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Created November 25, 2018 05:12
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id "33"
op "describe"
session "0f37bc03-182a-43ec-9e52-c61598339d45"
time-stamp "2018-11-24 21:09:19.860900000"
verbose? "true"
id "33"
session "0f37bc03-182a-43ec-9e52-c61598339d45"
time-stamp "2018-11-24 21:09:20.185813000"
aux (dict
cider-version (dict
incremental 0
major 0
minor 18
qualifier nil
version-string "0.18.0")
current-ns "user")
ops (dict
apropos (dict
doc "Return a sequence of vars whose name matches the query pattern, or if specified, having the pattern in their docstring."
optional (dict
filter-regexps "All vars from namespaces matching any regexp from this list would be dropped from the result.")
requires (dict
query "The search query.")
returns (dict
apropos-matches "A list of matching symbols."))
artifact-list (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
artifact-versions (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
cider-version (dict
doc "Returns the version of the CIDER-nREPL middleware."
requires (dict)
returns (dict
cider-version "CIDER-nREPL's version map."
status "done"))
classpath (dict
doc "Obtain a list of entries in the Java classpath."
returns (dict
classpath "A list of the Java classpath entries."))
clean-ns (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
clear-profile (dict
doc "Clears profile of samples."
requires (dict)
returns (dict
status "Done"))
clone (dict
doc "Clones the current session, returning the ID of the newly-created session."
optional (dict
session "The ID of the session to be cloned; if not provided, a new session with default bindings is created, and mapped to the returned session ID.")
requires (dict)
returns (dict
new-session "The ID of the new session."))
close (dict
doc "Closes the specified session."
optional (dict)
requires (dict
session "The ID of the session to be closed.")
returns (dict))
complete (dict
doc "Return a list of symbols matching the specified (partial) symbol."
optional (dict
context "Completion context for compliment."
extra-metadata "List of extra-metadata fields. Possible values: arglists, doc.")
requires (dict
session "The current session"
ns "The symbol's namespace"
symbol "The symbol to lookup")
returns (dict
completions "A list of possible completions"))
complete-doc (dict
doc "Retrieve documentation suitable for display in completion popup"
requires (dict
ns "The symbol's namespace"
symbol "The symbol to lookup")
returns (dict
completion-doc "Symbol's documentation"))
complete-flush-caches (dict
doc "Forces the completion backend to repopulate all its caches")
content-type-middleware (dict
doc "Enhances the `eval` op by adding `content-type` and friends to some responses. Not an op in itself."
optional (dict
content-type "If present and non-nil, try to detect and handle content-types."))
debug-input (dict
doc "Read client input on debug action."
requires (dict
input "The user's reply to the input request.")
returns (dict
status "done"))
debug-instrumented-defs (dict
doc "Return an alist of definitions currently thought to be instrumented on each namespace. Due to Clojure's versatility, this could include false postives, but there will not be false negatives. Instrumentations inside protocols are not listed."
returns (dict
list "The alist of (NAMESPACE . VARS) that are thought to be instrumented."
status "done"))
debug-middleware (dict
doc "Debug a code form or fall back on regular eval."
requires (dict
id "A message id that will be responded to when a breakpoint is reached."
code "Code to debug, there must be a #dbg or a #break reader macro in it, or nothing will happen."
file "File where the code is located."
ns "Passed to \"eval\"."
point "Position in the file where the provided code begins.")
returns (dict
status "\"done\" if the message will no longer be used, or \"need-debug-input\" during debugging sessions"))
describe (dict
doc "Produce a machine- and human-readable directory and documentation for the operations supported by an nREPL endpoint."
optional (dict
verbose? "Include informational detail for each \"op\"eration in the return message.")
requires (dict)
returns (dict
aux "Map of auxilliary data contributed by all of the active nREPL middleware via :describe-fn functions in their descriptors."
ops "Map of \"op\"erations supported by this nREPL endpoint"
versions "Map containing version maps (like *clojure-version*, e.g. major, minor, incremental, and qualifier keys) for values, component names as keys. Common keys include \"nrepl\" and \"clojure\"."))
eldoc (dict
doc "Return a map of information about the specified symbol."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
symbol "The symbol to lookup")
returns (dict
status "done"))
eldoc-datomic-query (dict
doc "Return a map containing the inputs of the datomic query."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
symbol "The symbol to lookup")
returns (dict
status "done"))
eval (dict
doc "Evaluates code."
