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🎵 Interactive 3D Audio Visualizer
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<title>Advanced Music Visualizer</title>
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<meta name="description" content="An advanced, interactive 3D audio visualizer using Three.js and Web Audio API. Transform your music into mesmerizing visual spectacles with a variety of shapes and color schemes.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="Experience your music in a new dimension with this interactive 3D audio visualizer.">
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body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #000; color: #fff; overflow: hidden; }
#controls { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); padding: 15px; border-radius: 10px; z-index: 1000; max-width: 300px; transition: left 0.3s; }
#toggleControls { display: none; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1000; }
button, select, input[type="file"], input[type="color"] { margin: 5px; padding: 8px; background-color: #444; color: #fff; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; width: 100%; }
button:hover, select:hover { background-color: #555; }
#fileInput { display: none; }
#fileLabel { display: inline-block; padding: 8px; background-color: #444; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; width: calc(100% - 16px); text-align: center; }
#fileLabel:hover { background-color: #555; }
.slider-container { display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 10px 0; }
.slider-container label { flex: 1; }
.slider-container input[type="range"] { flex: 2; }
.slider-container span { flex: 0 0 30px; text-align: right; }
#visualizerInfo { position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; }
#audioControls { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px; }
#audioControls button { flex: 1; margin: 0 5px; }
#colorPickers { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px; }
#colorPickers input[type="color"] { width: 45%; }
.checkbox-container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-top: 10px;
.checkbox-container input[type="checkbox"] {
margin-right: 5px;
/* Hide the control box and show the toggle button on small screens */
@media (max-width: 815px) {
#controls { left: 10px; }
#toggleControls { display: block; }
<div id="controls">
<label id="fileLabel" for="fileInput">Choose Audio File</label>
<input type="file" id="fileInput" accept="audio/*">
<select id="objectType">
<option value="sphere">Sphere</option>
<option value="cube">Cube</option>
<option value="torus">Torus</option>
<option value="spiral">Spiral</option>
<option value="dna">DNA</option>
<option value="galaxy">Galaxy</option>
<option value="fountain">Fountain</option>
<option value="wavyPlane">Wavy Plane</option>
<option value="explosiveSphere">Explosive Sphere</option>
<option value="doubleHelix">Double Helix</option>
<option value="donut">Donut</option>
<option value="nautilusShell">Nautilus Shell</option>
<option value="sphereCloud">Sphere Cloud</option>
<option value="torusKnot">Torus Knot</option>
<option value="superShape">Super Shape</option>
<option value="cliffordAttractor">Clifford Attractor</option>
<option value="ribbonWave">Ribbon Wave</option>
<option value="mouth">Mouth</option>
<option value="flower">Flower</option>
<div id="audioControls">
<button id="startBtn" disabled>Start</button>
<button id="pauseBtn" disabled>Pause</button>
<button id="stopBtn" disabled>Stop</button>
<div class="checkbox-container">
<input type="checkbox" id="loopCheckbox" checked>
<label for="loopCheckbox">Loop Audio</label>
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="intensitySlider">Intensity:</label>
<input type="range" id="intensitySlider" min="0" max="100" value="50">
<span id="intensityValue">50</span>
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="particleCountSlider">Particles:</label>
<input type="range" id="particleCountSlider" min="1000" max="20000" step="1000" value="8192">
<span id="particleCountValue">8192</span>
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="rotationSpeedSlider">Rotation:</label>
<input type="range" id="rotationSpeedSlider" min="0" max="100" value="50">
<span id="rotationSpeedValue">50</span>
<div id="colorControls">
<select id="colorPreset">
<option value="custom">Custom</option>
<option value="rainbow">Rainbow</option>
<option value="fire">Fire</option>
<option value="ocean">Ocean</option>
<option value="forest">Forest</option>
<div id="customColors">
<input type="color" id="color1" value="#ff0000">
<input type="color" id="color2" value="#00ff00">
