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Last active November 1, 2017 13:55
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# This file: default.nix
# Being new to NixOS, I don't understand everything below. I culled and modified it from...
# which integrates pdfium as its PDF viewer.
# Currently `nix-shell` then `unpackPhase` produces an error "unpacker produced multiple directories"
# Reading around, it seemed that uncommenting the #unpackPhase= group might avoid that error, but no dice.
# Looking for some assistance to unpack the tarball.
pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>{} } :
# callPackage = pdfium;
# pdfium = {
# mkChromiumDerivation = callPackage ./common.nix {
# };
# };
# inherit (stdenv.lib) versionAtLeast;
in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "pdfium.99.9";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
"url" = "";
"rev" = "effa1b15ae2ab34ae15892787d5c1caa015bd2d4";
"sha256" = "1xmaxcdc71ks1nc34liby7k68ynb7jjhah012nxklpvw1l3xwilf";
"fetchSubmodules" = true;
#unpackPhase = ''
# runHook preUnpack
# echo HELLO
# mkdir src
# tar -C pdfium-src -xvzf $src
# export sourceRoot="pdfium-src"
# runHook postUnpack
# '';
buildInputs = [
outputs = ["out" ];
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