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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Lata code snippet
GlobalAddress<Graph> g;
// GraphLab synchronous engine: scatter phase
// loop over all vertices in graph
forall(g, [=](Vertex& v){
// only scatter from vertices that have been signaled to do scatter
if (v->active_minor_step) {
v->active_minor_step = false;
// copy the VertexProgram state to allow it to be captured and used in the delegate
auto prog_copy = prog(v);
// loop over the adjacency list for 'v'
forall<async>(adj(g,v), [=](Edge& e){
auto e_id =;
auto e_data =;
// atomically visit remote vertex
// executes atomically
delegate<async>(, [=](Vertex& ve){
auto local_e_data = e_data;
Edge e = { e_id, g->vs+e_id, local_e_data };
auto gather_delta = prog_copy.scatter(e, ve);
// synchronizes with the outermost loop
// all scatters completed
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