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Last active January 5, 2016 12:26
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Testing Foreign And Unicode Character Rendering With The CFDocument Tag In ColdFusion
Since our test page has UTF-8 characters embedded within it, we have to tell
ColdFusion how to parse this page for proper character interpretation.
<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="utf-8" />
<cfparam name="url.fontName" type="string" />
Not all fonts can be used inside of the CFDocument tag. The attempt to use
certain fonts will result in a NullPointer exception. As such, we need to
wrap the usage in a try / catch so we can show a nicer message to the user.
<p style="font-family: '#url.fontName#' ; font-size: 20px ;">
<!--- Catch any failure to use the given font. --->
<p style="font-family: '#url.fontName#' ; font-size: 20px ; color: ##CC0000 ;">
<strong>#htmlEditFormat( url.fontName )#</strong>:
#htmlEditFormat( cfcatch.message )#
// In order to get the fonts, we have to log into the CF Admin using the
// Administrator API.
adminGateway = createObject( "component", "cfide.adminapi.administrator" );
adminGateway.login( "********************************" );
runtimeGateway = createObject( "component", "cfide.adminapi.runtime" );
// Grab the system fonts and the user fonts.
systemFonts = runtimeGateway.getFonts().systemFonts;
userFonts = runtimeGateway.getFonts().userFonts;
// The font list is a little confusing. Half of the fonts seem to completely
// error out for me. And, of those fonts, the vast majority of them seemed to
// be fonts that contained a "-". As such, this step merges the System Fonts
// and the User Fonts while, at the same time, stripping the "- suffix" from
// the font list.
// --
// NOTE: I am using listFirst() for all fonts, regardless of whether or not
// there is a "-" present since the lack of "-" will just grab the entire
// font name as the "first item" in the list.
uniqueFonts = {};
// Merge in the system fonts.
for ( fontName in systemFonts ) {
uniqueFonts[ listFirst( fontName, "-" ) ] = true;
// Merge in the user fonts.
for ( fontName in userFonts ) {
uniqueFonts[ listFirst( fontName, "-" ) ] = true;
// Now that we have a map of the font names, let's convert it to a sorted
// array for a slightly better user experience.
fontNames = structKeyArray( uniqueFonts );
arraySort( fontNames, "textnocase" );
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
ColdFusion CFDocument Font Testing
<style type="text/css">
iframe {
border: 1px solid ##000000 ;
height: 50px ;
margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px ;
overflow: hidden ;
width: 100% ;
<body style="width: 875px ;">
ColdFusion CFDocument Font Testing
<cfloop index="fontName" array="#fontNames#">
Render each font inside its own iframe. This way, if the CFDocument
tag can't handle the given font, and explodes, the damage is contained.
title="Font: #htmlEditFormat( fontName )#"
src="./document.cfm?fontName=#urlEncodedFormat( fontName )#">
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