optional (dict
id "An opaque message ID that will be included in responses related to the evaluation, and which may be used to restrict the scope of a later \"interrupt\" operation."
column "The column number in [file] at which [code] starts."
eval "A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function value will be used to evaluate [code], instead of `clojure.core/eval` (the default)."
file "The path to the file containing [code]. `clojure.core/*file*` will be bound to this."
line "The line number in [file] at which [code] starts.")
requires (dict
session "The ID of the session within which to evaluate the code."
code "The code to be evaluated.")
returns (dict
ex "The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent."
ns "*ns*, after successful evaluation of `code`."
root-ex "The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent."
values "The result of evaluating `code`, often `read`able. This printing is provided by the `pr-values` middleware, and could theoretically be customized. Superseded by `ex` and `root-ex` if an exception occurs during evaluation."))
extract-definition (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
find-symbol (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
find-used-locals (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
find-used-publics (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
format-code (dict
doc "Reformats the given Clojure code, returning the result as a string."
requires (dict
code "The code to format.")
returns (dict
formatted-code "The formatted code."))
format-edn (dict
doc "Reformats the given EDN data, returning the result as a string."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "Fully qualified name of the print function to be used."
print-right-margin "The maximum column width of the formatted result.")
requires (dict
edn "The data to format.")
returns (dict
formatted-edn "The formatted data."))
get-max-samples (dict
doc "Returns maximum number of samples to be collected for any var."
requires (dict)
returns (dict
status "Done"
value "String representing number of max-sample-count"))
hotload-dependency (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
info (dict
doc "Return a map of information about the specified symbol."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
symbol "The symbol to lookup")
returns (dict
status "done"))
init-debugger (dict
doc "Initialize the debugger so that `breakpoint` works correctly. This usually does not respond immediately. It sends a response when a breakpoint is reached or when the message is discarded."
requires (dict
id "A message id that will be responded to when a breakpoint is reached."))
inspect-get-path (dict
doc "Returns the path to the current position in the inspected value."
requires (dict
session "The current session")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-next-page (dict
doc "Jumps to the next page in paginated collection view."
requires (dict
session "The current session")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-pop (dict
doc "Moves one level up in the inspector stack."
requires (dict
session "The current session")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-prev-page (dict
doc "Jumps to the previous page in paginated collection view."
requires (dict
session "The current session")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-push (dict
doc "Inspects the inside value specified by index."
requires (dict
session "The current session"
idx "Index of the internal value currently rendered.")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-refresh (dict
doc "Re-renders the currently inspected value."
requires (dict
session "The current session")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
inspect-set-page-size (dict
doc "Sets the page size in paginated view to specified value."
requires (dict
session "The current session"
page-size "New page size.")
returns (dict
status "\"done\""))
interrupt (dict
doc "Attempts to interrupt some code evaluation."
optional (dict
interrupt-id "The opaque message ID sent with the original \"eval\" request.")
requires (dict
session "The ID of the session used to start the evaluation to be interrupted.")
returns (dict
status "'interrupted' if an evaluation was identified and interruption will be attempted
'session-idle' if the session is not currently evaluating any code
'interrupt-id-mismatch' if the session is currently evaluating code sent using a different ID than specified by the \"interrupt-id\" value "))
is-var-profiled (dict
doc "Reports wheth symbol is currently profiled."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
sym "The symbol to check")
returns (dict
status "Done"
value "'profiled' if profiling enabled, 'unprofiled' if disabled"))
load-file (dict
doc "Loads a body of code, using supplied path and filename info to set source file and line number metadata. Delegates to underlying \"eval\" middleware/handler."
optional (dict
file-name "Name of source file, e.g. io.clj"
file-path "Source-path-relative path of the source file, e.g. clojure/java/io.clj")
requires (dict
file "Full contents of a file of code.")
returns (dict
ex "The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent."
ns "*ns*, after successful evaluation of `code`."
root-ex "The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent."
values "The result of evaluating `code`, often `read`able. This printing is provided by the `pr-values` middleware, and could theoretically be customized. Superseded by `ex` and `root-ex` if an exception occurs during evaluation."))
ls-sessions (dict
doc "Lists the IDs of all active sessions."
optional (dict)
requires (dict)
returns (dict
sessions "A list of all available session IDs."))
