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Last active November 30, 2020 12:20
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Save beti7/df179597aa034b8217f84282284cbaac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#get inside container as root
sudo docker exec -u0 -ti redash_server_1 bash
# get inside redash/handlers/ folder where script is
cd redash/handlers/
# make a copy of the script with another name
#edit the script using nano
# update and upgrade apt if needed to install nano if missing
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get install nano
# comment this code: (around line 65)
# return {'query_result': serialize_query_result(query_result, current_user.is_api_user())}
And then insert the code below right between the previously commented code and:
if query_result:
(be careful with spaces and tabs, it’s Python code!)
# this code should be inserted instead of the commented one:
serialize_query_result_var = serialize_query_result(query_result, current_user.is_api_user())
return {'query_result': serialize_query_result_var}
Save and exit nano with CTRL+X, then press Y (Yes) and Enter
#exit from redash_server_1 redash/handlers/
# restart redash_server_1 and wait for few seconds
sudo docker restart redash_server_1
# see if redash_server_1 is restarted
sudo docker ps
# (see column status, if the container is up few moments ago, you got it right)
import logging
import time
import unicodedata
from flask import make_response, request
from flask_login import current_user
from flask_restful import abort
from redash import models, settings
from redash.handlers.base import BaseResource, get_object_or_404, record_event
from redash.permissions import (has_access, not_view_only, require_access,
require_permission, view_only)
from redash.tasks import QueryTask
from redash.tasks.queries import enqueue_query
from redash.utils import (collect_parameters_from_request, gen_query_hash, json_dumps, utcnow, to_filename)
from redash.models.parameterized_query import (ParameterizedQuery, InvalidParameterError,
QueryDetachedFromDataSourceError, dropdown_values)
from redash.serializers import serialize_query_result, serialize_query_result_to_csv, serialize_query_result_to_xlsx
def error_response(message, http_status=400):
return {'job': {'status': 4, 'error': message}}, http_status
error_messages = {
'unsafe_when_shared': error_response('This query contains potentially unsafe parameters and cannot be executed on a shared dashboard or an embedded visualization.', 403),
'unsafe_on_view_only': error_response('This query contains potentially unsafe parameters and cannot be executed with read-only access to this data source.', 403),
'no_permission': error_response('You do not have permission to run queries with this data source.', 403),
'select_data_source': error_response('Please select data source to run this query.', 401)
def run_query(query, parameters, data_source, query_id, max_age=0):
if data_source.paused:
if data_source.pause_reason:
message = '{} is paused ({}). Please try later.'.format(, data_source.pause_reason)
message = '{} is paused. Please try later.'.format(
return error_response(message)
except (InvalidParameterError, QueryDetachedFromDataSourceError) as e:
abort(400, message=e.message)
if query.missing_params:
return error_response(u'Missing parameter value for: {}'.format(u", ".join(query.missing_params)))
if max_age == 0:
query_result = None
query_result = models.QueryResult.get_latest(data_source, query.text, max_age)
record_event(, current_user, {
'action': 'execute_query',
'cache': 'hit' if query_result else 'miss',
'object_type': 'data_source',
'query': query.text,
'query_id': query_id,
'parameters': parameters
if query_result:
serialize_query_result_var = serialize_query_result(query_result, current_user.is_api_user())
return {'query_result': serialize_query_result_var}
# return {'query_result': serialize_query_result(query_result, current_user.is_api_user())}
job = enqueue_query(query.text, data_source,, current_user.is_api_user(), metadata={
"Username": repr(current_user) if current_user.is_api_user() else,
"Query ID": query_id
return {'job': job.to_dict()}
def get_download_filename(query_result, query, filetype):
retrieved_at = query_result.retrieved_at.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
if query:
filename = to_filename( if != '' else str(
filename = str(
return u"{}_{}.{}".format(filename, retrieved_at, filetype)
class QueryResultListResource(BaseResource):
def post(self):
Execute a query (or retrieve recent results).
:qparam string query: The query text to execute
:qparam number query_id: The query object to update with the result (optional)
:qparam number max_age: If query results less than `max_age` seconds old are available,
return them, otherwise execute the query; if omitted or -1, returns
any cached result, or executes if not available. Set to zero to
always execute.
:qparam number data_source_id: ID of data source to query
:qparam object parameters: A set of parameter values to apply to the query.
params = request.get_json(force=True)
query = params['query']
max_age = params.get('max_age', -1)
# max_age might have the value of None, in which case calling int(None) will fail
if max_age is None:
max_age = -1
max_age = int(max_age)
query_id = params.get('query_id', 'adhoc')
parameters = params.get('parameters', collect_parameters_from_request(request.args))
parameterized_query = ParameterizedQuery(query, org=self.current_org)
data_source_id = params.get('data_source_id')
if data_source_id:
data_source = models.DataSource.get_by_id_and_org(params.get('data_source_id'), self.current_org)
return error_messages['select_data_source']
if not has_access(data_source, self.current_user, not_view_only):
return error_messages['no_permission']
return run_query(parameterized_query, parameters, data_source, query_id, max_age)
ONE_YEAR = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25
class QueryResultDropdownResource(BaseResource):
def get(self, query_id):
query = get_object_or_404(models.Query.get_by_id_and_org, query_id, self.current_org)
require_access(query.data_source, current_user, view_only)
return dropdown_values(query_id, self.current_org)
except QueryDetachedFromDataSourceError as e:
abort(400, message=e.message)
class QueryDropdownsResource(BaseResource):
def get(self, query_id, dropdown_query_id):
query = get_object_or_404(models.Query.get_by_id_and_org, query_id, self.current_org)
require_access(query, current_user, view_only)
related_queries_ids = [p['queryId'] for p in query.parameters if p['type'] == 'query']
if int(dropdown_query_id) not in related_queries_ids:
dropdown_query = get_object_or_404(models.Query.get_by_id_and_org, dropdown_query_id, self.current_org)
require_access(dropdown_query.data_source, current_user, view_only)
return dropdown_values(dropdown_query_id, self.current_org)
class QueryResultResource(BaseResource):
def add_cors_headers(headers):
if 'Origin' in request.headers:
origin = request.headers['Origin']
if set(['*', origin]) & settings.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN:
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = origin
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = str(settings.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS).lower()
def options(self, query_id=None, query_result_id=None, filetype='json'):
headers = {}
headers['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = settings.ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = settings.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS
return make_response("", 200, headers)
def post(self, query_id):
Execute a saved query.
