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Created March 30, 2015 00:42
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Translate Midje specs to clojure.test tests
;; Converts a midje test file into a clojure.test test file
;; Adapted from
;; Usage:
;; 1. Add [bultitude "0.2.6"] to project.clj
;; 2. Load this file into repl
;; 3. (require 'circleci.translate-midje)
;; 3. (circleci.translate-midje/test-rewrite "test/yourproject/test/foo_test.clj")
;; It won't do everything perfectly (namely, it doesn't translate the 'provided' macro)
;; but it does help a lot.
;; Required helper functions (for your test helper):
;; (defn submap? [x y]
;; "Returns true iff x is a submap of y"
;; (clojure.set/subset? (set x) (set y)))
;; (defn is-not [test & [str]]
;; (is (not test) str))
(ns circleci.translate-midje
(:import ( PushbackReader Reader BufferedReader StringReader))
(:require [clojure.pprint :refer (pprint) :as pprint]
[ :as ns]
[clojure.core.match :refer (match)]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as zip]
[bultitude.core :as bultitude]
[ :refer [reader]]))
(def ^:dynamic *current-file* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *current-ns* nil)
;; Taken from
(defn destroy-ns
(doseq [sym (keys (ns-refers ns))]
(ns-unmap ns sym))
(doseq [a (keys (ns-aliases ns))]
(ns-unalias ns a))
(doseq [a (keys (ns-publics ns))]
(ns-unmap ns a)))
(defn regex? [x]
(instance? java.util.regex.Pattern x))
(defn list! [s]
{:post [(list? %)]}
(apply list s))
(def arrow-symbols #{'=> '=not=> '=deny=> '=contains=>})
(defn arrow? [[f1 f2 f3]]
(contains? arrow-symbols f2))
(defn get-arrow [[f1 f2 f3 :as f]]
(when (arrow? f)
(defn translate-regex-arrow
[[f1 f2 f3]]
(match [f1 f2 f3]
[actual '=> re] `(~'is (~'re-find ~re ~actual))
[actual '=not=> re] `(~'is-not (~'re-find ~re ~actual))
[actual '=deny=> re] `(~'is-not (~'re-find ~re ~actual))))
(defn translate-contains-arrow [[f1 f2 f3]]
{:post [(do (assert % (str "failed: " f1 " " f2 " " f3)) true)]}
(let [[_ contents & options] f3]
(match [f1 f2 contents]
[actual '=> (_ :guard string?)] `(~'is (~'=> ~f3 ~actual))
[actual '=> (_ :guard map?)] `(~'is (~'submap? ~contents ~actual))
[actual '=> (_ :guard regex?)] `(~'is (~'re-find ~contents ~actual))
[actual '=not=> (_ :guard string?)] `(~'is-not (~'re-find ~(re-pattern contents) ~actual))
[actual '=not=> (_ :guard regex?)] `(~'is-not (~'re-find ~contents ~actual))
[actual arrow contents] `(~'is (~arrow ~f3 ~actual)))))
(defn form-is-fn?
"Resolves a form, and returns truthy if it evaluates to a fn"
(when (symbol? f)
(binding [clojure.core/*ns* (or *current-ns* clojure.core/*ns*)]
(let [resolved (resolve f)]
(and resolved (or (fn? resolved)
(and (var? resolved)
(fn? @resolved))))))))
(defn translate-normal-arrow [[f1 f2 f3]]
(match [f1 f2 f3]
[actual '=> true] `(~'is ~actual)
[actual '=> 'truthy] `(~'is ~actual)
[actual '=> 'anything] `(~'is (~'anything ~actual))
[actual '=> false] `(~'is-not ~actual)
[actual '=> 'falsey] `(~'is-not ~actual)
[actual '=> (f :guard form-is-fn?)] `(~'is (~f ~actual))
[actual '=> 0] `(~'is (~'zero? ~actual))
[actual '=> nil] `(~'is (~'nil? ~actual))
[actual '=> expected] `(~'is (~'= ~expected ~actual))
[actual '=contains=> (expected :guard map?)] `(~'is (~'submap? ~expected ~actual))
[actual '=not=> expected] `(~'is (~'not= ~expected ~actual))))
(defn translate-throws [[f1 f2 f3]]
(let [exception-form (rest f3)]
(condp = (count exception-form)
0 `(~'is (~'thrown? Exception ~f1))
1 `(~'is (~'thrown? ~@exception-form ~f1))
2 `(~'is (~'thrown-with-msg? ~@exception-form ~f1))
:else (assert false))))
(defn translate-arrow [[f1 f2 f3 :as f]]
{:post [(do (assert % (str "failed: " f1 " " f2 " " f3)) true)]}
(let [contains-form? (or (and (seq? f3) (= 'contains (first f3)))
(= '=contains=> f2))
thrown? (and (list? f3)
(= 'throws (first f3)))]
(regex? f3) (translate-regex-arrow f)
contains-form? (translate-contains-arrow f)
thrown? (translate-throws f)
:else (translate-normal-arrow f))))
(defn replace-arrow
"If the head of the form is (foo) => (bar), return clojure.test
equivalent. Returns either the updated form, or the original, if no
(loop [ret []
lst lst]
(if (seq lst)
(if (arrow? lst)
(let [actual (first lst)
expected (get lst 2)]
(recur (conj ret (translate-arrow lst)) (drop 3 lst)))
(recur (conj ret (first lst)) (rest lst)))
(list! ret))))
(defn require-ns
"Total hack to make sure the ns form is already evaluated, so we can resolve fns later"
(when (and (list? form)
(= 'ns (first form)))
(binding [clojure.core/*ns* clojure.core/*ns*]
;; don't let the ns form stomp on our current ns
(eval form)))
(defn remove-expect [form]
(if (and (list? form) (= 'expect (first form)))
(assert (= 2 (count form)))
(second form))
(defn replace-setup-test-dbs [form]
(contains? #{'(test/setup-test-dbs)
'(test-ns-setup)} form) '(test/test-fixtures)
(and (list? form)
(= 'test/midje-fixtures (first form))) `(test/test-fixtures ~@(rest form))
(and (list? form)
(= 'wd/setup-tests (first form))) `(wd/webdriver-fixtures ~@(rest form))
(and (list? form)
(= 'webdriver/setup-tests (first form))) `(webdriver/webdriver-fixtures ~@(rest form))
:else form))
(defn munge-name [name]
(-> name
(str/replace " " "-")
(str/replace "." "")
(str/replace "`" "")
(str/replace "'" "")
(str/replace "(" "")
(str/replace ")" "")
(str/replace "/" "")
(str/replace "," "-")
(str/replace "[" "")
(str/replace "]" "")
(str/replace #"^(\d+)" "_$1")
(str/replace #"^:" "")
(str/replace #"-+" "-")))
(defn replace-fact
"If the form is (fact ...) replace w/ (deftest ...)"
