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Created June 22, 2018 09:01
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worst patterns
(466560, '[world] creator [(with name|named) %-string%][(,| with)] [(dim[ension]|env[ironment]) %-dimension%][,] [seed %-string%][,] [[world]type %-worldtype%][,] [gen[erator] %-string%][,] [gen[erator] settings %-string%][,] [struct[ures] %-boolean%]')
(175616, '[the] (location|position) [at] [(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]')
(117000, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to [close then] (run|exe[cute]) %commandsender% command %string% [(using|with) perm[ission] %-string%][[(,| and)] (using|with) %-string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]][[(,| and)] (using|with) cursor [item] %-itemstack%]')
(103680, 'create [new] world named %string%[( with|,)] [(dim[ension]|env[ironment]) %-dimension%][,] [seed %-string%][,] [type %-worldtype%][,] [gen[erator] %-string%][,] [gen[erator] settings %-string%][,] [struct[ures] %-boolean%]')
(46800, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to [close then] (run|exe[cute]) function <(.+)>([<.*?>])[[(,| and)] (using|with) %-string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]][[(,| and)] (using|with) cursor [item] %-itemstack%]')
(25920, '[skellett] (send|show) [a] (1¦subtitle|2¦title) [from] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] (to|for) %players% for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]')
(19440, '[skellett] (send|show) %players% [a] (1¦subtitle|2¦title) [(with|from)] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]')
(14400, '[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] [a] [new] disguise [with] type %disguisetype% [with block [id] %-integer%] [(and|with) data [id] %-integer%] [with [user[ ]]name %-string%] [(and|with) baby [state] %-boolean%]')
(13824, "zpermission[s] [(of|from)] [player] %string% (1¦ha(s|ve)|2¦(do[es]n't|don't|do[es] not) [have]) [the] permission[s] %strings% [in [world] %-string%] [and] [in [region[s]] %-strings%]")
(12474, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (force|make|execute) [(player|uuid)] %string% [to] (say|chat|command|(run|execute)[ command]) %string% [on [the] bungee[ ][cord]]')
(11520, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board)[[']s] entr(ies|y[[']s]) (in|within) [the] [team] %team%")
(10800, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] last [known] login[s] [time[s]] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(10240, '[the] relation[ship][s] (between|across|for|to|of) [the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions% [and] [to] [the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%')
(8640, '[the] (0¦remaining|1¦elapsed|2¦cooldown|3¦cooldown bypass perm[ission]) [time][ ][span] [of] [the] [(cooldown|wait)] [((of|for)[the] [current] command)]')
(7140, '[%-number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[(-| |)(east|west)][(ward(s|ly|)|er(n|ly|))] [of]|south[(-| |)(east|west)][(ward(s|ly|)|er(n|ly|))] [of]|(east|west)[(ward(s|ly|)|er(n|ly|))] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward(s|ly|)]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%-direction%]')
(6912, "zpermission[s] [(of|from)] group %string% (1¦ha(s|ve)|2¦(do[es]n't|don't|do[es] not) [have]) [the] permission[s] %strings% [in [world] %-string%] [and] [in [region[s]] %-strings%]")
(6300, '[[the] ID[s] of] [all [of]] [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] (0¦(basic|normal) |1¦admin |2¦sub[(-| )]|3¦)claim[s] [(4¦at %location%|8¦of %offlineplayer%)]')
(5400, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] server[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(5400, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(4096, "[the] warp[s] [with] [name][s] %strings% (of|from) [the] [faction] %conquerfaction% (doesn't| does not|don't|do not) (use|has) (a password|authentication)")
(3600, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [player] [proxy] ID (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(3456, '[[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])]] kick [(the|all)] [of] [the] bungee[ ][cord] players [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(3420, '(run|execute) redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ][cord]] [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [(on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %-strings%]')
(3420, 'make redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ][cord]] (run|execute) [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [(on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %-strings%]')
(3168, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] kick [(the|all)] [of] [the] players from bungee[ ][cord] [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(3072, "[the] [password] %string% (is|is(n't| not)) (valid|correct) [for] [the] [warp][s] %strings% (of|for) [the] [faction] %conquerfaction%")
(2700, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(2592, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] [possible] drop[(ped|s)] [items] (from|of) [block [at]] %location% [(with|using) %-itemstack%]')
(2592, "[bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦(has|do[es])|2¦(has|do[es])(n't| not)) (have|got) [the] bungee[[ ]cord] permission[s] %strings%")
(2592, '[the] (remaining [time]|elapsed [time]|cooldown [time] [length]|last usage [date]|cooldown bypass perm[ission]) [of] [the] [(cooldown|wait)] [((of|for)[the] [current] command)]')
(2592, "[bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦(has|do[es])|2¦(has|do[es])(n't| not)) (have|got) chat colo[u]r[s] [(enabled|on)]")
(2400, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) players (on|from) [the] [bungee[ ][cord]] server %string%')
(2400, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] chat[ ](setting|mode)[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(2400, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] hand[ ](setting|mode)[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(2376, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (send|display|show) action[ ]bar [with [text]] %string% to bungee[ ][cord] [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(2160, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] last [known] login[s] [time[s]]")
(2048, '[the] warp[s] [with] [name][s] %strings% (of|from) [the] [faction] %conquerfaction% (use[s]|ha(s|ve)) (a password|authentication)')
(2000, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] fad(e|ing)[ ]((finish|end)[ing]|done) [time][s] of [song[ ]player[s]] %songplayers%')
(1980, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (message|send|msg) %string% to [(the|all)] [of] [the] bungee[[ ][cord]] players')
(1920, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) (do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain) [the] [entry] %string% [(in|within)] the [team] %team%")
(1920, '[skellett] [all] [nearby] entit(y|ies) (within|in) [a] radius [of] %number%[(,| and) %number%(,| and) %number%] (within|around|near) %location%')
(1920, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] [server] ip[s] [address[es]] (of|from) [bungee[[ ]cord]] server[s] %strings%')
(1800, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(1800, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] [(connected|current)] bungee[[ ]cord] server[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(1680, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] (max[imum] [amount [of]] players|player limit) (of|from) [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] %strings%')
(1560, '[skungee] (run|execute) bungee[[ ][cord]] [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [with [a[n]] %-timespan% delay [between [each [command]]]]')
(1560, '[skungee] make bungee[[ ][cord]] (run|execute) [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [with [a[n]] %-timespan% delay [between [each [command]]]]')
(1512, '[skungee] (force|make|execute) [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% [to] (say|chat|command|(run|execute)[ command]) %strings% on [the] bungee[[ ]cord]')
(1458, "redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord]")
(1440, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board)[[']s] objectives (by|with) [criteria] %string%")
(1440, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board)[[']s] entr(ies|y[[']s])")
(1296, "[skellett] remove [(the|all)] [of] [the] player[[']s] [(in|of)] [the] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%")
(1296, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] player[[']s] [(in|of)] [the] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%")
(1296, '[skungee] (send|display|show) [a[n]] action[ ]bar [with [(text|message)]] %string% to bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players%')
(1248, '[skungee] (stop|kill|end) [the] [bungee[[ ]cord]] (proxy|console) [[with] [the] (message|string|text) %-string%]')
(1200, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] display[ ]name[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(1200, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] reconnect[ed] server[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(1200, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] (render|view) distance[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(1152, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] [team] option[s] [status] %teamoption% [(for|of)] [the] [team] %team%')
(1080, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] server[s]")
(1080, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s]")
(990, "[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] [(player|uuid)] %string% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] [bungee[ ][cord]]")
(960, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) (ha(s|ve)|contain[s]) [the] [entry] %string% [(in|within)] the [team] %team%')
(960, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] (motd|message of the day)[s] (of|from) [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] %strings%')
(960, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] online stat(us|e)[s] (of|from) [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] %strings%')
(900, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(896, '[on] [(right|left)(| |-)][mouse(| |-)]click[ing] [on %-entitydata/itemtype%] [(with|using|holding) %itemtype%]')
(864, "[skellett] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar% (do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain)) [(the|a)] [boss[ ]]bar [flag] %barflag%")
(864, '[skellett] (launch|deploy) [%-strings%] firework[s] at %locations% [with] (duration|timed|time) %number% [colo[u]r[ed] (%-strings%|%-color%)]')
(810, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) tornado (effect|formation) at %entity/location% with id %string% [with tornado particle[s] %EffectLibParticle% and cloud particle[s] %EffectLibParticle%] [(set|and) radius %number%] [(set|and) max height %number%]')
(810, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players (on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %strings%')
(810, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] players (on|of|from) [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [server[s]] %strings%')
(800, "%songplayers%['s] [song[ ]player[s]] fad(e|ing)[ ]((finish|end)[ing]|done) [time][s]")
(800, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] fad(e|ing)[ ]start[ing] [time][s] of [song[ ]player[s]] %songplayers%')
(792, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] kick bungee[ ][cord] [(player|uuid)] %string% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(792, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] kick [(player|uuid)] %string% from bungee[ ][cord] [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(768, '[a] [new] (npc|citizen) [with] (name[d]|id|string) %string% [and] [with] [entity [type]] %entitytype%')
(768, '[a] [new] un[-| ]listed paste[ ][bin] [with] title[d] %string% [with] (text|body|contents) %string%')
(768, '[a] [new] note[ ]block song [music] player[s] from [the] [song[s]] %songs% [with [note[ ]block] %-block%]')
(756, '[skungee] (force|make|execute) bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% [to] (say|chat|command|(run|execute)[ command]) %strings%')
(729, 'date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])')
(720, '[skellett] reset [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board) scores [(from|of)] [entry] %string%')
(720, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) reset [(the|all)] [of] [the] scores [(from|of)] [entry] %string%')
(720, '[skungee] (send|connect) bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players% to [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] %string%')
(720, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] (uuid|unique id)[s] (of|from) [player[s]] %strings/players%')
(720, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [player] [proxy] ID")
(630, '[skellett[cord]] (stop|kill|end) [bungee[[ ][cord]] proxy [[with] (msg|string|text)] %string%')
(600, '[the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %strings% (between|from) (ind(ex|ices)|character[s]|) %number% (and|to) (index|character|) %number%')
(576, '[the] [all [[of] the]] (viewer[s]|visibil(e|ity) [list]) of [the] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %hologram%')
(567, '(force|let|make) bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% execute [[the] command] %strings% [on [the] bungee[[ ]cord]]')
(540, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players (on|of|from) [the] prox(ies|y) %strings%')
(540, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] players (on|of|from) [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] prox(ies|y) %strings%')
(540, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]]")
(486, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) circle (effect|formation) (at|on|for) %entity/location% with id %string% [with particle[s] %EffectLibParticle%] [(and|with) radius %number%]')
(480, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %objective%['s] [objective['s]] score [(for|from|of)] [entry] %string%")
(480, "[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% does(n't| not) have [a] value[s]")
(480, "[(all [[of] the]|the)] [the] [server[[']s]] tps[s] (of|from) [date[s]] %date%")
(480, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] chat[ ](setting|mode)[s]")
(480, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] hand[ ](setting|mode)[s]")
(438, '(make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) (from|of|) (any|the[ir]|his|her|) vehicle[s])')
(432, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) animated ball (effect|formation) (at|on|for|to) %entity/location% with id %string% [with particle %EffectLibParticle%] [offset by %number%, %number%(,| and) %number%]')
(432, '(create|display|show) %number% [of] %EffectLibParticle% particle[s] at %location% [(with data of %itemstack%|with color %number%, %number%(,| and) %number%)] [offset by %number%, %number%(,| and) %number%] [(with|at) speed %number%]')
(432, '[skellett] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar% (ha(s|ve)|contain[s]) [(the|a)] [boss[ ]]bar [flag] %barflag%')
(432, "[(make|change)] (npc|citizen) %npc%['s] look[ing] (at|in|towards) [direction [of]] [location] %location%")
(432, '[skellett] (file|y[a]ml) [file] (1¦value|2¦node[s]|3¦node[s with] keys|4¦list) %string% (in|at|from) [file] %string%')
(432, '[the] comment[s] (of|from) [y[a]ml] node[s] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% [(with [an] extra line)]')
(420, '[skungee] kick [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players% from [the] bungee[[ ]cord] [(by reason [of]|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(400, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] fad(e|ing)[ ](duration|time)[s] of [song[ ]player[s]] %songplayers%')
(396, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (message|send|msg) %string% to bungee[ ][cord] [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(396, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (send|connect) [(player|uuid)] %string% to [[bungee[ ][cord]] server] %string%')
(386, "(neither|) %objects% ((is|are)(|(n't| not| neither)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|\\>=) %objects%")
(384, '[a] [new] npc [with] [entity [type]] %entitytype% [and] [with] (name[d]|id|string) %string%')
(384, '[the] QR( |-)Code [url] (for|of) the (two|2)[( |-)]factor [secret] code %string% with [account] name %string%')
(384, '[a] [new] public paste[ ][bin] [with] title[d] %string% [with] (text|body|contents) %string%')
(384, "[Skungee] %strings%['s] [bungee[[ ]cord]] server[s] [server] ip[s] [address[es]]")
(384, "(neither|) %objects% (was|were)(|(n't| not| neither)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%")
(360, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board)[[']s] objectives")
(360, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board)[[']s] teams")
(360, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s]")
(360, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] [(connected|current)] bungee[[ ]cord] server[s]")
(360, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [nbt] song[s] [file[s]] in [the] (directory|file[s]) %string%')
(336, '[on] [(right|left)(| |-)][mouse(| |-)]click[ing] (with|using|holding) %itemtype% on %entitydata/itemtype%')
(336, "[Skungee] %strings%['s] [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] (max[imum] [amount [of]] players|player limit)")
(330, '[(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] (make|run|execute) bungee[[ ][cord]] [console] command %string%')
(324, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to (run|exe[cute]) [(using|with) %-string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]]')
(320, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) [objective] %objective%['s] score [(for|from|of)] [entry] %string%")
(320, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [sound] (distance|range)[s] of note[ ]block song[ ]player[s] %noteblocksongplayers%')
(320, "%songplayers%['s] [song[ ]player[s]] fad(e|ing)[ ]start[ing] [time][s]")
(300, '[Skungee] [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] ping (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(300, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] fad(e|ing)[[ ]type][s] of [song[ ]player[s]] %songplayers%')
(288, '[skellett] add [boss[ ]][bar] [flag] %barflag% to [the] [boss[ ]][bar] %bossbar%')
(288, '[skellett] remove [boss[ ]][bar] [flag] %barflag% from [the] [boss[ ]][bar] %bossbar%')
(288, "[zPermissions] [(the|all)] [of] [the] player[[']s] with [a] perm[ission]")
(288, "%hologram%['s] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] [all [[of] the]] (viewer[s]|visibil(e|ity) [list])")
(288, "[bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦(has|is (running|using))|2¦(is(n't (running|using)| not))) [the] forge [client]")
(272, 'request [html] doc[ument] (of|from) [url] %string% [(with|using) user agent %-string% [and] timeout %-integer% [and] refer[r]er %-string%]')
(270, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] players (on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %strings%')
(270, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] players (on|of|from) [the] bungee[[ ]cord] [server[s]] %strings%')
(256, '[the] ids of [all] [the] cannons [with]in [the] box centered at %location% with length %number%[,] width %number%[,] [and] height %number%')
(256, 'claim [the] [(land|claim|chunk)][s] [at] %conquerclaims/locations% for [the] [faction][s] %conquerfaction%')
(256, '[(de)]invite [the] [player][s] %conquerplayers% (to|from) [the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%')
(256, "%player% (1¦[does] ha(s|ve)|2¦do[es](n't| not) have) [a[n[y]]] (song|track|music|noteblock)[s] playing")
(252, '[the] (time created|creat(ion|ed) (date|time[[ ]stamp])) of [the] [holo[gra(m|phic display)][s]] %holograms%')
(252, '[skungee] eval[uate] [[skript] code] %strings% on [[the] bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] %strings%')
(240, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) remove [the] entry [(from|of)] %string% from [the] [team] %team%')
(240, "[skellett] reset [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board) [entry] %string%'s scores")
(240, '[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board) scores of [entry] %string%')
(240, "[skellett] [(the|all)] [of] [the] (score[ ][board]|board) [entry] %string%'s scores")
(240, '[the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [player] ip [address] of [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(240, '[the] [player] ip [address] of (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(240, '[the] [player] ip [address] of [(player|uuid)] %string% from (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])')
(240, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [connected] servers')
(240, '[[skript-]y[a]ml] (value|(node|path) list|(node|path)[s with] keys|list) %string% (of|in|from) %string% [without string checks]')
(240, '[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% has [a] value[s]')
(240, 'create ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players% with [display] name %string% [(ping|latency) %-number%] [(head|icon|skull) %-skin%] [score %-number%]')
(240, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] display[ ]name[s]")
(240, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] song[ ]player[s] (from|of) [note[ ]block] id[s] %strings%')
(240, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] reconnect[ed] server[s]")
(240, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] (render|view) distance[s]")
(216, '(create|display|show) %number% [of] %EffectLibParticle% particle[s] at %location% for %player% [with data of %itemstack%] [offset by %number%, %number%(,| and) %number%] [(with|at) speed %number%]')
(216, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) text (effect|formation) with text %string% as %EffectLibParticle% (at|on|for|to) %entity/location% with id %string%[(,| and) %number% large]')
(216, 'play [(skellett|better)] [sound] (1¦%-sound%|2¦%-string%) (for|to) %players% (with|at|and) volume %number% (and|with|at) pitch %number%')
(216, "[(the|all)] [of] [the] [player[']s] view(er[s]|ing) [of] %inventory%")
(216, "bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] [bungee[[ ]cord]]")
(216, "%offlineplayer% (has not|hasn't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)")
(216, "[th(e|is)] [bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ID")
(210, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] %*entitydatas% (within|[with]in radius) %number% [(block[s]|met(er|re)[s])] (of|around) %location%')
(210, '[skungee] kick bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players% [(by reason [of]|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(200, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] fad(e|ing)[ ]target[s] of [song[ ]player[s]] %songplayers%')
