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Forked from mminer/Console.cs
Last active December 17, 2016 10:42
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Unity script to display in-game debug console.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// A console to display Unity's debug logs in-game.
/// </summary>
public class Console : MonoBehaviour
struct Log
public string message;
public string stackTrace;
public LogType type;
/// <summary>
/// The hotkey to show and hide the console window.
/// </summary>
public KeyCode toggleKey = KeyCode.BackQuote;
List<Log> logs = new List<Log>();
Vector2 scrollPosition;
bool show;
bool collapse;
bool scrollLatest = true;
// Visual elements:
static readonly Dictionary<LogType, Color> logTypeColors = new Dictionary<LogType, Color>()
{ LogType.Assert, Color.white },
{ LogType.Error, },
{ LogType.Exception, },
{ LogType.Log, Color.white },
{ LogType.Warning, Color.yellow },
const int margin = 100;
Rect windowRect = new Rect(margin, margin, Screen.width - (margin * 2), Screen.height - (margin * 2));
Rect titleBarRect = new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20);
GUIContent clearLabel = new GUIContent("Clear", "Clear the contents of the console.");
GUIContent collapseLabel = new GUIContent("Collapse", "Hide repeated messages.");
GUIContent scrollLatestLabel = new GUIContent("Latest", "Scroll to latest");
void OnEnable()
Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;
void OnDisable()
Application.logMessageReceived -= HandleLog;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(toggleKey))
show = !show;
void OnGUI()
if (!show)
windowRect = GUILayout.Window(123456, windowRect, ConsoleWindow, "Console");
/// <summary>
/// A window that displays the recorded logs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="windowID">Window ID.</param>
void ConsoleWindow(int windowID)
scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);
if (scrollLatest) scrollPosition.y = float.MaxValue;
// Iterate through the recorded logs.
for (int i = 0; i < logs.Count; i++)
var log = logs[i];
// Combine identical messages if collapse option is chosen.
if (collapse)
var messageSameAsPrevious = i > 0 && log.message == logs[i - 1].message;
if (messageSameAsPrevious)
GUI.contentColor = logTypeColors[log.type];
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
if (GUILayout.Button(clearLabel))
collapse = GUILayout.Toggle(collapse, collapseLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
scrollLatest = GUILayout.Toggle(scrollLatest, scrollLatestLabel);
// Allow the window to be dragged by its title bar.
/// <summary>
/// Records a log from the log callback.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Message.</param>
/// <param name="stackTrace">Trace of where the message came from.</param>
/// <param name="type">Type of message (error, exception, warning, assert).</param>
void HandleLog(string message, string stackTrace, LogType type)
logs.Add(new Log()
message = message,
stackTrace = stackTrace,
type = type,
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Mminer's unity console script updated with an option to auto-scroll to bottom when new lines get added.

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