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Last active October 26, 2023 22:40
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Connect 4 solver
// A little "Connect Four" game
package main
import (
const (
Width = 7
Height = 6
// Piece
Empty = 0
You = 1
Me = 2
// Endings
Continue = 0
Tie = 1
Win = 2
type (
Piece uint8
Ending int
var (
grid [Width * Height]Piece
scanner *bufio.Scanner = bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
quiet bool
start bool
lookAhead int
func main() {
flag.BoolVar(&quiet, "quiet", false, "don't show prompts or board on stderr")
flag.BoolVar(&start, "start", false, "start the game (make the first move)")
flag.IntVar(&lookAhead, "lookahead", 6, "number of moves to look ahead")
if start {
placeMove(3, Me)
vprintf("My move: ")
exitCode := 0
for {
// Their move
for {
vprintf("Enter your move column (0..6): ")
move := readMove()
if move < 0 {
if placeMove(move, You) {
vprintf("Couldn't make move at column %d\n", move)
end := getEnding(You)
if end == Tie {
vprintf("Tie after your move\n")
exitCode = 3
} else if end == Win {
vprintf("You won!\n")
exitCode = 2
// Our move
move := makeMove()
end = getEnding(Me)
if end == Tie {
vprintf("Tie after my move\n")
exitCode = 3
} else if end == Win {
vprintf("I won!\n")
exitCode = 1
vprintf("My move: ")
fmt.Printf("%d\n", move)
func vprintf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !quiet {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args...)
func put(x, y int, p Piece) {
grid[y*Width+x] = p
func get(x, y int) Piece {
return grid[y*Width+x]
func draw() {
if quiet {
for y := 0; y < Height; y++ {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "| ")
for x := 0; x < Width; x++ {
switch get(x, y) {
case Empty:
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, ". ")
case Me:
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "M ")
case You:
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Y ")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "|\n")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "+-", strings.Repeat("-", Width*2), "+\n")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "| ")
for x := 0; x < Width; x++ {
vprintf("%d ", x)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "|\n")
func readMove() int {
if !scanner.Scan() {
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
vprintf("error reading standard input: %v\n", err)
return -1
move, err := strconv.Atoi(scanner.Text())
if err != nil {
return -1
if move < 0 || move >= Width {
return -1
return move
func placeMove(x int, p Piece) bool {
for y := 0; y < Height; y++ {
if get(x, y) != Empty {
if y == 0 {
return false
put(x, y-1, p)
return true
put(x, Height-1, p)
return true
func liftMove(x int) {
for y := 0; y < Height; y++ {
if get(x, y) != Empty {
put(x, y, Empty)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid liftMove() %d", x))
func getEnding(p Piece) Ending {
numEmpty := 0
for y := 0; y < Height; y++ {
for x := 0; x < Width; x++ {
if get(x, y) == Empty {
if get(x, y) != p {
if x <= Width-4 && get(x+1, y) == p && get(x+2, y) == p && get(x+3, y) == p {
// Winning four to the right
return Win
if x <= Width-4 && y <= Height-4 && get(x+1, y+1) == p && get(x+2, y+2) == p && get(x+3, y+3) == p {
// Winning four down and to the right
return Win
if y <= Height-4 && get(x, y+1) == p && get(x, y+2) == p && get(x, y+3) == p {
// Winning four down
return Win
if x >= 3 && y <= Height-4 && get(x-1, y+1) == p && get(x-2, y+2) == p && get(x-3, y+3) == p {
// Winning four down and to the left
return Win
if numEmpty == 0 {
return Tie
return Continue
func makeMove() int {
move, _ := pickMove(Me, lookAhead)
if move >= 0 {
placeMove(move, Me)
return move
func pickMove(piece Piece, lookahead int) (move, score int) {
scores := make([]int, Width)
for i := range scores {
if !placeMove(i, piece) {
scores[i] = -2000000
end := getEnding(piece)
if end == Win {
return i, 1000000
} else if end == Tie {
// scores[i] is 0 already
if lookahead > 0 {
other := Piece(You)
if piece == You {
other = Me
_, otherScore := pickMove(other, lookahead-1)
scores[i] = -otherScore
} else {
scores[i] = -getScore(piece)
highest := -2000000
highestIndex := -1
for i := range scores {
if scores[i] > highest {
highest = scores[i]
highestIndex = i
if highest == -2000000 {
return -1, highest
return highestIndex, highest
var runScores = map[int]int{
1: 1,
2: 10,
3: 100,
4: 1000,
5: 10000,
func getScore(piece Piece) int {
type pos struct{ x, y int }
counted := make(map[pos]bool)
score := 0
for y := 0; y < Height; y++ {
for x := 0; x < Width; x++ {
p := get(x, y)
if p == Empty {
if _, ok := counted[pos{x, y}]; ok {
// Already counted
// Scan for run to the right
run := 1
for i := 1; i < 4 && x+i < Width; i++ {
q := get(x+i, y)
if q != p {
if x > 0 && get(x-1, y) == Empty {
if q == Empty {
counted[pos{x, y}] = true
score += runScores[run]
// Scan for run down and to the right
run = 1
for i := 1; i < 4 && x+i < Width && y+i < Height; i++ {
q := get(x+i, y+i)
if q != p {
if x > 0 && y > 0 && get(x-1, y-1) == Empty {
if q == Empty {
counted[pos{x, y}] = true
score += runScores[run]
// Scan for run down
run = 1
for i := 1; i < 4 && y+i < Height; i++ {
q := get(x, y+i)
if q != p {
if y > 0 && get(x, y-1) == Empty {
if q == Empty {
counted[pos{x, y}] = true
score += runScores[run]
// Scan for run down and to the left
run = 1
for i := 1; i < 4 && x-i >= 0 && y+i < Height; i++ {
q := get(x-i, y+i)
if q != p {
if x+1 < Width && y > 0 && get(x+1, y-1) == Empty {
if q == Empty {
counted[pos{x, y}] = true
score += runScores[run]
return score
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