<input type="color" id="color3" value="#0000ff">
<input type="color" id="color4" value="#ffff00">
<button id="addColorBtn">+</button>
<div id="toggleControls">☰</div>
<div id="visualizerInfo"></div>
<script src=""></script>
let scene, camera, renderer, points, audioContext, analyser, audioSource, frequencyData;
let isPlaying = false;
let audioElement;
let intensity = 0.5;
let rotationSpeed = 0.5;
let particleCount = 8192;
let colorStart = new THREE.Color(0xff0000);
let colorEnd = new THREE.Color(0x0000ff);
let colors = [
new THREE.Color(0xff0000),
new THREE.Color(0x00ff00),
new THREE.Color(0x0000ff),
new THREE.Color(0xffff00)
const colorPresets = {
rainbow: [0xff0000, 0xff7f00, 0xffff00, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0x8b00ff],
fire: [0xff0000, 0xff7f00, 0xffff00, 0xffffff],
ocean: [0x000080, 0x0000ff, 0x00ffff, 0xffffff],
forest: [0x006400, 0x228b22, 0x32cd32, 0x90ee90]
function setupColorControls() {
const colorPresetSelect = document.getElementById('colorPreset');
const customColorsDiv = document.getElementById('customColors');
const addColorBtn = document.getElementById('addColorBtn');
colorPresetSelect.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
if ( === 'custom') { = 'block';
} else { = 'none';
colors = colorPresets[].map(c => new THREE.Color(c));
customColorsDiv.addEventListener('input', updateCustomColors);
addColorBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (customColorsDiv.children.length < 8) {
const newColor = document.createElement('input');
newColor.type = 'color';
newColor.value = '#ffffff';
customColorsDiv.insertBefore(newColor, addColorBtn);
function updateCustomColors() {
colors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#customColors input[type="color"]'))
.map(input => new THREE.Color(input.value));
function getColorForFrequency(frequency) {
if (colors.length === 0) return new THREE.Color(0xffffff);
if (colors.length === 1) return colors[0];
const segments = colors.length - 1;
const index = Math.min(Math.floor(frequency * segments), segments - 1);
const t = (frequency * segments) % 1;
const colorLow = colors[index];
const colorHigh = colors[index + 1];
return new THREE.Color(
colorLow.r + (colorHigh.r - colorLow.r) * t,
colorLow.g + (colorHigh.g - colorLow.g) * t,
colorLow.b + (colorHigh.b - colorLow.b) * t
function init() {
scene = new THREE.Scene();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
camera.position.z = 50;
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
audioElement = new Audio();
audioElement.addEventListener('canplay', () => {
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
function createParticles() {
if (points) scene.remove(points);
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
const positions = new Float32Array(particleCount * 3);
const colors = new Float32Array(particleCount * 3);
for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
positions[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
positions[i + 1] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
positions[i + 2] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, 3));
geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.BufferAttribute(colors, 3));
const material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({ size: 0.5, vertexColors: true });
points = new THREE.Points(geometry, material);
function setupEventListeners() {
document.getElementById('startBtn').addEventListener('click', () => {
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').addEventListener('click', pauseVisualization);
document.getElementById('stopBtn').addEventListener('click', stopVisualization);
document.getElementById('fileInput').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect);
document.getElementById('objectType').addEventListener('change', updateVisualization);
document.getElementById('intensitySlider').addEventListener('input', updateIntensity);
document.getElementById('particleCountSlider').addEventListener('input', updateParticleCount);
document.getElementById('rotationSpeedSlider').addEventListener('input', updateRotationSpeed);
document.getElementById('loopCheckbox').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
audioElement.loop =;
document.getElementById('toggleControls').addEventListener('click', toggleControls);
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);
document.addEventListener('wheel', onMouseWheel, { passive: false });
document.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown);
audioElement.addEventListener('ended', () => {
if (isPlaying) {
audioElement.currentTime = 0;;
function handleFileSelect(event) {
const file =[0];
if (file) {
const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
