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Last active May 8, 2019 05:03
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Cool Things I Learned From Reading The CommonMark Spec For Markdown
output = false
hint = "I provide the application settings and event handlers."
// Define the application. = hash( getCurrentTemplatePath() );
this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan( 0, 0, 10, 0 );
this.sessionManagement = false;
// Setup the application mappings. = getDirectoryFromPath( getCurrentTemplatePath() );
this.mappings[ "/" ] =;
this.mappings[ "/flexmark" ] = ( & "vendor/flexmark-0.42.6/" );
this.mappings[ "/javaloader" ] = ( & "vendor/javaloader-1.2/javaloader/" );
this.mappings[ "/javaloaderfactory" ] = ( & "vendor/javaloaderfactory/" );
// ---
// ---
* I initialize the application.
* @output false
public boolean function onApplicationStart() {
// In order to prevent memory leaks, we're going to use the JavaLoaderFactory to
// instantiate our JavaLoader. This will keep the instance cached in the Server
// scope so that it doesn't have to continually re-create it as we test our
// application configuration.
application.javaLoaderFactory = new javaloaderfactory.JavaLoaderFactory();
// Create a JavaLoader that can access the Flexmark 0.42.6 JAR files.
// --
// NOTE: This list of JAR files contains the CORE Flexmark functionality plus
// the Attributes extension. Flexmark is configured such that each extension is
// packaged as a separate, optional set of JAR files.
application.flexmarkJavaLoader = application.javaLoaderFactory.getJavaLoader([
expandPath( "/flexmark/flexmark-0.42.6.jar" ),
expandPath( "/flexmark/flexmark-ext-attributes-0.42.6.jar" ),
expandPath( "/flexmark/flexmark-formatter-0.42.6.jar" ),
expandPath( "/flexmark/flexmark-util-0.42.6.jar" )
// Indicate that the application has been initialized successfully.
return( true );
LESSON: HTML comments can be embedded right in the markdown. This can be used to
interrupt other Markdown constructs. I could also be used to embed meta-data right
into the content to be consumed programmatically after rendering. Example:
<!-- VIDEO: 23vid7f3 -->
LESSON: Style tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-size: 16px ;
LESSON: Script tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log( "Oh chickens!" );
<script type="text/app-data">
id: 12345,
name: "Thing"
LESSON: Code-fences can use more than 3-ticks to start and end a fenced-block. This
allows for embedded ticks to be used. The end just has to have AT LEAST as many ticks
as the start.
This has embedded ``` ticks.
LESSON: Inline code-spans can use more than 1-tick to start and end a span. This
allows for embedded ticks to be used. The end just to have the same number of ticks
as the start.
This ```an embedded ` tick ``` right here.
LESSON: Pre tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
This markdown will **not be interpreted**.
LESSON: Markdown within HTML Blocks will be interpreted (as markdown) if the inner-
content is separated by a blank line.
<div data-id="container">
This markdown **will be interpreted**!
LESSON: Link references can contain optional Title attributes.
[mylink]: "This is a groovy link title!"
Hey, why don't you [click me][mylink].
LESSON: Link references can be rendered by label alone. This renders the link label
as the link text.
[]: "A blog on things and stuff."
You should really check out [].
LESSON: Link references work with images.
NOTE: I am also using the Flexmark Attributes Extension to assign WIDTH to the image.
This is not a native part of the CommonMark Specification.
[myimage]: ./goose-duck.jpg "Isn't she great?!"
![Goose Duck][myimage]{width="100"}
LESSON: List items that are right next to each other will be embedded right in an LI.
However, list items that are separated by a blank line will be embedded in P tags.
* I will be wrapped in a `p` inside an `li`.
* I will be wrapped in a `p` inside an `li`.
LESSON: HTML comments can interrupt two sibling lists.
* In list one.
* In list one.
<!-- -->
* In list two.
* In list two.
LESSON: Partial-word emphasis works with **, but not with __.
Holy**chickens**!, this is fan__freakin__tastic!
LESSON: Absolute links wrapped in < and > will get auto-linked.
Check out <> for more info.
LESSON: Two trailing spaces on a line will create a hard break, <br/>.
This will all
be on one
But, this will
be on three
different lines.
LESSON: Anything that looks like HTML will be kept as-is. If it is inline, it will
wrapped in `p` tags. If it goes across lines, it will be treated as a block element.
Checkout <MyInlineElement></MyInlineElement>.
CAUTION: If you try to wrap attribute on another line, this gets treated as an inline
element. I am not sure if this is part of the spec; or, if this is just Flexmark.
<MyBlockElement data-id="123" data-value="something">
Self-closing tags appear to be treated as block elements if they are defined by
themselves on a SINGLE LINE. Again, I am not sure if this is the spec or just how
Flexmark is implementing it.
<MyBlockElement data-id="123" data-value="something" />
// Read-in our markdown file.
markdown = fileRead( expandPath( "./" ) );
// Create some of our Class definitions. We need this in order to access some static
// methods and properties.