macroexpand (dict
doc "Produces macroexpansion of some form using the given expander."
optional (dict
display-namespaces "How to print namespace-qualified symbols in the result. Possible values are \"qualified\" to leave all namespaces qualified, \"none\" to elide all namespaces, or \"tidy\" to replace namespaces with their aliases in the given namespace. Defaults to \"qualified\"."
expander "The macroexpansion function to use. Possible values are \"macroexpand-1\", \"macroexpand\", or \"macroexpand-all\". Defaults to \"macroexpand\"."
ns "The namespace in which to perform the macroexpansion. Defaults to 'user for Clojure and 'cljs.user for ClojureScript."
print-meta "If truthy, also print metadata of forms.")
requires (dict
code "The form to macroexpand.")
returns (dict
expansion "The macroexpanded form."))
namespace-aliases (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
ns-list (dict
doc "Return a sorted list of all namespaces."
optional (dict
filter-regexps "All namespaces matching any regexp from this list would be dropped from the result.")
returns (dict
ns-list "The sorted list of all namespaces."
status "done"))
ns-list-vars-by-name (dict
doc "Return a list of vars named `name` amongst all namespaces."
requires (dict
name "The name to use.")
returns (dict
status "done"
var-list "The list obtained."))
ns-load-all (dict
doc "Loads all project namespaces."
return (dict
loaded-ns "The list of ns that were loaded."
status "done"))
ns-path (dict
doc "Returns the path to the file containing ns."
requires (dict
ns "The namespace to find.")
return (dict
path "The path to the file containing ns."
status "done"))
ns-vars (dict
doc "Returns a sorted list of all vars in a namespace."
requires (dict
ns "The namespace to browse.")
returns (dict
ns-vars "The sorted list of all vars in a namespace."
status "done"))
ns-vars-with-meta (dict
doc "Returns a map of [var-name] to [var-metadata] for all vars in a namespace."
requires (dict
ns "The namespace to use.")
returns (dict
ns-vars-with-meta "The map of [var-name] to [var-metadata] for all vars in a namespace."
status "done"))
out-subscribe (dict
doc "Change #'*out* so that it also prints to active sessions, even outside an eval scope.")
out-unsubscribe (dict
doc "Change #'*out* so that it no longer prints to active sessions outside an eval scope.")
pprint-middleware (dict
doc "Enhances the `eval` op by adding pretty-printing. Not an op in itself."
optional (dict
pprint "If present and non-nil, pretty-print the result of evaluation."
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
profile-summary (dict
doc "Return profiling data summary."
requires (dict)
returns (dict
err "Content of profile summary report"
status "Done"))
profile-var-summary (dict
doc "Return profiling data summary for a single var."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
sym "The symbol to profile")
returns (dict
err "Content of profile summary report"
status "Done"))
refresh (dict
doc "Reloads all changed files in dependency order."
optional (dict
after "The namespace-qualified name of a zero-arity function to call after reloading."
before "The namespace-qualified name of a zero-arity function to call before reloading."
dirs "List of directories to scan. If no directories given, defaults to all directories on the classpath."
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session.")
returns (dict
error "A sequence of all causes of the thrown exception when `status` is `:error`."
error-ns "The namespace that caused reloading to fail when `status` is `:error`."
reloading "List of namespaces that will be reloaded."
status "`:ok` if reloading was successful; otherwise `:error`."))
refresh-all (dict
doc "Reloads all files in dependency order."
optional (dict
after "The namespace-qualified name of a zero-arity function to call after reloading."
before "The namespace-qualified name of a zero-arity function to call before reloading."
dirs "List of directories to scan. If no directories given, defaults to all directories on the classpath."
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session.")
returns (dict
error "A sequence of all causes of the thrown exception when `status` is `:error`."
error-ns "The namespace that caused reloading to fail when `status` is `:error`."
reloading "List of namespaces that will be reloaded."
status "`:ok` if reloading was successful; otherwise `:error`."))
refresh-clear (dict
doc "Clears the state of the refresh middleware. This can help recover from a failed load or a circular dependency error.")
rename-file-or-dir (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
resolve-missing (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
resource (dict
doc "Obtain the path to a resource."
requires (dict
name "The name of the resource in question.")
returns (dict
resource-path "The file path to a resource."))
resources-list (dict
doc "Obtain a list of all resources on the classpath."
optional (dict
context "Completion context for compliment."
prefix "Prefix to filter out resources.")