audioElement.src = fileURL;
document.getElementById('fileLabel').textContent =;
audioElement.load(); // Ensure the audio is loaded
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
function startVisualization() {
if (!audioContext) {
.then(() => {
isPlaying = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('stopBtn').disabled = false;
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error playing audio:', error);
alert('Error playing audio. Please check the file and try again.');
function createAudioContext() {
audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = 2048; // Adjust this value as needed
frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
audioSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement);
audioElement.loop = true;
function checkAndResumeAudioContext() {
if (audioContext && audioContext.state === 'suspended') {
function startVisualization() {
if (!audioContext) createAudioContext();;
isPlaying = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('stopBtn').disabled = false;
function pauseVisualization() {
if (isPlaying) {
isPlaying = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').textContent = 'Resume';
} else {;
isPlaying = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').textContent = 'Pause';
function stopVisualization() {
audioElement.currentTime = 0;
isPlaying = false;
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('stopBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').textContent = 'Pause';
function resetVisualization() {
const positions = points.geometry.attributes.position.array;
for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
positions[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
positions[i + 1] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
positions[i + 2] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
points.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
function updateVisualization() {
// Shape update happens in the animate function
function updateIntensity(event) {
intensity = / 100;
document.getElementById('intensityValue').textContent =;
function updateParticleCount(event) {
particleCount = parseInt(;
document.getElementById('particleCountValue').textContent = particleCount;
function updateRotationSpeed(event) {
rotationSpeed = / 100;
document.getElementById('rotationSpeedValue').textContent =;
function animate() {
if (isPlaying) {
const positions = points.geometry.attributes.position.array;
const colors = points.geometry.attributes.color.array;
const objectType = document.getElementById('objectType').value;
const time = * 0.001;
for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
const index = i / 3;
const frequencyIndex = Math.floor(index / particleCount * (frequencyData.length / 2));
const frequency = (frequencyData[frequencyIndex] + frequencyData[frequencyIndex + 1]) / 510;
let x, y, z;
switch(objectType) {
case 'sphere':
const phi = Math.acos(-1 + (2 * index) / particleCount);
const theta = Math.sqrt(particleCount * Math.PI) * phi;
const radius = 20 + frequency * 10 * intensity;
x = radius * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi);
y = radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi);
z = radius * Math.cos(phi);
case 'cube':
x = (Math.random() - 0.5) * (20 + frequency * 20 * intensity);
y = (Math.random() - 0.5) * (20 + frequency * 20 * intensity);
z = (Math.random() - 0.5) * (20 + frequency * 20 * intensity);
case 'torus':
const u = index / particleCount * Math.PI * 2;
const v = index / particleCount * Math.PI * 2;
const majorRadius = 15;
const minorRadius = 5 + frequency * 5 * intensity;
x = (majorRadius + minorRadius * Math.cos(v)) * Math.cos(u);
y = (majorRadius + minorRadius * Math.cos(v)) * Math.sin(u);
z = minorRadius * Math.sin(v);
case 'spiral':
const t = index / particleCount * Math.PI * 20;
const spiralRadius = 15 + frequency * 10 * intensity;
x = spiralRadius * Math.cos(t);
y = spiralRadius * Math.sin(t);
z = t - 10;
case 'dna':
const angle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 20;
const dnaRadius = 10 + frequency * 5 * intensity;
x = Math.sin(angle) * dnaRadius;
y = (index / particleCount) * 100 - 50;
z = Math.cos(angle) * dnaRadius;
if (index % 2 === 0) {
x *= 1.5;
z *= 1.5;
case 'galaxy':
const arm = index % 5;
const r = (index / particleCount) * 30 + frequency * 10 * intensity;
const angleOffset = (arm / 5) * Math.PI * 2;
const spiralAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 6 + angleOffset;
x = r * Math.cos(spiralAngle);
y = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 5 * intensity;
z = r * Math.sin(spiralAngle);
case 'fountain':