AttributesExtensionClass = application.flexmarkJavaLoader.create( "com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.attributes.AttributesExtension" );
HtmlRendererClass = application.flexmarkJavaLoader.create( "com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer" );
ParserClass = application.flexmarkJavaLoader.create( "com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser" );
// Create our options instance - this dataset is used to configure both the parser
// and the renderer.
options = application.flexmarkJavaLoader.create( "com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options.MutableDataSet" ).init();
// Define the extensions we're going to use. In this case, the only extension that
// I want to add is the Attributes Extension. This allows me to use {...} postfix
// syntax in order to append attributes to the preceding element.
// --
// NOTE: If you want to add more extensions, you will need to download more JAR files
// and add them to the JavaLoader class paths.
// Create our parser and renderer - both using the options.
// --
// NOTE: In the demo, I'm re-creating these on every page request. However, in
// production I would probably cache both of these inside of some Abstraction
// (such as MarkdownParser.cfc) which would, in turn, get cached inside the
// application scope.
parser = ParserClass.builder( options ).build();
renderer = HtmlRendererClass.builder( options ).build();
// Parse the markdown into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) document node.
document = parser.parse( javaCast( "string", markdown ) );
// Render the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) document into an HTML string.
html = renderer.render( document );
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Using Flexmark 0.42.6 To Parse Markdown Into HTML in ColdFusion
Using Flexmark 0.42.6 To Parse Markdown Into HTML in ColdFusion
Rendered Output:
<hr />
<hr />
Rendered Markup:
<pre class="language-html"
><code class="language-html"
><cfoutput>#encodeForHtml( html )#</cfoutput
<!-- For our fenced code-block syntax highlighting. -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./vendor/prism-1.14.0/prism.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="./vendor/prism-1.14.0/prism.js"></script>
LESSON: HTML comments can be embedded right in the markdown. This can be used to
interrupt other Markdown constructs. I could also be used to embed meta-data right
into the content to be consumed programmatically after rendering. Example:
<!-- VIDEO: 23vid7f3 -->
LESSON: Style tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-size: 16px ;
LESSON: Script tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log( "Oh chickens!" );
<script type="text/app-data">
id: 12345,
name: "Thing"
LESSON: Code-fences can use more than 3-ticks to start and end a fenced-block. This
allows for embedded ticks to be used. The end just has to have AT LEAST as many ticks
as the start.
<pre><code class="language-txt">This has embedded ``` ticks.
LESSON: Inline code-spans can use more than 1-tick to start and end a span. This
allows for embedded ticks to be used. The end just to have the same number of ticks
as the start.
<p>This <code>an embedded ` tick</code> right here.</p>
LESSON: Pre tags can be embedded right in the markdown.
This markdown will **not be interpreted**.
LESSON: Markdown within HTML Blocks will be interpreted (as markdown) if the inner-
content is separated by a blank line.
<div data-id="container">
<p>This markdown <strong>will be interpreted</strong>!</p>
LESSON: Link references can contain optional Title attributes.
<p>Hey, why don't you <a href="" title="This is a groovy link title!">click me</a>.</p>
LESSON: Link references can be rendered by label alone. This renders the link label
as the link text.
<p>You should really check out <a href="" title="A blog on things and stuff."></a>.</p>
LESSON: Link references work with images.
NOTE: I am also using the Flexmark Attributes Extension to assign WIDTH to the image.
This is not a native part of the CommonMark Specification.
<p><img src="./goose-duck.jpg" alt="Goose Duck" title="Isn't she great?!" width="100" /></p>
LESSON: List items that are right next to each other will be embedded right in an LI.
However, list items that are separated by a blank line will be embedded in P tags.
<p>I will be wrapped in a <code>p</code> inside an <code>li</code>.</p>
<p>I will be wrapped in a <code>p</code> inside an <code>li</code>.</p>
LESSON: HTML comments can interrupt two sibling lists.
<li>In list one.</li>
<li>In list one.</li>
<!-- -->
<li>In list two.</li>
<li>In list two.</li>
LESSON: Partial-word emphasis works with **, but not with __.
<p>Holy<strong>chickens</strong>!, this is fan__freakin__tastic!</p>
LESSON: Absolute links wrapped in < and > will get auto-linked.
<p>Check out <a href=""></a> for more info.</p>
LESSON: Two trailing spaces on a line will create a hard break, <br/>.
<p>This will all
be on one
<p>But, this will<br />
be on three<br />
different lines.</p>
LESSON: Anything that looks like HTML will be kept as-is. If it is inline, it will
wrapped in `p` tags. If it goes across lines, it will be treated as a block element.
<p>Checkout <MyInlineElement></MyInlineElement>.</p>
CAUTION: If you try to wrap attribute on another line, this gets treated as an inline
element. I am not sure if this is part of the spec; or, if this is just Flexmark.
<MyBlockElement data-id="123" data-value="something">
Self-closing tags appear to be treated as block elements if they are defined by
themselves on a SINGLE LINE. Again, I am not sure if this is the spec or just how
Flexmark is implementing it.
<MyBlockElement data-id="123" data-value="something" />
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