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Created October 14, 2019 13:53
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Building A Simple Redis Key Scanner Using Lucee CFML And Jedis
output = false
hint = "I provide a simple API for iterating and viewing keys in a given Redis database."
* I initialize the Scanner with the given JavaLoader.
* @javaLoaderForJedis I am the JavaLoader for the Jedis library.
public any function init( required any javaLoaderForJedis ) {
variables.loader = javaLoaderForJedis;
// These properties will only be made available when the Scanner is configured to
// inspect a given Redis host. = "";
variables.pool = "";
// ---
// ---
* I configure the Scanner to inspect the given Redis host.
* @newHost I am the Redis host to connect to.
public void function configure( required string newHost ) {
// If there is an existing connection pool, close it.
if ( isConfigured() ) {
variables.pool = ""; = "";
var config = loader
.create( "redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig" )
var pool = loader
.create( "redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool" )
.init( config, newHost )
variables.pool = pool; = newHost;
* I get the data and meta-data stored at the given key.
* @key I am the Redis key being inspected.
public struct function inspect( required string key ) {
var results = {
key: key,
type: "none",
ttl: "none",
value: ""
results.type = withRedis(
( redis ) => {
return( redis.type( key ) );
// If the key doesn't exist, there's no point in trying to access the rest of
// key meta-data.
if ( results.type == "none" ) {
return( results );
results.ttl = formatTTL(
( redis ) => {
return( redis.ttl( key ) );
results.value = getValueByType( key, results.type );
return( results );
* I determine if the Scanner has been configured for a Redis host.
public boolean function isConfigured() {
return( ! isSimpleValue( pool ) );
* I scan over the Redis keys, using the given cursor and pattern.
* NOTE: The pattern is applied to the keys AFTER they have been scanned. As such,
* it's possible to use a pattern that returns zero results prior to the end of a
* full iteration of the Redis database.
* @scanCursor I am the cursor performing the iteration.
* @scanPattern I am the post-scan filter to apply to the result-set.
* @scanCount I am the number of keys to scan in one operation.
public struct function scan(
required numeric scanCursor,
required string scanPattern,
numeric scanCount = 100
) {
var scanParams = loader
.create( "redis.clients.jedis.ScanParams" )
.match( scanPattern )
.count( scanCount )
var results = withRedis(
( redis ) => {
return( redis.scan( scanCursor, scanParams ) );
cursor: results.getCursor(),
keys: results.getResult()
// ---
// ---
* I assert that the Scanner is configured; and, throw an error if not.
private void function assertIsConfigured() {
if ( ! isConfigured() ) {
* I format the given TTL value to make it more human-readable.
* @ttl I am the TTL in seconds being formatted.
private string function formatTTL( required numeric ttl ) {
if ( ttl < 0 ) {
return( "none" );
if ( ttl < 60 ) {
return( ttl & " seconds" );
var ttlInMinutes = ( ttl / 60 );
if ( ttlInMinutes < 60 ) {
return( numberFormat( ttlInMinutes, "0.0" ) & " minutes" );
var ttlInHours = ( ttlInMinutes / 60 );
if ( ttlInHours < 24 ) {
return( numberFormat( ttlInMinutes, "0.0" ) & " hours" );
var ttlInDays = ( ttlInHours / 24 );
if ( ttlInDays < 28 ) {
return( numberFormat( ttlInDays, "0.0" ) & " days" );
var ttlInWeeks = ( ttlInDays / 7 );
return( numberFormat( ttlInWeeks, "0.0" ) & " weeks" );
* I get the Redis key value for a key of the given type.
* @key I am the key being read.
* @type I am the data-type stored at the given key.
private any function getValueByType(
required string key,
required string type
) {
var value = withRedis(
( redis ) => {
switch ( type ) {
case "hash":
return( redis.hgetAll( key ) );
case "list":
return( redis.lrange( key, 0, -1 ) );
case "set":
return( redis.smembers( key ) );
case "string":
return( redis.get( key ) );
case "zset":
return( redis.zrange( key, 0, -1 ) );
return( "Redis type [#type#] not supported by Scanner." );
return( isNull( value ) ? "" : value );
* I throw a Not Configured error.
private void function throwNotConfiguredError() {
type = "RedisScannerNotConfigured",
message = "Redis Scanner not yet configured.",
detail = "Before the Redis Scanner can be used, it must be configured using the .configure() method."
* I invoke the given Callback with an instance of a Redis connection from the Jedis
* connection pool. The value returned by the Callback is passed-back up to the
* calling context. This removes the need to manage the connection in the calling
* context.
* @callback I am a Function that is invoked with an instance of a Redis connection.
private any function withRedis( required function callback ) {
try {
var redis = pool.getResource();
return( callback( redis ) );
} finally {
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