returns (dict
resources-list "The list of resources."))
retest (dict
doc "Return exception cause and stack frame info for an erring test via the `stacktrace` middleware. The error to be retrieved is referenced by namespace, var name, and assertion index within the var."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
set-max-samples (dict
doc "Sets maximum sample count. Returns new max-sample-count."
requires (dict
max-samples "Maxiumum samples to collect for any single var.")
returns (dict
status "Done"
value "String representing number of max-sample-count"))
slurp (dict
doc "Slurps a URL from the nREPL server, returning MIME data.")
spec-example (dict
doc "Return a string with a pretty printed example for a spec"
requires (dict
spec-name "The spec namespaced keyword we want the example for")
returns (dict
example "The pretty printed spec example string"
status "done"))
spec-form (dict
doc "Return the form of a given spec"
requires (dict
spec-name "The spec namespaced keyword we are looking for")
returns (dict
spec-form "The spec form"
status "done"))
spec-list (dict
doc "Return a sorted list of all specs in the registry"
optional (dict
filter-regex "Only the specs that matches filter prefix regex will be returned ")
returns (dict
spec-list "The sorted list of all specs in the registry with their descriptions"
status "done"))
stacktrace (dict
doc "Return messages describing each cause and stack frame of the most recent exception."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session.")
returns (dict
status "\"done\", or \"no-error\" if `*e` is nil"))
stdin (dict
doc "Add content from the value of \"stdin\" to *in* in the current session."
optional (dict)
requires (dict
stdin "Content to add to *in*.")
returns (dict
status "A status of \"need-input\" will be sent if a session's *in* requires content in order to satisfy an attempted read operation."))
stubs-for-interface (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
test (dict
doc "[DEPRECATED] Run tests in the specified namespace and return results. This accepts a set of `tests` to be run; if nil, runs all tests. Results are cached for exception retrieval and to enable re-running of failed/erring tests."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
test-all (dict
doc "[DEPRECATED] Run all tests in the project. If `load?` is truthy, all project namespaces are loaded; otherwise, only tests in presently loaded namespaces are run. Results are cached for exception retrieval and to enable re-running of failed/erring tests."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
test-stacktrace (dict
doc "Rerun all tests that did not pass when last run. Results are cached for exception retrieval and to enable re-running of failed/erring tests."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
test-var-query (dict
doc "Run tests specified by the `var-query` and return results. Results are cached for exception retrieval and to enable re-running of failed/erring tests."
optional (dict
pprint-fn "The namespace-qualified name of a single-arity function to use for pretty-printing. Defaults to `clojure.pprint/pprint`."
print-length "Value to bind to `*print-length*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-level "Value to bind to `*print-level*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-meta "Value to bind to `*print-meta*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."
print-right-margin "Value to bind to `clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin*` when pretty-printing. Defaults to the value bound in the current REPL session."))
toggle-profile (dict
doc "Toggle profiling of a given var."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
sym "The symbol to profile")
returns (dict
status "Done"
value "'profiled' if profiling enabled, 'unprofiled' if disabled, 'unbound' if ns/sym not bound"))
toggle-profile-ns (dict
doc "Toggle profiling of given namespace."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace")
returns (dict
status "Done"
value "'profiled' if profiling enabled, 'unprofiled' if disabled"))
toggle-trace-ns (dict
doc "Toggle tracing of a given ns."
requires (dict
ns "The namespace to trace")
returns (dict
ns-status "The result of tracing operation"))
toggle-trace-var (dict
doc "Toggle tracing of a given var."
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
sym "The symbol to trace")
returns (dict
var-name "The fully-qualified name of the traced/untraced var"
var-status "The result of tracing operation"))
track-state-middleware (dict)
undef (dict
doc "Undefine a symbol"
requires (dict
ns "The current namespace"
symbol "The symbol to undefine")
returns (dict
status "done"))
version (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
warm-ast-cache (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict))
warm-macro-occurrences-cache (dict
doc "See the refactor-nrepl README"
requires (dict)
returns (dict)))
status ("done")
versions (dict
clojure (dict
incremental 0
major 1
minor 9
version-string "1.9.0")
java (dict
incremental "0"
major "1"
minor "8"
update "181"
version-string "1.8.0_181")
nrepl (dict
incremental "12"
major "0"
minor "2"
qualifier ""
version-string "0.2.12"))
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