(198, '[the] [(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] [(connected|current)] server of [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(198, "[the] [(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] [(player|uuid)] %string%'s [(connected|current)] server")
(194, "(neither|) %objects% ((is|are)(|(n't| not| neither)) (less|smaller|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|\\<=) %objects%")
(192, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] [active] potion[s] [effects] (on|of) %entity%')
(192, '[%-number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% (of|from|)')
(192, "[%-number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) (of|from|)")
(192, '[%-number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])')
(192, '[Skungee] [bungee[[ ]cord]] [player] switch[ing [of]] server[s] [to %-string%]')
(192, "any [faction] player[s] (is(n't| not)|are(n't| not)) online [(from|of)] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%")
(192, 'add [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer% to [the] [Slimefun] [item] [(named|with name)] %string%')
(192, 'create [a] (citizen|npc) [(named|with name)] %string% [and] [with] [entity] type %entitytype% [at %-location%]')
(192, '[the] percent[age] of [the] blocks (left|not mined) in [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string%')
(192, '[the] percent[age] of [the] blocks [already] mined in [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string%')
(192, '[the] [amount of] time [left] until [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string% (resets|is reset)')
(192, '[the] [all [[of] the]] height[s] of [the] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(192, '[the] [all [[of] the]] location[s] of [the] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(192, "[Skungee] %strings%['s] [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] (motd|message of the day)[s]")
(192, "[Skungee] %strings%['s] [bungee[[ ]cord]] [server[s]] online stat(us|e)[s]")
(192, "song[ ]player %songplayer% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) playing [a[n[y]]] (song|track|music|noteblock)[s]")
(192, '[a] [new] position song [music] player[s] from [the] [song[s]] %songs% [with %-location%]')
(192, '[a] [new] song[s] [from [the]] (file [path]|url|web)[s] %strings%')
(192, '[re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% using [the] filename as [the] id')
(192, 'delete (all|any) loaded [y[a]ml] from [(non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% using [the] filename as [the] id')
(192, "(neither|) %objects% (was|were)(|(n't| not| neither)) (less|smaller|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%")
(192, "(neither|) %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%")
(180, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]]")
(180, '[skungee] kick [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] players [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(168, "book %itemstack% (1¦(ha(s[n[']t]|ve)|contain[s])|2¦(do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain)) [had] [a] [book [meta]] generation")
(168, "book %itemstack% (1¦(ha(s[n[']t]|ve)|contain[s])|2¦(do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain)) [had] [a] [book [meta]] title")
(168, "book %itemstack% (1¦(ha(s[n[']t]|ve)|contain[s])|2¦(do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain)) [had] [a] [book [meta]] author")
(162, "[(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord]")
(160, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) [objective] %objective% score [(for|from|of)] [entry] %string%')
(160, '[the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) (MOTD|message of the day) (of|from) [server] %string%')
(160, 'fire [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%[,] auto[ ]load %boolean%[,] (use|consume) ammo %boolean%')
(160, '(0¦builder|1¦container|2¦access|3¦manager) trusted [players] (of|on) [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(160, '[skungee] (send|connect) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players% to [bungee[[ ]cord]] server[s] %string%')
(160, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [sound] (distance|range)[s] of position song[ ]player[s] %positionsongplayers%')
(160, "%songplayers%['s] [song[ ]player[s]] fad(e|ing)[ ](duration|time)[s]")
(150, '[skungee] (message|send|msg) %strings% to [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ][cord]] players')
(144, '[the] perm[ission][s] of [the] [LuckPerm[s]] group [(named|with name)] %string%')
(144, '[skellett] (send|show) [a[n]] action[ ]bar [(with|from)] [string] %string% to %players%')
(144, '[the] [skellett] [anvil[s]] repair cost (of|from|in) [anvil] [inventory] %anvilinventory%')
(144, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] [book] pages [(from|of)] [book] %itemstack%')
(144, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] [team] name [(for|of)] [team] %team%')
(144, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] [team] prefix [(for|of)] [team] %team%')
(144, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] [team] size [(for|of)] [team] %team%')
(144, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] [team] suffix [(for|of)] [team] %team%')
(144, 'center (1¦x|2¦z)[( |-)][(position|coord[inate])] (of|from|in) [map] %map%')
(144, "[(the|all)] [of] [the] tab[list] item[s] id[[']s]")
(144, '[the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%')
(144, "%locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]")
(144, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [player[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] (uuid|unique id)[s]")
(144, '[skungee] (force|make) bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% [to] (say|chat) %strings%')
(144, '[skungee] (force|make) [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% (say|chat) %strings% on [the] bungee[[ ]cord]')
(144, 'execute [bungee[[ ]cord]] command[s] %strings% (from|by) bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players%')
(135, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] whitelisted players (on|of|from) [server[s]] %strings%')
(135, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] whitelisted players (on|of|from) bungee[[ ]cord] [server[s]] %strings%')
(128, "[skellett] [(despawn|remove|clear)] [get] %entity% when [it([']s| is)] far away [state]")
(128, '[%-number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])')
(128, "[the] [claim][s] %conquerclaims% (is not|isn't|aren't|are not) [of type] [a] %claimtype%")
(128, '(put|place) [a] [LockettePro] sign on [the] %string% [block]face of [the] %block% with %player% as [the] owner')
(128, '[all] [faction] players of [the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions% are [all] (online|offline)')
(128, '[the] warp pass[word] (of|for) [the] warp %string% (of|for) [the] [faction] %conquerfaction%')
(128, "%noteblocksongplayers%['s] note[ ]block song[ ]player[s] [sound] (distance|range)[s]")
(126, "%holograms%['s] [holo[gra(m|phic display)][s]] (time created|creat(ion|ed) (date|time[[ ]stamp]))")
(120, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) (score|number|slot) [(for|from|of)] %score%')
(120, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) players')
(120, "[(player|uuid)] %string%'s (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [player] ip [address]")
(120, '[on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %-regions%)')
(120, "[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% does(n't| not) exist")
(120, '[all] [[skript-]y[a]ml] (node|path)[s] (of|in|from) %string%')
(120, '(delete|remove) [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim[s] [with id[s]] %numbers%')
(120, '[the] greater boundary corner [loc[ation]] of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(120, '[the] lesser boundary corner [loc[ation]] of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(120, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (song|track|music)[s] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(120, "%songplayers%['s] [song[ ]player[s]] fad(e|ing)[[ ]type][s]")
(120, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (target [location]|location)[s] of position song[ ]player[s] %positionsongplayers%')
(120, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [note[ ]]block[s] of position song[ ]player[s] %noteblocksongplayers%')
(120, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [music] playing [state[s]] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(112, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] time[ ]out [connection] [delay]")
(110, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %string% (1¦(is set|[does] exist[s])|2¦(is(n't| not) set|does(n't| not) exist[s]))")
(108, 'play (resource|[custom ]sound) [sound] pack %string% to %player% [at %location%] [(and|with) volume %number%] [(and|with) pitch %number%]')
(108, 'play [(skellett|better)] [sound] (1¦%-sound%|2¦%-string%) at %locations% (with|at|and) volume %number% (and|with|at) pitch %number%')
(108, "[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] disguise [of] %entities%[[']s] [(to|from) player %player%]")
(108, "[the] damage (was|is|has)(|n('|o)t) [been] (caused|done|made) by %damagecause%")
(108, '[vector[s] ]%vectors% rotated around (1¦x|2¦y|3¦z)(-| )axis (with angle|by) %number%[ degree[s]]')
(108, '[FunkySk] [note[ ]block] song (end|destroy|stop)[ing] (with|of|for) id %string%')
(108, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to close [(using|with) %-string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]]')
(108, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to (run|exe[cute]) [gui [click]] event')
(105, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] holo[gra(m|phic display)]s [[(under|for)] plugin[s] %-strings%]')
(98, "(neither|) %objects% ((is|are)(|(n't| not| neither)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|\\>) %objects%")
(96, 'create (bossbar|boss bar) title[d] %string% and id %string% for %players% [with (value|progress) %number%] [with colors %BossBarColor%] [with style %BossBarStyle%] [with flags %BossBarFlag%]')
(96, '[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] [set] Disguise [of] next [spawned] (as|to) %disguise%')
(96, '[protocol[ ]support] remap[ped] item [of] [ID] %number% (for|of) [protocol] version %protocolversion%')
(96, '[(is|are)] [on] [the] ground [state] [of] [entity] %entity%')
(96, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] Op[erator](s|ed) [players]')
(96, '[new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%')
(96, 'any [faction] player[s] (is|are) online [(from|of)] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%')
(96, '(create|register) [new] [custom] furnace recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [source] %itemstack% [[and] with experience %-number%]')
(96, '[[blocks] from] (layer %-number%|top|bottom|sea level) to (layer %-number%|top|bottom|sea level) (of|in) %chunk%')
(96, '[the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string% has [a] (teleport|tp) loc[ation]')
(96, '[the] (teleport|tp) loc[ation] of [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string%')
(96, "%holograms%['s] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] [all [[of] the]] height[s]")
(96, "%holograms%['s] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] [all [[of] the]] location[s]")
(96, "%date%['s] [date[s]] [the] [server[[']s]] tps[s]")
(96, '[new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%')
(96, '[on] [Player][ ]Point[s] [bal[ance]] chang(e|ing)')
(96, '[on] [Player][ ]Point[s] [bal[ance]] reset[ting]')
(96, 'stop [a[n[y]]] (song|track|music|noteblock) [from [being] playing] (for|to) %players%')
(96, '[a] [new] song [music] player[s] from [the] [song[s]] %songs%')
(96, "(neither|) %objects% (was|were)(|(n't| not| neither)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%")
(96, "(neither|) %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%")
(90, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] note[s] of [layer[s]] %layers% [at [tick] %-number%]')
(90, '[skungee] (message|send|msg) %strings% to bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%')
(90, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] disabled commands (on|of|from) [the] bungee[[ ]cord]')
(88, '[the] [(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] server ip [address] of [server] %string%')
(88, "[the] [(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] server %string%['s] ip [address]")
(84, '[the] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)] of %livingentities%')
(84, "%livingentities%'[s] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)]")
(84, '(open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil) (view|window|inventory|)|%-inventory%) (to|for) %players%')
(84, '[the] (default visib(ility|le)|visible by default) of [the] [holo[gra(m|phic display)][s]] %holograms%')
(80, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) [get] entry [(for|from|of)] score %score%')
(80, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) [get] team [(for|from|of)] %string%')
(80, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective [display] slot [(for|from|of)] %objective%')
(80, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %objective%['s] objective['s] [display] slot")
(80, '[the] R[ed, ]G[reen and ]B[blue] [colo[u]r[s]] of %-itemstacks/colors%')
(80, "%-itemstacks/colors%'[s] R[ed, ]G[reen and ]B[blue] [colo[u]r[s]]")
(80, '[the] design [type] [name] of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(80, '[the] explosion[s] status of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(80, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [playing] tick[s] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(80, "%songplayers%['s] [song[ ]player[s]] fad(e|ing)[ ]target[s]")
(80, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (player|listener)[s] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(80, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [auto] destroy[s] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(76, "(neither|) %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%")
(75, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) (|inventor(y|ies)) %inventories%')
(72, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) atom (effect|formation) (at|on|for|to) %entity/location% with id %string%')
(72, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) bleed (effect|formation) (at|on|for|to) %entity/location% with id %string%')
(72, '[the] [names of] [all [of]] [the] [LuckPerm[s]] groups')
(72, '[on] (npc|citizen) (combust[ion]|ignition) (by|from) [a[n]] entity')
(72, "[the] [LuckPerm[s]] group [(named|with name)] %string%'s perm[ission][s]")
(72, '[the] (priority|weight) of [the] [LuckPerm[s]] group [(named|with name)] %string%')
(72, '[the] [skellett] visib(le|ility) [(for|of)] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(72, "[(the|all)] [of] [the] Feudal [kingdom] fighter[[']s] of %kingdom%")
(72, "[(the|all)] [of] [the] fighter[[']s] of Feudal [kingdom] %kingdom%")
(72, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] friendly fire state [(for|of)] [team] %team%')
(72, "[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] self view[ing] disguise [state] of %entities%[[']s]")
(72, '[the] (spawned|dropped|) [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]')
(72, '[the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %player%]')
(72, '[on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(72, 'heli(x|xes|ces) at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) height %number%(,| and) step[(height|size)] %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(72, 'spher(e|ic[al]) (coordinate[s]|position[s]|location[s]) at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) yaw %number%(,| and) pitch %number%')
(72, '(append|add) item [line] %itemtypes% to holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms% [(in|at) line %-number%]')
(72, '(append|add) text [line] %string% to holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms% [(in|at) line %-number%]')
(72, '(delete|remove|clear) [the] lines %numbers% (from|in) holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(72, '[(create|make)] [an] explosion (of|with) (force|strength|power) %number% [%directions% %locations%]')
(72, '[(create|make)] [a] safe explosion (of|with) (force|strength|power) %number% [%directions% %locations%]')
(72, '%offlineplayer% [(has|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)')
(70, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entitydatas% [(in|of) [world[s]] %-worlds%]')
(64, '(remove|delete) [a] [the] flag %BossBarFlag% [to] [from] [the] bossbar %string%')
(64, '[skellett] [the] (fuse time|time until blowup) of [the] [primed] [tnt] %entity%')
(64, '[the] [claim][s] %conquerclaims% (is|are) [of type] [a] %claimtype%')
(64, '(create|register) [new] [custom] shaped recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks% [with shape %-strings%]')
(64, 'polygon[s] outline[s] at %locations% with %number% (vertex|vertices|vertexes|points)(,| and) radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(64, '[the] element[s] %string% (of|from) (0¦[[html] doc[ument]] %-htmldocument%|1¦[[html] element] %-htmlelement%)')
(64, '(0¦ban|1¦silently ban|2¦mute|3¦silently mute|4¦kick|5¦silently kick|6¦warn|7¦silently warn) %string% [with reason %-string%] [for duration %-timespan%] [as %-string%]')
(64, '[the] [current][ly] [being] [used] faction[s] plugin name')
(64, '[the] rule[s] [list] of [the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%')
(64, "[the] [faction][s] %conquerfactions%'[s] rule[s] [list]")
(64, 'claim [the] [(land|claim|chunk)][s] [at] %conquerclaims/locations% for [the] %claimtype%')
(64, 'apply [potion of] %potioneffecttypes% [potion] [[[of] tier] %-number%] without [any] particles to %livingentities% [for %-timespan%]')
(64, '(start|play) [new] [note[[ ]block]] [song] %song% to %players% [with id %-string%]')
(64, "%positionsongplayers%['s] position song[ ]player[s] [sound] (distance|range)[s]")
(60, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %string% (is(n't| not) set|does(n't| not) exist[s]))")
(60, '[skellett] open [[better] inventory [type]] %string% [with %-number% row[s]] [named %-string%] to %players%')
(60, '[skellett] (gui|menu|inventory|chest|window) (size|number|slots) (of|from) %inventory%')
(60, '[the] (skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) name of [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(60, "%offlineplayers% (is|are)(n't| not) ([a] member|[(the|an)] owner) of [[the] region] %regions%")
(60, '[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% exists')
(60, '[the] [skungee] (global|network|bungee[[ ]cord]) variable [(from|of)] %object%')
(60, "[Skungee] %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] ping")
(60, '[on] [item[ ][stack]] despawn[ing] [[of] %-itemtypes%]')
(60, '[the] (comment[s] (at|on) [the] top of |header (of|from)) %string% [(with [an] extra line)]')
(56, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] throttle [connection] [delay]")
(54, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) line (effect|formation) from %entity/location% to %entity/location% with id %string% [with particle[s] %EffectLibParticle%]')
(54, '(spawn|create|apply) (a|the|an) wave (effect|formation) at %entity/location% with id %string% [with particle[s] %EffectLibParticle%]')
(54, '(clear|empty|reset) (inventory|menu|gui) [slot %-integer%] [(of|in)] %inventory%')
(54, '(call|async call|call async) custom event %strings% [to] [det[ail]s %-objects%] [arg[ument]s %-objects%]')
(54, "[(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] bungee[[ ]cord]")
(54, '[on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(50, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %string% (is set|[does] exist[s])')
(50, "(neither|) %objects% ((is|are)(|(n't| not| neither)) ((less|smaller) than|below)|\\<) %objects%")
(48, "(operating system|os) is(n'| no)t (windows|mac|linux|unix|solaris|sun os|hp ux|aix|irix|free bsd|open bsd|net bsd)")
(48, '[on] (npc|citizen) (combust[ion]|ignition) (by|from) [a] block')
(48, '[on] [skellett] item[ ][stack] (despawn|remove|delete)')
(48, '[on] [skellett] item[ ][stack] (merge|combine[d])')
(48, '[on] (multi[ple]|double)[ ][block][ ]place')
(48, '[skellett] [file] exist(s|ance) [(at|of)] %string% [is %-boolean%]')
(48, "[block] %block% (1¦(is|has)|2¦(is|has)(n''t| not)) [got] [redstone] powered")
(48, '[the] [LuckPerm[s]] perm[ission][s] of [player] %player%')
(48, '[skellett] (make|force) %entity% [to] [(perform|do)] [entity] effect %entityeffect%')
(48, '[protocol[ ]support] remap[ped] item [of] %itemtype% (for|of) [protocol] version %protocolversion%')
(48, '(remove|reset|delete) [the] tab[list] [items] (of|for) %players%')
(48, '[skellett] [create] [a] new [boss[ ]]bar [with flag %-barflag%]')
(48, '[the] [skellett] (title|name|header|string) of [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(48, '(fuel|burning) [item] (of|in) [brew[ing] stand] [inventory] %brewerinventory%')
(48, '[the] fly[(ing|able)] [state] (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(48, '[the] protect[(ed|ion)] [state] (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(48, '[skellett] [(score[ ][board]|board)] team display name [(for|from|of)] %team%')
(48, '[entity] %entity% [(is|are)] [on] [the] ground [state]')
(48, '[(the|all)] [of] [the] offline[ ]player[s]')
(48, '[zPermissions] [(the|all)] [of] [the] assigned groups of [player] %string%')
(48, '[zPermissions] [(the|all)] [of] [the] groups of [player] %string%')
(48, '[the] border blocks at (height|y[-value]) %number% of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(48, '[new] vector [(from|at|to)] %number%,[ ]%number%(,[ ]| and )%number%')
(48, '[on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]')
(48, '[on] [block] (plac(e|ing)|build[ing]) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(48, '[on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign')
(48, '[on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %itemtypes%]')
(48, '[a] new (two|2)[( |-)]factor [base[( |-)]32] secret code')
(48, "%livingentities% (is|are)(n't| not) [a] (hostile|neutral|passive) [mob]")
(48, '[vector ]helix with radius %number%(,| and) height %number%(,| and) step[(height|size)] %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(48, '[the] [last[ly]] [received] [html] doc[ument]')
(48, '[the] %player% (has access to|can access) [LWC] [(locked|protected)]] [the] %block%')
(48, '[the] (amount|number) of blocks mined in [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string%')
(48, '[[the ]names of] [all] [the] [existing] [shop]keepers')
(48, '[the] loc[ation] of [the] [shop]keeper [(named|with name)] %string%')
