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Last active May 7, 2023 16:25
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Powershell V5 (and C# Code) to allow escaping native command arguments
function Get-NeedsArgvQuote {
.DESCRIPTION Fix up our argument string for the insane CommandLineToArgvW rules
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($arg)) {
# empty does NEED quotes
return $True
} elseif ($arg.IndexOfAny(@(" ", "`t", "`n", "`v", "`"")) -lt 0) {
# no special characters
# Note: If only backslashes are contained but no spaces or quotes, we do not need quoting or escaping
return $False
return $True
function ConvertTo-ArgvQuoteInner
.DESCRIPTION Fix up our argument string for the insane CommandLineToArgvW rules
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($arg)) {
# empty does not need any inner escaping
return $arg
if (-not (Get-NeedsArgvQuote $arg)) {
return $arg
# else: Escape *inner* characters (do not add enclosing double quotes here)
$escaped = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$carr = $arg.ToCharArray()
for ($i=0; $i -lt $carr.Count; ++$i) {
$c = $carr[$i]
$numBackslashes = 0
while (($i -lt $carr.Count) -and ($c -eq '\')) {
$c = $carr[++$i]
if ($i -ge $carr.Count) {
# Argument ends with backslashes
# Need to escape them, so that the *quoted* argument works with them (the quoted argument will end with a <"> after the last BS)
$escaped.Append('\', 2 * $numBackslashes) | Out-Null
} elseif($c -eq '"') {
# Escape all backslashes and the following double quotation mark.
$escaped.Append('\', 2 * $numBackslashes + 1) | Out-Null
$escaped.Append($c) | Out-Null
} else {
# We possibly counted some backslashes, but as we are not at the end nor followed by a quote,
# BS are not special here:
$escaped.Append('\', $numBackslashes) | Out-Null
$escaped.Append($c) | Out-Null
return $escaped
function Get-PoShWillAddQuotes {
.DESCRIPTION Determine whether PoSh would add quotes to this string if passed to a native command
# Note: Add-Type is already caching the compiled results in memory and won't do anything
# when the same source is loaded again.
# However: If the type has changed, this throws an error. (But that's only an annoyance during development.)
Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\xxxxPoshNativeCommandUtils.cs"
return [xxxx.xxxxPoshNativeCommandUtils]::NeedQuotesPoshV5($arg)
function ConvertTo-ArgvQuoteForPoSh
.DESCRIPTION Fix up our argument string for the insane CommandLineToArgvW rules AND then handle the powershell arg quotiung rules!
# First we fix up the argument:
if (-not (Get-NeedsArgvQuote $arg)) {
return $arg
$escapedArg = ConvertTo-ArgvQuoteInner $arg
# Now the argument is escaped, but we need to decide
# whether to add quotes ourselves or
# whether powershell will auto-add quotes to the invoked command line:
# As far as research goes, PoSh will basically auto-add quotes when the argument contains whitespace.
#region Extended Notes
# ~ src/System.Management.Automation/engine/NativeCommandParameterBinder.cs
# ~ internal static bool NeedQuotes(string stringToCheck)
# ~ private void appendOneNativeArgument ...
# ~ // We need to add quotes if the argument has unquoted spaces. ...
# ~ // We need to check quotes that the win32 argument parser checks which is currently
# // just the normal double quotes, no other special quotes. Also note that mismatched
# ~ // need to escape all trailing backslashes so the native command receives it correctly [[Github ]]
#endregion Extended Notes
if (Get-PoShWillAddQuotes $escapedArg) {
# Powershell will add the quotes
return $escapedArg
} else {
# we add the quotes
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Adding extra quotes to <$arg>"
$escQuotArg = "`"$escapedArg`""
if (Get-PoShWillAddQuotes $escQuotArg) {
# PoSh would NOT add quotes to the $escapedArg, but WOULD add quotes to the $escQuotArg!
# If Powershell would not add quotes to the unquoted arg, but WOULD add quotes
# to the quoted arg, then we cannot pass this argument to the child process at all via normal
# PoSh invocation!
if ($ForceLeadingSpaceForImpossibleArguments) {
# We can workaround the problem if we add a leading space to our argument.
# Then PoSh will auto-quote it.
# Obviously, this only works if the receiving process can interpret the arg with the leading space.
return " $escapedArg" # in this case PoSh will now add the quotes
} else {
throw "ConvertTo-ArgvQuoteForPoSh: Impossible argument value detected! Arg <$arg> (escaped: <$escapedArg>) cannot be passed through PowerShell without breaking it! (You can add the -ForceLeadingSpaceForImpossibleArguments switch to auto-add a leading space in this case)"
return $escQuotArg
namespace xxxx
using System.Text;
public static class xxxxPoshNativeCommandUtils
/// <summary>
/// Needs-Quotes Checking code corresponding to PoSh v5
/// (as adapted from an early Github version of NativeCommandParameterBinder.cs
/// @
/// )
/// </summary>
public static bool NeedQuotesPoshV5(string arg)
// bool needQuotes = false;
int quoteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++)
if (arg[i] == '"')
quoteCount += 1;
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(arg[i]) && (quoteCount % 2 == 0))
// needQuotes = true;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Needs-Quotes Checking code corresponding to PoSh v7.0
/// (as adapted from the Github version of NeedQuotes(string stringToCheck) in NativeCommandParameterBinder.cs
/// @
/// )
/// </summary>
internal static bool NeedQuotesPoshV7(string arg)
bool followingBackslash = false;
// bool needQuotes = false;
int quoteCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++)
if (arg[i] == '"' && !followingBackslash)
quoteCount += 1;
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(arg[i]) && (quoteCount % 2 == 0))
// needQuotes = true;
return true;
followingBackslash = arg[i] == '\\';
// return needQuotes;
return false;
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