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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Get elemental data from the Bruker AXS Tracer handheld pXRF
130125-brickn679-500sec-5 Energy1 Energy2 Chan-Start Chan-End Chan-Counts Compton
CaKa1 3.6043 3.779 180.2158 188.9522 1208.35 10.102452
ScKa1 4.001 4.1802 200.0508 209.0092 856.45 7.1603729
TiKa1 4.419 4.6027 220.9488 230.1352 1683.66 14.076247
V Ka1 4.858 5.0464 242.9 252.32 671.9 5.6174401
CrKa1 5.3181 5.5113 265.9066 275.5654 477.09 3.9887208
MnKa1 5.7997 5.9978 289.9863 299.8887 1657.74 13.859547
FeKa1 6.3023 6.5053 315.1168 325.2672 99098.04 828.50964
CoKa1 6.8263 7.0343 341.3147 351.7173 8706.4 72.789874
NiKa1 7.3716 7.5847 368.5782 379.2368 892.66 7.4630925
CuKa1 7.9386 8.157 396.9297 407.8483 380.19 3.1786068
ZnKa1 8.527 8.7507 426.352 437.534 691.96 5.785131
AsKa1 10.4238 10.6636 521.1904 533.1816 319.36 2.6700286
SeKa1 11.0997 11.3451 554.9866 567.2534 151.37 1.2655638
PbLb1 12.4856 12.7418 624.2785 637.0915 305.48 2.5539278
KrKa1 12.5207 12.7773 626.0367 638.8633 318.94 2.6665053
RbKa1 13.2642 13.5264 663.2101 676.3199 3921.79 32.788149
SrKa1 14.031 14.299 701.5521 714.9479 1902.77 15.908154
Y Ka1 14.8216 15.0952 741.0779 754.7621 1837.01 15.358314
ZrKa1 15.6354 15.9148 781.7675 795.7425 5213.02 43.583471
NbKa1 16.4724 16.7578 823.6211 837.8889 1027.51 8.5905203
MoKa1 17.3337 17.625 866.6855 881.2485 1367.43 11.432433
TcKa1 18.2185 18.5157 910.925 925.785 1503.33 12.56857
RuKa1 19.1276 19.4308 956.3804 971.5396 4204.37 35.150649
RhKa1 20.0615 20.3707 1003.0748 1018.5352 5049.78 42.218711
PdKa1 21.0195 21.3347 1050.9733 1066.7367 4723.53 39.491055
CdKa1 23.0098 23.3374 1150.4924 1166.8676 5445.21 45.524666
SnKa1 25.1014 25.4412 1255.068 1272.062 8917.46 74.554458
SbKa1 26.186 26.5322 1309.3018 1326.6082 9592.72 80.199988
BaKa1 32.0047 32.3825 1600.2334 1619.1266 11831.31 98.91574
LaKa1 33.2496 33.634 1662.4821 1681.6979 9113.12 76.190283
CMPT 1.13 1.86 56.5 93 119.61
#' Get elemental data from the Bruker AXS Tracer handheld pXRF
#' This function starts with directory of csv files (or a directory
#' of directories) that are the raw output from the
#' pXRF and returns a list of two dataframes, one with
#' just the counts per channel for each
#' run, and one with counts and all the diagnostic details.
#' @param mydir the full path of the directory containing the
#' csv files
#' @example mydata <- get_pXRF_data("C:/Users/marwick/UW-Dropbox/Dropbox/MKII_pXRF_data_SP14/MKII-SW-sec-S-pxrf/140527 Beads")
get_pXRF_data <- function(mydir){
# require(data.table)
myfiles <- list.files(mydir, pattern = '.csv', full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
# data <- lapply(myfiles, fread)
data <- lapply(myfiles, read.csv)
# make a data frame where each column is one analysis and the colname is the filename
# create empty dataframe to hold the data
# df <- data.table(matrix(nrow=length(data), ncol = nrow(data[[1]])))
df <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(data), ncol = nrow(data[[1]])))
# loop through each CSV file and get the counts and put
# them into a column of a single data frame
# for (i in 1:length(myfiles)) {
# df[i, ] <- as.numeric(as.character((data[[i]][[2]])))
# print(i) # this loop is very slow with data.table!
# }
for (i in 1:length(myfiles)) {
df[i,] <- data[[i]]$Bruker.AXS.Handheld.Inc..S1PXRF.Spectrum
print(i) # it's nice to see the progress...
# put the CSV file names as the column names in the new dataframe
colnames(df) <- rownames(data[[1]])
# and as first row to use later
df$filename <- myfiles
# from line 21 - 2068 are the channels, separate them out
channels <- df[,c((which(names(df) %in% 0):ncol(df)))]
rownames(channels) <- df$filename
return(list(channels, df))
isolate_channels <- function(){
# isolate and name channels by element
channel_ranges <- read.csv("")
# extract channels to ID elements
channelRangesStartEnd <- channel_ranges[,c(1,4:5)]
# round to whole numbers
channelRangesStartEnd$Chan.Start <- round(channelRangesStartEnd$Chan.Start)
channelRangesStartEnd$Chan.End <- round(channelRangesStartEnd$Chan.End)
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