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Last active December 17, 2015 08:39
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open System
open System.IO
let trainingDataFile = @"C:\Users\ben\Downloads\digitssample.csv"
type ImageData = {
ActualNumber: byte
Pixels: float []
let readData f =
File.ReadAllLines f |> Seq.skip 1
|> (fun str -> str.Split(','))
|> ( Convert.ToByte)
|> (fun parts -> parts.[0], parts.[1 .. parts.Length - 1])
|> (fun (num, pixels) -> { ActualNumber = num; Pixels = float pixels })
|> Array.ofSeq
let data = readData trainingDataFile
let distanceOf (xs: float[]) (ys: float[]) =
let mutable sum = 0.
for x in 0..(xs.Length - 1) do
let v = pown (xs.[x] - ys.[x]) 2
sum <- sum + v
let compareImages imageOne imageTwo =
let pixelsOne = imageOne.Pixels
let pixelsTwo = imageTwo.Pixels
distanceOf pixelsOne pixelsTwo
let findNearestNeighbor image neighbors = neighbors |> Array.minBy (fun n -> compareImages image n)
let classify (unknown: float[]) =
let image = { ActualNumber = 0uy; Pixels = unknown}
let nearestNeighbor = findNearestNeighbor image data
let testData = readData @"C:\Users\ben\Downloads\digitscheck.csv"
let totalRecords = ref 0
let correctRecords = ref 0
let testAnImage image = async {
let nearestNeighbor = classify image.Pixels
lock testData (fun () ->
incr totalRecords
if nearestNeighbor = image.ActualNumber then
incr correctRecords)
let sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
testData |> testAnImage
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
printfn "Percent correct: %f (%d ms)" (float !correctRecords / float !totalRecords) sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
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