const fountainRadius = 10 + frequency * 5 * intensity;
const heightFactor = 20 + frequency * 10 * intensity;
x = fountainRadius * Math.cos(index + time);
y = Math.sin(index * 0.1 + time) * heightFactor;
z = fountainRadius * Math.sin(index + time);
case 'wavyPlane':
const gridSize = Math.sqrt(particleCount);
const gridX = (index % gridSize) / gridSize - 0.5;
const gridY = Math.floor(index / gridSize) / gridSize - 0.5;
x = gridX * 50;
z = gridY * 50;
y = Math.sin(x * 0.1 + time * 2) * Math.cos(z * 0.1 + time * 2) * 10 * frequency * intensity;
case 'explosiveSphere':
const baseRadius = 20;
const explosionFactor = frequency * 30 * intensity;
const sphereTheta = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
const spherePhi = Math.acos(2 * Math.random() - 1);
x = (baseRadius + explosionFactor) * Math.sin(spherePhi) * Math.cos(sphereTheta);
y = (baseRadius + explosionFactor) * Math.sin(spherePhi) * Math.sin(sphereTheta);
z = (baseRadius + explosionFactor) * Math.cos(spherePhi);
case 'doubleHelix':
const helixRadius = 10 + frequency * 5 * intensity;
const helixHeight = 50;
const helixTurns = 3;
const helixAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 2 * helixTurns;
const helixY = (index / particleCount) * helixHeight - helixHeight / 2;
if (index % 2 === 0) {
x = helixRadius * Math.cos(helixAngle);
z = helixRadius * Math.sin(helixAngle);
} else {
x = helixRadius * Math.cos(helixAngle + Math.PI);
z = helixRadius * Math.sin(helixAngle + Math.PI);
y = helixY;
case 'donut':
const donutRadius = 15;
const tubeRadius = 5 + frequency * 2 * intensity;
const donutU = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 2;
const donutV = (index % 100 / 100) * Math.PI * 2;
x = (donutRadius + tubeRadius * Math.cos(donutV)) * Math.cos(donutU);
y = (donutRadius + tubeRadius * Math.cos(donutV)) * Math.sin(donutU);
z = tubeRadius * Math.sin(donutV);
case 'nautilusShell':
const a = 0.1;
const b = 0.1;
const shellAngle = index * 0.05;
const shellRadius = a * Math.exp(b * shellAngle);
x = shellRadius * Math.cos(shellAngle) * Math.sin(index * 0.1);
y = shellRadius * Math.sin(shellAngle) * Math.sin(index * 0.1);
z = shellRadius * Math.cos(index * 0.1);
// Apply frequency to the size
x *= 1 + frequency * intensity;
y *= 1 + frequency * intensity;
z *= 1 + frequency * intensity;
case 'sphereCloud':
const cloudRadius = 20;
const innerSphereCount = 5;
const innerSphereIndex = index % innerSphereCount;
const innerSphereRadius = 5 + frequency * 3 * intensity;
const cloudAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 2;
const cloudElevation = Math.acos((2 * (index / innerSphereCount)) / particleCount - 1);
x = cloudRadius * Math.sin(cloudElevation) * Math.cos(cloudAngle);
y = cloudRadius * Math.sin(cloudElevation) * Math.sin(cloudAngle);
z = cloudRadius * Math.cos(cloudElevation);
// Add displacement based on inner spheres
x += innerSphereRadius * Math.sin(innerSphereIndex * Math.PI * 2 / innerSphereCount);
y += innerSphereRadius * Math.cos(innerSphereIndex * Math.PI * 2 / innerSphereCount);
z += (Math.random() - 0.5) * innerSphereRadius;
case 'torusKnot':
const tkP = 3;
const tkQ = 4;
const tkTorusRadius = 20;
const tkTubeRadius = 4 + frequency * 2 * intensity;
const tkKnotAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 2;
const tkR = tkTorusRadius + tkTubeRadius * Math.cos(tkQ * tkKnotAngle);
x = tkR * Math.cos(tkP * tkKnotAngle);
y = tkR * Math.sin(tkP * tkKnotAngle);
z = tkTubeRadius * Math.sin(tkQ * tkKnotAngle);
case 'superShape':
const ssA = 1, ssB = 1, ssM = 6, ssN1 = 0.2, ssN2 = 1.7, ssN3 = 1.7;
const ssPhiAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 5;
const ssThetaAngle = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI;
const ssR = 20 * (1 + frequency * 0.7 * intensity);
const ssR1 = Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.cos(ssM * ssThetaAngle / 4) / ssA), ssN2) +
Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.sin(ssM * ssThetaAngle / 4) / ssB), ssN3), -1 / ssN1);
const ssR2 = Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.cos(ssM * ssPhiAngle / 4) / ssA), ssN2) +
Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.sin(ssM * ssPhiAngle / 4) / ssB), ssN3), -1 / ssN1);
x = ssR * ssR1 * Math.cos(ssThetaAngle) * ssR2 * Math.cos(ssPhiAngle);
y = ssR * ssR1 * Math.sin(ssThetaAngle) * ssR2 * Math.cos(ssPhiAngle);
z = ssR * ssR2 * Math.sin(ssPhiAngle);
case 'cliffordAttractor':
const caA = 1.5, caB = 1.5, caC = 1.5, caD = 1.5;
const caScale = 10 * (1 + frequency * 0.5 * intensity);
const caXPrev = (index === 0) ? 0 : positions[i - 3];
const caYPrev = (index === 0) ? 0 : positions[i - 2];
x = caScale * Math.sin(caA * caYPrev) + caC * Math.cos(caA * caXPrev);