(48, '[on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(48, '[the] [allowing] placeholders of [the] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(48, '[the] [Player][ ]Point[s] [bal[ance]] of %offlineplayer%')
(48, '(resume|play|continue) [note[[ ]block]] song[s] with id[s] %strings%')
(48, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] (song|track|music)[s]")
(48, "%positionsongplayers%['s] position song[ ]player[s] (target [location]|location)[s]")
(48, "%noteblocksongplayers%['s] position song[ ]player[s] [note[ ]]block[s]")
(48, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] [music] playing [state[s]]")
(48, '[on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %-itemtypes%]')
(48, 'eval[uate][ logging [[the] error[s]] in %-objects%][ with safety]: (%-strings%|<.+?>)')
(48, '[re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%')
(48, '[re]load [(non[(-| )]relative)] [y[a]ml] %string% [as %-string%]')
(48, 'delete (all|any) loaded [y[a]ml] from [(non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%')
(48, '[on] [block] (break[ing]|min(e|ing)) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(48, "(neither|) %objects% (was|were)(|(n't| not| neither)) ((less|smaller) than|below) %objects%")
(48, "(neither|) %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%")
(45, '(all|the|) (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%')
(45, "[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord][[']s] plugins")
(45, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] servers')
(45, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players')
(42, '[(sky|sun|block)[ ]]light[ ]level [(of|%direction%) %location%]')
(42, "%holograms%['s] [holo[gra(m|phic display)][s]] (default visib(ility|le)|visible by default)")
(40, '[skellett] register [new] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %string% with [criteria] %string%')
(40, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s [[boss][ ]bar] (title|name|header|string)")
(40, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective display name [(for|from|of)] %objective%')
(40, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %objective%['s] objective['s] display name")
(40, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective%['s] [display] slot")
(40, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective name [(for|from|of)] %objective%')
(40, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %objective%['s] objective['s] name")
(40, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective [(for|from|of)] score %score%')
(40, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective [(for|from|of)] %string%')
(40, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective criteria [(for|from|of)] %objective%')
(40, '[the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]')
(40, "[%commandsenders%] (do[es]n't|don't|do[es] not) have [the] permission[s] %strings%")
(40, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] prevent block [from] break[ing]')
(40, '[the] projectile in [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string% (is|has been) pushed')
(40, 'destroy [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%[,] break blocks %boolean%[,] can explode %boolean%')
(40, '[the] fuse [length] of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] load[ing] time of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] loc[ation] of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] [aiming] pitch of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] [amount of] soot in [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] temp[erature] of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] [aiming] yaw of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] critical temp[erature] of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(40, '[the] height of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(40, '[the] owner of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(40, '[the] [claim] type of [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(40, '[the] width of [the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] player[s] (in|listening to) song with id[s] %strings%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] volume[s] of song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (tempo|speed)[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (name|title)[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (author|creator)[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] event (skungee|bungee[[ ]cord]) player[s]')
(40, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] event (skungee|bungee[[ ]cord]) server[s]')
(36, "book %itemstack% (1¦(ha(s|ve)|contain[s])|2¦(do[es](n't| not) have| do[es](n't| not) contain)) [book [meta]] generation")
(36, "[the] [LuckPerm[s]] group [(named|with name)] %string%'s (priority|weight)")
(36, '[brew[ing]] fuel time (of|in) [brew[ing] stand] [inventory] %brewerinventory%')
(36, '[brew[ing]] time (of|in) [brew[ing] stand] [inventory] %brewerinventory%')
(36, "[(the|all)] [of] [the] %kingdom%'s Feudal kingdom fighter[[']s]")
(36, 'zPermissions [(the|all)] [of] [the] players (in|of|from) group %string%')
(36, "%player%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]")
(36, '[the] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]] of %blocks%')
(36, "%blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]]")
(36, "[on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)")
(36, '[on] [player] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(36, '(make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entity/entitydatas%')
(36, '%locations% rotated around (1¦x|2¦y|3¦z)(-| )axis at %location% (with angle|by) %number%[ degree[s]]')
(36, '[[the] ids of] [all [of]] [the] [ShopChest] shops')
(36, '[[the] ids of] [all [of]] [the] [ShopChest] shops of %offlineplayer%')
(36, '[the] home [loc[ation]] of [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(36, '[the] [(number|amount of)] kills of [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(36, 'set text (for|in|of) holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms% to %string% (in|at) line %number%')
(36, "[bungee[[ ]cord]] server %string% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) (running|online|responding)")
(36, "[layer[s]] %layers%['s] note[s] [at [tick] %-number%]")
(36, '[[the] ids of] [all [of]] [the] [Slimefun] researches')
(36, '(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%-numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% [to [do] nothing]')
(35, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] %*entitydatas% [(in|of) [world[s]] %-worlds%]')
(34, '(enable|activate) array tablist for %players% [with [%-number% columns] [%-number% rows] [initial (head|icon|skull) %-skin%]]')
(32, "(NPC|Citizen)['s] [is] name[d] [is] %string%")
(32, 'add [a] page [with] [data] [%-string%] to [book] %itemstack%')
(32, 'add [a] page to [book] %itemstack% [with] [data] [%-string%]')
(32, '[skellett] [the] enchant[ment] level (from|of) %enchantment% (of|in) %itemstack%')
(32, '[skellett] [get] item[s] (of|in|inside|within) entity %entity%')
(32, '[Llama] decor (of|in) [inventory] [of] [Llama] %llamainventory%')
(32, "[skellett] [primed] [tnt] %entity%['s] (fuse time|time until blowup)")
(32, '[the] value of [the] flag %string% in [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(32, '[((regular|normal)|(strong|upgraded|level 2)|(extended|long)) ][((splash|exploding)|lingering) ]potion of %potioneffecttype%')
(32, '[((regular|normal)|(strong|upgraded|level 2)|(extended|long)) ][((splash|exploding)|lingering) ]%potioneffecttype% potion')
(32, '[the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]')
(32, '[the] [set] flags of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(32, '[the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]')
(32, '[on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)')
(32, '[the] ([value of] placeholder[s]|placeholder [value] [of]) %strings% [from %players%]')
(32, '(register|create) [a] [new] [custom] enchantment with id [name] %string%')
(32, '(create|register) [new] [custom] shapeless recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks%')
(32, '[vector ]polygon outline with %number% (vertex|vertices|vertexes|points)(,| and) radius %number%(,|and) density %number%')
(32, '[(the|all (of the|the))] [currently] loaded y[a]ml [files]')
(32, '[the] [the] last [faction] (activity|login) [date] of %conquerplayers%')
(32, "%conquerplayers%'[s] [the] last [faction] (activity|login) [date]")
(32, '(layer %-number%|top|bottom|sea level) (south|north)(east|west) (center|corner) of %chunk%')
(32, '[written] book titled %string%[,] [written] by %string%[,] [with] pages %strings%')
(32, '(remove|delete) [the] [LWC] (protection|lock) from [the] %block%')
(32, '[the] ids of [all] [the] cannons [with]in [the] sphere centered at %location% with radius %number%')
(32, '[the] home loc[ation] of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(32, '[the] owner[s] of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(32, '[the] [average] rating of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(32, '[the] [amount of] pvp (xp|experience) (required|needed) for %player% [to level up]')
(32, '[the] loc[ation] of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(32, '[the] (product|item) of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(32, "%conquerplayers% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) auto claim[ing] [chunk][s]")
(32, 'unclaim [the] [(land|claim|chunk)][s] [at] %conquerclaims/locations%')
(32, 'apply [potion of] %potioneffecttypes% [potion] [[[of] tier] %-number%] to %livingentities% [for %-timespan%]')
(32, 'apply ambient [potion of] %potioneffecttypes% [potion] [[[of] tier] %-number%] to %livingentities% [for %-timespan%]')
(32, '(stop|pause) [note[[ ]block]] song[s] with id[s] %strings%')
(32, '(destroy|remove) [note[[ ]block]] song[ ]player[s] %songplayers%')
(32, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] [playing] tick[s]")
(32, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] (player|listener)[s]")
(32, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] [auto] destroy[s]")
(32, 'create [a] [new] [Slimefun] research with id %integer% (named|with name) %string% with (cost|level) %integer%')
(32, '[the] (cost|level) of [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer%')
(32, '[the] (vendor|owner) of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(30, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) add entry [(from|of)] %string% to %team%')
(30, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %score%'s (score|number|slot)")
(30, "(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [(player|uuid)] %string%'s name")
(30, '(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) ping of [(player|uuid)] %string%')
(30, "(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord]) [(player|uuid)] %string%'s ping")
(30, '[(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%')
(30, '(concat[enate]|join) %strings% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %-string%]')
(30, "[[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])")
(30, '(exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)')
(30, '%offlineplayers% (is|are) ([a] member|[(the|an)] owner) of [[the] region] %regions%')
(30, '%string% [split] (with|by|using) %number% [char[acter][s]]')
(30, '[the] (last|alive|remaining) players [in [the] [SkyWars] game]')
(30, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] [connected] bungee[[ ]cord] servers')
(30, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] sound volume[s] of [player[s]] %players%')
(30, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] desc[ription[s]] of song[s] %songs%')
(30, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] instrument[s] of [note[s]] %notes%')
(28, '[skellett] (shiny|hidden enchant[ment][s]|glow|glowing) [item] %itemstack%')
(28, '[the] [the] (power|max[imum] power|power [boost][er]) of %powerholders%')
(28, "%powerholders%'[s] [the] (power|max[imum] power|power [boost][er])")
(28, "%inventories% do[es](n't| not) have %itemtypes% [in [(the[ir]|his|her|its)] inventory]")
(28, '[the] ((data|damage)[s] [value[s]]|durabilit(y|ies)) of %itemstacks/slots%')
(28, "%itemstacks/slots%'[s] ((data|damage)[s] [value[s]]|durabilit(y|ies))")
(28, "(neither|) %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%")
(26, '[redstone] power [[being] receiv(ed|ing) [(from|at)]] %location%')
(26, "%inventories% (can(no|')t hold|(ha(s|ve) not|ha(s|ve)n't|do[es]n't have) [enough] space (for|to hold)) %itemtypes%")
(24, '[on] [LuckPerm[s]] [player] demot(e|ion)')
(24, '[on] [LuckPerm[s]] [player] promot(e|ion)')
(24, '(operating system|os) is (windows|mac|linux|unix|solaris|sun os|hp ux|aix|irix|free bsd|open bsd|net bsd)')
(24, '[on] block [break] (xp|exp|experience) [drop]')
(24, '[on] (npc|citizen) damage (by|from) [a[n]] entity')
(24, '[on] (npc|citizen) ender[[ ]pearl] [teleport]')
(24, "score[ ][board] %string% (is(n't| not) set|does(n't| not) exist[s])")
(24, '(message|send [message]) center[ed] %strings% to %players% [[with[ text]] %-string%]')
(24, "[player] %player%'s [LuckPerm[s]] perm[ission][s]")
(24, "(set|change) %player%['s] (window|[current] inventory) property [of] %inventoryproperty% to %number%")
(24, '[the] [skellett] colo[u]r of [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(24, 'ingredient [item] (of|in) [brew[ing] stand] [inventory] %brewerinventory%')
(24, '[the] (clone|duplicate|copy) (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(24, '[the] (uuid|unique [id]) (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(24, "[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] %entities%'s self view[ing] disguise [state]")
(24, "%map%'s center (1¦x|2¦z)[( |-)][(position|coord[inate])]")
(24, '[skellett] mysql (number|float)[s] %string% (in|from|of) %resultset%')
(24, "[skellett] %entity%[[']s] bounc(e|ing) [state]")
(24, '[skellett] [(event|get)] [the] shot (arrow|projectile)')
(24, '(silent|quiet) [state] [of] [entit(y|ies)] %entitys%')
(24, '[zPermissions] [(the|all)] [of] [the] tracks of group %string%')
(24, '[command[s]][ ](sender|executor)[s]')
(24, '[the] (%-enchantment% level|level of [[the] enchant[ment]] %-enchantment%) o(f|n) %itemtypes%')
(24, '[on] [block] fad(e|ing) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(24, '[on] [block] form[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(24, '[on] [player] break[ing] (a|the|) tool')
(24, '[on] [block] burn[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(24, '[on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door')
(24, '[on] [player] drop[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(24, '[on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate')
(24, '(eject|dismount) (any|the|) passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%')
(24, "%locations% (is|are)(n't| not) (contained in|part of) [[the] region] %regions%")
(24, 'the [current] (two|2)[( |-)]factor code of [secret code] %string%')
(24, '%livingentities% (is|are) [a] (hostile|neutral|passive) [mob]')
(24, '(let|make) %players% execute [[the] command] %strings% with perm[ission][s] %strings%')
(24, 'create [a] [new] gui [[with id] %-string%] with %inventory% [and shape %-strings%]')
(24, '[the] [leather] (red|green|blue) colo[u]r of %-itemstacks/colors%')
(24, "%-itemstacks/colors%'[s] [leather] (red|green|blue) colo[u]r")
(24, '[the] dropped [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]')
(24, 'regex replace (all|every|first|) [pattern] %regex/string% with [group[s]] %string% in %string%')
(24, "y[a]ml[s] %strings% ((are|is) not|(is|are)n[']t) loaded")
(24, '[the] [the] open [(state|flag)][s] of %conquerfaction%')
(24, "%conquerfaction%'[s] [the] open [(state|flag)][s]")
(24, '[the] [the] peaceful [(state|flag)][s] of %conquerfaction%')
(24, "%conquerfaction%'[s] [the] peaceful [(state|flag)][s]")
(24, '[all [of]] [the] indexes (of|in) [value] %objects%')
(24, "[mundo[sk]] %player%'s [(default)] name[]tag [for %-players%]")
(24, '[mundo[sk]] [(default)] name[]tag of %player% [for %-players%]')
(24, '%offlineplayer% has [a[n]] [advanced] (survival games|sg) team[mate]')
(24, '%offlineplayer% is spectating [a[n]] [advanced] (survival games|sg) [game]')
(24, '[the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string% is (resetting|being reset)')
(24, '(make|force) %player% [to] join [the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string%')
(24, '(make|force) %player% [to] leave [the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string%')
(24, '(delete|remove) [the] [shop]keeper [(named|with name)] %string%')
(24, '[[the] names of] [all] [the] [existing] Bedwars games')
(24, '[the] [names of] [all [the]] [PrisonMines] mines')
(24, '(1¦show|2¦hide) holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms% (to|from) %players%')
(24, "%holograms%['s] holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] [allowing] placeholders")
(24, '[FunkySk] [player] range [state] change [(of|for) %-player/songplayer%]')
(24, '[the] %*classinfo%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\\d+>]')
(24, '[the] arg[ument]( |-)%*classinfo%[( |-)<\\d+>]')
(24, '[the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%')
(24, '[the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%')
(24, "(song|track|music|noteblock) [with] id %string% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) playing")
(24, '[(create|make)] [an] explosion[ ]effect [%directions% %locations%]')
(24, "%offlineplayer%'s [Player][ ]Point[s] [bal[ance]]")
(24, '((run|execute) codeblock|codeblock (run|execute)) %codeblocks% [(with %-objects%|with variables %-objects%|in a chain|here|with variables %-objects% in a chain)]')
(24, '[on] [player] craft[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(24, '[on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %-itemtypes%) despawn[ing]')
(24, '[on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %-itemtypes%) merg(e|ing)')
(24, "[%livingentities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %itemtypes% in off[(-| )]hand")
(24, '[the] (display|nick|chat)[ ]name[s] of %itemstacks/slots/livingentities/players/inventories%')
(24, "%itemstacks/slots/livingentities/players/inventories%'[s] (display|nick|chat)[ ]name[s]")
(24, 'virtual <.+?> [inventory] [with %-number% row[s]] [(named|with (name|title)) %-string%]')
(24, '[name of] this [script[s]] [bungee[[ ]cord]] server')
(24, 'delete all [y[a]ml] from [(non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%')
(24, "(neither|) %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%")
(24, "(neither|) %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller) than|below) %objects%")
(22, '(neither|) %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%')
(21, '[vector[s] ]%vectors% scaled by %number%[ (in|with|and) direction [of ]%-vector%]')
(21, 'random (int|long|float|double|gaussian|int less than %-number%|boolean) [from [random] %random%]')
(20, '[on] (hotbar|held [(item|slot)]|inventory slot) (switch|change):')
(20, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective% is(n't| not) modifiable")
(20, 'score[ ][board] %string% (is set|[does] exist[s])')
(20, '(create|start|make|build|construct) %string% with %itemtype% at %location% [[with effect[s]] %-boolean%]')
(20, '[skellett] clear (score[ ][board]|board) [display] slot %string%')
(20, '[skellett] register [new] (score[ ][board]|board) team %string%')
(20, '[skellett] unregister [the] (score[ ][board]|board) team %team%')
(20, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s [[boss][ ]bar] visib(le|ility)")
(20, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s [[boss][ ]bar] colo[u]r")
(20, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective%['s] display name")
(20, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective%['s] name")
(20, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) team of [entry] %string%')
(20, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) [entry] %string%'s team")
(20, '[the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message')
(20, '([the] first|[the] last|[a] random|%-number%(st|nd|rd|th)) element [out] of %objects%')
(20, '[the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-])speed of %players%')
(20, "%players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-])speed")
(20, "%players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]")
(20, "%worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]")
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entitydatas% in radius %number% (of|around) %location%')
(20, 'shoot %entitydatas% [from %livingentities/locations%] [(at|with) (speed|velocity) %-number%] [%-direction%]')
(20, '(make|let) %livingentities/locations% shoot %entitydatas% [(at|with) (speed|velocity) %-number%] [%-direction%]')
(20, "%entities% (is not|isn't|are not|aren't) in [[the] world[s]] %worlds%")
(20, 'vector[s] %vectors% (mirrored|reflected) at %vector%[ (in|with) direction [of ]%-vector%]')
(20, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim delet(e|ion)')
(20, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim expir(e|ation)')
(20, '[a] projectile is loaded in [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(20, '[the] mass of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(20, '[the] name of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(20, '[the] owner of [the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string%')
(20, '[the] world of [G[rief]P[revention]] claim [with id] %number%')
(20, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] protect [death] drops')
(20, '[the] start[ing] players [in [the] [SkyWars] game]')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] height[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] delay[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] length[s] of song[s] %songs%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] name[s] of layer[s] %layers%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] volume[s] of layer[s] %layers%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] pitch[s] of note[s] %notes%')
(20, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] key[s] of note[s] %notes%')
(20, "%metadataholders% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %strings%")
(18, "[entity] %entity% (1¦is|2¦is(n''t| not)) [a[n]] adult")
(18, '[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] un[( |-)]disguise %entity%')
(18, 'glide [state] [(of|for)] [entit(y|ies)] %entity%')
(18, "[skellett] [[Libs]Disguises] %entities%'s disguise [(to|from) player %player%]")
(18, '[skellett] (size|number|amount) of item[[ ]stack] %itemstack%')
(18, '(spec[tat(e|or|ing)]|view[ing]) [(target|state)] of %player%')
(18, "%player%'s (spec[tat(e|or|ing)]|view[ing]) [(target|state)]")
(18, 'potion[[ ]effect][[ ]type][s]')
(18, '[(all [[of] the]|the|every)] item(s|[ ]types)')
(18, '[(all [[of] the]|the|every)] block(s|[ ]types)')
(18, '[the] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|number) of %itemstacks%')
