	hint="I render the link View for the given link and image.">

	<!--- Define images. --->
	<cfargument name="href" />
	<cfargument name="imageSource" />

	<!--- Render the link view. --->
	<cfsavecontent variable="local.view">

			<a href="#arguments.href#" target="_blank">
				<img src="#arguments.imageSource#" height="100" />


	<!--- Return the link view. --->
	<cfreturn local.view />



	// Create our JSoup class. The class mostly has static methods
	// for parsing so we don't need to initialize it.
	jSoupClass = createObject( "java", "org.jsoup.Jsoup" );

	// Create a connection to the Tumblr blog and execute a GET HTTP
	// request on the connection. Hello muscular women!
	dom = jSoupClass.connect( "http://bennadel.tumblr.com" )

	// Get all of the posts that have an image as the primary media
	// element. From there, we can subsquently select both the image
	// and the link to the blog post.
	// NOTE: If you have a space around your inner selector, jSoup
	// will throw an unexpected token error:
	// == Could not parse query '': unexpected token at '' ==
	posts = dom.select( "div.post:has(div.media img)" );

	// Loop over the blog posts to generate the images and links.
	for ( post in posts ){

		// Once we have a node within the document, select() requests
		// on the node will be relative to the given node within the
		// Document Object Model.

		// Get the link element. This is the immediate child of the
		// current post.
		link = post.select( "> a" );

		// Get the media image for the post.
		image = post.select( "div.media img" );

		// Render the link. Notice that we are preceeding the
		// attribute name with "abs:". This gets jSoup to return the
		// absolute URL for the attribute value. If we did not have
		// it and the URL was relative, it would return only the
		// relative value.

				link.attr( "abs:href" ),
				image.attr( "abs:src" )


