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Last active July 9, 2019 21:32
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Weighted interpolation of sparse STILT footprints
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Ben Fasoli
# Interpolation utilities for STILT footprints to predict footprints for
# finely gridded receptors using coarse STILT-calculated footprints for
# intermediate receptor locations.
# Uses weights derived from 2d Gaussian kernels to average footprints from
# the surrounding spatial area
# TODO: expand from 2d (time-integrated) footprints to 3d
# TODO: footprint prediction loss as a function of simulation grid density
FOOTPRINT_PATH <- 'out/footprints'
#' Identifies path to given footprint file, raising an error if not found
#' @param time POSIXct receptor timestamp
#' @param long numeric x position of receptor
#' @param lati numeric y position of receptor
#' @param zagl numeric z position of receptor
#' @param path path to access footprint .nc files
find_footprint_file <- function(time, long, lati, zagl, path) {
file <- paste(
strftime(time, tz = 'UTC', format = '%Y%m%d%H'),
sep = '_'
file <- file.path(path, file)
#' Identify index of footprint in given footprint meta dataframe
#' @param meta data.frame as returned by `make_footprint_meta(...)`
#' @param time POSIXct receptor timestamp
#' @param x numeric x position of receptor
#' @param y numeric y position of receptor
find_meta_index <- function(meta, time, x, y) {
idx <- with(meta, which(time == time & long == x & lati == y))
ifelse(length(idx) > 0, idx, 0)
#' Read footprint from file
#' @param file path to footprint .nc file
get_footprint_from_file <- function(file) {
#' Create footprint metadata record for array of file paths
#' @param files path to footprint .nc files
make_footprint_meta <- function(files) {
base_files <- basename(files)
meta_split <- strsplit(base_files, '_')
file = files,
time = as.POSIXct(sapply(meta_split, function(x) x[1]),
tz = 'UTC', format = '%Y%m%d%H'),
long = as.numeric(sapply(meta_split, function(x) x[2])),
lati = as.numeric(sapply(meta_split, function(x) x[3])),
zagl = as.numeric(sapply(meta_split, function(x) x[4])),
stringsAsFactors = F
#' Make object containing shared grid definitions
#' @param r template raster from which to extract grid data
make_grid <- function(r) {
xy <- coordinates(r)
xy_res <- res(r)
g <- list(
x = sort(unique(xy[, 1])),
y = sort(unique(xy[, 2])),
dx = xy_res[1],
dy = xy_res[2]
g$nx <- length(g$x)
g$ny <- length(g$y)
g$xi <- 1:g$nx
g$yi <- 1:g$ny
#' Make gaussian weight matrix from grid definitions
#' @param grid shared grid definitions as returned by `make_grid(...)`
#' @param r raster used to size output weight matrix
#' @param k kernel bandwidth scaling factor in n_grid_cell units, defaults to 1
make_weights <- function(grid, r, k = 1) {
w <- list()
w$fw <- focalWeight(r, k * max(c(grid$dx, grid$dy)), type = 'Gauss')
w$nx <- ncol(w$fw)
w$ny <- nrow(w$fw)
w$center_xi <- (w$nx + 1) / 2
w$center_yi <- (w$ny + 1) / 2
w$dx <- 1:w$nx - w$center_xi
w$dy <- 1:w$ny - w$center_yi
# Fetch data -------------------------------------------------------------------
files <- dir(FOOTPRINT_PATH, full.names = T)
template <- get_footprint_from_file(files[1])
grid <- make_grid(template)
wgt <- make_weights(grid, template, k = 1)
# Footprint array small for testing so cache into memory
footprint <- make_footprint_meta(files) %>%
mutate(foot = lapply(file, get_footprint_from_file),
foot_interp = NA)
# Sparsely populate dummy footprint grid
spacing <- 2 # sparse receptors placed every `spacing` grid points
x_rem <- footprint$long %% (spacing * grid$dx)
y_rem <- footprint$lati %% (spacing * grid$dy)
x_rem <- signif(x_rem, 2) # C-level rounding error from source raster
y_rem <- signif(y_rem, 2) # C-level rounding error from source raster
x_rem_min <- min(x_rem)
y_rem_min <- min(y_rem)
footprint_sparse <- filter(footprint,
x_rem == x_rem_min,
y_rem == y_rem_min)
# Where are the sparse receptors?
xy <- footprint_sparse[, c('long', 'lati')]
with(footprint, plot(long, lati))
with(footprint_sparse, points(long, lati, col = 'red', pch = 16))
# time and zagl shared across receptors
time <- as.POSIXct('2015-06-18 22:00:00', tz = 'UTC')
zagl <- 5
# xi and yi are grid indices defining the grid location we are predicting
for (xi in 1:grid$nx) {
for (yi in 1:grid$ny) {
message('xi: ', xi, ' yi: ', yi)
xiloc <- grid$x[xi]
yiloc <- grid$y[yi]
sparse_idx <- find_meta_index(footprint_sparse, time, xiloc, yiloc)
if (sparse_idx) {
idx <- find_meta_index(footprint, time, xiloc, yiloc)
footprint$foot_interp[idx] <- list(footprint_sparse$foot[[sparse_idx]])
# track total weights applied to scale end weighted average
fwi_total <- 0
fiisw_total <- raster(matrix(0), template = template)
# wxi and wyi are indices of the focal weight matrix used to identify
# footprints within the sparse grid used to calculate a weighted average
for (wxi in 1:wgt$nx) {
for (wyi in 1:wgt$ny) {
dx <- wgt$dx[wxi]
dy <- wgt$dy[wyi]
xii <- xi + dx
yii <- yi + dy
if (xii < 1 | xii > grid$nx | yii < 1 | yii > grid$ny) next
xiiloc <- grid$x[xii]
yiiloc <- grid$y[yii]
sparse_idx <- find_meta_index(footprint_sparse, time, xiiloc, yiiloc)
if (!sparse_idx) next
fii <- footprint_sparse$foot[[sparse_idx]]
fiis <- shift(fii, x = -dx * grid$dx, y = -dy * grid$dy)
fwi <- wgt$fw[wxi, wyi]
fiisw <- fiis * fwi
fwi_total <- fwi_total + fwi
fiisw_total <- fiisw_total + extend(crop(fiisw, fiisw_total),
fiisw_total, value = 0)
fiisw_wgt_avg <- fiisw_total / fwi_total
idx <- find_meta_index(footprint, time, xiloc, yiloc)
footprint$foot_interp[idx] <- list(fiisw_wgt_avg)
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