(18, "%itemstacks%'[s] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|number)")
(18, '[the] (head|eye[s]) [location[s]] of %livingentities%')
(18, "%livingentities%'[s] (head|eye[s]) [location[s]]")
(18, '%locations% (is|are) ([contained] in|part of) [[the] region] %regions%')
(18, '[vector[s] ]%vectors% rotated around %vector% (with angle|by) %number%[ degree[s]]')
(18, 'register [new] constant [[with] symbol] %string% [(and|with)] value %number%')
(18, "[chunk[s]] %chunks% (is|are|isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded")
(18, 'retrieved [(slim)] skin (from (file|url) %-string%|of %-offlineplayer%) [[with] timeout %-timespan%]')
(18, "[[the] ids of] [all [of]] %offlineplayer%'s [ShopChest] shops")
(18, 'make %citizen% (go|move|travel) to [the] %location% [(at|with) speed %-number%]')
(18, '[on] [ClearLag[g]] (remove|delete|clear) entities')
(18, '[the] entities (cleared|removed|deleted) [by ClearLag[g]]')
(18, "[the] party [(named|with name)] %string%'s home [loc[ation]]")
(18, "[the] party [(named|with name)] %string%'s [(number|amount of)] kills")
(18, "%entity% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) [a] holo[gra(m|phic display)]")
(18, '(unregister|delete|remove) holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(18, "%player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) in range [of [the]] position song[ ]player %positionsongplayer%")
(18, "%permissionentity%'[s] [(vault|pex)] prefix [in [world] %world%]")
(18, '[a [new]] chest inventory (named|with name) %string% [with %-number% row[s]]')
(18, '[a [new]] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %-string%]')
(18, '[execute] bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %strings/players% command %strings%')
(18, '(neither|) %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%')
(16, '(add|set) [a] [the] flag %BossBarFlag% to [the] bossbar %string%')
(16, '(edit|update) score [with][in] group [id] %string% to %string% and')
(16, '[on] [skellett] bre[e]d[ing]')
(16, '[on] brew[ing] [stand] fuel [increase]')
(16, '[on] (npc|citizen) damage (by|from) [a] block')
(16, '[on] (npc|citizen) [entity] colli(sion|de)')
(16, '[on] [skellett] (block|crop) grow[ing]:')
(16, '[on] [skellett] off[ ]hand (switch|move)')
(16, '[on] [entity] (elytra|glide) [toggle]')
(16, '[on] [entity] (un(leash|lead)|(leash|lead) break)')
(16, 'clear [the] tab[list] [items] (of|for) %players%')
(16, 'bre[e]d[ing] (item|material) [used]')
(16, "[skellett] [anvil] [inventory] %anvilinventory%'s [anvil] repair cost")
(16, '[the] entity [type] (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(16, '[skellett] [entity] glow[ing] [state] of %entities%')
(16, '[the] [entity] [number] id (of|from) %entity%')
(16, 'set [the] flag %string% to %boolean% in [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, '[the] IDs of [all] [the] [PlotSquared] plots')
(16, '[the] (first|last) [%-number%] character[s] of %strings%')
(16, '[the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]')
(16, "%players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]")
(16, '(un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%strings%')
(16, '[the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]')
(16, '[all] [the] [book] (pages|content) of %itemstack%')
(16, '[on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg')
(16, '[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) line of [the] lore of %itemstack/itemtype%')
(16, "[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) line of %itemstack/itemtype%'[s] lore")
(16, '[on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn')
(16, '[the] [names of] [all] [the] Slimefun items')
(16, '[on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket')
(16, '%offlineplayer% has [unlocked] [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer%')
(16, '[on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])')
(16, '[on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]')
(16, '[on] (step|walk)[ing] (on|over) %*itemtypes%')
(16, '(play|show) %visualeffects% (on|%directions%) %entities/locations% [(to %-players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]')
(16, '(play|show) %number% %visualeffects% (on|%directions%) %locations% [(to %-players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]')
(16, "script[s] [%-strings%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded")
(16, '[%commandsenders%] ha(s|ve) [the] permission[s] %strings%')
(16, 'on [(any|every|raw)] [votifier] vote receiv(e|ed)')
(16, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) player count of [the ][server ]%string%')
(16, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) ip of [the ][player ]%string%')
(16, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) player with [the ]uuid [of ]%string%')
(16, '[the] [(placeholder[api]|papi)] (prefix|placeholder)')
(16, "%itemtypes% is(n't| not) [a] (solid|transparent|flammable|occluding) block")
(16, '[execute] [the] command %strings% by %players% with perm[ission][s] %strings%')
(16, '[execute] [the] %players% command %strings% with perm[ission][s] %strings%')
(16, '(unformat|remove|clear|reset) [all] [the] gui slots of %players%')
(16, '[all] [registred] (shaped|shapeless|furnace|) recipes')
(16, '[event-]dragged(-| )(top|bottom)(-| )slots')
(16, 'polygon[s] at %locations% with %number% (vertex|vertices|vertexes|points)(,| and) radius %number%')
(16, '[all] [of] [the] claim[s] of %conquerfactions%')
(16, '[the] auto [chunk] claim[ing] [state] of %conquerplayers%')
(16, "%conquerplayers%'[s] auto [chunk] claim[ing] [state]")
(16, '[vector ]polygon with %number% (vertex|vertices|vertexes|points)(,| and) radius %number%')
(16, '(add|insert) %objects% (before|after) (%listutil% %-number%|last %listutil%) (of|in) %possessor%')
(16, '[the] buy price of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(16, '(time remaining|remaining time) until [the] border stabilize[s] (of|in) %world%')
(16, '[on] [advanced] (survival games|sg) game (end|finish)')
(16, '[on] [advanced] (survival games|sg) game (start|begin)')
(16, '[on] [advanced] (survival games|sg) [player] death')
(16, '[on] [CombatLog] [player] un[-]tag')
(16, '[the] (citizen|npc) (with|from) id[entifier] %number%')
(16, '[on] [shop]keeper (delet(e|ion)|remov(e|al))')
(16, '[on] [shop]keeper trad(e|ing) complet(e|ion)')
(16, '[the] last[ly] [created] (citizen|npc)')
(16, '[the] [AdvancedBan] punish[ment] (length|duration)')
(16, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) (attacker|killer)')
(16, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) [current] stage')
(16, '[the] (items in|contents of) [the] (back|mine)pack of %player%')
(16, '[the] denied players of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, '[the] biome of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, '[the] IDs of [all] [the] [PlotSquared] plots of %offlineplayer%')
(16, '[the] members of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, '[the] trusted players of [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, "%player%'s [amount of] pvp (xp|experience) (required|needed) [to level up]")
(16, '[the] warp [with] [name] %string% (of|from) %conquerfaction%')
(16, '%conquerplayers% (is|are) auto claim[ing] [chunk][s]')
(16, "[the] [server[[']s]] (past|previous) average tps")
(16, "[the] [server[[']s]] (past|previous) tps")
(16, '[on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed')
(16, '[on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket')
(16, '[on] [faction] [land] (un|de)claim')
(16, '[the] arg[ument][s](-| )<(\\d+)>')
(16, '[the] <(\\d*1)st|(\\d*2)nd|(\\d*3)rd|(\\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]')
(16, '[the] faction[s] with (name|tag)[s] %strings%')
(16, '[the] [total] (amount|number) of bitcoins [in circulation]')
(16, '[on] [PlotSquared] plot (delet(e|ion)|remov(e|al))')
(16, 'remove [the] flag %string% from [the] [PlotSquared] plot [with id] %string%')
(16, '[(async)] wait (until|while) %boolean% [for %-timespan%] [by %-timespan%]')
(16, 'codeblock %object% [with (constant|constant %-object%|constants %-objects%)] [:: %-strings%] [-> %-string%]')
(16, "%songplayers%['s] song[ ]player[s] volume[s]")
(16, "%songs%['s] song[s] (tempo|speed)[s]")
(16, "%songs%['s] song[s] (name|title)[s]")
(16, "%songs%['s] song[s] (author|creator)[s]")
(16, '[the] name of [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer%')
(16, "[%livingentities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %itemtypes% in [main] hand")
(16, '(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown')
(16, 'un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown')
(16, '[on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed')
(16, '[the] sell price of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(16, '[the] type of [the] [ShopChest] shop [with id] %number%')
(16, '[the] (player|tab)[ ]list name[s] of %players%')
(16, "%players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list name[s]")
(16, 'cancel [the] drops of [e]xp[perience][s]')
(16, '[the] clan K[ill ]D[eath ]R[atio] of %player%')
(16, "%player%'[s] clan K[ill ]D[eath ]R[atio]")
(16, 'virtual <.+?> [inventory] [with size %-number%] [(named|with (name|title)) %-string%]')
(16, 'virtual <.+?> [inventory] [(named|with (name|title)) %-string%] with %-number% row[s]')
(16, '[a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%')
(15, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]')
(15, 'split %string% (with|by|using) %number% [char[acter][s]]')
(15, '(head|icon|skull) of ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players%')
(15, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] players')
(15, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] layers of [song[s]] %song%')
(15, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] disabled commands')
(14, 'system property (os arch|os name|os version|java home|user dir|user home|user name|user lang[uage]|user timezone|line separator|file separator|path separator|file encoding)')
(14, "(script|program|app[lication]|file|dir[ectory]) %string% does(n't| not) exist")
(14, '[the] ( clicked (block|%-*itemtype/entitydata%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)')
(14, '[on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out)')
(14, '[on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)')
(14, '(push|thrust) %entities% %direction% [(at|with) (speed|velocity|force) %-number%]')
(14, 'eval[uate] [[math[ematic]] expr[ession]] %string%')
(14, 'eval[uate] [[math[ematic]] expr[ession]] %string% with %number%')
(14, '%inventories% ha(s|ve) %itemtypes% [in [(the[ir]|his|her|its)] inventory]')
(14, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] player limit")
(14, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] version")
(14, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] online mode")
(14, "[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] name")
(13, '(original (diameter|side length|size)|(eventual|final) (diameter|side length|size)|remaining distance until [the] border stabilize[s]) of %world%')
(13, "%world%'s (original (diameter|side length|size)|(eventual|final) (diameter|side length|size)|remaining distance until [the] border stabilize[s])")
(12, 'create [a] citizen named %string% (at|%direction%) %location% [as (a|an) %entitytypes%]')
(12, 'show [%number%] %string% particle[s] at %location% for %player% [offset by x, y (and|,) z]')
(12, "(absolute|complex|abs) number of %itemstack% in %player%['s] (inventory|inv)")
(12, '[last ]output of executed (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd)')
(12, "[last ]executed (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd)'s output")
(12, 'on (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd) (run|execute)')
(12, '[the] [LuckPerm[s]] [primary] group of %player%')
(12, '[on] (npc|citizen) left[(-| )]click')
(12, '[on] (npc|citizen) right[(-| )]click')
(12, '[on] (npc|citizen) sel[ect[ed]]')
(12, '[on] (npc|citizen) (push|(vector|velocity) change)')
(12, '[on] [player] map [(initialize|open)]')
(12, '%entity% [can] (see|visibly see|line of sight) [can see] %entity%')
(12, '[skellett] add %player% to [the] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(12, '[skellett] (1¦hide|2¦show) [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(12, '[skellett] remove %player% from [the] [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(12, '[skellett] break %block% [naturally] [(with|using) %-itemstack%]')
(12, '[skellett] [naturally] break %block% [(with|using) %-itemstack%]')
(12, '(despawn|remove) (npc|citizen) %npc% [with [despawn] reason %-despawnreason%]')
(12, '[the] [active] [LuckPerm[s]] prefix of %player%')
(12, '[the] [active] [LuckPerm[s]] suffix of %player%')
(12, '(remove|delete) tab[list] item [[with] id] %string%')
(12, 'fill tab[list] of %players% with default[s] [item[s]]')
(12, '[skellett] [get] (size|number|amount) of dropped %entity%')
(12, '[the] [skellett] progress of [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(12, '[the] [skellett] style of [boss[ ]]bar %bossbar%')
(12, "[brew[ing] stand] %brewerinventory%'s (fuel|burning) [item]")
(12, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s fly[(ing|able)] [state]")
(12, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s protect[(ed|ion)] [state]")
(12, "[dropped] block[[']s] (xp|experience)")
(12, '[the] enchant[ment] of [enchant[ment]] offer %enchantmentoffer%')
(12, '[ender] crystal base [visib(le|ility)] [state] of %entity%')
(12, "%entity%'s [ender] crystal base [visib(le|ility)] [state]")
(12, '[fish[ing]] (xp|experience) [earned]')
(12, 'gravity [state] [of] [entit(y|ies)] %entitys%')
(12, '[skellett] [a[n]] %itemstacks% [to be] unbreakable')
(12, '[skellett] [a[n]] unbreak(ing|able) %itemstacks%')
(12, 'unlimited [tracking] state (of|from|in) [map] %map%')
(12, '[skellett] mysql boolean[s] %string% (in|from|of) %resultset%')
(12, '[skellett] mysql integer[s] %string% (in|from|of) %resultset%')
(12, '[skellett] mysql object[s] %string% (in|from|of) %resultset%')
(12, '[skellett] mysql string[s] %string% (in|from|of) %resultset%')
(12, '(sneak|shift|crouch)[ing] [state] of %player%')
(12, '(delete|remove) tab[list] item [[with] id] %string% from %players%')
(12, 'zPermissions [(the|all)] [of] [the] groups')
(12, 'zPermissions [(the|all)] [of] [the] tracks')
(12, "[the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)")
(12, '[the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entitydata%')
(12, '[the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message')
(12, '[the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]')
(12, "%itemtypes%'[s] (%-enchantment% level|level of [[the] enchant[ment]] %-enchantment%)")
(12, '[the] target[[ed] %-*entitydata%] [of %livingentities%]')
(12, '[the] max[imum] stack[[ ]size] of %itemstack%')
(12, "%itemstack%'[s] max[imum] stack[[ ]size]")
(12, '[the] (tool|held item|weapon) [of %livingentities%]')
(12, '[the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %itemstack%')
(12, "%itemstack%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)")
(12, '[on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)')
(12, '[on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)')
(12, '[on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]')
(12, '[on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]')
(12, '[on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle')
(12, '[on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle')
(12, '[on] dispens(e|ing) [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(12, '[on] item spawn[ing] [[of] %itemtypes%]')
(12, '[on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])')
(12, '[on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])')
(12, '[on] [script] (load|init|enable)')
(12, '[on] [script] (unload|stop|disable)')
(12, 'play sound %string% [with volume %number%] [(and|with) pitch %number%] at %location% [for %players%]')
(12, 'rotate %vectors% around (x|y|z)(-| )axis by %number% [degrees]')
(12, "%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)")
(12, 'close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%')
(12, "%players/strings% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) IP(-| |)banned")
(12, "[[the] region] %regions% (do|does)(n't| not) contain %directions% %locations%")
(12, "%date% (was|were)( more|(n't| not) less) than %timespan% [ago]")
(12, "%date% (was|were)((n't| not) more| less) than %timespan% [ago]")
(12, '[on] (placeholder[api]|papi) request with [the] prefix %string%')
(12, '(make|force) %player% drop[s] %itemstack% [from (%-slot%|his inventory)]')
(12, 'run (when|while) clos(e|ing) [[the] gui]')
(12, '[event-][old(-| )]dragged(-| )item')
(12, 'line[ar] (coordinate[s]|position[s]|location[s]) %number% from %locations% to %location%')
(12, '[the] [the] (owner|leader|creator) of %conquerfactions%')
(12, "%conquerfactions%'[s] [the] (owner|leader|creator)")
(12, 'chunk( |-)(x|z)[( |-)coord] of %chunk%')
(12, "%chunk%'s chunk( |-)(x|z)[( |-)coord]")
(12, '[the] [id of [the]] [ShopChest] shop at %location%')
(12, '[on] [PrisonMines] mine reset (finish|end|complete)')
(12, '[the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string% is (running|active)')
(12, '[the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string% is (startable|able to start)')
(12, '(end|stop) [the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '(create|make) [a] party [(named|with name)] %string% with leader %player%')
(12, '(delete|remove) [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, 'reset [the] [PrisonMines] mine [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '[the] [(number|amount) of] [AdvancedBan] warns of %offlineplayer%')
(12, '[the] [(current|active)] [Autorank] path of %player%')
(12, '[the] global [Autorank] [play[ ]]time of %player%')
(12, '[the] local [Autorank] [play[ ]]time of %player%')
(12, '[the] players in [the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '[the] [current[ly]] [CombatLog] tagged players')
(12, '[the] [(number|amount) of] [LWC] protections of %player%')
(12, '[[the ]item in] slot %integer% of [the] (back|mine)pack of %player%')
(12, '[the] leader of [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '[the] members of [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '[the] online members of [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(12, '[the] [name of [the]] [PrisonMines] mine at %location%')
(12, '[a] [shop]keeper [(named|with name)] %string% exists')
(12, '[the] tnt [(amount|cache[d]|stor(ed|age))] of %conquerfaction%')
(12, "%conquerfaction%'[s] tnt [(amount|cache[d]|stor(ed|age))]")
(12, 'clear [the] lines of holo[gra(m|phic display)][s] %holograms%')
(12, '[a] new holo[gra(m|phic display)] at [the] %location%')
(12, "[the] bukkit[[']s] tps [string]")
(12, '[the] bed[s] [location[s]] of %players%')
(12, "%players%'[s] bed[s] [location[s]]")
(12, 'IP(-| )ban %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(12, '[the] (amount|number) of bitcoin [min(e|ing)] puzzles solved by %offlineplayer%')
(12, '[(create|make)] [a] fake explosion [%directions% %locations%]')
(12, '[the] version of [the] bungee[[ ]cord]')
(12, "%player% (1¦can|2¦can(n't| not)) hear [the] position song[ ]player %positionsongplayer%")
(12, "%players%['s] [player[s]] sound volume[s]")
(12, "%songs%['s] song[s] desc[ription[s]]")
(12, "%notes%['s] [note[s]] instrument[s]")
(12, '[pex] default group[s] [in [world] %world%]')
(12, '[%livingentities%] ha(s|ve) %itemtypes% in off[(-| )]hand')
(12, '[%livingentities%] (is|are) holding %itemtypes% in off[(-| )]hand')
(12, "[%livingentities%] (is not|isn't) holding %itemtypes% in off[(-| )]hand")
(12, '[the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]')
(12, '[the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%')
(12, "%players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)")
(12, '[the] name of [the] bungee[[ ]cord]')
(12, '(neither|) %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%')
(12, 'tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])')
(11, "%string%'s [(skellett[ ][(cord|proxy)]|bungee[ ][cord])] players")
(10, '(year|month|month name|day of year|day of month|day of week|day name|hours|minutes|seconds) from date %date%')
(10, "date %date%'s (year|month|month name|day of year|day of month|day of week|day name|hours|minutes|seconds)")
(10, '[current ]system (nanos[econds]|millis[econds]|seconds)')
(10, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective% is modifiable')
(10, '[skellett] unregister (score[ ][board]|board) objective %objective%')
(10, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s [[boss][ ]bar] progress")
(10, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s [[boss][ ]bar] style")
(10, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %score%'s score entry")
(10, '[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %string% team')
(10, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %score%'s scores objective")
(10, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %string%'s objective")
(10, "[skellett] (score[ ][board]|board) %objective%'s objective criteria")
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] items of type[s] %itemtypes%')
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks of type[s] %itemtypes%')
(10, 'IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%')
(10, '%entities% (is|are) in [[the] world[s]] %worlds%')
(10, '([web]site|server[ ]list|service) [name] of %vote%')
(10, '%locations% (mirrored|reflected) at %location%[ (in|with) direction [of ]%-vector%]')
(10, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] save trapped player')
(10, '%*number%[ ](b|d|f|s|l)')
(10, '[display] name of ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players%')
(10, '(latency|ping) of ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players%')
(10, '[the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string% is overheated')
(10, '[the] cannon [with [the] id [of]] %string% is ready to fire')
(10, '[the] [G[rief]P[revention]] accrued claim blocks of %offlineplayer%')
(10, '[the] bonus [G[rief]P[revention]] claim blocks of %offlineplayer%')
(10, '[the] [G[rief]P[revention]] claim block limit of %offlineplayer%')
(10, '[the] remaining [G[rief]P[revention]] claim blocks of %offlineplayer%')
(10, '[on] [G[rief]P[revention]] prevent pvp')
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks %direction% [%locations%]')
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks from %location% [on] %direction%')
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks (within|between) %block% and %block%')
(10, '[the] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows) of %inventories%')
(10, "%inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows)")
(10, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players')
(10, '%metadataholders% (has|have) metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %strings%')
(10, "%metadataholders%'[s] metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %string%")
