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bf4 / tinyurl.rb
Created July 26, 2010 18:31 — forked from woods/tinyurl.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A complete URL-shortening web application, written in Ruby/Sinatra. Run it
# from the command line, and then visit http://localhost:4567/
# Or to run it under apache/passenger, you'll need a file with the
# following contents:
# require 'tinyurl'
# run Sinatra::Application
post_data = {}
post_data[:name] = 'Title for my link'
post_data[:link] = ''
post_data[:caption] = 'A caption'
post_data[:description] = 'A description'
post_data[:picture] = ''
post_data[:actions] = { :name => 'My site name', :link => ''}.to_json"feed", nil, post_data)
bf4 / Facebook Phonebook Export
Created February 8, 2011 00:01
Modified from, need to enable on each page, doesn't iterate
// ==UserScript==
// @name FB phonebook Exporter
// @namespace elleestcrimi
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
var $;
// Add jQuery
bf4 / config
Created February 10, 2011 22:59 — forked from bruno/campfire_export.rb
campfire transcript export
+module Sunspot
+ # monkey patch for Sunspot v 1.1.1 to add support for solr "start" query parameter
+ # we can now optionally add a :start number to offset search results
+ # in this scenario, we want the first 3 results for the carousel, and then 5 more
+ # the code as is requires the start to be set to 3 and the per_page to 8 for this to work
+ # a better solution would be to modify the per_page= method but I was unable to do this
+ # with alias_method_chain, BF 12/6
+ module Query
+ class Pagination
bf4 / rails_attribute_serializer_macro.rb
Created July 20, 2012 17:08
Rails attribute serializer macro
module Macros
module Serializer
# usage
# include Macros::Serializer
# e.g. a field named :metadata must be a Hash
# serializer :metadata, Hash
def self.included(host_class)
# field must be a symbol
bf4 / logical_active_record.rb
Last active October 9, 2015 04:28
Failed attempt at a Logical ActiveRecord layer
# modeled off the Physical / Service / Logical layers
# advocated by
module Logical
class ARModelName
attr_accessor :physical
private :physical
def initialize(physical)
@physical = physical.is_a?(PHYSICAL) ? physical :
bf4 / ruby_module_pattern.rb
Created August 23, 2012 16:29
Ruby Module pattern
module NameSpace
module MyClass
def self.included(host_class)
host_class.instance_eval do
has_one :thing
attr_accessible :something
validate :foo
extend ClassMethods
bf4 / null_object.rb
Created August 23, 2012 16:39
Ruby NullObject pattern
# see
class NullObject
def to_a; []; end
def to_s; ""; end
def to_f; 0.0; end
def to_i; 0; end
def tap; self; end
def nil?; true; end
def present?; false; end
def empty?; true; end