const star3 = webRTCStar({wrtc});
const node3 = await IPFS.create({
repo: repo3,
config: config3,
libp2p: {
transports: [star3.transport],
peerDiscovery: [
pubsub: gossipsub({allowPublishToZeroPeers: true}),
connectionEncryption: [noise()],
const id3 = await;
console.log("[node2 id]",;
console.log("[node2 address0]", id3.addresses[0].toJSON());
console.log("[node2 address1]", id3.addresses[1].toJSON());
// node4
const star4 = webRTCStar({wrtc});
const node4 = await IPFS.create({
repo: repo4,
config: config4,
libp2p: {
transports: [star4.transport],
peerDiscovery: [
pubsub: gossipsub({allowPublishToZeroPeers: true}),
connectionEncryption: [noise()],
const id4 = await;"[node4 id]",;"[node4 address]", id4.addresses[0].toJSON());
console.log("[node2 ro node3]", await node2.swarm.connect(`${id3.addresses[0].toJSON()}/p2p-circuit`)); // via tcp
// http2p example (relay node3 does not know about http2p protocol)
const node1Http2p = await createHttp2p(node1);
const node2Http2p = await createHttp2p(node2);
// server1
node1Http2p.scope.addEventListener("fetch", ev => {
ev.respondWith(new Response(
"Hello World",
headers: {
"content-type": "text/plain;charset=utf-8",
// fetch2
const url = `http2p:${}/`;
const response = await node2Http2p.fetch(url);
console.log(await response.text());
// functions for libp2p stream handling
const readLine = u8as => {
const cr = "\r".codePointAt(0), lf = "\n".codePointAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < u8as.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < u8as[i].length - 1; j++) {
if (u8as[i][j] === cr && u8as[i][j + 1] === lf) {
// found CRLF in a chunk
const lineForwards = u8as.slice(0, i);
const lineLast = u8as[i].slice(0, j + 2);
const restTop = u8as[i].slice(j + 2);
const restEnd = u8as.slice(i + 1);
return [[...lineForwards, lineLast], [restTop, ...restEnd]];
if (u8as[i].at(-1) === cr && i < u8as.length - 1 && u8as[i + 1][0] === lf) {
// found CR at chunk last and found LF at next chunk head
const lineForwards = u8as.slice(0, i + 1);
const lineLast = u8as[i + 1].slice(0, 1);
const restTop = u8as[i + 1].slice(1);
const restEnd = u8as.slice(i + 2);
return [[...lineForwards, lineLast], [restTop, ...restEnd]];
return [u8as, []]; // CRLF not found
const u8asToText = u8as => {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let text = "";
for (const u8a of u8as) {
text += decoder.decode(u8a, {stream: true});
return text;
const u8asToReadableStream = u8as => {
return new ReadableStream({
type: "bytes",
start(controller) {
for (const u8a of u8as) {
if (u8a.length > 0) controller.enqueue(u8a);
const sourceToMime = async source => {
const u8as = [];
for await (const bl of source) {
let [line, rest] = readLine(u8as);
const start = u8asToText(line);
const headers = new Headers();
while (true) {
[line, rest] = readLine(rest);
const text = u8asToText(line);
if (text.length === 2) break; // CRLF only
const index = text.indexOf(": ");
const key = text.slice(0, index);
const value = text.slice(index + 2);
headers.set(key, value);
const body = u8asToReadableStream(rest);
return {start, headers, body};
const formatHeaders = headers => {
return [...headers].map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}\r\n`).join("") + "\r\n";
// Fetch handler
const sourceToRequest = async source => {
const {start, headers, body} = await sourceToMime(source);
const spaceIndex = start.indexOf(" ");
const method = start.slice(0, spaceIndex);
const url = start.slice(spaceIndex + 1, -2);
const options = ["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method) ? {method, headers} : {method, headers, body};
return new Request(url, options);
const errorToSink = (sink, error, code = 500) => {
const statusLine = `${code}\r\n`; //NOTE: HTTP Status value only
const body = error.stack;
const headers = new Headers([
["Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8"],
["Content-Length", `${body.length}`],
const msg = statusLine + fromatHeaders(headers) + body;
const u8 = new TextEncoder().encode(msg);
sink((async function* () {
yield u8;
const responseToSink = (sink, response) => {
if (!(response instanceof Response)) throw new TypeError("response should be instance of Response");
const statusLine = `${response.status}\r\n`;
const u8 = new TextEncoder().encode(statusLine + formatHeaders(response.headers));
sink((async function* () {
yield u8;
if (response.body) for await (const chunk of response.body) {
yield chunk;
const libp2pHandler = scope => ({connection, stream}) => {
sourceToRequest(stream.source).then(request => {
const response = [], waits = [];
const FetchEvent = class extends Event {
get request() {return request;}
respondWith(responsePromise) {
if (response.length !== 0) throw TypeError("multiple respondWith() call");
waitUntil(promise) {
const doDefault = scope.dispatchEvent(new FetchEvent("fetch", {cancelable: true}));
if (response.length === 0) {
errorToSink(stream.sink, new Error("Not Found"), 404);
} else {
response => responseToSink(stream.sink, response),
error => errorToSink(stream.sink, error)).catch(console.error);
Promise.allSettled(waits).catch(err => {/* ignore waitUntil error results */});
// fetch function
const requestToSink = async (request, sink) => {
const startLine = `${request.method} ${request.url}\r\n`;
const u8 = new TextEncoder().encode(startLine + formatHeaders(request.headers));
sink((async function* () {
yield u8;
if (request.body) for await (const chunk of request.body) {
yield chunk;
const sourceToResponse = async (source) => {
const {start, headers, body} = await sourceToMime(source);
const status = start.slice(0, -2);
return new Response(body, {status, headers});
const libp2pProtocol = "/http2p/1.0";
const libp2pFetch = libp2p => async (input, options) => {
const request = typeof input === "string" ? new Request(input, options) : input;
const url = new URL(request.url);
const p2pid = url.pathname.slice(0, url.pathname.indexOf("/"));
await ping(libp2p, p2pid);
const stream = await libp2p.dialProtocol(`/p2p/${p2pid}`, libp2pProtocol);
await requestToSink(request, stream.sink);
return await sourceToResponse(stream.source);
const ping = async (libp2p, p2pid) => {
const pids = new Set((await libp2p.peerStore.all()).map(peer =>;
for (const pid of pids) {
try {
// ping via p2p-circuit address
const circuit = `/p2p/${pid}/p2p-circuit/p2p/${p2pid}`;
return await;
} catch (error) {}
// case of no peer routing
return await libp2p.peerRouting.findPeer(p2pid);
// exports
export const createHttp2p = async ({libp2p}) => {
const scope = new EventTarget();
const handler = libp2pHandler(scope);
await libp2p.handle(libp2pProtocol, handler);
const close = () => libp2p.unhandle(libp2pProtocol);
const fetch = libp2pFetch(libp2p);
return {scope, fetch, close};
"type": "module",
"dependencies": {
"@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub": "^5.2.1",
"@koush/wrtc": "^0.5.3",
"@libp2p/floodsub": "^5.0.0",
"@libp2p/pubsub-peer-discovery": "^7.0.0",
"@libp2p/webrtc-star-signalling-server": "^2.0.5",
"ipfs": "^0.65.0"
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