(9, '[(entity|player)] %entitys% [(is|are)] disguised')
(9, '[[Libs]Disguises] Un[( |-)]Disguise %entitys%')
(9, '(arrow|shot|velocity) speed [of (shot|arrow)]')
(9, "[brew[ing] stand] %brewerinventory%'s [brew[ing]] fuel time")
(9, "[brew[ing] stand] %brewerinventory%'s [brew[ing]] time")
(9, "[[Libs]Disguises] Disguise of %entitys%[[']s]")
(9, 'split %string% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %string%')
(9, '%string% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %string%')
(9, '[(voter|sender)] [ip(-| )]address of %vote%')
(9, '[(voter|sender)] user[(-| )]name of %vote%')
(9, '[(voter|sender)] time[(-| )]stamp of %vote%')
(9, 'change gui properties of inventory to name %string% [with %-number% row[s]] and shape [of (items|actions)] to %strings%')
(9, '%inventories% (can hold|ha(s|ve) [enough] space (for|to hold)) %itemtypes%')
(9, "holo[gra(m|phic display)] %hologram% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) deleted")
(9, '%timespan% (later|(from|after) [the] [date] %-date%)')
(9, 'location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])')
(9, '[(vault|pex)] prefix of %permissionentity% [in [world] %world%]')
(8, '(set|make) citizen[s] %number% max health [to] %number%')
(8, '(set|make) citizen[s] %number% nametag (invisible|visible)')
(8, '(delete|remove) score[s] [with] group id %string%')
(8, '[the] [last] [parse] error')
(8, '([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version')
(8, 'send %player% title %string% [with subtitle %string%] [for %timespan%] [with %timespan% fade in and %timespan% fade out]')
(8, "(wipe|erase) %player%['s] score from tab[list]")
(8, "y[a]ml[ path] %string% in file %-string% does(n't| not) exist")
(8, 'edit holo object %string% [with] line [number] %number% to %string% [and set interactivity to %boolean%]')
(8, '[on] [entity] (resurrect|revive)')
(8, '[on] [skellett] firework explo(de|sion)')
(8, '[on] ([item] anvil prepare|prepare [item] anvil)')
(8, '[on] [skellett] brew[ing]')
(8, '[on] ([item] enchant prepare|prepare [item] enchant)')
(8, '[on] packet [(send|sent|recieve)]')
(8, '[on] [skellett] [player] world change:')
(8, 'teleport %players% to [world] spawn (of|in) [world] %string%')
(8, 'armo[u]r stand chest[ ][plate] of %entity%')
(8, "armo[u]r stand %entity%'s chest[ ][plate]")
(8, 'armo[u]r stand leg[ging][s] of %entity%')
(8, "armo[u]r stand %entity%'s leg[ging][s]")
(8, '[final] bre[e]d[ed] entity')
(8, 'bre[e]d[ing] (xp|experience)')
(8, '[the] name (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(8, '[the] full name (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(8, '[get] entity (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(8, '[the] location (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(8, '(id|number) (of|from) (npc|citizen) %npc%')
(8, "[skellett] %itemstack%'s enchant[ment] level (from|of) %enchantment%")
(8, '[ender] crystal (target|beam) [location] of %entity%')
(8, "%entity%'s [ender] crystal (target|beam) [location]")
(8, '[skellett] [fish[ing] state')
(8, '%itemstacks% with hid(den|ing) enchant[ment][s]')
(8, '[event] inst(ant|a) break [state]')
(8, '[skellett] protocol[ ][support] version of %player%')
(8, "[skellett] %player%'s protocol[ ][support] version")
(8, 'remove[ed] [all] NBT [from] %itemstacks%')
(8, '(sprint|run)[ing] [state] of %player%')
(8, '%location%[ ]~[~][ ]%vectors%')
(8, '[the] (message|chat) format[ting]')
(8, '[the] (money|balance|[bank] account) of %players%')
(8, "%players%'[s] (money|balance|[bank] account)")
(8, "%players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]")
(8, '[the] colo[u]r[s] of %itemstacks/entities%')
(8, "%itemstacks/entities%'[s] colo[u]r[s]")
(8, '[the] (amount|number) of %itemtypes% (in|of) %inventories%')
(8, '[the] (gliding|glider) [state] of %entities%')
(8, "%entities%'[s] (gliding|glider) [state]")
(8, '[the] chunk[s] (of|%-directions%) %locations%')
(8, '[the] ender[ ]chest[s] of %players%')
(8, "%players%'[s] ender[ ]chest[s]")
(8, '[on] damag(e|ing) [of %entitydata%]')
(8, '[on] [player] fish[ing]')
(8, '[on] game[ ]mode change [to %gamemode%]')
(8, '[on] [player] tool break[ing]')
(8, '[on] spawn[ing] [of %entitydatas%]')
(8, '[on] [entity] un[-]target')
(8, '[on] [block] flow[ing]')
(8, '[on] [block] ignit(e|ion)')
(8, '[on] [ore] smelt[ing]')
(8, '[on] [entity] tam(e|ing)')
(8, '[on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)')
(8, '[on] [player] (kick|being kicked)')
(8, '[on] [player] level [change]')
(8, '[on] [player] respawn[ing]')
(8, '[on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool')
(8, '[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint')
(8, '[on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)')
(8, '[on] [player] teleport[ing]')
(8, '[on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle')
(8, '[on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle')
(8, '[on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle')
(8, 'use[s] (old|new|2.1.2|2.2) loops')
(8, "%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) riding [%entitydatas%]")
(8, '[execute] [the] command %strings% [by %-commandsenders%]')
(8, "%~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)")
(8, '(message|send [message[s]]) %strings% [to %commandsenders%]')
(8, "%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending)")
(8, "%itemtypes% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) enchanted [with %-enchantmenttype%]")
(8, 'script[s] [%-strings%] (is|are) loaded')
(8, "%itemstacks/entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) of type[s] %itemtypes/entitydatas%")
(8, "%livingentities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)")
(8, '[the] description (holding|of) [command] %string%')
(8, '[the] formatted date (of|for) [player] %player%')
(8, '[the] permission (holding|of) [command] %string%')
(8, '[the] plugin (holding|of) [command] %string%')
(8, 'y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %-string%')
(8, 'add %object% to y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(8, 'remove %object% from y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(8, 'delete y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(8, '[on] (NPC|Citizen) (right|left) click')
(8, '[on] player (knockback|velocity) [change]')
(8, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) motd of [the ]server %string%')
(8, '[the] [(placeholder[api]|papi)] identifier')
(8, '[on] anvil [item] (combine|merge)')
(8, '[the] [(placeholder[api]|papi)] result')
(8, "%itemstack% has(n't| not) [a] custom enchantment [%-customenchantment%]")
(8, '%itemtypes% is [a] (solid|transparent|flammable|occluding) block')
(8, '(unformat|remove|clear|reset) [the] gui slot %numbers% of %players%')
(8, '(make|format) next gui [slot] (with|to) %itemstack%')
(8, '(make|format) gui [slot] %strings/numbers% (with|to) %itemstack%')
(8, '[all] [registered] [script] commands')
(8, '[the] [total] [e]xp of %player%')
(8, "%player%'[s] [total] [e]xp")
(8, 'cube[s] outline[s] at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(8, 'cylinder coordinate[s] at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) yaw %number%(,| and) height %number%')
(8, 'line[s] (between|from) %locations% (and|to) %location% with density %number%')
(8, '[the] [the] [faction] role of %conquerplayers%')
(8, "%conquerplayers%'[s] [the] [faction] role")
(8, 'circle[s] at %locations%[ with] radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(8, 'y[a]ml[s] %strings% (is|are) loaded')
(8, 'add %string% to [the] (player|server) hover [list]')
(8, 'reset [the] (player|server) hover [list]')
(8, 'set [the] server(-| )icon to [image at] file %string%')
(8, '[the] [html] tag [name] of %htmlelement%')
(8, '[html] body (of|from) [document] %htmldocument%')
(8, '[html] head (of|from) [document] %htmldocument%')
(8, '(0¦inner|1¦outer) html (of|from) [element] %htmlelement%')
(8, '[websocket] request [handshake] is (accepted|refused)')
(8, '(show|hide) [player] tab[s] of %players% for %players%')
(8, "(show|hide) %players%'s [player] tab[s] for %players%")
(8, '[the] [unique] id[entifier] of %conquerfactions%')
(8, "%conquerfactions%'[s] [unique] id[entifier]")
(8, '(layer %-number%|top|bottom|sea level) (of|in) %chunk%')
(8, '[all] [the] (members|players) of %conquerfactions%')
(8, '[the] [display] (name|tag) of %conquerfactions%')
(8, "%conquerfactions%'[s] [display] (name|tag)")
(8, '[the] %citizen% (is (navigating|moving)|has [a] navigation)')
(8, '[on] [ShopChest] shop creat(e|ion)')
(8, '[on] [ShopChest] shop remov(e|al)')
(8, '[all] [handshake] [http] header names of %handshake%')
(8, '[the] [npc] id[entifier] of %citizen%')
(8, "%citizen%'[s] [npc] id[entifier]")
(8, "%world%'s (time remaining|remaining time) until [the] border stabilize[s]")
(8, '[on] [advanced] (survival games|sg) item purchase')
(8, '[on] [advanced] (survival games|sg) kit purchase')
(8, '[on] [Autorank] requirement complet(e|ion)')
(8, '[on] cannon pre[-]creat(e|ion)')
(8, '[on] [player] combat[ ]log')
(8, '[on] [CombatLog] [player] tag')
(8, '[the] [npc] skin [name] of %citizen%')
(8, "%citizen%'[s] [npc] skin [name]")
(8, '[on] [PrisonMines] mine reset (begin|start)')
(8, '[on] [shop]keeper creat(e|ion)')
(8, '[the] %block% is [LWC] (lockable|protectable)')
(8, '[the] %block% is (locked|protected) [by LWC]')
(8, '[the] %block% is (lockable|able to be locked) [by LockettePro]')
(8, '%player% is [a] [LockettePro] user of [the] %block%')
(8, '(remove|delete) %itemstack% from [the] (back|mine)pack of %player%')
(8, '[the] [AdvancedBan] punish[ment] reason')
(8, '[the] [AdvancedBan] punish[ment] type')
(8, '[the] [active] [AdvancedBan] punishments of %offlineplayer%')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) bounty of %offlineplayer%')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) current arena')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) spectators')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) teammate of %offlineplayer%')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) top players')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) victim')
(8, '[the] [Autorank] (requirements|reqs) of %player%')
(8, '[the] completed [Autorank] (requirements|reqs) of %player%')
(8, '[the] failed [Autorank] (requirements|reqs) of %player%')
(8, '[the] [CombatLog] tagged [player]')
(8, "[the] (items in|contents of) %player%'s (back|mine)pack")
(8, '[the] size of [the] (back|mine)pack of %player%')
(8, '[the] (amount|number) of [shop]keepers of %player%')
(8, '[the] ID of [the] [PlotSquared] plot at %location%')
(8, "[the] IDs of [all] %offlineplayer%'s [PlotSquared] plots")
(8, '[on] [PlotSquared] plot claim[ing]')
(8, '[on] [AdvancedBan] punish[ment]')
(8, '[the] %block% is (locked|protected) [by Lockette]')
(8, '[the] %block% is (locked|protected) [by LockettePro]')
(8, '[the] [advanced] (survival games|sg) alive players')
(8, '[the] (completed|finished) [Autorank] paths of %player%')
(8, '[the] [LWC] owner of [the] %block%')
(8, '[the] [Lockette] owner of [the] %block%')
(8, '[the] [shop]keeper name of [the] %entity%')
(8, '[the] players in [the] SkyWars [game] queue')
(8, '[conquer]claim[-]type[s]')
(8, '[conquer|faction][-]relation[s]')
(8, '[conquer|faction][-]role[s]')
(8, '[the] [event-](location|position)')
(8, '[the] (location|position) %directions% [%location%]')
(8, '[the] checkpoint [warp] [location] of %conquerfaction%')
(8, "%conquerfaction%'[s] checkpoint [warp] [location]")
(8, '[conquer|faction][-]player[s]')
(8, '[on] [Ticker] average tps change [to %-number%]')
(8, '[on] [Ticker] tps change [to %-number%]')
(8, "[the] [server[[']s]] last tps")
(8, "[the] [server[[']s]] tps")
(8, "[the] [server[[']s]] average tps")
(8, "[the] [server[[']s]] average tps string")
(8, "[the] [server[[']s]] tps string")
(8, '[on] [faction] [land] claim')
(8, '[the] last arg[ument][s]')
(8, '[the] arg[ument][s]')
(8, '[the] [the] (motd|message of the day) of %conquerfactions%')
(8, "%conquerfactions%'[s] [the] (motd|message of the day)")
(8, '[the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%')
(8, "%players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)")
(8, 'open [the] bitcoin min(e|ing) (menu|interface) to %player%')
(8, 'make [the] bitcoin value (fluctuate|change) [randomly]')
(8, '[the] (amount|number) of bitcoins in [the] bank')
(8, '[the] [current] bitcoin (value|worth)')
(8, 'players are (visible|hidden) in [the] tablist (of|for) %players%')
(8, "%songs%['s] song[s] height[s]")
(8, "%songs%['s] song[s] delay[s]")
(8, "%songs%['s] song[s] length[s]")
(8, "%layers%['s] layer[s] name[s]")
(8, "%layers%['s] layer[s] volume[s]")
(8, "%notes%['s] note[s] pitch[s]")
(8, "%notes%['s] note[s] key[s]")
(8, 'lock [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer% for %player%')
(8, 'unlock [the] [Slimefun] research [with id] %integer% for %player%')
(8, '[on] [player] connect[ing]')
(8, '[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak')
(8, '[on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)')
(8, '[%livingentities%] ha(s|ve) %itemtypes% in [main] hand')
(8, '[%livingentities%] (is|are) holding %itemtypes% [in main hand]')
(8, "[%livingentities%] (is not|isn't) holding %itemtypes% [in main hand]")
(8, 'feed [the] %players% [by %-number% [beef[s]]]')
(8, '[the] seed[s] (from|of) %worlds%')
(8, 'create [a] [new] clan named %string% with tag %string% (to|for) %player%')
(8, '(add|place) %player% (to|in) [clan] %clan%')
(8, 'virtual <.+?> [inventory] [(named|with (name|title)) %-string%] with size %-number%')
(8, "[skript-]y[a]ml %string% is(n't| not) empty")
(8, '[bungee[[ ]cord]] server [name] of this script')
(8, '[on] [server] [list] ping')
(8, "[the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed")
(8, "%strings% do[es](n't| not) (start|end) with %string%")
(8, '[the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot of %players%')
(8, "%players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot")
(8, '[on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect')
(8, '[on] [player] flight togg(e|ing)')
(8, '[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight')
(8, "(neither|) %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%")
(8, "(neither|) %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%")
(8, 'tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]')
(8, 'tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]')
(7, '(script|program|app[lication]|file|dir[ectory]) %string% exists')
(7, 'log %strings% [(to|in) [file[s]] %-strings%]')
(7, '%locations% scaled at %location% by %number%[ (in|with|and) direction [of ]%-vector%]')
(7, '((diameter|side length|size)|damage amount|damage buffer|warning distance|warning time) of %world%')
(7, "%world%'s ((diameter|side length|size)|damage amount|damage buffer|warning distance|warning time)")
(7, '(%-string%|chatcomponent|serverping|datawatcher|watchablecollection|gameprofile|nbt) pjson %number% of %packet%')
(7, '(NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value')
(7, 'value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))')
(7, "%players%'s tablist (contains|(does|do|doesn't|does not|don't|do not) contain) players")
(7, "tablist of %players% (contains|(does|do|doesn't|does not|don't|do not) contain) players")
(7, '(%-classinfo/string%|object|location|uuid|material|item|blockdata) pinfo %number% of %packet%')
(6, '(create|strike) (fake|ultra|no sound) fake lightning at %location%')
(6, "(wipe|erase|delete) %player%['s] sidebar")
(6, '(crackshot|weapon|gun) reload (finish|complete)')
(6, '[on] (crackshot|weapon|gun) shoot')
(6, 'files in dir[ectory] [including sub dir[ectorie]s)] %string%')
(6, "dir[ectory] [including sub dir[ectorie]s)] %string%'s files")
(6, '(mirror[ed]|flip[ped]|reverse[d]) %string%')
(6, '(free|total|max) (ram|memory)')
(6, 'run (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd) %string%')
(6, "%player%'s [primary] [LuckPerm[s]] group")
(6, "(npc|citizen) %npc% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) spawned")
(6, "[(the|this)] event is(n't| not) cancelled")
(6, "%player%'s [active] [LuckPerm[s]] prefix")
(6, "%player%'s [active] [LuckPerm[s]] suffix")
(6, "[the] script[['s] name]")
(6, 'add tab[list] item [[with] id] %string% to %players%')
(6, "[the] [book['s]] generation %itemstack%")
(6, "[the] [book['s]] title of %itemstack%")
(6, "[skellett] %bossbar%'s player[[']s]")
(6, "[brew[ing] stand] %brewerinventory%'s ingredient [item]")
(6, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s (clone|duplicate|copy)")
(6, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s (uuid|unique [id])")
(6, '[the] cost of [enchant[ment]] offer %enchantmentoffer%')
(6, "offer %enchantmentoffer%'s [enchant[ment]] enchant[ment]")
(6, '[the] level of [enchant[ment]] offer %enchantmentoffer%')
(6, 'fedual (config|files|messages) [message] %string%')
(6, '[skellett] caught (fish|item|entity)')
(6, '[skellett] [fish[ing]] hook')
(6, '[skellett] [click[ed]] cursor')
(6, '%location% [redstone] power [[being] received]')
(6, '[skellett] [(event|get)] bow')
(6, '[the] (full|complete|whole) command')
(6, '[the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)')
(6, '[the] [chat( |-)]message')
(6, 'location (from|of) %types.vector% [(from|in)] %world%')
(6, 'location (from|of) %types.vector% [(in|from)] %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%')
(6, '[chat][( |-)]recipients')
(6, '[the] (|first|last) index of %string% in %string%')
(6, '[Skungee] bungee[[ ]cord] player disconnect')
(6, '%dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %-string%]')
(6, "%livingentities%'[s] target[[ed] %-*entitydata%]")
(6, '[sk[-]Lib][ ]clicked item')
(6, '[the] last damage (cause|reason|type) of %livingentities%')
(6, "%livingentities%'[s] last damage (cause|reason|type)")
(6, "%vector%['s] (vector|standard|normal) length")
(6, '[the] (current|open|top) inventory of %player%')
(6, "%player%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory")
(6, '[the] weather [(in|of) %worlds%]')
(6, "%livingentities%'[s] (tool|held item|weapon)")
(6, '[custom] [(world|chunk)] generator %string%')
(6, '(a|the|) round[ed] down %number%')
(6, '(a|the|) round[ed] %number%')
(6, '(a|the|) round[ed] up %number%')
(6, '[on] grow [of (%-structuretype%|%-itemtype%)]')
(6, '[the] Slimefun item [(named|with name)] %string%')
(6, '[on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)')
(6, '[on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])')
(6, '[on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)')
(6, '(exit|stop) <\\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s')
(6, '(exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s')
(6, 'kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(6, '[on] book (edit|change|write)')
(6, '(grow|create|generate) tree [of type %structuretype%] %directions% %locations%')
(6, '(grow|create|generate) %structuretype% [tree] %directions% %locations%')
(6, 'damage %slots/livingentities/itemstack% by %number% [heart[s]][ with fake cause %-damagecause%]')
(6, '%entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)')
(6, "%offlineplayers% ((is|are) online|(is not|isn't|are not|aren't) offline)")
(6, "%offlineplayers% ((is|are) offline|(is not|isn't|are not|aren't) online)")
(6, '(let|make) %commandsenders% execute [[the] command] %strings%')
(6, '(create|strike) lightning([ ]effect|) %directions% %locations%')
(6, '(cure|unpoison) %livingentities% [(from|of) poison]')
(6, '(toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%')
(6, '%players/strings% (is|are) IP(-| |)banned')
(6, '[[the] region] %regions% contain[s] %directions% %locations%')
(6, '(remove|subtract) %number% from (diameter|side length|size) of %world% over %timespan%')
(6, "(remove|subtract) %number% from %world%'s (diameter|side length|size) over %timespan%")
(6, '[sk[-]Lib][ ]clicked row')
(6, '[sk[-]Lib][ ]clicked slot')
(6, "%entities% ((is|are)(n't| not) ageable|can(n't| not) grow up)")
(6, '(un(make|format)|remove) next gui [slot]')
(6, '(un(make|format)|remove) gui [slot] %strings/numbers%')
(6, '(un(make|format)|remove) all gui [slot]')
(6, "%block%'[s] drops [(with|using) %-itemstack%]")
(6, '[the] recipe (id|name|key) of %recipes%')
(6, "%recipes%'[s] recipe (id|name|key)")
(6, 'reg[ular ]ex[pression[s]|es]')
(6, '%locations% rotated around %vector% at %location% (with angle|by) %number%[ degree[s]]')
(6, 'save [y[a]ml] %string% [(without extra lines between nodes)]')
(6, '((calculate|compute) derivative of|derivate) %string% [at x=%number%]')
(6, '[the] attribute %string% of [[html] element] %htmlelement%')
(6, '((calculate|compute) integral of|integrate) %string% [from %number% to %number%]')
(6, '(levenshtein|string) distance between %string% and %string% [(ignor(e|ing) case)]')
(6, "%chunks% (is|are|isn't|is not|aren't|are not) slimey")
(6, "%livingentities% (is|are|isn't|is not|aren't|are not) collidable")
(6, 'move %objects% (-front|-forward[s]|back[ward[s]]) %number%')
(6, '[new] websocket %string% connected to uri %string% [with (handshake|http) headers %-handshake%]')
(6, '[mundo[sk]] [the] ip of server')
(6, "[mundo[sk]] [the] server's ip")
(6, '(shown|sent) (amount of|max [amount of]) players')
(6, '[mundo[sk]] [the] port of server')
(6, "[mundo[sk]] [the] server's port")
(6, 'new nether portal within [[a] radius of] %number% (block|meter)s of %location%')
(6, 'make %citizen% [do] [anim[ation]] %npcanimation%')
(6, '(byte|short|int|long|float|double) pnum %number% of %packet%')
(6, '[on] cannon (use|[inter]action)')
(6, '[on] [ClearLag[g]] TPS update')
(6, '[a] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string% exists')
(6, 'start [the] Bedwars game [(named|with name)] %string%')
(6, 'add %player% to [the] party [(named|with name)] %string%')
(6, "%offlineplayer%'s [(number|amount) of] [AdvancedBan] warns")
(6, "%player%'s [(current|active)] [Autorank] path")
(6, "%player%'s global [Autorank] [play[ ]]time")
(6, "%player%'s local [Autorank] [play[ ]]time")
(6, '[[the] name of] [the] Bedwars game of %player%')
(6, "%player%'s [(number|amount) of] [LWC] protections")
(6, "[[the ]item in] slot %integer% of %player%'s (back|mine)pack")
(6, "[the] party [(named|with name)] %string%'s members")
(6, "[the] party [(named|with name)] %string%'s online members")
(6, "%players% (can('t|not)|(is|are)(n't| not) allowed to) build %directions% %locations%")
(6, '[the] [(number|amount) of] pvp deaths of %offlineplayer%')
(6, '[the] pvp [(xp|experience)] progress of %offlineplayer%')
(6, '[the] [(number|amount) of] pvp kills of %offlineplayer%')
(6, '(head|icon|skull) of [array] tab %number%, %number% for %players%')
(6, '[(default)] displayed skin of %player% [(for %-players%|excluding %-players%)]')
(6, "%player%'s [(default)] displayed skin [(for %-players%|excluding %-players%)]")
(6, 'ban %strings/offlineplayers% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(6, 'ban %players% by IP [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %-string%]')
(6, '(IP(-| )unban|un[-]IP[-]ban) %players%')
(6, '%timespan% (ago|in the past|before [the] [date] %-date%)')
(6, "bungee[[ ]cord] server[s] %strings%'s whitelisted players")