:param number query_id: The ID of the query whose results should be fetched.
:param object parameters: The parameter values to apply to the query.
:qparam number max_age: If query results less than `max_age` seconds old are available,
return them, otherwise execute the query; if omitted or -1, returns
any cached result, or executes if not available. Set to zero to
always execute.
params = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) or {}
parameter_values = params.get('parameters', {})
max_age = params.get('max_age', -1)
# max_age might have the value of None, in which case calling int(None) will fail
if max_age is None:
max_age = -1
max_age = int(max_age)
query = get_object_or_404(models.Query.get_by_id_and_org, query_id, self.current_org)
allow_executing_with_view_only_permissions = query.parameterized.is_safe
if has_access(query, self.current_user, allow_executing_with_view_only_permissions):
return run_query(query.parameterized, parameter_values, query.data_source, query_id, max_age)
if not query.parameterized.is_safe:
if current_user.is_api_user():
return error_messages['unsafe_when_shared']
return error_messages['unsafe_on_view_only']
return error_messages['no_permission']
def get(self, query_id=None, query_result_id=None, filetype='json'):
Retrieve query results.
:param number query_id: The ID of the query whose results should be fetched
:param number query_result_id: the ID of the query result to fetch
:param string filetype: Format to return. One of 'json', 'xlsx', or 'csv'. Defaults to 'json'.
:<json number id: Query result ID
:<json string query: Query that produced this result
:<json string query_hash: Hash code for query text
:<json object data: Query output
:<json number data_source_id: ID of data source that produced this result
:<json number runtime: Length of execution time in seconds
:<json string retrieved_at: Query retrieval date/time, in ISO format
# This method handles two cases: retrieving result by id & retrieving result by query id.
# They need to be split, as they have different logic (for example, retrieving by query id
# should check for query parameters and shouldn't cache the result).
should_cache = query_result_id is not None
parameter_values = collect_parameters_from_request(request.args)
max_age = int(request.args.get('maxAge', 0))
query_result = None
query = None
if query_result_id:
query_result = get_object_or_404(models.QueryResult.get_by_id_and_org, query_result_id, self.current_org)
if query_id is not None:
query = get_object_or_404(models.Query.get_by_id_and_org, query_id, self.current_org)
if query_result is None and query is not None and query.latest_query_data_id is not None:
query_result = get_object_or_404(models.QueryResult.get_by_id_and_org,
if query is not None and query_result is not None and self.current_user.is_api_user():
if query.query_hash != query_result.query_hash:
abort(404, message='No cached result found for this query.')
if query_result:
require_access(query_result.data_source, self.current_user, view_only)
if isinstance(self.current_user, models.ApiUser):
event = {
'user_id': None,
'action': 'api_get',
'file_type': filetype,
'user_agent': request.user_agent.string,
'ip': request.remote_addr
if query_id:
event['object_type'] = 'query'
event['object_id'] = query_id
event['object_type'] = 'query_result'
event['object_id'] = query_result_id
if filetype == 'json':
response = self.make_json_response(query_result)
elif filetype == 'xlsx':
response = self.make_excel_response(query_result)
response = self.make_csv_response(query_result)
if len(settings.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN) > 0:
if should_cache:
response.headers.add_header('Cache-Control', 'private,max-age=%d' % ONE_YEAR)
filename = get_download_filename(query_result, query, filetype)
'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(filename.encode("utf-8"))
return response
abort(404, message='No cached result found for this query.')
def make_json_response(self, query_result):
data = json_dumps({'query_result': query_result.to_dict()})
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/json"}
return make_response(data, 200, headers)
def make_csv_response(query_result):
headers = {'Content-Type': "text/csv; charset=UTF-8"}
return make_response(serialize_query_result_to_csv(query_result), 200, headers)
def make_excel_response(query_result):
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}
return make_response(serialize_query_result_to_xlsx(query_result), 200, headers)
class JobResource(BaseResource):
def get(self, job_id, query_id=None):
Retrieve info about a running query job.
job = QueryTask(job_id=job_id)
return {'job': job.to_dict()}
def delete(self, job_id):
Cancel a query job in progress.
job = QueryTask(job_id=job_id)
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beti7 commented Nov 30, 2020

Step by step guide for changing script redash/handlers/ inside docker
or just copy and replace this script with the existing one, and then restart redash_server_1

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