y = caScale * Math.sin(caB * caXPrev) + caD * Math.cos(caB * caYPrev);
z = caScale * Math.sin(caXPrev * caYPrev);
case 'ribbonWave':
const rwT = index / particleCount * Math.PI * 10;
const rwWaveHeight = 5 + frequency * 5 * intensity;
const rwTwists = 10;
const rwRadius = 15;
x = rwRadius * Math.cos(rwT) + rwWaveHeight * Math.sin(rwTwists * rwT) * Math.cos(rwT);
y = rwRadius * Math.sin(rwT) + rwWaveHeight * Math.sin(rwTwists * rwT) * Math.sin(rwT);
z = rwWaveHeight * Math.cos(rwTwists * rwT);
case 'mouth':
const mouthPhi = Math.acos(-1 + (2 * index) / particleCount);
const mouthTheta = Math.sqrt(particleCount * Math.PI) * mouthPhi;
let mouthRadius = 20 + frequency * 10 * intensity;
// Create mouth opening
const mouthOpenness = 0.5 + frequency * 0.5; // 0.5 to 1
const mouthCenter = Math.PI / 2;
const mouthWidth = Math.PI / 4;
if (mouthPhi > mouthCenter - mouthWidth && mouthPhi < mouthCenter + mouthWidth) {
const distanceFromCenter = Math.abs(mouthPhi - mouthCenter);
const mouthShape = Math.cos((distanceFromCenter / mouthWidth) * Math.PI / 2);
mouthRadius *= 1 - mouthShape * mouthOpenness;
// Add some waviness to the surface
mouthRadius += Math.sin(5 * mouthTheta + time * 2) * 2 * intensity;
mouthRadius += Math.cos(7 * mouthPhi + time * 3) * 1.5 * intensity;
mouthRadius += Math.sin(3 * (mouthTheta + mouthPhi) + time) * intensity;
x = mouthRadius * Math.cos(mouthTheta) * Math.sin(mouthPhi);
y = mouthRadius * Math.sin(mouthTheta) * Math.sin(mouthPhi);
z = mouthRadius * Math.cos(mouthPhi);
case 'flower':
const petalCount = 7;
const flowerTheta = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI * 14;
const flowerPhi = (index / particleCount) * Math.PI;
// Base flower shape
let flowerRadius = 15 * (1 + 0.3 * Math.sin(petalCount * flowerTheta));
// Add some waviness and movement
flowerRadius += 3 * Math.sin(flowerPhi * 5 + time * 2) * intensity;
flowerRadius += 2 * Math.cos(flowerTheta * 7 + time * 3) * intensity;
// Pulsate with the music
flowerRadius *= 1 + frequency * 0.5 * intensity;
// Convert to Cartesian coordinates
const flowerX = flowerRadius * Math.sin(flowerPhi) * Math.cos(flowerTheta);
const flowerY = flowerRadius * Math.sin(flowerPhi) * Math.sin(flowerTheta);
const flowerZ = flowerRadius * Math.cos(flowerPhi);
// Add some vertical stretching for a more flower-like appearance
x = flowerX;
y = flowerY * 1.5; // Stretch vertically
z = flowerZ;
// Add some random displacement for a more organic look
x += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2 * intensity;
y += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2 * intensity;
z += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2 * intensity;
positions[i] = x;
positions[i + 1] = y;
positions[i + 2] = z;
const color = getColorForFrequency(frequency);
colors[i] = color.r;
colors[i + 1] = color.g;
colors[i + 2] = color.b;
points.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
points.geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate = true;
points.rotation.x += 0.001 * rotationSpeed;
points.rotation.y += 0.002 * rotationSpeed;
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function toggleControls() {
const controls = document.getElementById('controls');
if ( === '10px') { = '-310px';
} else { = '10px';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// Ensure the controls are open by default on small screens
if (window.innerWidth <= 768) {
document.getElementById('controls').style.left = '10px';
document.getElementById('toggleControls').addEventListener('click', toggleControls);
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
function onMouseWheel(event) {
camera.position.z += event.deltaY * 0.1;
let isDragging = false;
let previousMousePosition = { x: 0, y: 0 };
function onMouseDown(event) {
isDragging = true;
previousMousePosition = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
function onMouseMove(event) {
if (!isDragging) return;
const deltaMove = {
x: event.clientX - previousMousePosition.x,
y: event.clientY - previousMousePosition.y
points.rotation.y += deltaMove.x * 0.01;
points.rotation.x += deltaMove.y * 0.01;
previousMousePosition = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };
function onMouseUp() {
isDragging = false;
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
function updateVisualizerInfo() {
const info = document.getElementById('visualizerInfo');
if (isPlaying) {
const avgFrequency = frequencyData.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0) / frequencyData.length;
info.textContent = `Average Frequency: ${avgFrequency.toFixed(2)}`;
} else {
info.textContent = 'Visualizer paused';
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