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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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package bucket
case class Pouring(capacity: Vector[Int], initialState: Vector[Int]){
type State = Vector[Int]
trait Move {
def change(state: State): State
case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move {
def change(state: State) = {
val amount = state(from) min (capacity(to) - state(to))
state updated (from, state(from) - amount) updated (to, state(to) + amount)
class Path(history: List[Move], val endState: State) {
def extend(move: Move) = new Path(move :: history, move change endState)
override def toString = (history.reverse mkString " ") + "-->" + endState
val glasses = 0 until capacity.length
val moves = for {
from <- glasses
to <- glasses
if (from != to)
} yield Pour(from, to)
val initialPath = new Path(Nil, initialState )
def from(paths: Set[Path], explored: Set[State]): Stream[Set[Path]] = {
if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty
else {
val more = for {
path <- paths
next <- moves map path.extend
if !(explored contains next.endState)
} yield next
paths #:: from(more, explored ++ (more map (_.endState)))
val pathSets = from(Set(initialPath), Set(initialState))
def solution(target: State): Stream[Path] = {
for {
pathSet <- pathSets
path <- pathSet
if (path.endState == target)
} yield path
package bucket
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
class PouringTest extends FunSuite {
test("Solution to the 12-gallon, 8-gallon, 5-gallon problem") {
val p = Pouring(Vector(12, 8, 5), Vector(12, 0, 0))
println(p.solution(Vector(6, 6, 0)))
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