[form & rest]
(if (= 'fact (first form))
(let [[fact name & body] form
[prefix] rest]
(list! `(~'deftest ~(symbol (munge-name (clojure.string/trim (str prefix " " name)))) ~@body)))
(defn replace-facts
"If the form is (facts 'foo' (fact 'bar' ...)), replace with (deftest foo-bar ...).
If the form is (facts 'foo' ...), replace with (fact 'foo' ...) to be picked up by later step"
(if (= 'facts (first form))
(let [[fact name & body] form]
(if (= 'fact (first (first body)))
(map #(replace-fact % name) body)
`(~'fact ~name ~@body)))
(defn replace-midje-sweet [form]
(if (= 'midje.sweet form)
(defn replace-future-fact [form]
(if (= 'future-fact (first form))
`(~'comment ~(replace-fact `(~'fact ~@(rest form))))
(defn cast-coll
"Convert one seq class into another. Use it to handle (into (empty list) '(1 2 3)) being dumb"
[cls form]
(condp = cls
clojure.lang.PersistentList (list* form)
clojure.lang.PersistentVector (vec form)))
(defn munge-form [form]
(let [form (-> form
form-class (class form)]
(or (list? form)
(vector? form)) (-> form
(->> (map #(munge-form %))
(cast-coll form-class)))
:else form)))
(defn walk [form]
(munge-form form))
(defn pprint-test [alis]
(if (next alis)
(let [[defn-sym defn-name & stuff] alis
[doc-str stuff] (if (string? (first stuff))
[(first stuff) (next stuff)]
[nil stuff])
[attr-map stuff] (if (map? (first stuff))
[(first stuff) (next stuff)]
[nil stuff])]
(pprint/pprint-logical-block :prefix "(" :suffix ")"
((pprint/formatter-out "~w ~1I~@_~w") defn-sym defn-name)
(if doc-str
((pprint/formatter-out " ~_~w") doc-str))
(if attr-map
((pprint/formatter-out " ~_~w") attr-map))
;; Note: the multi-defn case will work OK for malformed defns too
(vector? (first stuff)) (#'pprint/single-defn stuff (or doc-str attr-map))
:else (#'pprint/multi-defn stuff (or doc-str attr-map)))))
(#'pprint/pprint-simple-code-list alis)))
(defn set-public! [sym]
(def sym sym)
(defn indent [forms]
(binding [pprint/*code-table* (assoc (deref (var pprint/*code-table*))
'with-redefs #'pprint/pprint-let
'deftest pprint-test)]
(doseq [f forms]
(pprint/write f :dispatch pprint/code-dispatch)
(println "\n")))))
(defn file! [f]
(if (instance? f)
( f)))
(defn file->ns [file]
(first (bultitude/namespaces-in-dir (file! file))))
;; Taken from
(defprotocol PushbackFactory
(^{:added "1.4"} pushback-reader [x] "Creates a PushbackReader from an object."))
(extend-protocol PushbackFactory
(pushback-reader [this]
(pushback-reader [this]
(PushbackReader. this))
(pushback-reader [this]
(pushback-reader (reader this))))
(let [sentinel (Object.)
valid? #(not (identical? % sentinel))]
(defn read-seq
"Read a lazy sequence of Clojure forms from an input reader."
(let [in (pushback-reader (BufferedReader. (StringReader. str)))]
(take-while valid?
(repeatedly #(read in false sentinel))))))
(defn remove-facts
"If the form is (facts 'foo' ..), just return the inner elements"
(->> forms
(mapcat (fn [form]
(if (= 'facts (first form))
(let [[facts name & body] form]
(defn transform [file]
(let [ns (file->ns file)]
(binding [*current-file* file
*current-ns* ns]
(-> file
(defn do-rewrite [file]
(-> file
(->> (spit file))))
(defn successful-test-results? [results]
(and (-> results :error zero?)
(-> results :fail zero?)))
(defn test-rewrite [file]
(let [ns (file->ns file)]
(do-rewrite file)
(destroy-ns ns)
(require ns :reload)
(let [results (clojure.test/test-ns ns)]
(when (successful-test-results? results)
(println "Success!" file)))))
(defn midje? [file]
(or (re-find #"midje.sweet" (slurp file))
(re-find #"\(fact" (slurp file))))
(defn rewrite-all []
(let [files (->> ( "test/")
(ns/find-clojure-sources-in-dir )
(filter midje?))]
(doseq [f (take 1 files)]
(test-rewrite f)
(catch Throwable t
(.printStackTrace t)
(println "FAILED:" f))))))
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