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Last active September 8, 2015 16:44
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# Dequeueing ActiveJob tasks in the context of your Rails application?
# An alternative is to run a standalone ActiveJob process.
# But making it dequeue and send devise emails isn't so simple.
# Devise is designed to be integrated into a Rails application, not a standalone ActiveJob process.
# Before we address configuring the standalone ActiveJob process,
# there's some code that needs to go into your Rails app.
# Put this in each model in your Rails application:
# def send_devise_notification(notification, *args)
# devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver_later
# end
# Now, here's what it takes to get the standalone ActiveJob process working:
# 1. Configure your Queue Adapter. This examples uses Delayed Job.
# See ActiveJob documentation for alternatives.
# Make sure you pick a Queue Adapter that queues jobs using the database.
# Sidekiq, for instance, will not work for this.
require "delayed_job_active_record"
class Delayed::Worker
self.sleep_delay = 20
self.max_attempts = 11
# 2. Configure devise
# devise.rb requires a few files that we don't want to load, such as Rails.
# So we need to preempt it on the load path.
# See further instructions in rails.rb below.
# There are a few methods that don't make sense outside of the Rails application,
# making it difficult to load devise.
# So we override them with empty implementation.
require "devise"
module Devise
class << self
def configure_warden!
class Mapping
def default_failure_app(arg)
Devise.setup do |config|
require 'devise/orm/active_record'
# This means that all the url helper methods will be delegated to a method called `routes`
# See #7 below, where we define this method
config.router_name = :routes
# Since we're not using a Railtie, devise's app folder won't be added to the LOAD_PATH.
# So we need to used some Bundler internals to get there.
require "action_mailer"
require File.join(
# 3. Configure ActionMailer
class ActionMailer::Base
from: "",
protocol: "https",
host: "",
smtp_settings: { address: "localhost", port: 25, enable_starttls_auto: false }
self.raise_delivery_errors = true
self.view_paths << File.join(Bundler.load.specs["devise"].first.full_gem_path, "app", "views")
# 4. Configure ActiveRecord to support ActiveJob serialization
require "global_id" = "MyApp"
class ActiveRecord::Base
include GlobalID::Identification
# 5. Define your routes
ROUTES = begin
require "action_dispatch/routing"
require "devise/rails/routes"
ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper.send(:define_method, :raise_no_secret_key) {}
route_set =
route_set.draw do
host: "#{ActionMailer::Base.default_params[:protocol]}://#{ActionMailer::Base.default_params[:host]}"
devise_for :users, skip: :sessions
# 6. Load all your models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
devise :confirmable, :recoverable, :database_authenticatable, :lockable
# 7. Make all the routes into helper methods in your mailer views:
require "action_view"
class ActionView::Base
include Devise::Controllers::UrlHelpers
def routes
@routes ||= ROUTES
# 8. Load ActiveJob
require "active_job"
# 9. Configure the loggers:
ActiveJob::Base.logger =
ActionMailer::Base.logger =
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
Delayed::Worker.logger ="/path/to/log.log")
# 10. Connect to the database
# 11. Make ActionView use the correct content type by default
# This is necessary so that we automatically set the Content Type based on the template's file extension.
# See
autoload :Mime, 'action_dispatch/http/mime_type'
ActionView::Base.default_formats ||= Mime::SET.symbols
ActionView::Template::Types.delegate_to Mime
# 12. Run your delayed job worker [:mailers]).start
# This file prevents devise from loading another file with the same name by pre-empting it on the load path
# Similar files must be created called responders.rb and devise/rails.rb
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