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Last active December 15, 2015 02:09
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Google App Engine + Pusher Webhooks. Check out my blog post ( for a more information. I had a hard time figuring out what Google App Engine wanted exactly to be able to receive webhooks from Pusher using their Endpoints API. Here is a working implementation of an Endpoints API for…
# Endpoints handler
- url: /_ah/spi/.*
script: my_api.my_api_service
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
function jsClientLoad() {
var ROOT = '';
gapi.client.load('my_api', 'v1', function() {
}, ROOT);
function apiLoaded() {
gapi.client.my_api.pusher.webhook(/*GET/POST Data*/).execute(function(resp) {
//Do something with resp which is a JSON object.
#Developed by Ben Beadle
from google.appengine.ext import endpoints
from protorpc import remote, messages
import pusher
#Personally, I would put the Response and Request classes in another file, but they are placed here for simplicity of demonstration
#The Response Class to send back to Pusher. This really isn't important since Pusher doesn't do anything with this response.
class SuccessResponse(messages.Message):
success = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
#The Event object which Pusher provides an array of
class Event(messages.Message):
name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
channel = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
#The Request Class pusher sends to you. They send you a timestamp and a list of events.
class PusherRequest(messages.Message):
time_ms = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
events = messages.MessageField(Event, 2, repeated=True)
#Now define the api. Make sure to name the api what you want and add a description
@endpoints.api(name='myapi',version='v1', description='description')
#The class used by the endpoint
class MyApi(remote.Service):
#A method for the pusher webhook
@endpoints.method(PusherRequest, SuccessResponse, name='pusher.webhook', path='pusher/webhook', http_method='POST')
def pusher_webhook(self, request):
#Do something with request.time_ms
for event in
#Welcome the user when they connect
p = pusher.Pusher(app_id=config.pusher_app_id, key=config.pusher_app_key, secret=config.pusher_app_secret)
#Trigger the 'msg' event
p[token].trigger('msg',{'text': 'Thanks for connecting to Pusher!'})
return SuccessResponse(success="Thanks Pusher. Events length: " + str(len(
#Now create the service
my_api_service = endpoints.api_server([MyApi], restricted=False)
function pusherError() { /* Do Something */ }
function pusherConnect() { /* Do Something */ }
function pusherDisconnect() { /* Do Something */ }
function pusherMessage() { /* Do Something */ }
var pusher = new Pusher('app_key', {encrypted: true});
pusher.connection.bind( 'error', pusherError);
pusher.connection.bind('state_change', function(states) {
console.log("State: " + states.current);
if(states.current == "connected")
var channel = pusher.subscribe(token);
channel.bind('msg', function(data) {
pusherMessage("Pusher", data.message);
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