(6, "%song%['s] [song[s]] layers")
(6, "%permissionentity%'[s] permissions [in [world] %world%]")
(6, "%permissionentity%'[s] [(vault|pex)] suffix")
(6, "%permissionentity%'[s] parents [in [world] %world%]")
(6, "%permissiongroup%'[s] users [in [world] %world%]")
(6, 'force %players% to [(stop|start)] fly[ing]')
(6, "%players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory")
(6, '[the] teleport (cause|reason|type)')
(6, '[the] clan (rival|neutral|civilian) kills of %player%')
(6, "%player%'[s] clan (rival|neutral|civilian) kills")
(5, 'create (script|program|app[lication]|file) %string%')
(5, 'delete (script|program|app[lication]|file) %string%')
(5, 'run (script|program|app[lication]|file) at %string%')
(5, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds')
(5, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%')
(5, 'delete ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players%')
(5, 'score of ([simple] tab [with] id|simple tab) %string% for %players%')
(5, "%offlineplayer%'s [G[rief]P[revention]] accrued claim blocks")
(5, "%offlineplayer%'s bonus [G[rief]P[revention]] claim blocks")
(5, "%offlineplayer%'s [G[rief]P[revention]] claim block limit")
(5, "%offlineplayer%'s remaining [G[rief]P[revention]] claim blocks")
(5, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks from %block% to %block%')
(5, '[(all [[of] the]|the)] id songs playing')
(5, 'metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %strings% of %metadataholders%')
(4, '(add|give) %player% [to] bossbar %string%')
(4, '(delete|remove) %player% from group [id based] score %string%')
(4, '(set|create) group id [based] score %string% in sidebar for %player% to %number% with id %string%')
(4, '[on] world init[zation)]')
(4, '[the] [event-]region')
(4, '[the] world [of %locations/entities%]')
(4, '(delete|remove) score [with] id %string%')
(4, '(delete|stop) (effect|formation) %string%')
(4, '(edit|update) score [with] id %string% to %string% and %number%')
(4, '(equip|give) citizen %number% with [an] %itemstack%')
(4, 'set rf max[imum] h(ealth|p) of %entity% to %number%')
(4, '(set|edit) bossbar %string% colo[u]r to %BossBarColor%')
(4, '(set|edit) bossbar %string% (value|progress) to %number%')
(4, '(set|edit) bossbar %string% (title|name) to %string%')
(4, '(set|create) id [based] score %string% in sidebar of %player% to %number% with id %string%')
(4, '(wipe|erase) below score[s] for %player%')
(4, '[crackshot|gun|weapon] scope [in]')
(4, '[on] hologram (touch|click)')
(4, '[on] (store|chest add)')
(4, '[on] (unstore|chest remove)')
(4, "%player%['s] armo[u]r value")
(4, 'group score (name|title) (of|from) id %string%')
(4, 'group score (value|number) (of|from) id %string%')
(4, 'text in line %number% of holo[gram] [object] %string%')
(4, 'info of enchant[ment] %number% (of|on) %itemstack%')
(4, 'score (name|title) (of|from) id %string%')
(4, 'score (value|number) (of|from) id %string%')
(4, '%entity% is [a] (npc|citizen)')
(4, 'convert bin[ary] %string% to hexa[decimal]')
(4, 'bin[ary] %string% as hexa[decimal]')
(4, 'convert bin[ary] %binary% to (text|string)')
(4, 'bin[ary] %string% as (text|string)')
(4, 'size of dir[ectory] %string%[ in bytes]')
(4, "dir[ectory] %string%'s size[ in bytes]")
(4, 'convert hexa[decimal] %string% to bin[ary]')
(4, 'hexa[decimal] %string% as bin[ary]')
(4, 'convert hexa[decimal] %string% to num[ber]')
(4, 'hexa[decimal] %string% as num[ber]')
(4, '[all ]time[ ]zones')
(4, 'number of[ loaded] (commands|cmds)')
(4, 'number of[ loaded] s(k|c)ripts')
(4, 'convert num[ber] %number% to hexa[decimal]')
(4, 'num[ber] %number% as hexa[decimal]')
(4, 'add %string% with priority [of] %number% to [the] prefixes of %player%')
(4, 'convert (text|string) %string% to bin[ary]')
(4, '(text|string) %string% as bin[ary]')
(4, '[current ]time in time[ ]zone %string%')
(4, "[current ]time[ ]zone %string%'s time")
(4, 'on (file|app) (run|execute)')
(4, 'add %string% with priority [of] %number% to [the] suffixes of %player%')
(4, '(force|make) %player% run (cmd|command) %string% as op')
(4, 'remove %string% with priority [of] %number% from [the] prefixes of %player%')
(4, 'zip dir[ectory] %string% to zip[ file] %string%')
(4, 'zip file[s] %strings% to zip[ file] %-string%"')
(4, "file %string% is(n'| no)t a dir[ectory]")
(4, "file %string% is(n't| not) exec[utable]")
(4, "file %string% is(n't| not) (symbolic|shortcut)")
(4, "server is(n't| no)t time[ ]zone %string%")
(4, 'y[a]ml[ path] %string% in file %-string% exists')
(4, 'remove %string% with priority [of] %number% from [the] suffixes of %player%')
(4, '[on] [skellett] arrow pickup')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) click')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) create')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) death')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) despawn')
(4, '[on] entity target (npc|citizen)')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) entity damage')
(4, '[on] player create (npc|citizen)')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) remove')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) spawn')
(4, '[on] (npc|citizen) teleport')
(4, '[on] entity block (change|modify):')
(4, '[on] [skellett] download')
(4, "[map] %map% is(n't| not) virtual")
(4, "%player% (is(n't| not)) running SquidHQ [client]")
(4, '(spawn|summon) (npc|citizen) %npc% at %location%')
(4, 'teleport (npc|citizen) %npc% to %location% with (1¦%teleportcause%|2¦%string%)')
(4, '[skellett] connect [to] mysql')
(4, '[skellett] disconnect [from] mysql')
(4, 'update [the] tab[list] of %players%')
(4, '[skellett] teleport %players% to world %string% [spawn]')
(4, 'bre[e]d[ing] mother')
(4, 'armo[u]r stand (helmet|hat) of %entity%')
(4, "armo[u]r stand %entity%'s (helmet|hat)")
(4, 'bre[e]d[ing] father')
(4, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s entity [type]")
(4, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s (id|number)")
(4, "%entity%'s [entity] [number] id")
(4, '[the] scoreboard tag (of|from) %entity%')
(4, '[the] fall distance (from|of) %entity%')
(4, 'fedual [kingdom] at [location] %location%')
(4, 'fedual [kingdom] name at [location] %location%')
(4, 'ignored sleep[ing] [state] of %player%')
(4, '[skellett] click[ed] raw slot')
(4, '[skellett] click[ed] slot')
(4, 'click[ed] type num[ber]')
(4, '[skellett] click[ed] type')
(4, "%entity%['s] Llama colo[u]r")
(4, "[Llama] %llamainventory%'s [inventory] decor")
(4, "[map] %map%'s unlimited [tracking] state")
(4, "[skellett] mysql['s] database")
(4, "[skellett] mysql['s] host")
(4, "[skellett] mysql['s] password")
(4, "[skellett] mysql['s] port")
(4, "[skellett] mysql['s] username")
(4, '[skellett] new [changed] material')
(4, '(size|amount) of [all] variables')
(4, '[spread] source [block]')
(4, '[zPermissions] primary group of [player] %string%')
(4, '[the] command [label]')
(4, "%location%'[s] (location|position)")
(4, 'enchant(ing|ment) type[s]')
(4, '[inventory ]slot[s]')
(4, 'entity[ ]type[s]')
(4, 'game[ ]mode[s]')
(4, 'num[ber][s]')
(4, 'offline[ ]player[s]')
(4, '(text|string)[s]')
(4, 'time[ ]period[s]')
(4, 'time[ ]span[s]')
(4, 'tree[ ]type[s]')
(4, 'living[ ]entit(y|ies)')
(4, '[the] death( |-)message')
(4, '[the] saturation [of %players%]')
(4, 'vector (from|between) %location% (to|and) %location%')
(4, 'weather[ ]type[s]')
(4, '%types.vector% [to location] [in] %world%')
(4, '%types.vector% [to location] [in] %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%')
(4, '[on] [clan] demote player')
(4, '[on] [clan] promote player')
(4, '[the] shooter [of %projectile%]')
(4, '[the] (console|server)')
(4, '[the] slot[s] %numbers% of %inventory%')
(4, "%inventory%'[s] slot[s] %numbers%")
(4, '[a] random %*classinfo% [out] of %objects%')
(4, '%vector%[ ]++[ ]%vector%')
(4, '%vector%[ ]--[ ]%vector%')
(4, '%vector%[ ]**[ ]%vector%')
(4, '%vector%[ ]//[ ]%vector%')
(4, '[the] damage (cause|type)')
(4, '[the] region(s|) %direction% %locations%')
(4, '[the] %number% (first|last) characters of %strings%')
(4, '(colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%strings%')
(4, '[the] (horizontal|) facing of %livingentities/blocks%')
(4, "%livingentities/blocks%'[s] (horizontal|) facing")
(4, '[the] game[ ]mode of %players%')
(4, "%players%'[s] game[ ]mode")
(4, '[the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders%')
(4, "%inventoryholders%'[s] inventor(y|ies)")
(4, '[the] passenger[s] of %entities%')
(4, "%entities%'[s] passenger[s]")
(4, "%worlds%'[s] time[s]")
(4, '[the] (yaw|pitch) of %locations%')
(4, "%locations%'[s] (yaw|pitch)")
(4, '[the] biome (of|%direction%) %location%')
(4, "%itemstack%'s [book] (pages|content)")
(4, '[the] id(s|) of %itemtype%')
(4, "%itemtype%'[s] id(s|)")
(4, '[the] max[imum] health of %livingentities%')
(4, "%livingentities%'[s] max[imum] health")
(4, '[the] vehicle[s] of %entities%')
(4, "%entities%'[s] vehicle[s]")
(4, '[the] (book name|title) of %itemstack%')
(4, "%itemstack%'[s] (book name|title)")
(4, "%conquerfactions% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) open")
(4, "%conquerfactions% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) peaceful")
(4, '[on] [player] egg throw')
(4, '[the] line %number% of [the] lore of %itemstack/itemtype%')
(4, "[the] line %number% of %itemstack/itemtype%'[s] lore")
(4, "%locations%'[s] chunk[s]")
(4, '[the] line %number% [of %block%]')
(4, '[on] death [of %entitydatas%]')
(4, '[on] [entity] target')
(4, '%number%[ ]+[ ]%number%')
(4, '%number%[ ]-[ ]%number%')
(4, '%number%[ ]*[ ]%number%')
(4, '%number%[ ]/[ ]%number%')
(4, '%number%[ ]^[ ]%number%')
(4, '[the] [event-]<.+>')
(4, '[on] chunk load[ing]')
(4, '[on] combust[ing]')
(4, '[on] block mov(e|ing)')
(4, '[on] fuel burn[ing]')
(4, '[on] heal[ing]')
(4, '[on] leaves decay[ing]')
(4, '[on] lightning [strike]')
(4, '[on] pig[ ]zap')
(4, '[on] piston extend[ing]')
(4, '[on] piston retract[ing]')
(4, '[on] portal enter[ing]')
(4, '[on] entering [a] portal')
(4, '[on] slime split[ting]')
(4, '[on] smelt[ing] of ore')
(4, '[on] spread[ing]')
(4, '[on] block damag(ing|e)')
(4, '[on] bucket fill[ing]')
(4, '[on] inventory open[ed]')
(4, '[on] [player] portal')
(4, '[on] portal creat(e|ion)')
(4, '[on] [projectile] shoot')
(4, '[on] [world] spawn change')
(4, '[on] world load[ing]')
(4, '[on] world sav(e|ing)')
(4, '[on] world unload[ing]')
(4, '[on] dismount[ing]')
(4, '[on] mount[ing]')
(4, '[on] first (join|login)')
(4, '[on] weather change [to %weathertypes%]')
(4, '(wait|halt) [for] %timespan%')
(4, '(exit|stop) [trigger]')
(4, '[on] book sign[ing]')
(4, '[on] command [%-string%]')
(4, '(force|make) %conquerplayers% leave their faction[s]')
(4, 'all [of] [the] factions')
(4, '(ignite|set fire to) %entities% [for %-timespan%]')
(4, '(set|light) %entities% on fire [for %-timespan%]')
(4, 'heal %livingentities% [by %-number% [heart[s]]]')
(4, '(dye|colo[u]r|paint) %slots/itemstack% %color%')
(4, '(dye|colo[u]r|paint) %slots/itemstack% (%number%, %number%, %number%)')
(4, '%entities% (is|are) riding [%entitydatas%]')
(4, "%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on ground")
(4, '(is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]')
(4, '(is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]')
(4, '[execute] [the] %commandsenders% command %strings%')
(4, '%~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)')
(4, "close %players%'[s] inventory [view]")
(4, '(close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%')
(4, "%offlineplayers/strings% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) banned")
(4, '%players% (is|are) (blocking|defending)')
(4, '%itemtypes% (is|are) enchanted [with %-enchantmenttype%]')
(4, "%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying")
(4, "%livingentities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) poisoned")
(4, "%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking")
(4, "%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting")
(4, "%livingentities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) wearing %itemtypes%")
(4, '%itemstacks/entities% (is|are) of type[s] %itemtypes/entitydatas%')
(4, '%livingentities% (is|are) (alive|dead)')
(4, "%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping")
(4, "%inventories/slots/strings% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) empty")
(4, '%string% is [a] (proxy|vpn)')
(4, '[the] timezone of [the player] %player%')
(4, 'y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'set y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string% to %object%')
(4, 'delete y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %-string%')
(4, 'add %object% to y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'remove %object% from y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'delete y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %-string%')
(4, 'add %object% to y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'remove %object% from y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'delete y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%')
(4, 'on [online] [player] vote')
(4, 'on [(any|every|raw)] votifier vote')
(4, 'send (bm|bungeemaster) chat[ message] %string% from %string%')
(4, 'stop [the ](bm|bungeemaster) proxy')
(4, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) global player count')
(4, '[the ](bm|bungeemaster) uuid of %player%')
(4, 'all [online ](bm|bungeemaster) players')
(4, '[on] anvil [item] rename')
(4, '[on] gui (action|click)')
(4, '[on] [player] item damage')
(4, '[on] [mob] spawner spawn')
(4, '%itemstack% has [a] custom enchantment [%-customenchantment%]')
(4, "%player% does(n't| not) have [a] gui")
(4, "slot %number% of %player% is(n't| not) [a] gui")
(4, "%entities% (is|are)(n't| not) tameable")
(4, "%strings% [regex] does(n't| not) match %string%")
(4, 'unregister [the] [custom] enchantment %customenchantment%')
(4, '[the] main [command] of command %string%')
(4, "command %string%'[s] main [command]")
(4, '[the] plugin [owner] of command %string%')
(4, "command %string%'[s] plugin [owner]")
(4, '[the] file [location] of command %string%')
(4, '[the] [all] custom enchantments of %itemstack%')
(4, "%itemstack%'[s] [all] custom enchantments")
(4, '[the] (cat|ocelot) type of %entity%')
(4, "%entity%'[s] (cat|ocelot) type")
(4, '[event-]inventory-(one|two)')
(4, '[event-]slot-(one|two)')
(4, '[the] [all] ingredients of %recipe%')
(4, "%recipe%'[s] [all] ingredients")
(4, '[the] [jukebox] record of %block%')
(4, "%block%'[s] [jukebox] record")
(4, '[the] (locale|language) of %player%')
(4, "%player%'[s] (locale|language)")
(4, '[the] [json] client id of %object%')
(4, "%object%'[s] [json] client id")
(4, '(first|random) string matching [pattern] %regex/string%')
(4, 'regex split %string% (with|using) [pattern] %regex/string%')
(4, '[the] knowledge(s| recipes) of %itemstack%')
(4, "%itemstack%'[s] knowledge(s| recipes)")
(4, 'last[ly] [created] gui')
(4, '[last] regex [parser] error')
(4, '%number% [in] rad[ian]')
(4, 'custom[ ]enchantment[s]')
(4, 'gui[ ]inventor(y|ies)')
(4, 'slot[ ]type[s]')
(4, '[vector ]cube outline with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, '[vector ]line with length %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, 'vector line (between|from) %vector% (and|to) %vector% with density %number%')
(4, 'vector[s] %vectors% (linked|connected) with density %number%')
(4, '[vector ]random sphere with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, 'sphere[s] at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, '%number% [in] deg[ree]')
(4, '[vector ]circle with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, 'random sphere[s] at %locations% with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, '[vector ]sphere with radius %number%(,| and) density %number%')
(4, '(product|pi) %string% from %number% to (%number%|infinity)')
(4, '[the] [current] faction of %conquerplayers%')
(4, "%conquerplayers%'[s] [current] faction")
(4, '[the] [html] text of %htmlelement%')
(4, 'reset [the] server(-| )icon')
(4, 'reset [the] server [list] motd')
(4, 'set [the] server(-| )icon to base64 %string%')
(4, 'update [the] server [list] motd to %string%')
(4, '(sum|sigma) %string% from %number% to (%number%|infinity)')
(4, '[the] soundex [code] of %string%')
(4, "%string%'[s] soundex [code]")
(4, '[html] title (of|from) %htmldocument%')
(4, '[[(server|player)] list] ping')
(4, "last [called] custom event (was|wasn't) cancelled")
(4, '%locations% (is|are) (within|beyond) border')
(4, 'scores [are] (enabled|disabled) in tablist of %players%')
(4, "scores [are] (enabled|disabled) in %players%'s tablist")
(4, 'open function socket at port %number% [with password %-string%] [through function %-string%]')
(4, 'write %strings% to socket with host %string% port %number% [with timeout %-timespan%] [to handle response through function %-string% with id %-string%]')
(4, '(clear|reset) [all] player tab modifications for %players%')
(4, '(show|hide) %players% in [the] tablist of %players%')
(4, '(latency|ping) of [player] tab of %player% for %players%')
(4, "(latency|ping) of %player%'s [player] tab for %players%")
(4, 'rec(ei|ie)ve packet[s] %packets% from %players%')
(4, 'create [new] world [named %-string%] using %creator%')
(4, '[player] tab of %player% is (visible|hidden) for %players%')
(4, "%player%'s [player] tab is (visible|hidden) for %players%")
(4, '%player% is (visible|hidden) in tablist (of|for) %players%')
(4, '[all] blocks (of|in) %chunk%')
(4, 'blocks [from] %number%, %number%, %number% to %number%, %number%, %number% (of|in) %chunk%')
(4, 'layers [from] %number% to %number% (of|in) %chunk%')
(4, 'chunks [from] %number%, %number% to %number%, %number% [in %world%]')
(4, "%conquerfactions%'[s] (members|players)")
(4, '(%listutil% count|amount of %listutil%s) (of|in) %possessor%')
(4, '(%listutil% %-number%|last %listutil%) (of|in) %possessor%')
(4, 'json (of|from) (listvar|list variable) %objects%')
(4, 'jsons (of|from) (listvar|list variable) %objects%')
(4, '%listutil%s %number% to (%-number%|last) (of|in) %possessor%')
(4, '[on] (citizen|npc) create')
(4, '[handshake] [http] header %string% of %handshake%')
(4, '[on] (citizen|npc) despawn')
(4, '[on] (citizen|npc) spawn')
(4, '%entity% is [a] (citizen|npc)')
(4, 'skin [texture] (with|of) value %string% signature %string%')
(4, '(player count|max player count) of server with host %string% [port %-number%]')
(4, '[display] name of [array] tab %number%, %number% for %players%')
(4, '[on] [ShopChest] shop transaction')
(4, '(latency|ping) of [array] tab %number%, %number% for %players%')
(4, 'tablist (header|footer) (for|of) %players%')
(4, 'all [created] (citizen|npc)s')
(4, '[the] [ShopChest] shop limit of %player%')
(4, '[on] cannon creat(e|ion)')
(4, '[on] (cannon death|death by cannon)')
(4, '[on] cannon (fire|shoot)')
(4, '[the] [npc] name of %citizen%')
(4, "%citizen%'[s] [npc] name")
(4, '[the] [npc] vulnerability of %citizen%')
(4, "%citizen%'[s] [npc] vulnerability")
(4, '%player% is in [a] [PlotSquared] plot')
(4, '[on] SkyWars game (end|stop)')
(4, '[on] SkyWars game (start|begin)')
(4, '[on] SkyWars [game] leave queue')
(4, '%player% is [playing] in [a] Bedwars game')
(4, '[the] cannon [with id] %string% is clean')
(4, '%player% is [currently] [CombatLog] tagged')
(4, '%entity% is [a] [shop]keeper')
(4, '%player% is in [a] SkyWars [game] queue')
(4, 'add %itemstack% to [the] (back|mine)pack of %player%')
(4, "(remove|delete) %itemstack% from %player%'s (back|mine)pack")
(4, 'add %player% to [the] SkyWars [game] queue')
(4, 'remove %player% from [the] SkyWars [game] queue')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] ban reason of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] banner of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] mute reason of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] remaining [AdvancedBan] mute time of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] muter of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] punished player')
(4, '[the] [AdvancedBan] punisher')
(4, "%offlineplayer%'s [active] [AdvancedBan] punishments")
(4, '[the] remaining [AdvancedBan] ban time of %offlineplayer%')
(4, "%offlineplayer%'s [advanced] (survival games|sg) bounty")
(4, "%offlineplayer%'s [advanced] (survival games|sg) teammate")
(4, "%player%'s [Autorank] (requirements|reqs)")
(4, "%player%'s completed [Autorank] (requirements|reqs)")
(4, '[the] eligible [Autorank] paths of %player%')
(4, "%player%'s failed [Autorank] (requirements|reqs)")
(4, '[the] (amount|number) of cannons %offlineplayer% has built')
(4, '[the] id of [the] cannon at %location%')
(4, '[the] [CombatLog] tagger')
(4, "[the] size of %player%'s (back|mine)pack")
(4, '[the] party [name] of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] pvp (kdr|kill death ratio) of %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] pvp (xp|experience) of %offlineplayer%')
(4, 'open [an] editable %boolean% (back|mine)pack of %player% to %player%')
(4, "%player%'s (completed|finished) [Autorank] paths")
(4, "[the] %block%'s [Lockette] owner")
(4, '[LockettePro] owner of [the] %block%')
(4, "[the] %block%'s [LockettePro] owner")
(4, '[the] next SkyWars [game] arena')
(4, '[the] [claim] type of %conquerclaims%')
(4, "%conquerclaims%'[s] [claim] type")
(4, '[the] (old|new) relation')
(4, '%objects% (while|until|if|unless) %boolean%')
(4, '[on] [block] physics')
(4, '[conquer]faction[s]')
(4, '[the] array tablist is (enabled|disabled) for %players%')
(4, '[on] bed enter[ing]')
(4, "amount of (column|row)s in %players%'s [array] tablist")
(4, '[on] bucket empty[ing]')
(4, "%players% ((doesn't|does not) have|(aren't|are not) in) a faction")
(4, '[FunkySk] song id stop[ing] %string%')
(4, '[the] [event-]block')
(4, '[the] block %direction% [%location%]')
(4, '%~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])')
(4, '[the] [faction] title of %conquerplayers%')
(4, "%conquerplayers%'[s] [faction] title")
(4, '[the] faction[s] at %locations/conquerclaims%')
(4, '[the] home [location] of %conquerfactions%')
(4, "%conquerfactions%'[s] home [location]")
(4, '[conquer|faction]claim[s]')
(4, 'open [the] bitcoin [main] menu to %player%')
(4, '[the] (amount|number) of bitcoins mined by %offlineplayer%')
(4, '[the] [bitcoin] exchange currency symbol')
(4, '[the] (attacker|damager)')
(4, "%inventories/strings/objects% do[es](n't| not) contain %itemtypes/strings/objects%")
(4, '%strings% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)')
(4, '(visual|particle) effect[s]')
(4, '[display] name of [player] tab of %player% for %players%')
(4, "[display] name of %player%'s [player] tab for %players%")
(4, '[websocket] request [handshake]')
(4, '[websocket] response [handshake]')
(4, "%inventory%['s] slot[s] %numbers%")
(4, '[on] [Slimefun] research unlock')
(4, 'create [a] [new] Slimefun item %itemstack% with id %string% in category %string% with recipe %itemstacks% with recipe type %string%')
(4, '[on] bed leav(e|ing)')
(4, '[on] [block] can build check')
(4, '[on] chunk unload[ing]')
(4, '[the] group[(s)] of %offlineplayers%')
(4, "%offlineplayers%'[s] group[(s)]")
