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Forked from benhoskings/gist:1382322
Created November 21, 2011 11:01
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Git is a tool that can confuse. Some feel intimidated by it, which is a shame, because git's design is stunningly simple: basic building blocks, and very consistent behaviour. It's a design you can always reason about to work things through, once you get the starting point.
We'll cover the theory, to nail those first principles -- important stuff, and interesting too, but we won't get bogged down in it. After all, the aim is a new tool in your toolbox.
We'll concentrate instead on what makes that stuff important: it's the bread and butter of day-to-day git. Trees, refs, rebasing, branches & tags, and more.
If you've ever thought "what the hell did git just do?" or "Oh dear, this repo is really broken now", then this workshop is for you.
This is a hands-on workshop. Bring your laptop to follow along.
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