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bhelx / fetch.rb
Last active May 9, 2017 21:57
Recursively fetch Craigslist apartments using their map's json api
REGION = 'neworleans'
BASE_URL = "https://#{REGION}"
parse_listings = lambda do |url|
results = JSON.parse Net::HTTP.get(URI(url))
results.first.each do |item|
if item.key? 'GeoCluster'"#{BASE_URL}#{item['url']}")
bhelx / binary_sort.rb
Last active October 10, 2016 20:10
class BinaryTree
attr_accessor :value, :left, :right
def insert(value)
if @value
if value < @value
@left ||=
bhelx / process.js
Last active March 1, 2016 23:08
Fetch and resize geojson images concurrently using async.js
"use strict";
let im = require('imagemagick');
let async = require('async');
let fs = require('fs');
let request = require('request');
let path = require('path');
let os = require('os');
let fetchAndProcess = (task, done) => {
bhelx / face_extract.rb
Last active December 30, 2015 21:09
recursively walk directory and extract faces
require "opencv"
require "fileutils"
include OpenCV
detector = CvHaarClassifierCascade::load("./haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")
input_dir = ARGV[0]
output_dir = ARGV[1] || 'output'
bhelx / safe_store.rb
Last active December 27, 2015 21:09
Securely store and retrieve a file from an external drive
# This script allows securely storing and retrieving a file to USB drive using rbnacl
# Usage:
# 1) Generate a private key:
# ruby safe_store.rb --generate-key -k /Volumes/SAFEUSB/my_private_key.key
# 2) Write the ciphertext file to your drive (mine is named PATRIOT).
# This will write a file at /Volumes/PATRIOT/plain.txt.ctxt:
bhelx / doge.txt
Created October 11, 2013 15:45
bhelx /
Last active December 21, 2015 17:08
Trying to reduce my library. Most of these books I got in college. My plan is to give them away.

Java (some textbooks)

  • Java: The Good Parts
  • Java: Concurrency in Practice (feat. Paul Christmann)
  • Java Generics and Collections
  • Java Web Services Up and Running
  • Data structures and other Objects using java
  • Spring MVC and Web Flow
  • Big java (second edition)
  • Effective Java (good java book)
bhelx /
Last active December 14, 2015 02:09
Samsung Chrubuntu
var NickList = function () {
this.nicks = [];
this.colorMap = {};
this.colors = [
bhelx / trace.js
Last active December 11, 2015 04:29
This is an incomplete thought. Doesn't actually show enough information to do anything useful.
* Intelligent Traceroute
* Do a traceroute on a domain, prints a json array
* of the hops with their physical locations.
* //Example
* node trace.js
* npm install traceroute async underscore request