(4, '[the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%')
(4, "%blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)")
(4, '[the] (index|indices) of %slots%')
(4, "%slots%'[s] (index|indices)")
(4, '[the] temperature[s] of %blocks%')
(4, "%blocks%'[s] temperature[s]")
(4, 'colo[u]r[s]')
(4, "%worlds%'[s] seed[s]")
(4, 'item[ ]type[s]')
(4, '[on] [tuske] prepare item craft')
(4, '%player% (has|have) [a] clan')
(4, "%player% (hasn't|doesn't have) [a] clan")
(4, 'cancel [the] drops of (inventory|items)')
(4, '[make] %player% [a] invite %player% to his clan')
(4, '[the] [clan] tag of %clan%')
(4, "%clan%'[s] [clan] tag")
(4, '[the] [all] recipes of %itemstack%')
(4, "%itemstack%'[s] [all] recipes")
(4, '[the] (mc|minecraft) version of %player%')
(4, "%player%'[s] (mc|minecraft) version")
(4, '[skript-]y[a]ml %string% is empty')
(4, 'current [bungee[[ ]cord]]server')
(4, '[on] [book] edit')
(4, '[on] inventory [window] close')
(4, '[on] any move[ment]')
(4, '[on] vehicle (block collide|collide with block)')
(4, '[on] vehicle (entity collide|collide with entity)')
(4, '[the] event is cancel[l]ed')
(4, "%itemstacks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) edible")
(4, "%itemstacks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flammable")
(4, "%itemstacks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) solid")
(4, "%itemstacks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) transparent")
(4, '%strings% (start|end)[s] with %string%')
(4, '[the] altitude[s] of %locations%')
(4, "%locations%'[s] altitude[s]")
(4, '%objects% (where|that match) \\[<.+>\\]')
(4, '(neither|) %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%')
(4, '(neither|) %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%')
(4, "(neither|) %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%")
(4, '[the] name[s] of %itemstacks/slots/livingentities/players/inventories%')
(4, "%itemstacks/slots/livingentities/players/inventories%'[s] name[s]")
(4, '%objects% if <.+>[,] (otherwise|else) %objects%')
(3, 'bind hologram %string% to %living entities% for %timespan% [offset by %number%, %number%( and|,) %number%]')
(3, 'create bound holo object %string% with id %string% to %entity% [offset by %number%, %number%( and|,) %number%]')
(3, '(place|set|spawn) mine at %location% for %player% as %string%')
(3, '(show|display|unhide) bossbar %string%')
(3, 'on (crackshot|weapon|gun) damage')
(3, '(crackshot|weapon|gun) reload')
(3, '(readable|writable|hidden) attribute of file %string%')
(3, "file %string%'s (readable|writable|hidden) attribute")
(3, "disk's (total|free|usable) space")
(3, '(total|free|usable) space on disk')
(3, "file %string%'s (last modified|creation|last access) value")
(3, '(last modified|creation|last access) value of file %string%')
(3, 'on file (wipe|reset|clear)')
(3, '[(the|this)] event is cancelled')
(3, "[[Libs]Disguises] %entitys%'s disguise")
(3, "offer %enchantmentoffer%'s [enchant[ment]] cost")
(3, "offer %enchantmentoffer%'s [enchant[ment]] level")
(3, '%itemstacks% with(out [any]| no) NBT')
(3, '[current [inventory]] cursor of %player%')
(3, "%player%'s [current [inventory]] cursor")
(3, '(raw|minecraft|vanilla) name of %itemtypes%')
(3, 'vector (of|from|to) %location%')
(3, '(vector|standard|normal) length of %vector%')
(3, '(x|y|z) of %vector%')
(3, 'replace (all|every|) %strings% in %strings% with %string%')
(3, 'replace (all|every|) %strings% with %string% in %strings%')
(3, 'replace (all|every|) %itemstacks% in %inventories% with %itemstack%')
(3, 'replace (all|every|) %itemstacks% with %itemstack% in %inventories%')
(3, '[de[-]]op %offlineplayers%')
(3, 'broadcast %strings% [(to|in) %-worlds%]')
(3, '(open|turn on|activate) %blocks%')
(3, 'set (diameter|side length|size) of %world% to %number% over %timespan%')
(3, "set %world%'s (diameter|side length|size) to %number% over %timespan%")
(3, 'set (diameter|side length|size) of %world% over %timespan% to %number%')
(3, "set %world%'s (diameter|side length|size) over %timespan% to %number%")
(3, 'add %number% to (diameter|side length|size) of %world% over %timespan%')
(3, "add %number% to %world%'s (diameter|side length|size) over %timespan%")
(3, '%entities% ((is|are) ageable|can grow up)')
(3, 'eject record (of|from|) %block%')
(3, 'change gui shape [of (items|actions)] to %strings%')
(3, 'drops of %block% [(with|using) %-itemstack%]')
(3, 'gui-[(clicked|current)-]item')
(3, '[location[s]] %locations% offset by %vectors%')
(3, '[vector[s] ]%vectors% moved by %vectors%')
(3, 'unload [y[a]ml] %string%')
(3, '(login|connect[ion]) result')
(3, 'play [[%-note% with] %-instrument% on] noteblock %block%')
(3, "[(don't|do not)] load %world% automatically")
(3, "%objects% that are[(n't| not)] %object%")
(3, 'highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %location%')
(3, 'party [(named|with name)] %string% exists')
(3, "[[the] name of] %player%'s Bedwars game")
(3, 'every %timespan% in [world[s]] %worlds%')
(3, '%players% (can|(is|are) allowed to) build %directions% %locations%')
(3, "%offlineplayer%'s [(number|amount) of] pvp deaths")
(3, "%offlineplayer%'s pvp [(xp|experience)] progress")
(3, "%offlineplayer%'s [(number|amount) of] pvp kills")
(3, '(%-string%|chatcomponent|playerinfodata) array pjson %number% of %packet%')
(3, '%players% has [(are|is) in] (a) faction')
(3, '(amount|number|size) of %objects%')
(3, 'log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])')
(3, "player tabs (are|aren't|are not) visible for %players%")
(3, '(%-classinfo/string%|collection|bytebuffer) array pinfo %number% of %packet%')
(3, 'play tick %number% from [position song[ ]player] %positionsongplayer% to %players%')
(3, 'permissions of %permissionentity% [in [world] %world%]')
(3, '[(vault|pex)] suffix of %permissionentity%')
(3, 'parents of %permissionentity% [in [world] %world%]')
(3, 'users of %permissiongroup% [in [world] %world%]')
(3, 'highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%')
(3, 'delete [y[a]ml] %string%')
(3, "bungee[[ ]cord]'s disabled commands")
(2, '(add|set) bossbar %string% for %player%')
(2, 'add %player% to group score [with id] %string%')
(2, 'make citizen %number% (invulnerable|vulnerable)')
(2, '(delete|remove) line %number% in holo object %string%”')
(2, "%locations/entities%'[s] world")
(2, '(remove|destroy) bossbar %string%')
(2, 'make citizen %number% (attack|fight) %living entities%')
(2, 'make citizen %number% (say|communicate) %string% to %livingentities%')
(2, 'move citizen %number% to %location% [at speed %number%]')
(2, 'play %string% to %player% [at volume %number%]')
(2, '(remove|destroy) citizen %number%')
(2, 'remove %players% [from] bossbar %string%')
(2, 'respawn citizen %number% (at|%direction%) %location%')
(2, "set %player%['s] action bar to %string%")
(2, '(set|edit) bossbar %string% style to %BossBarStyle%')
(2, 'set tab[list] score of %player% to %number% for %player%')
(2, 'make %player% (unglow|stop glowing)')
(2, '[crackshot|gun|weapon] unscope')
(2, '[on] hologram pickup')
(2, '[on] Vote')
(2, '(gun|crackshot weapon) %string%')
(2, 'last created citizen [id]')
(2, 'sidebar (title|name) for %player%')
(2, 'number of enchant[ment]s on %itemstack%')
(2, '(title|name) of bossbar %string%')
(2, '(value|progress) of bossbar %string%')
(2, 'EffectLibParticle[s]')
(2, '(NPC|Citizen) is %number%')
(2, '%entity% is (citizen|npc) %number%')
(2, '(absolute|complete) path of %string%')
(2, "%string%'s (absolute|complete) path")
(2, 'convert ascii %number% to (text|string)')
(2, 'ascii %numbers% as (text|string)')
(2, 'convert bin[ary] %string% to decimal')
(2, 'bin[ary] %string% as decimal')
(2, 'convert bin[ary] %string% to octal')
(2, 'bin[ary] %string% as octal')
(2, 'convert (text|string) %string% to lowercase')
(2, 'convert (text|string) %string% to uppercase')
(2, '%string% parsed as date[ formatted as %-string%]')
(2, 'convert date %date% to unix[ date]')
(2, 'date %date% as unix[ date]')
(2, 'convert decimal %number% to bin[ary]')
(2, 'decimal %string% as bin[ary]')
(2, 'encode base[ ]64 %string%')
(2, 'decode base[ ]64 %string%')
(2, 'encode morse[ code] %string%')
(2, 'decode morse[ code] %string%')
(2, 'size of file %string%[ in bytes]')
(2, "file %string%'s size[ in bytes]")
(2, 'files in zip[ file] %string%')
(2, "zip[ file] %string%'s files")
(2, 'hash[ed] %string% using %string%')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] conditions')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] effects')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] events')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] expressions')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] functions')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] statements')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] triggers')
(2, 'number of[ loaded] variables')
(2, 'number of (upper|lower)case chars in %string%')
(2, 'convert octal %string% to bin[ary]')
(2, 'octal %string% as bin[ary]')
(2, 'convert (text|string) %string% to ascii')
(2, '(text|string) %string% as ascii')
(2, 'convert (text|string) %string% to unicode')
(2, '(text|string) %string% as unicode')
(2, 'time[ ]zone of server')
(2, "server's time[ ]zone")
(2, 'convert unicode %string% to (text|string)')
(2, 'unicode %string% as (text|string)')
(2, 'convert unix[ date] %number% to date')
(2, 'unix[ date] %number% as date')
(2, 'convert unix[ date] %number% to date formatted as %string%')
(2, 'unix[ date] %number% as date formatted as %string%')
(2, 'online stat(us|e) of url %string%')
(2, "url %string%'s online stat(us|e)")
(2, 'size of url %string%[ in bytes]')
(2, "url %string%'s size[ in bytes]")
(2, 'on file creat(ion|e)')
(2, 'on file delet(ion|e)')
(2, 'copy dir[ectory] %string% to %-string%')
(2, 'create dir[ectory] %string%')
(2, 'delete dir[ectory] %string%')
(2, 'move dir[ectory] %string% to %-string%')
(2, 'reload s(k|c)ript %string%')
(2, 'rename dir[ectory] %string% to %-string%')
(2, 'unzip %string% to dir[ectory] %-string%')
(2, 'file %string% is a dir[ectory]')
(2, "file %string% is(n't| not) a file")
(2, 'file %string% is exec[utable]')
(2, 'file %string% is (symbolic|shortcut)')
(2, 'server is time[ ]zone %string%')
(2, "%string% does(n't| not) end with %-string%")
(2, "%string% does(n't| not) start with %-string%")
(2, 'edit holo object %string% to %string% [and set interactivity to %boolean%]')
(2, '[on] creative inventory click:')
(2, '[on] entity shoot:')
(2, '[on] entity teleport:')
(2, '[on] slime split')
(2, '[on] spawner spawn')
(2, '[on] vehicle move:')
(2, "%itemstack% is(n't| not) unbreakable")
(2, '[map] %map% is virtual')
(2, '%player% is running SquidHQ [client]')
(2, '(leash|lead) %livingentities% to %block%')
(2, '[skellett] mysql update %string%')
(2, 'absolute [value] of %number%')
(2, '[skellett] absorption hearts of %player%')
(2, "[skellett] %player%'s absorption hearts")
(2, 'armo[u]r stand boots of %entity%')
(2, "armo[u]r stand %entity%'s boots")
(2, "%itemstack%'s [book] generation")
(2, "%itemstack%'s [book] title")
(2, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s name")
(2, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s full name")
(2, "(npc|citizen) %npc%'s location")
(2, '(clicked|inventory) action')
(2, 'click[ed] inventory')
(2, 'fedual [kingdom] home of %kingdom%')
(2, "%kingdom%'s fedual [kingdom] home")
(2, 'fedual [kingdom] description of %kingdom%')
(2, "%kingdom%'s fedual [kingdom] description")
(2, 'fedual [kingdom] of %player%')
(2, "%player%'s fedual [kingdom]")
(2, 'fedual [kingdom] name of %player%')
(2, "%player%'s fedual [kingdom] name")
(2, '[skellett] final damage')
(2, '[on] ally clan add')
(2, 'relight [chunk] %chunk%')
(2, '[on] ally clan remove')
(2, 'click[ed] item')
(2, 'click[ed] slot type')
(2, "%inventory%'s [inventory] type")
(2, 'Llama colo[u]r of %entity%')
(2, "Llama %entity%'s colo[u]r")
(2, 'map (scale|size) of %map%')
(2, "map %map%'s (scale|size)")
(2, '(scale|size) of map %map%')
(2, '[skellett] mysql result of query %string%')
(2, '(next|first) empty slot of %inventory%')
(2, '(old|new) redstone current')
(2, '%itemstacks% with [all] removed NBT')
(2, '[skellett] slime size of %entity%')
(2, "[skellett] %entity%'s slime size")
(2, '[spectral] arrow glowing time of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'s [spectral] arrow glowing time")
(2, 'block[s]')
(2, '[the] arguments')
(2, '(location|position) of %location%')
(2, 'boolean[s]')
(2, 'chunk[s]')
(2, 'biome[s]')
(2, '%string% in (upper|lower) case')
(2, 'entit(y|ies)')
(2, 'inventory action[s]')
(2, 'inventory type[s]')
(2, 'date[s]')
(2, 'direction[s]')
(2, 'enchantment[s]')
(2, 'inventor(y|ies)')
(2, 'object[s]')
(2, 'player[s]')
(2, 'projectile[s]')
(2, 'location[s]')
(2, 'time[s]')
(2, 'duration[s]')
(2, 'tree[s]')
(2, 'type[s]')
(2, 'vector[s]')
(2, 'region[s]')
(2, '[the] loop-<.+>')
(2, '[the] moved blocks')
(2, '(water bottle|bottle of water)')
(2, "%players%'[s] saturation")
(2, '[new] vector from yaw %number% and pitch %number%')
(2, 'weather condition[s]')
(2, 'weather[s]')
(2, 'world[s]')
(2, '[on] clan chat')
(2, 'my[self]')
(2, '[on] clan create')
(2, '[the] final damage')
(2, '[on] clan disband')
(2, '[on] player join')
(2, '[the] item')
(2, '[the] click action')
(2, '[the] tamer')
(2, '[the] damage')
(2, '[the] inventory action')
(2, "%vector%['s] squared length")
(2, "%location%['s] vector")
(2, 'difference (between|of) %object% and %object%')
(2, '[the] distance between %location% and %location%')
(2, '[the] length of %strings%')
(2, "%strings%'[s] length")
(2, 'ev[en]t %strings%')
(2, '[the] health of %livingentities%')
(2, "%livingentities%'[s] health")
(2, '[the] gravity of %entities%')
(2, "%entities%'[s] gravity")
(2, '[the] level of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] level")
(2, '[the] type of %entitydatas/itemstacks/inventories%')
(2, "%entitydatas/itemstacks/inventories%'[s] type")
(2, '[the] UUID of %offlineplayers/worlds/entities%')
(2, "%offlineplayers/worlds/entities%'[s] UUID")
(2, '[the] velocity of %entities%')
(2, "%entities%'[s] velocity")
(2, "%location%'[s] biome")
(2, '[book] page %number% of %itemstack%')
(2, "%itemstack%'s [book] page %number%")
(2, '[the] compass target of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] compass target")
(2, '[the] glowing of %entities%')
(2, "%entities%'[s] glowing")
(2, "%worlds%'[s] weather")
(2, '[the] remaining air of %livingentities%')
(2, "%livingentities%'[s] remaining air")
(2, '%itemtype/inventorytype% (named|with name) %string%')
(2, '[the] unix timestamp of %dates%')
(2, "%dates%'[s] unix timestamp")
(2, '%conquerfactions% (is|are) open')
(2, '%conquerfactions% (is|are) peaceful')
(2, '[the] cursor slot of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] cursor slot")
(2, '[the] skull of %offlineplayers/entities/entitydatas%')
(2, "%offlineplayers/entities/entitydatas%'[s] skull")
(2, 'vector (yaw|pitch) of %vector%')
(2, '[the] lore of %itemstack/itemtype%')
(2, "%itemstack/itemtype%'[s] lore")
(2, 'at %time% [in %worlds%]')
(2, '[on] chat')
(2, '[on] creeper power')
(2, '[on] explosion prime')
(2, '[on] vehicle create')
(2, '[on] vehicle damage')
(2, '[on] vehicle destroy')
(2, '[on] vehicle enter')
(2, '[on] vehicle exit')
(2, 'cancel [the] event')
(2, 'uncancel [the] event')
(2, 'teleport %entities% (to|%direction%) %location%')
(2, 'rotate %vectors% around %vector% by %number% [degrees]')
(2, 'equip [%livingentity%] with %itemtypes%')
(2, 'un[-]shear %livingentities%')
(2, 'spawn %entitytypes% [%directions% %locations%]')
(2, 'spawn %number% of %entitytypes% [%directions% %locations%]')
(2, 'repair %slots/itemstack% [by %-number%]')
(2, 'enable PvP [in %worlds%]')
(2, 'disable PVP [in %worlds%]')
(2, '%entities% (is|are) on ground')
(2, '(add|give) %objects% to %~objects%')
(2, 'remove (all|every) %objects% from %~objects%')
(2, '(remove|subtract) %objects% from %~objects%')
(2, '(delete|clear) %~objects%')
(2, 'poison %livingentities% [for %-timespan%]')
(2, 'drop %itemtypes/experience% [%directions% %locations%]')
(2, 'drop %itemtypes/experience% [%directions% %locations%] without velocity')
(2, '%offlineplayers/strings% (is|are) banned')
(2, '[on] redis msg')
(2, '%players% (is|are) flying')
(2, '%livingentities% (is|are) poisoned')
(2, '%players% (is|are) sneaking')
(2, '%players% (is|are) sprinting')
(2, '%livingentities% (is|are) wearing %itemtypes%')
(2, 'is %weathertypes% [in %worlds%]')
(2, 'chance of %number%(\\%|)')
(2, '%players% (is|are) sleeping')
(2, '%inventories/slots/strings% (is|are) empty')
(2, '(bm|bungeemaster) connect %string% to server %string%')
(2, 'kick all (bm|bungeemaster) players due to %string%')
(2, 'kick (bm|bungeemaster) player with uuid %string% due to %string%')
(2, 'message all (bm|bungeemaster) players %string%')
(2, 'make citizen %number% build %string% at %location% [speed %number%] for %player%')
(2, 'spawn a (zombie villager|villager) with profession %profession% at %location%')
(2, '[on] inventory drag')
(2, '[on] inventory move')
(2, "%itemtypes% is(n't| not) edible")
(2, '%player% has [a] gui')
(2, "%itemtypes% has(n't| not) gravity")
(2, '%entities% (is|are) tameable')
(2, '%strings% [regex] matches %string%')
(2, '(change|edit) %guiinventory%')
(2, 'evaluate function %strings% [with <.+?>]')
(2, '(register|create) master permission %string%')
(2, 'save [player] data of %player%')
(2, '[the] description of command %string%')
(2, "command %string%'[s] description")
(2, '[the] permission of command %string%')
(2, "command %string%'[s] permission")
(2, '[the] permission message of command %string%')
(2, "command %string%'[s] permission message")
(2, '[the] usage of command %string%')
(2, "command %string%'[s] usage")
(2, '[the] aliases of command %string%')
(2, "command %string%'[s] aliases")
(2, "command %string%'[s] file location")
(2, 'result of function %string% [with <.+?>]')
(2, '[the] first login of %offlineplayer%')
(2, "%offlineplayer%'[s] first login")
(2, '[the] furnace level of %recipe%')
(2, "%recipe%'[s] furnace level")
(2, 'gui-click-(type|action)')
(2, 'gui-cursor[-item]')
(2, '[the] horse color of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'[s] horse color")
(2, '[the] horse style of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'[s] horse style")
(2, '%itemstack% with custom enchantment[s] %customenchantments%')
(2, '[the] last attacker of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'[s] last attacker")
(2, '[the] last color of %string%')
(2, "%string%'[s] last color")
(2, '[the] last damage of %livingentity%')
(2, "%livingentity%'[s] last damage")
(2, '[the] last damage cause of %livingentity%')
(2, "%livingentity%'[s] last damage cause")
(2, '[the] last login of %offlineplayer%')
(2, "%offlineplayer%'[s] last login")
(2, '[the] lore name of %customenchantment%')
(2, "%customenchantment%'[s] lore name")
(2, '[the] max level of %customenchantment%')
(2, "%customenchantment%'[s] max level")
(2, '[the] rarity of %customenchantment%')
(2, "%customenchantment%'[s] rarity")
(2, 'random strings matching [pattern] %regex/string%')
(2, '[the] result item of %itemstacks/recipe%')
(2, "%itemstacks/recipe%'[s] result item")
(2, '[the] shape of %recipe%')
(2, "%recipe%'[s] shape")
(2, '%itemstack% with [recipes] %recipes%')
(2, 'gui [with id] %string%')
(2, '[the] max durability of %itemstack%')
(2, "%itemstack%'[s] max durability")
(2, 'offline player from [uuid] %string%')
(2, '[the] online time of %player%')
(2, "%player%'[s] online time")
(2, '[the] player data of %offlineplayer%')
(2, "%offlineplayer%'[s] player data")
(2, '[the] rabbit type of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'[s] rabbit type")
(2, '[the] recipe owner of %recipes%')
(2, "%recipes%'[s] recipe owner")
(2, '<.+> [regex] pattern')
(2, "%entity%['s] frame")
(2, 'cube[s] at %locations% with radius %number%')
(2, '%locations% (linked|connected) with density %number%')
(2, '[location ]midpoint of %locations%')
(2, '%locations% with center %location% (moved|shifted) to %location%')
(2, 'frame (0¦yaw|1¦pitch) of %frame%')
(2, "%conquerfactions%'s claim[s]")
(2, '[the] claim at %location%')
(2, 'recipe[s]')
(2, '[vector ]cube with radius %number%')
(2, '[the] description of %conquerfactions%')
(2, "%conquerfactions%'[s] description")
(2, 'frame[s]')
(2, '[vector ]%vectors% in %frame%')
(2, '[location ]path between %locations% with density %number%')
(2, 'vector[s] %vectors% offset by %vectors%')
(2, 'vector[s] path between %vectors% with density %number%')
(2, '[the] duration of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] duration")
(2, '[the] end date of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] end date")
(2, '[the] executor of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] executor")
(2, '[the] ip of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] ip")
(2, '[the] origin server of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] origin server")
(2, '[the] player of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] player")
(2, '[the] reason of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] reason")
(2, '[the] server of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] server")
(2, '[the] start date of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] start date")
(2, '[the] type of %broadcast%')
(2, "%broadcast%'[s] type")
(2, '[the] type of %entry%')
(2, "%entry%'[s] type")
(2, 'reset [the] version string')
(2, 'set [the] version string to %string%')
(2, 'd/dx(%string%) [where x=%number%]')
(2, '[the] last skuared result')
(2, '[the] last skuared error')
(2, '(load|unload) chunk %chunk%')
(2, 'server socket is open at host %string% port %number% [with timeout of %-timespan%]')
(2, 'border stabilize [in %-worlds%]')
(2, 'unhang [due to %-hangingremovecauses%]')
(2, 'loaded script[ name]s')
(2, 'border of %world% is (moving|stable)')
(2, "%world%'s border is (moving|stable)")
(2, '[the] struct of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] struct")
(2, '[the] structures of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] structures")
(2, '[the] structure settings of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] structure settings")
(2, 'send packet[s] %packets% to %players%')
(2, 'send %players% packet[s] %packets%')
(2, 'delete all (id|simple) tabs for %players%')
(2, '(show|hide) %players% for %players% in tablist')
(2, "(show|hide) %players% in %players%'s tablist")
(2, 'stop websocket server at port %number% [with timeout %-number%]')
(2, 'websocket send %strings% [through %-websockets%]')
(2, 'tablist (latency|ping) of %player% for %players%')
(2, "%player%'s tablist (latency|ping) for %players%")
(2, 'close websocket %websocket% [with message %-string%]')
(2, 'unload %world% [save %-boolean%]')
(2, '(case|matches) %object%')
(2, '(switch|match) %object%')
(2, '(sync|in %-timespan%)')
(2, 'duplicate %world% (with|using) name %string%')
(2, '[the] invited players of %conquerfactions%')
(2, 'prob[ability]')
(2, '[the] title of %itemstacks%')
(2, "%itemstacks%'[s] title")
(2, 'block %number%, %number%, %number% (of|in) %chunk%')
(2, '(id|ids) of custom event')
(2, "custom event's (id|ids)")
