<!--- Kill extra output. --->

		Check to see if the error object exists. Even though
		we have landed on this page, it is possible that
		someone called it directly without throwing an erorr.
		The error object only exists if an error was caught.
	<cfif StructKeyExists( VARIABLES, "Error" )>

			Mail out the error data (and whatever other scopes
			you would like to see at the time of th error). When
			you CFDump out the objects, make them Secure AND
			also be sure to use a TOP attribute when appropriate
			so that the CFDump doesn't recurse forever.
			subject="Web Site Error"

				An error occurred at
				#DateFormat( Now(), "mmm d, yyyy" )# at
				#TimeFormat( Now(), "hh:mm TT" )#


				var="#MakeStructSecure( VARIABLES.Error )#"
				label="Error object."


				var="#MakeStructSecure( CGI )#"
				label="CGI object"


				var="#MakeStructSecure( REQUEST )#"
				label="REQUEST object"


				var="#MakeStructSecure( FORM )#"
				label="FORM object"


				var="#MakeStructSecure( URL )#"
				label="URL object"


				var="#MakeStructSecure( SESSION )#"
				label="SESSION object"



		When setting the header information, be sure to put
		it in a CFTry / CFCatch. We can only send header
		information if the site has NOT already been flushed
		to the browser. Also set a flag so that we know if
		information has been committed.
	<cfset REQUEST.RequestCommitted = false />

		<!--- Set the status code to internal server error. --->
			statustext="Internal Server Error"

		<!--- Set the content type. --->

		<!--- Catch any errors. --->

				There was an error so flag the request as
				already being committed.
			<cfset REQUEST.RequestCommitted = true />



	Check to see if the request has been committed. If it
	has, then it means that content has already been committed
	to the browser. In that case, we are gonna want to refresh
	the screen, unless we came from a refresh, in which case
	just let the page run.
<cfif (
	StructKeyExists( VARIABLES, "Error" ) AND
	REQUEST.RequestCommitted AND
	(NOT StructKeyExists( URL, "norefresh" ))

	<script type="text/javascript">

		window.location.href = "cferror.cfm?norefresh=true";


	<!--- Exit out of the template. --->
	<cfexit />


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
	<title>An Error Occurred</title>

		Internal Server Error

		An internal server error has occurred, but our
		squad of CF Ninjas are looking into it! Naturally,
		you won't be able to tell that they're doing
		anything because they are Ninjas! But, rest assured,
		stuff is getting done.
