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Created March 25, 2015 21:38
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quick hack interval tree, allowing glob matching, build upon sorted set
(ns itree
(:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [info spy]]))
;; allow for [:foo nil] to glob [:foo *]; data will never be inserted
;; w/ nil, but slice/subseq elements will.
(defn cmp [x y] (if (and x y) (compare x y) 0))
(defn cmp-s [[x0 x1] [y0 y1]]
(let [c0 (cmp x0 y0)
c1 (cmp x1 y1)]
(= c0 0) c1
(< c0 0) -1
(> c0 0) 1)))
(defn distinct-consecutive [sequence]
(map first (partition-by identity sequence)))
(defn slice
([ss a] (slice ss a a))
([ss a b]
;; do subseq from !a -> a, and a -> b -> !b; concat and dedup
;; do overlaps (always <= or >=) since the glob matching needs it.
(-> (spy :info (rsubseq ss >= a >= a))
(concat (spy :info (subseq ss >= a <= b)))
(let [e0 (sorted-set-by cmp-s)
ds [[:a :b] [:b :x] [:b :q] [:a :d]]
e1 (loop [e e0, [d & ds] ds]
(if d
(let [c (count e)
e (conj e d)]
(assert (= (count e)) (inc c))
#_(clojure.pprint/pprint e)
(recur e ds))
(assert (= (seq e1) (slice e1 [nil nil]))) ; * *
(assert (= [[:a :b] [:a :d]] (slice e1 [:a nil]))) ; :a *
(assert (= [[:b :q]] (slice e1 [:b :q]))) ; :b :q (specific)
(assert (= [[:a :d] [:b :q]] (slice e1 [:a :d] [:b :q]))) ; matching subrange
(assert (= [[:a :d] [:b :q]] (slice e1 [:a :c] [:b :r]))) ; non-matching subrange
(assert (= [[:b :x]] (slice e1 [:b :r] [:c nil]))) ; non-matching -> out of range
(assert (= [] (slice e1 [:c nil]))) ; totally out of range
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