(2, "%player% is (visible|hidden) in %players%'s tablist")
(2, '[the] author of %itemstacks%')
(2, "%itemstacks%'[s] author")
(2, 'chunk %number%, %number% [in %world%]')
(2, '[codeblock of] function %string%')
(2, '[the] sender faction')
(2, '[the] target faction')
(2, '[the] breath of %livingentity%')
(2, "%livingentity%'[s] breath")
(2, '[the] max breath of %livingentity%')
(2, "%livingentity%'[s] max breath")
(2, '[the] difficulty of %world%')
(2, "%world%'[s] difficulty")
(2, '%listutil%s (of|in) %possessor%')
(2, '(shown|sent) motd')
(2, '[the] note of %block%')
(2, "%block%'[s] note")
(2, 'value of [game]rule %string% in %world%')
(2, '(arbitrary|%-string%) penum %number% of %packet%')
(2, '[the] %citizen% is paused')
(2, '(cancel|stop) navigation of %citizen%')
(2, "(cancel|stop) %citizen%'s navigation")
(2, 'new random [from seed %number%]')
(2, 'random from %numbers% prob[abilitie]s')
(2, 'skull from %skin% [with owner %-string%]')
(2, 'handler [function] of function socket at port %number%')
(2, 'pass[word] of function socket at port %number%')
(2, 'random number from %numbers% prob[abilitie]s')
(2, 'all [pex] groups')
(2, 'make %citizen% (0¦attack|1¦follow) %livingentity%')
(2, '(int|byte) array pnum %number% of %packet%')
(2, '[the] packettype of %packet%')
(2, "%packet%'[s] packettype")
(2, 'motd of server with host %string% [port %-number%]')
(2, 'score of [array] tab %number%, %number% for %players%')
(2, 'score of [player] tab of %player% for %players%')
(2, "score of %player%'s [player] tab for %players%")
(2, '[the] throwable cause of %throwable%')
(2, "%throwable%'[s] throwable cause")
(2, '[the] details of %throwable%')
(2, "%throwable%'[s] details")
(2, '[the] line number of %stacktraceelement%')
(2, "%stacktraceelement%'[s] line number")
(2, '[the] class name of %stacktraceelement%')
(2, "%stacktraceelement%'[s] class name")
(2, '[the] file name of %stacktraceelement%')
(2, "%stacktraceelement%'[s] file name")
(2, '[the] method name of %stacktraceelement%')
(2, "%stacktraceelement%'[s] method name")
(2, 'all websockets [of server at port %-number%]')
(2, '[the] websocket state of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] websocket state")
(2, '[the] local host of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] local host")
(2, '[the] remote host of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] remote host")
(2, '[the] external host of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] external host")
(2, '(0¦pause|1¦continue) navigation of %citizen%')
(2, "(0¦pause|1¦continue) %citizen%'s navigation")
(2, "%players%'s tablist (header|footer)")
(2, "%player%'s [ShopChest] shop limit")
(2, '[the] creator of %world%')
(2, "%world%'[s] creator")
(2, '[the] dim of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] dim")
(2, '[the] dimension of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] dimension")
(2, '[the] env of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] env")
(2, '[the] environment of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] environment")
(2, '[the] gen of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] gen")
(2, '[the] generator of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] generator")
(2, '[the] gen set of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] gen set")
(2, '[the] generator set of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] generator set")
(2, '[the] gen settings of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] gen settings")
(2, '[the] generator settings of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] generator settings")
(2, '[the] websocket id of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] websocket id")
(2, '[the] local port of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] local port")
(2, '[the] remote port of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] remote port")
(2, '[the] external port of %websocket%')
(2, "%websocket%'[s] external port")
(2, '[the] resource descriptor of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] resource descriptor")
(2, '[the] handshake resource descriptor of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] handshake resource descriptor")
(2, 'websocket [server] port')
(2, '[the] center of %world%')
(2, "%world%'[s] center")
(2, '[the] worldtype of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] worldtype")
(2, '[all] automatic creators')
(2, '[on] cannon destroy')
(2, '[on] cannon projectile impact')
(2, '[all] current worlds')
(2, '[the] seed of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] seed")
(2, '%offlineplayer% is muted [by AdvancedBan]')
(2, '%player% is spectating [a] Bedwars game')
(2, '%offlineplayer% is in [a] party')
(2, '[the] citizen of %entity%')
(2, "%entity%'[s] citizen")
(2, 'SkyWars [game] queue is full')
(2, "add %itemstack% to %player%'s (back|mine)pack")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s [AdvancedBan] ban reason")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s [AdvancedBan] banner")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s [AdvancedBan] mute reason")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s remaining [AdvancedBan] mute time")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s [AdvancedBan] muter")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s remaining [AdvancedBan] ban time")
(2, "%player%'s eligible [Autorank] paths")
(2, '[the] ids of all cannons')
(2, '[the] cannon limit of %player%')
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s party [name]")
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s pvp (kdr|kill death ratio)")
(2, '[the] pvp level of %offlineplayer%')
(2, "%offlineplayer%'s pvp (xp|experience)")
(2, "open editable %boolean% %player%'s (back|mine)pack to %player%")
(2, "%block%'s [LWC] owner")
(2, "%entity%'s [shop]keeper name")
(2, '[the] level progress of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] level progress")
(2, 'armor stand (manipulate|interact)')
(2, '(disable|deactivate) array tablist for %players%')
(2, '[the] warp names of %conquerfaction%')
(2, "initial icon of %players%'s [array] tablist")
(2, 'when %boolean% [by %-timespan%]')
(2, '[on] projectile hit')
(2, '[the] http status message of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] http status message")
(2, '[the] handshake http status message of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] handshake http status message")
(2, 'pex user (%string%|%player%)')
(2, 'async [in %-timespan%]')
(2, '[the] http status of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] http status")
(2, '[the] handshake http status of %handshake%')
(2, "%handshake%'[s] handshake http status")
(2, '[the] permissions of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] permissions")
(2, '[the] creation date of %conquerfactions%')
(2, "%conquerfactions%'[s] creation date")
(2, '%~object% before [the event]')
(2, '[the] bitcoin balance of %offlineplayer%')
(2, '[the] bitcoin circulation limit')
(2, '[the] top bitcoin players')
(2, '%inventories/strings/objects% contain[s] %itemtypes/strings/objects%')
(2, 'click type[s]')
(2, '%string% parsed as (%-*classinfo%|"<.*>")')
(2, "players are (visible|hidden) in %players%'s tablist")
(2, 'skin [texture] of %player/itemstack/block%')
(2, 'new [websocket] handshake')
(2, '[the] worldname of %creator%')
(2, "%creator%'[s] worldname")
(2, 'all [pex] users')
(2, "%permissionentity%'[s] name")
(2, "%permissiongroup%'[s] rank")
(2, "%permissiongroup%'[s] weight")
(2, '[pex] create %permissionentity%')
(2, 'on mention [of player]')
(2, '[on] enderman place')
(2, '[on] enderman pickup')
(2, '[on] sheep eat')
(2, '[on] silverfish enter')
(2, '[on] silverfish exit')
(2, 'make %players% (stop|start) flying')
(2, '[the] exhaustion of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] exhaustion")
(2, '[the] item of %entities%')
(2, "%entities%'[s] item")
(2, '[the] weather of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] weather")
(2, '[the] respawn location')
(2, 'damage cause[s]')
(2, '[on] rival clan add')
(2, '[on] rival clan remove')
(2, "%player% is(n't| not) leader of his clan")
(2, "%player% is(n't| not) married")
(2, 'cancel [the] drops')
(2, 'disband [clan] %clan%')
(2, '[make] %player% join to %clan%')
(2, '(remove|kick) %player% from his clan')
(2, '[make] %player% resign from his clan')
(2, '[make] %player% invite %player% to marry')
(2, 'verify [clan] %clan%')
(2, '[the] clan members of %clan%')
(2, "%clan%'[s] clan members")
(2, '[event-]clan-two')
(2, '[the] clan deaths of %player%')
(2, "%player%'[s] clan deaths")
(2, '[the] gender of %player%')
(2, "%player%'[s] gender")
(2, 'level of [custom enchantment] %customenchantment% of %itemstack%')
(2, '[the] marry home of %player%')
(2, "%player%'[s] marry home")
(2, '[the] partner of %player%')
(2, "%player%'[s] partner")
(2, '[on] crafting click in slot <0-4>')
(2, '[on] enchant')
(2, '[on] horse jump')
(2, '[on] sheep dye')
(2, '%itemstacks% (is|are) edible')
(2, '%itemstacks% (is|are) flammable')
(2, '%itemstacks% (is|are) solid')
(2, '%itemstacks% (is|are) transparent')
(2, '%objects% (otherwise|?) %objects%')
(2, '[the] drops')
(2, '[%-classinfo%] input')
(2, '[the] enchantments of %itemtypes%')
(2, "%itemtypes%'[s] enchantments")
(2, '(neither|) %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%')
(2, '[the] ping of %players%')
(2, "%players%'[s] ping")
(2, '[the] tps')
(2, 'metadata holder[s]')
(1, 'change citizen %number% skin to %string%')
(1, 'make citizen %number% hold %item stack%')
(1, 'make citizen %number% look at %location%')
(1, 'give npc %number% the look close trait')
(1, 'delete bossbar of %player%')
(1, 'delete score %string% in sidebar of %player%')
(1, 'despawn citizen %number%')
(1, 'hide bossbar %string%')
(1, 'set %player% tab name to %string%')
(1, 'set citizen number to protect %player%')
(1, 'set action bar of %player% to %string%')
(1, 'set score %string% below %player% to %number% for %player%')
(1, 'set bossbar named %string% for %player% to %number%')
(1, 'display bossbar with %string% to %player% for %timespan%')
(1, 'delete holo object %string%')
(1, 'delete redis variable %string%')
(1, 'make %player% wear cape %itemstack%')
(1, 'set name of sidebar of %player% to %string%')
(1, 'set score %string% in sidebar of %player% to %number%')
(1, 'set tab header to %string% and footer to %string% for %player%')
(1, '%number%')
(1, 'for builder %number% get the location of the top left of schematic centered at %location%')
(1, 'open book %itemstack% to %player%')
(1, '%block% is natural')
(1, '%block% is not natural')
(1, 'side bar is set for %player%')
(1, 'bossbar of %player%')
(1, 'citizen id of %entity%')
(1, 'owner of npc %number%')
(1, '%player% glowing')
(1, 'make %player% glow')
(1, 'name of citizen %number%')
(1, '%itemstack% with no NBT')
(1, 'shiny %itemstack%')
(1, 'BossBarColor')
(1, 'BossBarFlag')
(1, 'BossBarStyle')
(1, 'citizen %number%')
(1, 'addons list')
(1, 'list of addons')
(1, 'convert ascii %number% to unicode')
(1, 'ascii %numbers% as unicode')
(1, 'contents from url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s contents")
(1, 'encrypt %string% using %string% with key %string%')
(1, 'decrypt %string% using %string% with key %string%')
(1, 'file contents of %string%')
(1, "%string%'s file contents")
(1, 'extension of file %string%')
(1, "file %string%'s extension")
(1, 'line count of file %string%')
(1, "file %string%'s line count")
(1, 'name of file %string%')
(1, "file %string%'s name")
(1, 'owner of file %string%')
(1, "file %string%'s owner")
(1, '%vector% dot %vector%')
(1, 'convert hex %string% to rgb')
(1, 'hex %string% as rgb')
(1, 'content of json value %string% from text %-string%')
(1, "value %string%'s json contents from text %-string%")
(1, "content of json value's %strings% from text %-string%")
(1, "value's %strings%'s json contents from text %-string%")
(1, 'line %number% from url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s line %number%")
(1, 'plugin list')
(1, 'list of plugins')
(1, 'randomize %string%')
(1, 'line %number% in file %string%')
(1, "file %string%'s line %number%")
(1, 'region of server')
(1, "server's region")
(1, 'relative path of %string%')
(1, "%string%'s relative path")
(1, 'convert rgb %number, %number, %number to hex')
(1, 'rgb %number%, %number%, %number% as hex')
(1, 'short path of %string%')
(1, "%string%'s short path")
(1, 'ssl algorithm of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl algorithm")
(1, 'ssl expire value of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl expire value")
(1, 'ssl issue value of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl issue value")
(1, 'ssl serial number of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl serial number")
(1, 'ssl verifier of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl verifier")
(1, 'ssl version of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s ssl version")
(1, 'convert unicode %string% to ascii')
(1, 'unicode %string% as ascii')
(1, 'last modified value of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s last modified value")
(1, 'line count of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s line count")
(1, 'response code of url %string%')
(1, "url %string%'s response code")
(1, "%string%'s version")
(1, 'version of %string%')
(1, 'on file copy')
(1, 'on file download')
(1, 'on file move')
(1, 'on file rename')
(1, 'on file write')
(1, 'on file zip')
(1, 'on unzip')
(1, 'copy file %string% to %-string%')
(1, 'download file from %string% to file %-string%')
(1, 'move file %string% to %-string%')
(1, 'skript reload aliases')
(1, "reload %string%'s config")
(1, 'reload config of %string%')
(1, 'reload server')
(1, 'rename file %string% to %-string%')
(1, 'restart server')
(1, 'set line %number% in file %string% to %string%')
(1, "set file %string%'s line %number% to %string%")
(1, 'file %string% is a file')
(1, '%string% ends with %-string%')
(1, '%string% starts with %-string%')
(1, 'create holo object %string% with id %string% at %location%')
(1, 'create client side holo object %string% with id %string% at %location% to %player%')
(1, 'create interactive holo object %string% with id %string% at %location%')
(1, 'create interactive client side holo object %string% with id %string% at %location% to %player%')
(1, 'create hologram %string% at %location% for %timespan%')
(1, 'display hologram %string% at %location% to %player% for %timespan%')
(1, '%barcolor%')
(1, '%barflag%')
(1, '%barstyle%')
(1, '%clickedslottype%')
(1, '%clickedtype%')
(1, '%enchantmentoffer%')
(1, '%teamoption%')
(1, '%inventoryproperty%')
(1, '%kindgom%')
(1, '%optionstatus%')
(1, '%team%')
(1, 'flush all redis variables')
(1, 'file %string% exists')
(1, '%itemstack% is unbreakable')
(1, 'breeder')
(1, 'crop state of %block%')
(1, "%entity%'s scoreboard tag")
(1, 'exhaustion of %player%')
(1, "%player%'s exhaustion")
(1, "%entity%'s fall distance")
(1, 'inventory type of %inventory%')
(1, 'invulnerable state of %entity%')
(1, "%entity%'s invulnerable state")
(1, 'inventory of Llama %entity%')
(1, 'Llama inventory of %entity%')
(1, "Llama %entity%'s inventory")
(1, 'world of map %map%')
(1, "map %map%'s world")
(1, 'send redis message %string% over channel %string%')
(1, 'spawn reason')
(1, 'target reason')
(1, 'teleport cause')
(1, "zPermissions's groups")
(1, "zPermissions's tracks")
(1, '%objective%')
(1, 'normalize %vector%')
(1, '%vector% normalized')
(1, 'set redis variable %string% to %string%')
(1, 'now')
(1, 'capitalized %string%')
(1, 'redis ip')
(1, 'money')
(1, 'potion')
(1, 'angle between %vector% and %vector%')
(1, 'me')
(1, 'redis port')
(1, 'random vector')
(1, 'squared length of %vector%')
(1, 'box between %location% and %location%')
(1, 'box outline between %location% and %location% with density %number%')
(1, 'vector box between %vector% and %vector%')
(1, 'vector box outline between %vector% and %vector% with density %number%')
(1, 'redis variable %text%')
(1, 'alphabetically sorted %strings%')
(1, 'unbreakable %itemtypes%')
(1, '%number% of %itemstacks/entitytype%')
(1, '%vote%')
(1, 'force %players% to respawn')
(1, 'make %livingentity% wear %itemtypes%')
(1, 'extinguish %entities%')
(1, 'shear %livingentities%')
(1, 'enchant %~itemstack% with %enchantmenttypes%')
(1, 'disenchant %~itemstack%')
(1, 'kill %entities%')
(1, 'increase %~objects% by %objects%')
(1, 'give %~objects% %objects%')
(1, 'set %~objects% to %objects%')
(1, 'reduce %~objects% by %objects%')
(1, 'reset %~objects%')
(1, 'return %objects%')
(1, 'do local redis event with message %string% over channel %string%')
(1, 'redis channels')
(1, 'redis connected')
(1, 'write %string% at line %numbers% to file %string%')
(1, 'for builder %number% get the location of the bottom right of schematic centered at %location%')
(1, '%itemtypes% is edible')
(1, 'slot %number% of %player% is a gui')
(1, '%itemtypes% has gravity')
(1, 'evaluate function %strings%(<.+?>)')
(1, 'change gui inventory to name %string% and size %number%')
(1, 'move %block% to %direction%')
(1, 'alphabetical order of %objects%')
(1, 'accepted items for %customenchantment%')
(1, 'conflicts for %customenchantment%')
(1, 'enabled for %customenchantment%')
(1, 'result of function %string(<.+?>)')
(1, 'gui-slot')
(1, 'gui-raw-slot')
(1, 'gui-hotbar-slot')
(1, 'gui-inventory')
(1, 'gui-inventory-action')
(1, 'gui-slot-type')
(1, 'gui-player')
(1, 'gui-players')
(1, 'gui-inventory-name')
(1, 'gui-slot-id')
(1, 'gui')
(1, 'highest block at %location%')
(1, 'item damage')
(1, 'page %number% of %objects% with %number% lines')
(1, 'recipe from ingredients %itemstacks%')
(1, 'frame of %entity%')
(1, 'frame with yaw %number% and pitch %number%')
(1, "%location%'s claim")
(1, 'vector midpoint of %vectors%')
(1, '%broadcast%')
(1, '%entry%')
(1, 'whitelist')
(1, 'limit %string% as x approaches %number%')
(1, 'limit %string% as x approaches %number% from above')
(1, 'limit %string% as x approaches infinity')
(1, 'limit %string% as x approaches -infinity')
(1, 'and(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'factorial(x: number)')
(1, 'gamma(x: number)')
(1, 'nand(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'nor(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'nxor(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'or(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'xor(a: number, b: number)')
(1, 'dimension')
(1, 'tab complete')
(1, 'function socket is open at port %number%')
(1, 'hang')
(1, 'packet event %packettypes%')
(1, 'last token')
(1, 'note play')
(1, 'armor stand place')
(1, 'chat tab complete')
(1, 'fill region from %number%, %number%, %number% to %number%, %number%, %number% in %chunkdata% with %itemstack%')
(1, 'fill layer %number% in %chunkdata% with %itemstack%')
(1, 'fill layers %number% to %number% in %chunkdata% with %itemstack%')
(1, 'async set %objects% to %objects%')
(1, 'async wait %timespan%')
(1, 'print stack trace of %throwable%')
(1, 'start websocket server %string% at port %number%')
(1, 'close function socket at port %number%')
(1, 'delete %world%')
(1, 'reset %world%')
(1, "%conquerfactions%'s invited players")
(1, 'try')
(1, 'codeblock')
(1, 'chunkdata')
(1, 'hangingremovecause')
(1, 'throwable')
(1, 'random chance')
(1, 'catch in %object%')
(1, 'biomegrid')
(1, 'difficulty')
(1, 'instrument')
(1, 'jsonobject')
(1, 'random')
(1, 'packet')
(1, 'skin')
(1, 'skintexture')
(1, 'stacktraceelement')
(1, 'handshake')
(1, 'packet info aliases for %packettype%')
(1, '%itemstack% containing %enchantmenttypes%')
(1, 'chunk at %location%')
(1, 'chunks from %location% to %location%')
(1, 'chunk world of %chunk%')
(1, "%chunk%'s chunk world")
(1, 'creator')
(1, 'worldtype')
(1, 'page')
(1, 'args of custom event')
(1, "custom event's args")
(1, 'all types')
(1, 'branch')
(1, 'destination')
(1, 'hanged entity')
(1, "pinger's ip")
(1, 'ip of pinger')
(1, 'biome at %number%, %number% in grid %biomegrid%')
(1, 'completions')
(1, '%objects% for %object% in %objects%')
(1, 'current x')
(1, 'current z')
(1, 'material at %number%, %number%, %number% in %chunkdata%')
(1, 'return type of function %string%')
(1, 'respawn location')
(1, 'tree at %location%')
(1, 'world %string%')
(1, '%world% pentity %number% of %packet%')
(1, '%world% pentity array %number% of %packet%')
(1, 'new %packettype% packet')
(1, 'despawn %citizen%')
(1, 'destroy %citizen%')
(1, 'tablist score of %player% for %players%')
(1, "%player%'s tablist score for %players%")
(1, 'stack trace of %throwable%')
(1, "%throwable%'s stack trace")
(1, 'handshake content of %handshake%')
(1, 'spawn %citizen% at %location%')
(1, 'id of websocket server at port %number%')
(1, 'automatic creator %string%')
(1, 'automatic creator for world %string%')
(1, 'automatic creator for world named %string%')
(1, '%offlineplayer% is banned by AdvancedBan')
(1, "%player%'s cannon limit")
(1, "%offlineplayer%'s pvp level")
(1, 'put json %jsonobject% in listvar %objects%')
(1, 'put jsons %jsonobjects% in listvar %objects%')
(1, 'websocket server %string%')
(1, "%conquerfaction%'s warp names")
(1, "%conquerfaction%'s %string% warp")
(1, 'enchants within %itemstack%')
(1, 'elem')
(1, 'element')
(1, 'tree of %objects%')
(1, 'playerloginresult')
(1, 'websocketstate')
(1, 'websocket')
(1, 'level of %enchantmenttype% within %itemstack%')
(1, 'every %timespan%')
(1, 'unban %strings/offlineplayers%')
(1, 'unban %players% by IP')
(1, 'packettype')
(1, 'shuffled %objects%')
(1, 'sorted %objects%')
(1, 'pex group %string%')
(1, "%offlineplayer%'s bitcoin balance")
(1, 'cos(n: number)')
(1, 'abs(n: number)')
(1, 'acos(n: number)')
(1, 'ceiling(n: number)')
(1, '%vector% cross %vector%')
(1, 'asin(n: number)')
(1, 'atan(n: number)')
(1, 'atan2(x: number, y: number)')
(1, 'calcExperience(level: long)')
(1, 'ceil(n: number)')
(1, 'max(ns: numbers)')
(1, 'min(ns: numbers)')
(1, 'mod(d: number, m: number)')
(1, 'product(ns: numbers)')
(1, 'round(n: number)')
(1, 'sin(n: number)')
(1, 'sqrt(n: number)')
(1, 'sum(ns: numbers)')
(1, 'tan(n: number)')
(1, 'vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)')
(1, 'world(name: string)')
(1, 'websocket client %string%')
(1, 'exp(n: number)')
(1, 'ln(n: number)')
(1, 'floor(n: number)')
(1, 'owner of skull %itemstack/block%')
(1, "skull %itemstack/block%'s owner")
(1, "%player/itemstack/block%'s skin")
(1, 'tablist name of %player% for %players%')
(1, "%player%'s tablist name for %players%")
(1, 'permissionuser')
(1, 'name of %permissionentity%')
(1, 'permissionentity')
(1, 'rank of %permissiongroup%')
(1, 'weight of %permissiongroup%')
(1, 'permissiongroup')
(1, 'make %players% fly')
(1, '%number% times')
(1, 'items')
(1, 'materials')
(1, '%player% is leader of his clan')
(1, '%player% is married')
(1, 'divorce %player%')
(1, 'make %player% divorce')
(1, 'send invite of clan from %player% to %player%')
(1, 'marry %player% with %player%')
(1, 'send invite of marry from %player% to %player%')
(1, 'clan from tag %string%')
(1, 'script options')
(1, 'all groups')
(1, 'item')
(1, 'material')
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